When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 3

Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Monday, 3/28/2016 3:48 pm The platform approved at the Republican National Convention in 2012 was, we said at the time, “a far-right fever dream, a compilation of pouting, posturing, and policies to meet just about every demand from the overlapping Religious Right, Tea Party, corporate, and neo-conservative wings of the GOP.” Every attempt at moderating language — whether on equality for LGBT people or the right of D.C. residents to congressional representation — was shot down by the far-right activists on the party’s platform committee.

At the convention that year, supporters of the LGBT-friendly Log Cabin Republicans vowed that things were changing, and that never again would the Republican platform include anti-equality language about “preserving and protecting traditional marriage” as “a union of one man and one woman” that “must be upheld as the national standard.” A group called Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry launched a million-dollar “Reform the Platform” campaign, which has since been absorbed by American Unity Fund, a pro-marriage-equality group affiliated with hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer, a major Republican Party donor. But the road to a more gay-friendly Republican platform is going to be a rocky one. Earlier this month, the Louisiana Republican Party chose its two delegates to the platform committee: stridently anti-gay Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Sandy McDade, political chairman of Eagle Forum, which “adamantly opposes” marriage equality. - See more at: Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality
The country is torn apart. Ordering people to kissy face with perverts isn't going to bring it together.
Ted Cruz Has ‘Religious Liberty’ Exactly Wrong, His Response To Georgia Veto Is Cringeworthy

There are a lot of people in the United States who simply do not understand the meaning of “religious liberty.” Having religious freedom is not the freedom to be discriminatory against others based upon your faith, it is the freedom to worship how you like on your own time. The First Amendment was very clear in its intent of separation church and state with the Establishment Clause . There is no national religion, there is no religious test, and having a faith is not required.

However, there are those who still like to skew not only the Constitution to their liking, but also the Bible to their favor. Folks like Senator Ted Cruz who will pick and choose which laws suit their fancy and which Bible verses they want to hold near and dear to their hearts to throw in people’s faces when they want to be bigoted jerks.

When it comes to “religious liberty” in the state of Georgia, the state’s legislature passed a bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse to serve or hire base upon sexual orientation. However, noticing that such a law is not only bigoted, but would also be harmful to the state economy as many businesses were threatening to leave, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal made the smart choice to veto the bill .
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When we put LGBT issues behind us? I was more than willing to overlook it , the LGBT activists MADE this an issue. I am waking up to this. Homosexuality isn't evil, but neither are they good. Neither do they deserve the sanctimonious attention they are receiving.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

A good time and place would be when a Lesbian couple have their child they created in the traditional way.

Or a gay couple.

Or a transgender couple.
Just when I thought that the remarks on this thread could not get any more stupid, you come along. Are you saying that we should be able to discriminate against two people who cannot have a child in the exact way that you approve for that reason? LOTS OF PEOPLE-HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES do not have children in the traditional way.

The only way that you could even begin to make any sense is if we discriminated against all of those heterosexuals as well.

And by the way, gay folks have kids, lots of kids. When their parents are discriminated against, the children feel the pain as well.

oh you're posting so they can get much more stupid. the MAJORTIY doesn't want what you are passing off on them, so sit down and stop whining
That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.

Those on the left wrong hate economic freedom as much as they hate standards of sexual morality, and those who stand for such standards; hence their support of socialist economic policies.

There is nothing at all surprising about seeing them attempt to exploit their hatred for one to gain leverage in attacking the other.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

A good time and place would be when a Lesbian couple have their child they created in the traditional way.

Or a gay couple.

Or a transgender couple.
Just when I thought that the remarks on this thread could not get any more stupid, you come along. Are you saying that we should be able to discriminate against two people who cannot have a child in the exact way that you approve for that reason? LOTS OF PEOPLE-HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES do not have children in the traditional way.

The only way that you could even begin to make any sense is if we discriminated against all of those heterosexuals as well.

And by the way, gay folks have kids, lots of kids. When their parents are discriminated against, the children feel the pain as well.

oh you're posting so they can get much more stupid. the MAJORTIY doesn't want what you are passing off on them, so sit down and stop whining
I'm posting so that someone might get a little more smart. Not holding out much hope....least of all for you. What exactly does the majority not want? I'm not the one who is whining.....it's all of these jackasses and their supporters who can't accept the fact that times have changes.
That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.

Those on the left wrong hate economic freedom as much as they hate standards of sexual morality, and those who stand for such standards; hence their support of socialist economic policies.

I don't think the two are related at all. Some of us think sexual freedom from outmoded moral standards is just as important as economic freedom.
That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.

Those on the left wrong hate economic freedom as much as they hate standards of sexual morality, and those who stand for such standards; hence their support of socialist economic policies.

There is nothing at all surprising about seeing them attempt to exploit their hatred for one to gain leverage in attacking the other.
If by "economic freedom " you mean the ability of corporations to exploit workers, rape the environment and toy with economic collapse in the name of profit, or the ability of businesses to humiliate and discriminate against those who " offend them"


If by sexual morality, you mean the ability of the religious right, the prudes and regressive social conservatives to dictate what morality is.....then YES, I Hate it all!!
That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.

Those on the left wrong hate economic freedom as much as they hate standards of sexual morality, and those who stand for such standards; hence their support of socialist economic policies.

There is nothing at all surprising about seeing them attempt to exploit their hatred for one to gain leverage in attacking the other.
If by "economic freedom " you mean the ability of corporations to exploit workers, rape the environment and toy with economic collapse in the name of profit, or the ability of businesses to humiliate and discriminate against those who " offend them"

Do you hate your freedom to decide who you work for? Do you want the freedom to avoid employers or customers who offend you? Do you hate your freedom to "exploit" service providers by choosing the lowest prices? Would you mind if those freedoms are taken from you?
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I am randomly listening to U2's miracle of Joey. I tunes made me download this, little wonder. Apple's president CEO is gay. Wow. What a coincidence.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

I'll tell you when.. When there are no legislated protected dicks in my daughter's locker room... That's when...
First of all, if those transgender people still have dicks, they have no interest in your daughter. But more importantly, and what seems to be beyond your intellectual capacity to grasp, is that the issues that I raised go far beyond transgender and locker room matters.

Then stop lumping LGBTQYJ issues into a single bag. You think because progress is made on "gay rights" that all these other nasty slaps in the face get to ride in for FREE? Nope.. Different issues.

I don't care if the dick is an unfortunate appendage at 15 yrs of age.. Should REMAIN in the boys room until legal age. 1/2 the "gay" teens we ever knew are now in traditional marraige..
You seem to be the one lumping things together. Are you confused about how transgender and gay are different things? You also do not seem to understand that not everyone can be neatly categorized into straight and gay, that there are many who are bi sexual( which might account for you unsourced "statistic" about gay kids who are now in "traditional" marriages, and that sexual orientation and gender identity are -and human sexuality in general- are extremely complex and may well be related.

Then why did YOU lump all that together in your OP?? This LBTGYQ garbage just makes you seem emotional about it and NOT aware of the MOUNTAIN of different causes and issues packed into that shorthand.. And you're not EVER gonna "global sympathy" for all those causes lumped together... .
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??
But it's okay to discriminate and percucute christain businessmen with an uncontitutional law,
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??
But it's okay to discriminate and percucute christain businessmen with an uncontitutional law,
What unconstitutional law would that be boss?
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

And South Carolina:

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

I'll tell you when.. When there are no legislated protected dicks in my daughter's locker room... That's when...
First of all, if those transgender people still have dicks, they have no interest in your daughter. But more importantly, and what seems to be beyond your intellectual capacity to grasp, is that the issues that I raised go far beyond transgender and locker room matters.

Then stop lumping LGBTQYJ issues into a single bag. You think because progress is made on "gay rights" that all these other nasty slaps in the face get to ride in for FREE? Nope.. Different issues.

I don't care if the dick is an unfortunate appendage at 15 yrs of age.. Should REMAIN in the boys room until legal age. 1/2 the "gay" teens we ever knew are now in traditional marraige..
You seem to be the one lumping things together. Are you confused about how transgender and gay are different things? You also do not seem to understand that not everyone can be neatly categorized into straight and gay, that there are many who are bi sexual( which might account for you unsourced "statistic" about gay kids who are now in "traditional" marriages, and that sexual orientation and gender identity are -and human sexuality in general- are extremely complex and may well be related.

Then why did YOU lump all that together in your OP?? This LBTGYQ garbage just makes you seem emotional about it and NOT aware of the MOUNTAIN of different causes and issues packed into that shorthand.. And you're not EVER gonna "global sympathy" for all those causes lumped together... .
Unlike you, I am very aware of the differences. The point of the OP - which you seem to be unable to grasp- is legal discrimination against LGBT people. Now that is garbage.
That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.

Those on the left wrong hate economic freedom as much as they hate standards of sexual morality, and those who stand for such standards; hence their support of socialist economic policies.

There is nothing at all surprising about seeing them attempt to exploit their hatred for one to gain leverage in attacking the other.
If by "economic freedom " you mean the ability of corporations to exploit workers, rape the environment and toy with economic collapse in the name of profit, or the ability of businesses to humiliate and discriminate against those who " offend them"

Do you hate your freedom to decide who you work for? Do you want the freedom to avoid employers or customers who offend you? Do you hate your freedom to "exploit" service providers by choosing the lowest prices? Would you mind if those freedoms are taken from you?
You are ignoring and obfuscating the issue that I raised. You can't seem to grasp the fact that freedoms are never absolute and with the exercise of freedom goes responsibilities .. I noticed that you completely avoid my comments on morality.
North Carolina Governor Swears in Historic First Class of Bathroom-Enforcement Cadets

RALEIGH —In a historic ceremony at the state capitol, on Friday, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory swore in a thousand officers charged with enforcing the state’s new public-bathroom regulations.

Speaking to the newly graduated bathroom-enforcement cadets, McCrory impressed upon them the gravity of their responsibility. “You are the thin blue line charged with protecting the gender sanctity of North Carolina’s bathrooms,” he said. “Be careful out there.”

McCrory told reporters that the thousand officers are only “the first wave” of a bathroom-patrol force that will eventually swell to over fifty thousand. “This is job creation at its finest,” he said.

In addition to “making North Carolina proud of its bathrooms again,” McCrory said, the state’s new law should boost tourism, as visitors from around the world clamor to watch North Carolin
The amount and the depth of bigotry and stupidity that this thread as brought out is truly astounding !!

No RegressiveTraitor, the depth of bigotry and stupidity that this thread is based on is what's astounding.

Sniveling pukes like you are so intolerant of the wishes shared by most people, that is the significant majority of people, to live oblivious to what semen slurping perverts like you should be doing in private. It wasn't good enough for you pillow biters that popular opinion opposed the sort of queer bashing that bull dykes and fudge packers were faced with in extremely rare occurrences. All sorts of laws were passed to provide stiffer sentences to people who beat faggots up, because they were faggots even though the cases of it were so infinitesimal. That special protection wasn't enough though.

The year your moonbat messiah was elected, by a landslide in Commiefornia specifically, an Amendment to The State Constitution made queer weddings illegal. Did fascist parasites like you respect the will of the voters? Of course not, because you're the real bigots. You can not tolerate a different point of view.

The entire concept of faggot weddings, and third bathrooms for people who can't seem to cope with having the junk they were born with is a sort of stupidity so deep it had to come from hell itself.

Do you hate your freedom to decide who you work for? Do you want the freedom to avoid employers or customers who offend you? Do you hate your freedom to "exploit" service providers by choosing the lowest prices? Would you mind if those freedoms are taken from you?
You are ignoring and obfuscating the issue that I raised. You can't seem to grasp the fact that freedoms are never absolute and with the exercise of freedom goes responsibilities ..

I don't see how I'm really doing any of these things. I'm just asking you to consider things from a perspective or principle, and perhaps to recognize that granting government the power to dictate these decisions for people you disagree with now, has a way of biting you in the ass later. Are you ready to give up the right to shun people you disapprove of? Because that's really what we're talking about here.

I noticed that you completely avoid my comments on morality.

Because I agree with them.
The amount and the depth of bigotry and stupidity that this thread as brought out is truly astounding !!

No RegressiveTraitor, the depth of bigotry and stupidity that this thread is based on is what's astounding.

Sniveling pukes like you are so intolerant of the wishes shared by most people, that is the significant majority of people, to live oblivious to what semen slurping perverts like you should be doing in private. It wasn't good enough for you pillow biters that popular opinion opposed the sort of queer bashing that bull dykes and fudge packers were faced with in extremely rare occurrences. All sorts of laws were passed to provide stiffer sentences to people who beat faggots up, because they were faggots even though the cases of it were so infinitesimal. That special protection wasn't enough though.

The year your moonbat messiah was elected, by a landslide in Commiefornia specifically, an Amendment to The State Constitution made queer weddings illegal. Did fascist parasites like you respect the will of the voters? Of course not, because you're the real bigots. You can not tolerate a different point of view.

The entire concept of faggot weddings, and third bathrooms for people who can't seem to cope with having the junk they were born with is a sort of stupidity so deep it had to come from hell itself.

Please wipe the spit off your chin, get an education and come back when you have something useful to contribute


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