When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Some are more equal than others. The sick, immoral perverts who want to force decent Christians to celebrate their wickedness with them are more equal than the Christians who want no part of that evil, according to your position. It makes a mockery of the very concept of equal rights.
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Its illegal to drink and drive in the UK.

Yes it is. If you ever make it there, lay off the booze before heading out, asshole. Those fucking speed cameras will get you too. That's another thing. Fucking cameras EVERYWHERE! I drove a motorcycle through an alley one night, and got a citation in the mail - photographed !!! Cited for driving the wrong way. 75 fucking pound fine! Dear Lord - they're more fucked up over there than I originally thought.

We should have let the Nazis kick their ass
The law protects EVERYONE equally. Therefore, the law is not discriminatory. Some black store owner could not discriminate against me because I'm white or a female either.

Some are more equal than others. The sick, immoral perverts who want to force decent Christians to celebrate their wickedness with them are more equal than the Christians who want no part of that evil. according to your position. It makes a mockery of the very concept of equal rights.

Well then don't open a public accommodation business. If you do, then you agree to serve the "public" which includes those groups of people you don't like. Boo hoo for you. Life must be soooo hard.
Its illegal to drink and drive in the UK.

Yes it is. If you ever make it there, lay off the booze before heading out, asshole. Those fucking speed cameras will get you too. That's another thing. Fucking cameras EVERYWHERE! I drove a motorcycle through an alley one night, and got a citation in the mail - photographed !!! Cited for driving the wrong way. 75 fucking pound fine! Dear Lord - they're more fucked up over there than I originally thought.
You should have told them that you get confused. I am sure they would have bought that.
Why are you people focusing on bathrooms so much? You mind must be in the toilet. It's a stupid made up issue. A transwoman who identifies as female is not threat to anyone. And in a bathroom, woman use stalls and no one will know the difference. There is much more to LGBT rights that bathrooms,

If you're OK with a creepy male pervert being in the restroom with your wife or your sister or your daughter, then this tells us all that we need to know about your moral character, or lack thereof.
I don't have a problem with gay people at all. I do tend to have an issue with transgenderism. I feel strongly that it is a mental disorder and should be treated and that feeding the delusion is terribly unhealthy and wrong.

I really don't know which bathroom they should use though, and I really think we have MUCH bigger problems to tackle. This is minuscule issue that effects a very SMALL portion of the population, and is not something I think about too often. I do think they are incredibly selfish for demanding so much of our time on their stupid "bathroom problems" considering the very serious and detrimental problems we are facing together as a country though. Just another example of being "delusional."
Chris, I have to say that I have a problem with your attitude towards transsexual /trans gender people. I like and agree with most of what you say, so all the more reason why it is a disappointment to hear you say that being trans is a “mental disorder” that should be “treated” (cured?) and that they are selfish. The fact that you generally are supportive of LGBT people makes this all the more disconcerting and puzzling.

It was not that long ago that homosexuality was considered a mental disorder and there are still those who think that it can be and should be cured. We now know that homosexuality is a complex issue that involves innate and environmental factors. And while no “gay gene” has been identified, there is growing evidence that there are biological/ epigenetic or periegetic factors in many cases.

Transsexuality is generally considered to be psychological in nature. However, many trans people will tell you that they believe that biology plays a role and that there is a link between transsexuality and intersexuality with is a complex biological condition that can take many forms. I have lots of information on these issues but this is not the place to go on at length about it, since this is more about legal issues and discrimination.

The point is that like gays, people who you accept for who they are, trans people have not chosen to be what they are either and deserve support and acceptance- and are not about to be “cured” As far as “stupid bathroom problems” go. They are not stupid if someone can’t go to the bathroom, or if a transwoman who identifies as female but is still biologically a man must use the men’s room. If that person gives all outward signs of being female, they should be able to use the women’s room. Who the hell is going to know.

If anybody is wasting time, it is the jackass bigots and ignoramuses in these states that are trying to pass discriminatory "bathroom bills" Think about it, please.
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We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

It will take many generations, and then it will never be behind us... Racism still live strong with us, and you wonder when will gay bashing end?

The same day racism and that would mean the day when Humanity is wiped off the face of this planet!
Yes there will always be bigoted and ignorant asses around. However, I am talking about ending the legal and political wrangling that takes up so much time, money and energy . That can end if the states stop trying to pass these horrific and bigoted laws in the guise of religious freedom.
We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill.


However, the anti-equality forces are still hard at work in the south and elsewhere. They are spending countless hours and millions of dollars that could be spent on addressing the real- instead of imagined problems facing the nation. Cases in point:

North Carolina:


This week, HRC is lifting up the voices of North Carolinians whose lives are affected by the dangerous and discriminatory bill (HB 2) that North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law last week.

The first of those stories is from Madeline Goss, an openly transgender woman from Raleigh and former HRC Board of Governors member. Last week, she testified about the harmful impact HB 2 would have on her life and the transgender community.

“I can't use the men's room. I won't go back to the men's room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die in there," Goss said.

On March 23, Governor McCrory signed into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill that eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity, putting 4.5 billion dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. Read more about how this bill puts federal funding at risk here.

And South Carolina:


Last week, a handful of conservative state Senators in South Carolina voted to advance S.31, a bill calling on the US Congress to amend the United States Constitution to allow states to roll back marriage equality on a state by state basis, but ultimately the bill has little chance of passing this session.

S.31 was introduced last year by conservative Senator Larry Grooms, but the bill has been stuck in limbo in the Senate Judiciary Committee since last April. Finally, after months of skipping over the bill - a clear sign that committee members have no appetite for it - S.31 was amended and advanced with a vote of 17 to 3. HRC thanks the three Democrats on the committee, Senators Sabb, Bright-Matthews, and Hutto, for voting against this bill.

Seeking to undermine the historic marriage equality ruling last year by the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, S.31 calls on Congress to host a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow all states to determine their own definitions of marriage. If the Constitution were to be amended in this way, it would give states the ability to roll back marriage equality if they oppose it,, effectively stripping away years of progress and placing millions of same-sex marriages in jeopardy.

Where will it end? When can we get over it and move on to other things? To come together as a nation and, yes, make America Great by being a nation that is all inclusive and accepting of all people? When can we get past this religious and fear based bigotry and start treating our neighbors with the dignity that they deserve? When!!??

I have moved forward, gay marriage is legal. I treat gays like I treat anyone else. I don't approve of their lifestyle choice however it is not my business. I treat them with respect, I don't accept their lifestyle. I don't discriminate against gays. It is their choice to live the way they want.

I have the right to live my life as does a gay person.
When did you make the "lifestyle choice" to be heterosexual?

We all make choices. You are free to make your choice. I make mine. I am not required to agree with yours and you are not required to agree with mine. I treat gays the same as anyone else, do you have an issue with that?
Well then don't open a public accommodation business. If you do, then you agree to serve the "public" which includes those groups of people you don't like. Boo hoo for you. Life must be soooo hard.

Reveation 13:16-17 speaks of the Mark of the Beast, of people being compelled to receive this mark as a condition of being allowed to buy or sell.

And he [the Beast] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I am coming to believe that this will not be a physical or visual mark, but an ideological one, and that we are seeing the beginning of it now—the beginning of a time when one will not be allowed to engage in commerce unless he agrees to participate in and support evil things. Agree with, participate in, and support all manner of evil and immorality, or else be branded a “bigot” and excluded from the marketplace.

By “serve the public”, of course, you mean provide goods and services in direct support of evil homosexual mockeries of wedding—something in which no moral person would ever willingly have any part. You want us to do this, as a condition of being allowed to buy and sell. This, I think, is the Mark of the Beast, or at least a prototype thereof.
Nope, not when it comes to conducting business. The states have a vested interest in your business.

That really gets to the heart of the issue. Many people today seem to think that we should give up our rights whenever we exchange money or property, because the state has a 'vested interest'.

Can you explain more how the state has a vested interest in my financial activities? (but not my religious activities, or sexual activities, or any other association with others?)

Is there any Constitutional right that could not similarly be stepped on, if we were to accept this argument that the state has a “vested interest” that supersedes the Constitutional protection of these rights?

That's my concern. I fail to see what's special about associations with other people that also involve trade. Economic liberty is fundamental, and I'm not sure why some are so eager to throw it under the bus. It will come back to haunt us.
Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 1

Mat Staver: The Fight To Reverse Marriage Equality 'Will Never Be Over' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 3/29/2016 10:35 am

On today's "Faith and Freedom" radio program, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver declared that the fight against gay marriage will never end because marriage equality is a direct assault on God. After praising Florida Gov. Rick Scott for signing the "Pastor Protection Act," which shields churches and pastors from being sued for refusing to perform same-sex marriages (something they were already allowed to do), Staver declared that such laws need to be passed all over the country because the fight to undo marriage equality will never stop. "This issue of marriage," he said, "this attempted redefinition of marriage, some have said, 'Well, it's over with, the Supreme Court has decided, let's move on;' even some presidential candidates, past and present, have made that kind of a statement. What they don't realize is this is not over, it will never be over and there will never be churches, pastors and people of Christian faith and values who will accept this. Period." - See more at: Mat Staver: The Fight To Reverse Marriage Equality 'Will Never Be Over'
Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 2

Pat Robertson: 'Sick At My Stomach' That NFL Backs LGBT Rights Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/29/2016 2:00 pm Pat Robertson once again expressed outrage over the NFL’s strong opposition to an anti-LGBT bill in Georgia today, telling “700 Club” viewers that the league’s stance has made him “sick at my stomach.” Yesterday, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed the bill, which would have created broad protections for businesses that openly discriminate against LGBT people. “This whole thing is absolutely ludicrous,” Robertson said. “This is the greatest nation on earth. We have degenerated beyond measure. And what are we fighting about? These things about transgender and so forth? I mean, who cares? This kind of thing is just absurd and we’re making a big civil rights thing.” Robertson was outraged that “the NFL, supposedly a bunch of man-size warriors,” are now saying that they “want homosexuals to be our heroes and we’re going to fight for them” and “won’t go to wherever the law says that Christians have a right to speak out.” “The whole thing is absolutely absurd and it makes me sick at my stomach,” he said. - See more at: Pat Robertson: 'Sick At My Stomach' That NFL Backs LGBT Rights
Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 2

Pat Robertson: 'Sick At My Stomach' That NFL Backs LGBT Rights Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/29/2016 2:00 pm Pat Robertson once again expressed outrage over the NFL’s strong opposition to an anti-LGBT bill in Georgia today, telling “700 Club” viewers that the league’s stance has made him “sick at my stomach.” Yesterday, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed the bill, which would have created broad protections for businesses that openly discriminate against LGBT people. “This whole thing is absolutely ludicrous,” Robertson said. “This is the greatest nation on earth. We have degenerated beyond measure. And what are we fighting about? These things about transgender and so forth? I mean, who cares? This kind of thing is just absurd and we’re making a big civil rights thing.” Robertson was outraged that “the NFL, supposedly a bunch of man-size warriors,” are now saying that they “want homosexuals to be our heroes and we’re going to fight for them” and “won’t go to wherever the law says that Christians have a right to speak out.” “The whole thing is absolutely absurd and it makes me sick at my stomach,” he said. - See more at: Pat Robertson: 'Sick At My Stomach' That NFL Backs LGBT Rights

Just bake the damn cake.....talk about tearing a nation apart
Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 3

Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Monday, 3/28/2016 3:48 pm The platform approved at the Republican National Convention in 2012 was, we said at the time, “a far-right fever dream, a compilation of pouting, posturing, and policies to meet just about every demand from the overlapping Religious Right, Tea Party, corporate, and neo-conservative wings of the GOP.” Every attempt at moderating language — whether on equality for LGBT people or the right of D.C. residents to congressional representation — was shot down by the far-right activists on the party’s platform committee.

At the convention that year, supporters of the LGBT-friendly Log Cabin Republicans vowed that things were changing, and that never again would the Republican platform include anti-equality language about “preserving and protecting traditional marriage” as “a union of one man and one woman” that “must be upheld as the national standard.” A group called Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry launched a million-dollar “Reform the Platform” campaign, which has since been absorbed by American Unity Fund, a pro-marriage-equality group affiliated with hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer, a major Republican Party donor. But the road to a more gay-friendly Republican platform is going to be a rocky one. Earlier this month, the Louisiana Republican Party chose its two delegates to the platform committee: stridently anti-gay Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Sandy McDade, political chairman of Eagle Forum, which “adamantly opposes” marriage equality. - See more at: Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality
Bigoted , ignorant jackasses tearing the country apart-Part 3

Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Monday, 3/28/2016 3:48 pm The platform approved at the Republican National Convention in 2012 was, we said at the time, “a far-right fever dream, a compilation of pouting, posturing, and policies to meet just about every demand from the overlapping Religious Right, Tea Party, corporate, and neo-conservative wings of the GOP.” Every attempt at moderating language — whether on equality for LGBT people or the right of D.C. residents to congressional representation — was shot down by the far-right activists on the party’s platform committee.

At the convention that year, supporters of the LGBT-friendly Log Cabin Republicans vowed that things were changing, and that never again would the Republican platform include anti-equality language about “preserving and protecting traditional marriage” as “a union of one man and one woman” that “must be upheld as the national standard.” A group called Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry launched a million-dollar “Reform the Platform” campaign, which has since been absorbed by American Unity Fund, a pro-marriage-equality group affiliated with hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer, a major Republican Party donor. But the road to a more gay-friendly Republican platform is going to be a rocky one. Earlier this month, the Louisiana Republican Party chose its two delegates to the platform committee: stridently anti-gay Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Sandy McDade, political chairman of Eagle Forum, which “adamantly opposes” marriage equality. - See more at: Bad News For Republicans Hoping For A Platform Less Hostile To LGBT Equality

You gheys are annoying bigots
Part 4

Theodore Shoebat Supports Violent Vigilante Attacks Against Gay Rights Activists
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 3/8/2016 1:43 pm
Last month, we posted a video in which militant anti-gay activist Theodore Shoebat declared that Jesus would have personally beaten gay people to death, which prompted anti-gay activist Michael Brown to fire off a column denouncing Shoebat and calling his views "utter rubbish."

That, in turn, set off a battle pitting Theodore and his father Walid against Brown and other anti-gay activists who have denounced the Shoebat family's extremist views.

Yesterday, Theodore and Brown finally faced off in a debate on Brown's "Line of Fire" radio program and Shoebat posted video of his side of the conversation in which he made clear his support for violent vigilantism against gay activists.

When Brown asked him point blank if he thinks it is a good thing when militant Christian activists go out and physically attack activists marching in gay pride parades in other countries and whether he'd like to see the same thing happen here, Shoebat was unequivocal.

- See more at: Theodore Shoebat Supports Violent Vigilante Attacks Against Gay Rights Activists
Is anybody starting to see what the people who share your bigoted views are really like? Here's more......Part 5

Ted Cruz Gushes Over Support From Radical Anti-Gay Activists
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/29/2016 6:05 pm
Ted Cruz is once again proving that no activist is too extreme for his campaign to embrace, touting the endorsements he received from anti-gay activists William Owens and Kayla Moore in recent days on his campaign website. Cruz said of Owens, who runs the Coalition of African-American Pastors, a group affiliated with the Cruz-endorsing National Organization for Marriage:

“I am honored to have the support of Reverend Owens,” said Cruz. “His eloquent and uncompromising defense of the family and of religion in public life is inspiring and will continue to be effective. We are excited to have him serve as a spokesperson to pastors and in the African-American community.”

Owens is an anti-gay firebrand who was caught fibbing about his role in the Civil Rights Movement

- See more at: Ted Cruz Gushes Over Support From Radical Anti-Gay Activists
Is anybody starting to see what the people who share your bigoted views are really like? Here's more......Part 5

Ted Cruz Gushes Over Support From Radical Anti-Gay Activists
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/29/2016 6:05 pm
Ted Cruz is once again proving that no activist is too extreme for his campaign to embrace, touting the endorsements he received from anti-gay activists William Owens and Kayla Moore in recent days on his campaign website. Cruz said of Owens, who runs the Coalition of African-American Pastors, a group affiliated with the Cruz-endorsing National Organization for Marriage:

“I am honored to have the support of Reverend Owens,” said Cruz. “His eloquent and uncompromising defense of the family and of religion in public life is inspiring and will continue to be effective. We are excited to have him serve as a spokesperson to pastors and in the African-American community.”

Owens is an anti-gay firebrand who was caught fibbing about his role in the Civil Rights Movement

- See more at: Ted Cruz Gushes Over Support From Radical Anti-Gay Activists

Nobody cares
All these pro Cruz links are beginning to change my mind. I would have no problem voting for Cruz.

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