When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

He is displaying a whole lot more common sense and decency than you and most others here.

You get beaten by Muslims in the UK for violating Sharia Law. Of course he's displaying calmness. He's shitscared he's going to have the door of his flat knocked down and his teeth kicked in, asshole.
What you know about the UK could be written on to a pinhead - if you could write.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

A good time and place would be when a Lesbian couple have their child they created in the traditional way.

Or a gay couple.

Or a transgender couple.
Just when I thought that the remarks on this thread could not get any more stupid, you come along. Are you saying that we should be able to discriminate against two people who cannot have a child in the exact way that you approve for that reason? LOTS OF PEOPLE-HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES do not have children in the traditional way.

The only way that you could even begin to make any sense is if we discriminated against all of those heterosexuals as well.

And by the way, gay folks have kids, lots of kids. When their parents are discriminated against, the children feel the pain as well.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

A good time and place would be when a Lesbian couple have their child they created in the traditional way.

Or a gay couple.

Or a transgender couple.
Just when I thought that the remarks on this thread could not get any more stupid, you come along. Are you saying that we should be able to discriminate against two people who cannot have a child in the exact way that you approve for that reason? LOTS OF PEOPLE-HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES do not have children in the traditional way.

The only way that you could even begin to make any sense is if we discriminated against all of those heterosexuals as well.

And by the way, gay folks have kids, lots of kids. When their parents are discriminated against, the children feel the pain as well.
I'm sure that you do not have a "deep rooted understanding " ,,,or any understanding, of anything.

You don't seem to have a deep rooted understanding of much more than dicks in your mouth and ass. The only crisis you face in life daily as a queer is the fear of running out of KY Jelly right between rounds of repeated anal penetration.
I'm not wasting my time on a fucking nasty ass idiot like you.
I'm sure that you do not have a "deep rooted understanding " ,,,or any understanding, of anything.

You don't seem to have a deep rooted understanding of much more than dicks in your mouth and ass. The only crisis you face in life daily as a queer is the fear of running out of KY Jelly right between rounds of repeated anal penetration.
I'm not wasting my time on a fucking nasty ass idiot like you.
I dont [sic] know if it is the same in the US but in the UK we have laws to root out these people from positions in which they can exercise power over Gay people.
Should homophobic teachers be trusted with educating our youth ? Absolutely not.

Just what America needs - a lecture from a British asshole who has a Muslim in every nook and cranny in what was ONCE a great nation -
Your fucked-up government has not only disarmed everyone, they've taxed assholes like you into oblivion. Your nation is one we DO NOT aspire to be, asshole, but thanks for your idiotic input.

At least it helps to serve as a reminder to us Americans why it is that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain as valid today as they ever were.
I don't think Trumps going to do any of that. He's pretty much said that while he thinks homosexuality is a sin, it's not the governments place to be nosing around in the peoples bedrooms...

I don't think that's what anyone is calling for.

If he at least thinks that it's not government's place to be used to force this sickness and evil on those of us who want no part of it, then that'll be a big improvement over the current administration.
Sorry but have no right to discriminate when it comes to doing business against certain GROUPS of people because of your religious beliefs.

Religious freedom is explicitly affirmed and protected in the First Amendment. Though just short of explicit, the freedom of association is very strongly implied in the First Amendment.

Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any “right”, stated or implied, to be a sick, immoral pervert, and there certainly is no “right” to force others to participate in or support perversions in which they want no part.

So, you're just plain wrong. Per freedom of association, as implied in the First Amendment, I DO have a right to discriminate against anyone, for any reason. And noting in the Constitution even hints that government should be allowed to compel me to waive this right as a condition of making a living.
I'm sure that you do not have a "deep rooted understanding " ,,,or any understanding, of anything.

You don't seem to have a deep rooted understanding of much more than dicks in your mouth and ass. The only crisis you face in life daily as a queer is the fear of running out of KY Jelly right between rounds of repeated anal penetration.
I'm not wasting my time on a fucking nasty ass idiot like you.

What you know about the UK could be written on to a pinhead - if you could write.

Actually, shitstain, I visit the UK annually. The boys at Guildford Harley Davidson know me well. They supply the rentals at the idiotic rate of $250/day. Most of that is insurance, to pay for the fucking towel-heads who have none. At the end of the day, I especially love filling a motorcycle for $40 dollars, due to your idiotic taxes. Every fucking pub in the hunterlands is run by some Muslim freakshow who looks like he wants to slit your throat. Most of the old pubs downtown - near Buckingham Palace are commercialized to the same fucking menu in every pub. Rediculous. Have many, many close friends - and fellow Conservatives - living there. They can't wait to leave the EU and gain back some level of sanity. In fact, several are coming to the U.S. for a visit this summer from the Northamptonshire area. One of the first things on the bucket list is taking them to the range to shoot hand guns and assault rifles. The only thing you seem to know about the UK are the Beatles photos you jerk off to in your trailer in New Jersey, asshole.
Nope, not when it comes to conducting business. The states have a vested interest in your business.

That really gets to the heart of the issue. Many people today seem to think that we should give up our rights whenever we exchange money or property, because the state has a 'vested interest'.

Can you explain more how the state has a vested interest in my financial activities? (but not my religious activities, or sexual activities, or any other association with others?)

Is there any Constitutional right that could not similarly be stepped on, if we were to accept this argument that the state has a “vested interest” that supersedes the Constitutional protection of these rights?
You [ChrisL] keep arguing "the law is the law is the law" without arguing the real issue, that is if these laws are being applied properly and justly, assuming government isn't there just to make people play nice. There has to be some actual harm, and you keep not wanting to provide it.

And ignoring that the Constitution—the highest law that takes precedence over all lesser laws—completely refutes her position. There's no point in arguing that “the law is the law” and must be obeyed, if you won't obey the highest law.
What you know about the UK could be written on to a pinhead - if you could write.

Actually, shitstain, I visit the UK annually. The boys at Guildford Harley Davidson know me well. They supply the rentals at the idiotic rate of $250/day. Most of that is insurance, to pay for the fucking towel-heads who have none. At the end of the day, I especially love filling a motorcycle for $40 dollars, due to your idiotic taxes. Every fucking pub in the hunterlands is run by some Muslim freakshow who looks like he wants to slit your throat. Most of the old pubs downtown - near Buckingham Palace are commercialized to the same fucking menu in every pub. Rediculous. Have many, many close friends - and fellow Conservatives - living there. They can't wait to leave the EU and gain back some level of sanity. In fact, several are coming to the U.S. for a visit this summer from the Northamptonshire area. One of the first things on the bucket list is taking them to the range to shoot hand guns and assault rifles. The only thing you seem to know about the UK are the Beatles photos you jerk off to in your trailer in New Jersey, asshole.
Its illegal to drink and drive in the UK.
Sorry, that's the law. Abide by it, or don't open up a public accommodation business, because once you DO open up a "public accommodation" business, that means you have agreed to serve the public, and like them or not, gays are part of the public, as are disabled people, people of color, etc., etc.

The First Amendment explicitly affirms freedoms of religion, expression, and association, and implies freedoms of conscience, thought, and association; and forbids government from violating these right.

That's the law.

Any lesser laws or other government actions or policies which violate it are illegal. You cannot defend them, and at the same time, retain any credibility in speaking of any rule of law. Your “rule of law” is founded on lawlessness and tyranny.
You [ChrisL] keep arguing "the law is the law is the law" without arguing the real issue, that is if these laws are being applied properly and justly, assuming government isn't there just to make people play nice. There has to be some actual harm, and you keep not wanting to provide it.

And ignoring that the Constitution—the highest law that takes precedence over all lesser laws—completely refutes her position. There's no point in arguing that “the law is the law” and must be obeyed, if you won't obey the highest law.

These types of laws have ALREADY been challenged for constitutional muster and they passed. Sucks to be a bigot in today's world, I suppose.
Its illegal to drink and drive in the UK.

Yes it is. If you ever make it there, lay off the booze before heading out, asshole. Those fucking speed cameras will get you too. That's another thing. Fucking cameras EVERYWHERE! I drove a motorcycle through an alley one night, and got a citation in the mail - photographed !!! Cited for driving the wrong way. 75 fucking pound fine! Dear Lord - they're more fucked up over there than I originally thought.

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