When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Sure. They CAN set up death camps for non-compliance. But we're talking about what ought to be, about the kind of government we want. And the job of government is to protect our rights, not dictate behavior.

Ensuring that all people are treated equally when it comes to business dealings is nothing like setting up "death camps." Quit with the hyperbole and drama.

Ensuring that all people are treated equally is a fundamental violation of every person's right to choose who they associate with.

ONLY if it is applied to your personal dealings. Not when it comes to business dealings, and these laws have been established for years and years now. Sorry, you lose. :D

"Established" doesn't mean right. History has shown us this, over and over again. Business dealings are personal dealings.
So you don't have to follow laws on health and safety with your business dealings?

Would a health law that bans kosher slaughter be constitutional?
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".

Stop being stupid. That is a HEALTH issue. Derp. :cuckoo:

Face it, your arguments FOR discrimination are incredibly weak and worthless in the bigger picture.
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Because of safety and health laws. And that is for EVERYONE...it doesn't say "No shoes if you are Black...no shirts if you are Muslim...no service if you are Gay".
Well, no. They no longer have the right to disagree. A gay caterer, by law, must service a straight pride event. They can't discriminate against the event organizers because of their sexual orientation.

It's stupid that the state can force you to engage in trade with someone you don't want to.
Intrastate commerce is a power retained by the State. Thus, its their business if they decide it is and it doesn't violate rights. See Article 1, Section 8 Clause 3....along with the 10th amendment. Its perfectly constitutional.

Because they decide it is.

Let's hope they don't decide it's double-plus good to crucify all redheads. Because I guess if they decided to do so, that law would be just too.

The rights that are protected by a State aren't limited to federally protected rights. Many States can and do have far more extensive protections for people than the federal government recognizes. And that's totally within the power of a People of a State to do.

Federal Protections establish the baseline minimum of rights. Not the maximum. And if the people of State decide that you have a right to be free from discrimination based on sexual orientation when conducting acts of commerce, they have every authority to protect that right.

The only thing that could practically trump them would be federal amendment......or a violation of federal rights. Neither of which are an issue with PA laws.

The government should, you know...govern.

And per the people of some states, protecting rights to freedom from discrimination based on sexual orientation (or race, or sex, or religion, or ethnicity) in acts of commerce is governing.

And as long as they don't violate individual rights or the constitution, they have every authority to do so. That you 'don't think they should' is immaterial. What matters is what the relevant majority thinks.....constrained by the constitution and individual rights. Within those limitations, in any contest between you and the relevant majority of the State, the relevant majority wins.

That's our constitutional republic. If you don't like it, convince the relevant majority to change it.

That's what I'm doing.

Not terribly well. As your argument ignores exploitation, wild disparities of power, injustice, and harm that people recognize and can see. And you're pretending that they either don't exist.....or that they aren't something that society should use government to fix.

Society overwhelmingly disagrees. Most rational people recognize that any concentration of power left unchecked will be abused. And just because that concentration of power is in private hands doesn't make it any less capable of being abused, or any less exploitative or unjust.

Most people have a sense of fairness that would extend preventing such exploitation and injustice. And under our constitution, within their state, and within the bounds of individual rights.....they most definitely have the authority to prevent it.

Insisting that they shouldn't......isn't a particularly compelling argument.

It's the baker's shop. It's the bakers ingredients. It's the baker's body. How is it just to force him to use his own resources against his will. How is that different than slavery?

It ought to be legal for a person to do (or not do) anything he wishes with his own property, unless and until he violates the property of someone else. Any law counter to this principle must be unjust, as it results in punishing a peaceful person who has harmed no one.
So it is slavery for the government to require a baker to follow health and safety laws?
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".

Stop being stupid. That is a HEALTH issue. Derp. :cuckoo:

Face it, your arguments FOR discrimination are incredibly weak and worthless in the bigger picture.

Those people walk in the kitchen? People eat off the floors? It's discrimination against the free-footers and boob showing feminists. At least one of them is a protected class, right?
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".

Stop being stupid. That is a HEALTH issue. Derp. :cuckoo:

Face it, your arguments FOR discrimination are incredibly weak and worthless in the bigger picture.

Those people walk in the kitchen? People eat off the floors? It's discrimination against the free-footers and boob showing feminists. At least one of them is a protected class, right?

Weak and silly.
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Because of safety and health laws. And that is for EVERYONE...it doesn't say "No shoes if you are Black...no shirts if you are Muslim...no service if you are Gay".

Free footers are being discriminated against!
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".

Stop being stupid. That is a HEALTH issue. Derp. :cuckoo:

Face it, your arguments FOR discrimination are incredibly weak and worthless in the bigger picture.

Those people walk in the kitchen? People eat off the floors? It's discrimination against the free-footers and boob showing feminists. At least one of them is a protected class, right?

Weak and silly.

Why?, its basically a new protected class.... Someone give them extra butthurt credit!
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Because of safety and health laws. And that is for EVERYONE...it doesn't say "No shoes if you are Black...no shirts if you are Muslim...no service if you are Gay".

Free footers are being discriminated against!

You've been beat. Take it like a man instead of incessantly whining. If you cannot deal, then don't open up a public accommodation business.
When a gay couple can easily buy a wedding cake from any bakery in town, why do they insist on ordering it from the Christian baker?
When black students can easily eat at any black diner in town, why do they insist on sitting at the Woolworth's counter?

Again you point to the symptom and not the actual disease, which was government organized economic and political dis-enfrancisement.
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Because of safety and health laws. And that is for EVERYONE...it doesn't say "No shoes if you are Black...no shirts if you are Muslim...no service if you are Gay".

Free footers are being discriminated against!

You've been beat. Take it like a man instead of incessantly whining. If you cannot deal, then don't open up a public accommodation business.

I haven't even been close to beaten, you guys continue to ignore providing any actual harm done besides hurt feelings.
When a gay couple can easily buy a wedding cake from any bakery in town, why do they insist on ordering it from the Christian baker?
When black students can easily eat at any black diner in town, why do they insist on sitting at the Woolworth's counter?

Again you point to the symptom and not the actual disease, which was government organized economic and political dis-enfrancisement.

YOU ignorant bigots seem to be the only ones who are "butt hurt" around here, BTW. Lol.
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Are you people really THIS fucking stupid? I find this hard to believe.

Look, you can whine, bitch and moan all day. It doesn't change the FACT that if we allowed "discriminatory business practices" it would create a HUGE cluster fuck.

It's easier to have the law apply to everyone on an equality basis, as they are recognized by law, and ignore you ignorant dummies.

We allow "no shoes, no shirts, no service".
Because of safety and health laws. And that is for EVERYONE...it doesn't say "No shoes if you are Black...no shirts if you are Muslim...no service if you are Gay".

Free footers are being discriminated against!

You've been beat. Take it like a man instead of incessantly whining. If you cannot deal, then don't open up a public accommodation business.

I haven't even been close to beaten, you guys continue to ignore providing any actual harm done besides hurt feelings.

It has nothing to do with "hurt feelings" and everything to do with the states making sure business runs smoothly in their respective states. Stop crying.
President Trump will put the LGBT issue behind us alright. Right into the fucking shitcan, where it belongs. The first step will be overturning that ridiculous gays in the military bullshit. Obama and his team of idiots have been using our brave men and women to experiment with their sick social experiments, much like we exposed troops to radiation in the 1940s. After he rids the military of the fudge packers, it's out into the civilian world. I realize rounding up all of these degenerates for transfer to GITMO is a stretch, but it should be a point worth considering.
You funny, Warbler. And....apparently a Mooooslim.

IOW, when you open your "public accommodation" business, you have already agreed to follow the laws in your respective states. You don't just get to open up a business and then break the law. If you find that you cannot abide by the law and NOT discriminate when it comes to your business dealings, then you have no business offering "services" to the public at large. GAY people are part of the "public."

So 1% of the population gets to dictate what the rest of us can and cannot do if they are a "protected class", even if no actual harm can be shown?

A contract to provide services for an event is not a public accommodation.

Now I see where all these idiot college students with their micro-aggressions are coming from, people like you were the start, and they are the flood.
I think that you might find the majority of people think that it is entirely reasonable and just 1% have a problem with it. That is why Pepsi, Apple and others have jumped in. They arent here for the public good.
When they stop Pushing themselves off on everyone in the country . like suing someone for not baking them a freaking cake, or catering a wedding with Pizza from someone who doesn't CATER .
If you open up a public accommodation business, then you'd better be prepared to serve the "public." That includes "the gays." :)

Chris, I hope you know that I'm not in this conversation because I am in any way anti-gay. This is a property rights issue. The store is the property of the baker. The ingredients are the property of the baker. The baker's own body is his property.

It's a simple matter of liberty. A person ought to be free to use his property as he wishes, as long as he does so peacefully and doesn't violate the property of others.
So a property owner can ignore health and safety laws?

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