When Will Trump Lose His Base?

Keep on dreaming OP

President Trump won't lose his base

On the contrary his base is getting bigger and stronger. :up:

Duh, I stated that fact in the OP - except that Trump's base is NOT getting bigger and stronger. Just maybe a little dumber and louder.
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.
Keep on dreaming OP

President Trump won't lose his base

On the contrary his base is getting bigger and stronger. :up:

Duh, I stated that fact in the OP - except that Trump's base is NOT getting bigger and stronger. Just maybe a little dumber and louder.

By using the same polling sites that predicted a Hitlery landslide, no doubt.

Duh, pretty much all the polling sites (including Trump's polling) predicted a Hillary landslide. We can't help it that retarded NaziCons lie to pollsters.
Keep on dreaming OP

President Trump won't lose his base

On the contrary his base is getting bigger and stronger. :up:

Duh, I stated that fact in the OP - except that Trump's base is NOT getting bigger and stronger. Just maybe a little dumber and louder.

By using the same polling sites that predicted a Hitlery landslide, no doubt.

Duh, pretty much all the polling sites (including Trump's polling) predicted a Hillary landslide. We can't help it that retarded NaziCons lie to pollsters.

Don't blame us it was the Russians...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2018 or 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.

Well, sparky, let's wait and see what Trump can actually deliver by 2018 and 2020. I suspect the only thing Trump will under your Christmas tree is a lump of coal.
When Will Trump Lose His Base?

What do you consider to be "Trump's base?" If you, as I, consider it Trumpkins rather than merely people who happen to have voted for him, he probably won't lose their support. There's not much I think Trump sees, considers or depicts with any material degree of accuracy, but his assertion to the effect of his being able to commit mass murder on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and Trumpkins would nonetheless support him is, IMO, one of the precious few statements he's made that is materially, perhaps even fully, veracious.

Why do you imagine anyone who voted for Trump gives a rat's ass about your opinion?

Maybe because you just did.
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2018 or 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.

Well, sparky, let's wait and see what Trump can actually deliver by 2018 and 2020. I suspect the only thing Trump will under your Christmas tree is a lump of coal.

You predicted Hillary would win...so much for your predictions. :laugh:
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2018 or 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.

Well, sparky, let's wait and see what Trump can actually deliver by 2018 and 2020. I suspect the only thing Trump will under your Christmas tree is a lump of coal.

You predicted Hillary would win...so much for your predictions. :laugh:

Yes, I did. It seemed like a no-brainer based on logic and polls. Pollsters didn't realize how dishonest Trump's peckerwood supporters would be. Even Trump's polls showed he would lose to Hillary. Comey was the icing on Trump's cake.
The left is convinced that murder, intimidation and what if will work.

What if Trump is convicted of international money laundering?

Trump should be investigated for international money laundering.

Trump has been indicted for international money laundering.

Trump's supporters support international money laundering.
President Trump won 30 states promising jobs and secured borders. If he delivers you leftwits don't have a chance of winning in 2018 or 2020. Its Trump's to win or lose. I can't wait for him to call your candidate a POS liar on national tv again.

Well, sparky, let's wait and see what Trump can actually deliver by 2018 and 2020. I suspect the only thing Trump will under your Christmas tree is a lump of coal.

You predicted Hillary would win...so much for your predictions. :laugh:

Yes, I did. It seemed like a no-brainer based on logic and polls. Pollsters didn't realize how dishonest Trump's peckerwood supporters would be. Even Trump's polls showed he would lose to Hillary. Comey was the icing on Trump's cake.

And the Russians, and the sun was in Hillary's eyes lmao!

Trump Administration Sides With Employers Over Workers On Arbitration Agreements

WASHINGTON ― The Trump White House will stand with corporations over workers in a looming Supreme Court battle involving arbitration agreements, according to a copy of an amicus brief obtained by HuffPost on Friday.

Arbitration agreements prevent workers from pursuing class-action lawsuits for back wages and other damages from their employers. Before former President Barack Obama left office, his administration had argued that such agreements run afoul of collective bargaining law. But in an unusual move, the Trump administration is undercutting that argument and backing corporations.

More: Trump Administration Sides With Employers Over Workers On Arbitration Agreements

Hooray! More winning for the little people!
The butthurtness of the democrats is not something Preparation H can relieve. They actually want to destroy the US democracy to relieve the intense pain they feel as a result of bending over and grabbing their ankles for Crooked Hillary.
All you jackasses are doing is solidifying his base.

You mean like you retarded NaziCons solidified President Obama's base? Yeah, I guess. However, I don't recall President Obama colluding with a hostile foreign power to hijack a presidential election. Nor do I recall President Obama engaging in obstruction of justice.

After the Trump White House careened through another terrible week, Washington insiders wonder how long Trump can survive. The answer is: as long as he holds his base. Trump and his voters are locked in a deadly embrace: his base desperately wants to believe he will address their grievances and Trump is willing to lie to keep their support.

In her latest insightful Trump analysis, in the New York Review, Elizabeth Drew observed,“Trump is, for all his deep flaws, in some ways a cannier politician than [former President] Nixon; he knows how to lie to his people to keep them behind him ... People can have a hard time recognizing that they’ve been conned. And Trump is skilled at flimflam, creating illusions.”

Despite Trump’s “flimflam,” his approval ratings steadily decline. FiveThirtyEight finds that 56 percent disapprove of the job trump is doing versus 38 percent that approve. Nonetheless, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump.

Elizabeth Drew asks the question that most Trump opponents have been pondering: “When, or will, Trump’s voters realize that he isn’t delivering on his promises, that his health care and tax proposals will help the wealthy at their expense, that he isn’t producing the jobs he claims?”

There are four factors that determine Trump’s base support:
  • His health
  • Media coverage
  • The Republican Party
  • The economy
More: When Will Trump Lose His Base?

I would add a fifth factor: Education. I don't ever foresee Trump losing his core base of support - because they don't care what he does so long as he's rocking the establishment boat.
They don't care about his lies.....but I understand that he's starting to mess with VA benefits and Social Security.....that should help do it.

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