When Will Trump Lose His Base?


After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.

Very good article--and it's true that there is this Trump phenomenon of support that is astounding--and basically has all political analysts baffeled by it. Trump once stated he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and wouldn't lose any support. He's right he could.
Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics.com

Right now Vladimir Putin could move his desk into the Oval office and they would be O.K. with it. I look at them more as anarchists tired of the Federal Government, little "victims" of "establishment politicians" running all over the place that blame government and others for the situation they're in. T.V reality show watchers--that are easily conned. Certainly with no political education, including basic civics 101. If they had any of that they would have realised immediately that Trump was a con man. They don't care what Trump does.

But if Hillary Clinton would have done 1/10th of what Trump has done--they would be rioting in the streets right now and demanding a public hanging.


I am very surprised he has a 35% approval rating STILL. But it's because of the Trump phenomenon. Richard Nixon had a 60% approval rating and was much more liked in this country than Trump--and he still went down.

They come up with the most ridiculous excuses. He wears his heart on his sleeve--(as if he has a heart)--he speaks his mind--he's not experienced. He's not a politician--(who knew?) He's just a toddler--he didn't mean what he actually said. Once elected someone will be able to control him. It's all fake news. It's everyone else's fault, they need to stop picking on him. It's like they're helicopter parents protecting a 71 year old child that they gave birth too. They still defend him and they will continue to defend him all the way to the end.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

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3 words will keep him from losing his base:

'Consider the alternative'.

Democrats have and continue to offer NOTHING:

Non-Representative Govt
Rigged Primaries
Election Fraud
Debate Cheating
Self-identified racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism
Detruction of Property
Denial of Freedom of Speech
Illegal Spying on citizens and govt
IRS used as a political weapon on citizens
Inability to accept defeat
Inability to accept responsibility / blame / rejection
Calls for military coups when they losr
Calls for assassination when they lose
Threats against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election (NOT the Russians)
Fake News
Unending Witch Hunts
100% Commitment to Obstructionism
Message of extreme hate leading to violent radicalization of snowflakes, turning them into would-be assassins
The worst Presidential candidate in YS history

1,000+ elections lost
Back-to-back historic losses
And the 2-time loser Hillary goes on a 'Blame' tour when all she had to do was look in a mirror...

The rest of the country wants to move on because this Russia nonsense does not impact their lives and did not mpact the election outcome. Snowflakes are holding the country hostage, though, because they can't accept defeat / reality.
Maybe... after 2024?

Nah, Trump is the sort of president who will be celebrated for the coming millennium. It was close that we lost America to the dark Satan.
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3 words will keep him from losing his base:

'Consider the alternative'.

Democrats have and continue to offer NOTHING:

Non-Representative Govt
Rigged Primaries
Election Fraud
Debate Cheating
Self-identified racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism
Detruction of Property
Denial of Freedom of Speech
Illegal Spying on citizens and govt
IRS used as a political weapon on citizens
Inability to accept defeat
Inability to accept responsibility / blame / rejection
Calls for military coups when they losr
Calls for assassination when they lose
Threats against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election (NOT the Russians)
Fake News
Unending Witch Hunts
100% Commitment to Obstructionism
Message of extreme hate leading to violent radicalization of snowflakes, turning them into would-be assassins
The worst Presidential candidate in YS history

1,000+ elections lost
Back-to-back historic losses
And the 2-time loser Hillary goes on a 'Blame' tour when all she had to do was look in a mirror...

The rest of the country wants to move on because this Russia nonsense does not impact their lives and did not mpact the election outcome. Snowflakes are holding the country hostage, though, because they can't accept defeat / reality.

NaziCon projection is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.
3 words will keep him from losing his base:

'Consider the alternative'.

Democrats have and continue to offer NOTHING:

Non-Representative Govt
Rigged Primaries
Election Fraud
Debate Cheating
Self-identified racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism
Detruction of Property
Denial of Freedom of Speech
Illegal Spying on citizens and govt
IRS used as a political weapon on citizens
Inability to accept defeat
Inability to accept responsibility / blame / rejection
Calls for military coups when they losr
Calls for assassination when they lose
Threats against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election (NOT the Russians)
Fake News
Unending Witch Hunts
100% Commitment to Obstructionism
Message of extreme hate leading to violent radicalization of snowflakes, turning them into would-be assassins
The worst Presidential candidate in YS history

1,000+ elections lost
Back-to-back historic losses
And the 2-time loser Hillary goes on a 'Blame' tour when all she had to do was look in a mirror...

The rest of the country wants to move on because this Russia nonsense does not impact their lives and did not mpact the election outcome. Snowflakes are holding the country hostage, though, because they can't accept defeat / reality.

NaziCon projection is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.

The IQ of this fellow is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.
3 words will keep him from losing his base:

'Consider the alternative'.

Democrats have and continue to offer NOTHING:

Non-Representative Govt
Rigged Primaries
Election Fraud
Debate Cheating
Self-identified racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism
Detruction of Property
Denial of Freedom of Speech
Illegal Spying on citizens and govt
IRS used as a political weapon on citizens
Inability to accept defeat
Inability to accept responsibility / blame / rejection
Calls for military coups when they losr
Calls for assassination when they lose
Threats against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election (NOT the Russians)
Fake News
Unending Witch Hunts
100% Commitment to Obstructionism
Message of extreme hate leading to violent radicalization of snowflakes, turning them into would-be assassins
The worst Presidential candidate in YS history

1,000+ elections lost
Back-to-back historic losses
And the 2-time loser Hillary goes on a 'Blame' tour when all she had to do was look in a mirror...

The rest of the country wants to move on because this Russia nonsense does not impact their lives and did not mpact the election outcome. Snowflakes are holding the country hostage, though, because they can't accept defeat / reality.

NaziCon projection is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.

The IQ of this fellow is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.

Aw, monkey see monkey do. Thanks for playing.
Trump got 46% of the vote. His approval is now 40%. Roughly speaking that means he's lost the support of about 15% of those who voted for him.
3 words will keep him from losing his base:

'Consider the alternative'.

Democrats have and continue to offer NOTHING:

Non-Representative Govt
Rigged Primaries
Election Fraud
Debate Cheating
Self-identified racism, sexism, homophobia, and Anti-Semitism
Detruction of Property
Denial of Freedom of Speech
Illegal Spying on citizens and govt
IRS used as a political weapon on citizens
Inability to accept defeat
Inability to accept responsibility / blame / rejection
Calls for military coups when they losr
Calls for assassination when they lose
Threats against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election (NOT the Russians)
Fake News
Unending Witch Hunts
100% Commitment to Obstructionism
Message of extreme hate leading to violent radicalization of snowflakes, turning them into would-be assassins
The worst Presidential candidate in YS history

1,000+ elections lost
Back-to-back historic losses
And the 2-time loser Hillary goes on a 'Blame' tour when all she had to do was look in a mirror...

The rest of the country wants to move on because this Russia nonsense does not impact their lives and did not mpact the election outcome. Snowflakes are holding the country hostage, though, because they can't accept defeat / reality.

NaziCon projection is entertaining. Retarded, but entertaining.
And denying recorded / reported snowflake 'resistance' is futile yet continued insanity...
Trump got 46% of the vote. His approval is now 40%. Roughly speaking that means he's lost the support of about 15% of those who voted for him.
Yet a study not ling ago stated 98% of those who voted for Trumpwould do so again if the election between Trump and Hillary was held again today while inly roughly 85% of Hillary would bote for her again.

That means Hillary wouldnot even win the insignificant 'popular vote'...

Once again, however, Hillary should not have even been allowed to stay in the race, being under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.
Keep on dreaming OP

President Trump won't lose his base

On the contrary his base is getting bigger and stronger. :up:

Duh, I stated that fact in the OP - except that Trump's base is NOT getting bigger and stronger. Just maybe a little dumber and louder.
You didn't state anything. You just copy someone else thoughts or articles and throw in a few insults. Your daily threads are just the sad act of someone who can't accept reality. The daily obsession of hoping that your pathetic posts will somehow change that reality shows that complete disconnect with the real world.
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2018 or 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.

Well, sparky, let's wait and see what Trump can actually deliver by 2018 and 2020. I suspect the only thing Trump will under your Christmas tree is a lump of coal.

You predicted Hillary would win...so much for your predictions. :laugh:

Yes, I did. It seemed like a no-brainer based on logic and polls. Pollsters didn't realize how dishonest Trump's peckerwood supporters would be. Even Trump's polls showed he would lose to Hillary. Comey was the icing on Trump's cake.
That's rich.
You folks bragged last year that Crooked Hillary was gonna win. That even though she got caught using a private server to avoid disclosure of her official communications, was caught mixing private and official business and then was caught destroying those communication literally with a hammer, you claimed she was the most qualified person ever to run for POTUS.
You folks bragged all last year that when Obama was caught bringing in hundreds of thousands of so-called refugees and trafficking in human beings on our Southern borders, you said that us White People were not only gonna lose our votes but possibly our lives as well.
Now we see you degenerates talking about this imaginary Russian connection and using it to try to impeach our president, you dare to call us dishonest.
You people believe all of the fake news coming from only two sources....the Washington Compost and the Failed New York Times.
They use unknown sources to manufacture leaks coming out of the White House. It's like they're pissed off about Wikileaks blowing the whistle on the Democrats. They're pissed off about all of the real leaks using real information and trying to pay everyone back with fake leaks. It's juvenile...
Trump got 46% of the vote. His approval is now 40%. Roughly speaking that means he's lost the support of about 15% of those who voted for him.

Yep, they have nothing to brag about. They're down to the dregs.
And that's why you on the left lost and will continue to lose.....because normal folks don't like being constantly told terrible things about anyone, much less about the president.
The only people that seem to believe you are people that are easily fooled.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

Less educated than your beloved barely legal and illegal wetbacks in the barrios?
How about the DNC's human pets in the nations ghettos?
Can't wait for 2020 to votes for him again...
This article first appeared on RobertReich.org.[/a]

“I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” Trump told then FBI Director James Comey in January – even though FBI directors are supposed to be independent of a president, and Comey was only 4 years into a 10 year term.

Comey testified before the Senate that Trump tried to “create some sort of patronage relationship,” based on personal loyalty.

Trending: Trump Administration Balancing Tax Cuts With Tax Avoidance

After Comey refused and continued to investigate possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives, Trump fired him.

RELATED:   Robert Reich : Why the World Is Laughing at Trump's America
Preet Bharara, who had been the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Trump tried to create the same sort of patronage relationship with him that he did with Comey.

When Bharara didn’t play along, Trump fired him.

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As president, Trump continues to prefer loyalty over integrity.

Last Monday, the White House invited reporters in to watch what was billed as a meeting of Trump’s Cabinet. After Trump spoke, he asked each of the Cabinet members around the table to briefly comment.

Their statements were what you might expect from toadies surrounding a two-bit dictator.

“We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda,” said Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. “Greatest privilege of my life, to serve as vice president to a president who’s keeping his word to the American people,” said Vice President Mike Pence. “You’ve set the exact right message,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions, adding, “The response is fabulous around the country.”

When I was sworn in as Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, I took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I didn’t pledge loyalty to Bill Clinton, and I wouldn’t have participated in such a fawning display.

That oath is a pledge of loyalty to our system of government – not to a powerful individual. It puts integrity before personal loyalty. It’s what it means to have a government of laws.

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But Trump has filled his administration with people more loyal to him than they are to America.

His top advisers are his daughter, Ivanka, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

RELATED: Robert Reich : Why Is Trump Doing Putin's Dirty Work?
To run his legal defense and be his spokesman on the investigation into collusion with Russian operatives, Trump has hired Marc Kasowitz.

Kasowitz is not an expert in criminal or constitutional law. His only apparent qualification is his utter loyal to Trump.

New York Times article containing interviews with the women “per se libel” and demanded “a full and immediate retraction and apology” (which the Timesrefused).

Kasowitz has said he played a central role in the firing of Preet Bharara. Kasowitz told Trump, “This guy is going to get you,” according to a person familiar with Kasowitz’s account.

Now, Kasowitz is taking on a public role. Bypassing the White House Counsel, he instructed White House aides to discuss the investigation as little as possible, and advised them about whether they should hire private lawyers.

public” role. It’s all about protecting and benefiting Trump." data-reactid="54" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">The horrifying reality is that in Trumpworld, there is no real “public” role. It’s all about protecting and benefiting Trump.

When loyalty trumps integrity, we no longer have a government of laws. We have a government by and for Trump.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

Less educated than your beloved barely legal and illegal wetbacks in the barrios?
How about the DNC's human pets in the nations ghettos?

Terrible week?

Are you talking about the leftists? Can barely hear you over the projection. Yes, indeed after one of them snapping and attempting to assassinate elected officials, terrible week!
A Big Part of Trump’s Movement Will Soon Literally Die Off

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
his base of 36% of the poorly educated

Less educated than your beloved barely legal and illegal wetbacks in the barrios?
How about the DNC's human pets in the nations ghettos?

Terrible week?

Are you talking about the leftists? Can barely hear you over the projection. Yes, indeed after one of them snapping and attempting to assassinate elected officials, terrible week!
A Big Part of Trump’s Movement Will Soon Literally Die Off

"Old people have been more conservative than the rest of the population forever, because people learn from life."

Hats off to our liberal K-12 schools and higher educational systems, where they have an overwhelming majority of liberal teachers and liberal professors. Surprise, surprise, that after spending 12-16 years being indoctrinated by libs, the students come out thinking like libs.
THEN...the real world and wisdom takes over and they grow up to be a Conservative...TA-DA!
Nothing new here folks...same cycle over and over for years.
Remember....it's far easier to be a liberal...economics do not need to be considered, no discipline, no accountability required...just breathe oxygen and pretend to care deeply for all others...it's so easy!
I can see his base growing with time.

I say that because he's focused on repairing the damage democrats have caused.
He also wants politicians to start working for the best interest of Americans, and not themselves.

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