When Will Trump Lose His Base?


After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
Who writes this click bait?

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated
The racist liberal elitist chimes in with his spew....

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
They don't care about his lies.....but I understand that he's starting to mess with VA benefits and Social Security.....that should help do it.

Amen! All they'll get from Trump is maybe a lump of coal for Christmas.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.

You silly silly left twisted people. Keep dreaming. Just like you were 100% certain of a Hillary landslide. lmao.
Your sides ENTIRE premise is based on made up shit and lies. The media elitist globalist have you wrapped around their fingers so bad the circulation has been cut off to whats remaining of your already demented brains. You are in a feeding frenzy but the food is poison and you're eating it like it's your last meal anyway.
You're going to choke on it.

THINK for yourself for ONCE McFly...
All these scandals are FAKE. I know you want to believe otherwise but WHERE is the proof? All this hatred for what?

All this hate and bad karma the left is spewing is going to come back to slap you in the ass hard. Americans and the world are wising up to all the BS and lies and beginning the see the left as manipulated fools who are slaves to the elitists agenda. When the truth starts coming out it will be an avalanche and I predict it could weaken the Democrat and Leftist parties for decades.

Nearly all the corruption has come from the Left side from Loretta Lynch, to Obama to Holder to the IRS to the NSA, the Clintons, Maxine Waters, Janet Nepolitano, Alcee Hastings.......... and on and on.

It is the LEFT that is corrupt to the core. Wake the Fuck UP

BTW...new polls show his approval sharply up.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.

You silly silly left twisted people. Keep dreaming. Just like you were 100% certain of a Hillary landslide. lmao.
Your sides ENTIRE premise is based on made up shit and lies. The media elitist globalist have you wrapped around their fingers so bad the circulation has been cut off to whats remaining of your already demented brains. You are in a feeding frenzy but the food is poison and you're eating it like it's your last meal anyway.
You're going to choke on it.

THINK for yourself for ONCE McFly...
All these scandals are FAKE. I know you want to believe otherwise but WHERE is the proof? All this hatred for what?

All this hate and bad karma the left is spewing is going to come back to slap you in the ass hard. Americans and the world are wising up to all the BS and lies and beginning the see the left as manipulated fools who are slaves to the elitists agenda. When the truth starts coming out it will be an avalanche and I predict it could weaken the Democrat and Leftist parties for decades.

Nearly all the corruption has come from the Left side from Loretta Lynch, to Obama to Holder to the IRS to the NSA, the Clintons, Maxine Waters, Janet Nepolitano, Alcee Hastings.......... and on and on.

It is the LEFT that is corrupt to the core. Wake the Fuck UP

BTW...new polls show his approval sharply up.

What has Trump done for your kind so far - other than piss off lefties. Adolf Trump is taking America back to the Dark Ages. It will take Democrats decades to clean up his mess - at home and abroad.
Trump is really hard on women's rights:
Trump's making really stupid moves, only to keep the few who still support him.

I agree. Since Trump is unable to accomplish anything positive, his goal seems to be the systematic unraveling of President Obama's legacy. Much like Nixon - Trump is evil and vindictive. His pettiness never ceases to amaze me. The major difference between Trump and Nixon is that Nixon was smart. Trump is just plain ignorant. His base seems to love it.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated
It really has gone down from 38% to 36%. Even some his hardcore crazies are abandoning ship thinking he's too unstable for even them.
As Mueller gathers more evidence and it is revealed... this orange bowl of mush will lose the Senate and possibly the House for the GOP in 2018.
Let the impeachment proceedings begin!
Trump is working for the corporations and ignoring his supporters in the fly-over states.

I agree - but they're slow to realize or admit it.

They still think he's gonna give them cheap healthcare and a wall. :rolleyes:
the GOP are so ashamed of their HC bill they won't let anyone read it.
And speaking of how unstable Trump is... one week he's celebrating the House passing the HC bill in the rose garden,then he calls it " mean."
I'm serious when I say this guy is either bipolar or in the early days of dementia.
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.

Why do you imagine anyone who voted for Trump gives a rat's ass about your opinion?
If Trump was caught Sanduskying some little boy you'd still support him 100%.

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