When Will Trump Lose His Base?

Can't wait for 2020 to votes for him again...
This article first appeared on RobertReich.org.[/a]

“I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” Trump told then FBI Director James Comey in January – even though FBI directors are supposed to be independent of a president, and Comey was only 4 years into a 10 year term.

Comey testified before the Senate that Trump tried to “create some sort of patronage relationship,” based on personal loyalty.

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After Comey refused and continued to investigate possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives, Trump fired him.

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Preet Bharara, who had been the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Trump tried to create the same sort of patronage relationship with him that he did with Comey.

When Bharara didn’t play along, Trump fired him.

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As president, Trump continues to prefer loyalty over integrity.

Last Monday, the White House invited reporters in to watch what was billed as a meeting of Trump’s Cabinet. After Trump spoke, he asked each of the Cabinet members around the table to briefly comment.

Their statements were what you might expect from toadies surrounding a two-bit dictator.

“We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda,” said Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. “Greatest privilege of my life, to serve as vice president to a president who’s keeping his word to the American people,” said Vice President Mike Pence. “You’ve set the exact right message,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions, adding, “The response is fabulous around the country.”

When I was sworn in as Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, I took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I didn’t pledge loyalty to Bill Clinton, and I wouldn’t have participated in such a fawning display.

That oath is a pledge of loyalty to our system of government – not to a powerful individual. It puts integrity before personal loyalty. It’s what it means to have a government of laws.

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But Trump has filled his administration with people more loyal to him than they are to America.

His top advisers are his daughter, Ivanka, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

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To run his legal defense and be his spokesman on the investigation into collusion with Russian operatives, Trump has hired Marc Kasowitz.

Kasowitz is not an expert in criminal or constitutional law. His only apparent qualification is his utter loyal to Trump.

New York Times article containing interviews with the women “per se libel” and demanded “a full and immediate retraction and apology” (which the Timesrefused).

Kasowitz has said he played a central role in the firing of Preet Bharara. Kasowitz told Trump, “This guy is going to get you,” according to a person familiar with Kasowitz’s account.

Now, Kasowitz is taking on a public role. Bypassing the White House Counsel, he instructed White House aides to discuss the investigation as little as possible, and advised them about whether they should hire private lawyers.

public” role. It’s all about protecting and benefiting Trump." data-reactid="54" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">The horrifying reality is that in Trumpworld, there is no real “public” role. It’s all about protecting and benefiting Trump.

When loyalty trumps integrity, we no longer have a government of laws. We have a government by and for Trump.

No one cares about your leftwing propaganda. It's all bullshit. Every president wants loyalty. Only douche bags like you pretend that Trump is any different in that respect.
Trump is bringing sanity into the WH.
Now THAT wins post of the day for insanity ,,,,,, are all you republicans playing with a deck of 51?
The majority of Americans wouldn't expect someone of your caliber to understand.
Excuse me I am of the highest caliber A citizen who believes country comes before party EVERY TIME That's why I switched parties in 2000 and became a Dem
Trump is bringing sanity into the WH.
Now THAT wins post of the day for insanity ,,,,,, are all you republicans playing with a deck of 51?
The majority of Americans wouldn't expect someone of your caliber to understand.
Excuse me I am of the highest caliber A citizen who believes country comes before party EVERY TIME That's why I switched parties in 2000 and became a Dem
People are well aware of the mental health crises in this country. Matthew is a good example.
It's just one of the many problems our president is working on.
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Trump is bringing sanity into the WH.
Now THAT wins post of the day for insanity ,,,,,, are all you republicans playing with a deck of 51?
The majority of Americans wouldn't expect someone of your caliber to understand.
Excuse me I am of the highest caliber A citizen who believes country comes before party EVERY TIME That's why I switched parties in 2000 and became a Dem
And you sincerely believe the Democratic Party has America's best interests at heart.
Trump is bringing sanity into the WH.
Now THAT wins post of the day for insanity ,,,,,, are all you republicans playing with a deck of 51?
The majority of Americans wouldn't expect someone of your caliber to understand.
Excuse me I am of the highest caliber A citizen who believes country comes before party EVERY TIME That's why I switched parties in 2000 and became a Dem
And you sincerely believe the Democratic Party has America's best interests at heart.
Not completely but imho a lot moreso than Repubs do
Trump is bringing sanity into the WH.
Now THAT wins post of the day for insanity ,,,,,, are all you republicans playing with a deck of 51?
The majority of Americans wouldn't expect someone of your caliber to understand.
Excuse me I am of the highest caliber A citizen who believes country comes before party EVERY TIME That's why I switched parties in 2000 and became a Dem
And you sincerely believe the Democratic Party has America's best interests at heart.
Not completely but imho a lot moreso than Repubs do
A lot more?
Offering welfare programs while signing off to job killing legislation with the Pubs is not caring.
The Pubs are worse but only by a bit.
No worries, the Trump base is solid, when he gets better jobs in the rust belt we're locking in the blue-collar voters that used to be the dems' base, leaving them with only the mini-blue democrat plantations along the coasts.

What fucking jobs? Explain to me the exact type of jobs you are talking about?

These people were trained in Coal and Steel Industry...

Do you think Coal jobs coming back?
Edison put an awful amount of lantern lighters out of business.

Do you think Steal jobs coming back?
Explain how American Car Plants will compete with other Car Plants when US Steel is twice the price...

Clinton wanted to invest in training, Trump has cut proposed funding cuts to education...
No worries, the Trump base is solid, when he gets better jobs in the rust belt we're locking in the blue-collar voters that used to be the dems' base, leaving them with only the mini-blue democrat plantations along the coasts.

What fucking jobs? Explain to me the exact type of jobs you are talking about?

These people were trained in Coal and Steel Industry...

Do you think Coal jobs coming back?
Edison put an awful amount of lantern lighters out of business.

Do you think Steal jobs coming back?
Explain how American Car Plants will compete with other Car Plants when US Steel is twice the price...

Clinton wanted to invest in training, Trump has cut proposed funding cuts to education...
There are good jobs out there Problem is there are very few qualified for them Training is the answer
No worries, the Trump base is solid, when he gets better jobs in the rust belt we're locking in the blue-collar voters that used to be the dems' base, leaving them with only the mini-blue democrat plantations along the coasts.

What fucking jobs? Explain to me the exact type of jobs you are talking about?

These people were trained in Coal and Steel Industry...

Do you think Coal jobs coming back?
Edison put an awful amount of lantern lighters out of business.

Do you think Steal jobs coming back?
Explain how American Car Plants will compete with other Car Plants when US Steel is twice the price...

Clinton wanted to invest in training, Trump has cut proposed funding cuts to education...
I read Clinton's platform for job training; it was done back in 2007 and failed.
Because you can't force companies not to Off-Shore or request Business Visas.
And the million or so Business Visas who were laid off after the crash weren't sent home; they replaced as many Americans as possible for a fraction of the wage.
No worries, the Trump base is solid, when he gets better jobs in the rust belt we're locking in the blue-collar voters that used to be the dems' base, leaving them with only the mini-blue democrat plantations along the coasts.

What fucking jobs? Explain to me the exact type of jobs you are talking about?

These people were trained in Coal and Steel Industry...

Do you think Coal jobs coming back?
Edison put an awful amount of lantern lighters out of business.

Do you think Steal jobs coming back?
Explain how American Car Plants will compete with other Car Plants when US Steel is twice the price...

Clinton wanted to invest in training, Trump has cut proposed funding cuts to education...
There are good jobs out there Problem is there are very few qualified for them Training is the answer
Yet someone who never built a house can come through the border and build your house.
Obama' BS has created a shortage of qualified people for important jobs that help keep our country running.

It's another reason why we now have President Trump. A man who understands the importance of education and knowledgeable workers.
Obama' BS has created a shortage of qualified people for important jobs that help keep our country running.

It's another reason why we now have President Trump. A man who understands the importance of education and knowledgeable workers.
He understands the importance of lawyers to cover his butt
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.

Why do you imagine anyone who voted for Trump gives a rat's ass about your opinion?
If Trump was caught Sanduskying some little boy you'd still support him 100%.
Trump could perform a partial birth abortion on Main Street and then skull fuck the fetus, and he'd still have support.
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.

Why do you imagine anyone who voted for Trump gives a rat's ass about your opinion?
If Trump was caught Sanduskying some little boy you'd still support him 100%.
Trump could perform a partial birth abortion on Main Street and then skull fuck the fetus, and he'd still have support.
I thought libs were open minded?
Trump's base? Is that the latest political fantasy (complete with a cartoon so the democrat base can understand) from the party that has lost almost every major election in the last eight years?

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