When Will Trump Lose His Base?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
Terrible week?

Are you talking about the leftists? Can barely hear you over the projection. Yes, indeed after one of them snapping and attempting to assassinate elected officials, terrible week!

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.

Start holding your breath while you wait.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

You and Lakhota must be die hard supporters then!

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

Yep, the ole Mushroom theory: Keep them in the dark and feed them shit. NaziCons thrive on it.
#1 Issue for him is trade. If he doesn't alter NAFTA drastically, I think he's finished as the Democrats will step in with Bernie-like promises to defend the Rust Belt. There is a reason there is little chatter about the NAFTA negotiations which will be going on soon, the Democrats want to pounce on it if it fails to alter the current job trajectory.

I also think he would do himself a MASSIVE service by implementing the border tariff. This alone would bring back many jobs, I guarantee it, and China will realize they over reached with their abuse of the U.S economy. This would be a decision that the Democrats cannot counter, what will they say to the angry working man and woman of America, "we don't support a tax on foreign businesses that are stealing your jobs"?

Then I imagine healthcare, the promise to build the wall are essential.

In the end, it's about jobs and protecting American industries across the board that have been exploited. If he doesn't address this, the GOP and America will give way to socialism hen the democrats win the next election.

I hope they understand what is at stake.
Totally agree its about jobs. Obama said manufacturing is gone, find new jobs. Trump said he'll bring them back, and we're giving him a shot. If Trump can bring back enough good jobs, he's golden in 2020,
The left is convinced that if they are just violent enough, lie enough, they can destroy Trump's base. Now that the line to assassination has been crossed, watch democrats change those violent town halls to something else altogether. Support Trump at your peril THEN they can claim that Trump has lost his base.
No worries, the Trump base is solid, when he gets better jobs in the rust belt we're locking in the blue-collar voters that used to be the dems' base, leaving them with only the mini-blue democrat plantations along the coasts.
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.
When President Trump's policies show positive results in a year or two, Trump's base will increase. Maybe even Lakhota will change teams.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.

If I was a leftard, I would be more worried about how the DNC is perceived since people know that the DNC, lamstream media and the Deep State conspired to steal the nomination from Sanders, tried to steal the national election and then had a hit put on Seth Rich for leaking the information...and then they have the issue of badly behaving commie antifas that are running amok. I would say that leftards have all they can handle.

Hope this helps!!
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.

Why do you imagine anyone who voted for Trump gives a rat's ass about your opinion?
Just imagine if Pinocchio Trump's nose was made of wood. Imagine all that firewood...

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