When Wray was before congress he said it was a single field office that targeted Catholics...he lied


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Geeze, can't this administration tell the truth about anything.
Just assume what every comes out swamp rats mouth is a lie.

Unredacted FBI Memo Contradicts Christopher Wray’s Claim Only ‘A Single Field Office’ Targeted Traditional Catholics​

They don't want you alive.
Do you believe in Christ? Then you are a hater and non-inclusive. That means 60 voucher credits removed from your social ID credit score, which means you don't have enough credits to pay your taxes. In other words, "You will own nothing and like it."
This time around the camps will include Jews AND Christians...
Read the last chapter of your Bible. He's talking to us...
They don't want you alive.
Do you believe in Christ? Then you are a hater and non-inclusive. That means 60 voucher credits removed from your social ID credit score, which means you don't have enough credits to pay your taxes. In other words, "You will own nothing and like it."
This time around the camps will include Jews AND Christians...
Read the last chapter of your Bible. He's talking to us...
this time around you will start with the gays, and proceed through the "conservative" laundry list until we catholics are finally taken.
this time around you will start with the gays, and proceed through the "conservative" laundry list until we catholics are finally taken.

You dumb ass. The you referred to in your post is the WEF. I'm the anti WEF that will be in the camp. I'm white, Christian, own land, cows that fart, and rail against the WEF on social media.
We'll all be in the same "FEMA" re-education/death camp. They'll kill me first...
They aren't going to take one group first then the second group then a third group. It is Christians they hate, not Methodist Christians or Catholic Christians or Baptist Christians.
Gays are a protected species.
You may want to educate yourself on the NWO sooner rather than later...
You dumb ass. The you referred to in your post is the WEF. I'm the anti WEF that will be in the camp. I'm white, Christian, own land, cows that fart, and rail against the WEF on social media.
We'll all be in the same "FEMA" re-education/death camp. They'll kill me first...
They aren't going to take one group first then the second group then a third group. It is Christians they hate, not Methodist Christians or Catholic Christians or Baptist Christians.
Gays are a protected species.
You may want to educate yourself on the NWO sooner rather than later...

as much as you need needucation. who the hell on our side cares enoughy about you to even lock you in a death camp?
I can spell re-education, and enough...
Who do you consider "our side" to be exactly, and the ones who give a damn are the WEF, who calls you a useless eater, The FBI who labeled Catholics, domestic terrorists, The media, Hollywood elite, Bill Gates, The 300 Club, The Club of Rome, The UN, Rothschild . The list is endless.
Have you not read the last chapter of the Bible?
I can spell re-education, and enough...
Who do you consider "our side" to be exactly, and the ones who give a damn are the WEF, who calls you a useless eater, The FBI who labeled Catholics, domestic terrorists, The media, Hollywood elite, Bill Gates, The 300 Club, The Club of Rome, The UN, Rothschild . The list is endless.
Have you not read the last chapter of the Bible?
the fbi did not call "all catholics terrorists" any more than biden said "all trump voters are terrorists. " it is your choice, with free will, to self identify as a "terrorist"

of course i have read revelations and consider to be exactly as true as genesis, which is metaphorically true, poetically true, universally true, but if you start counting days in the millions of years of ongoing creation or tracing the begats to a 6000 year old earth you might lose me.
Nothing metaphoric about either. When the Bible tells us you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark it is referring to CBDC, and the chip you need to use your credits. The world government is the NWO that Biden just told us was being set up. You have been fooled into not believing the Bible. Your being caught unaware...
Your government lied about a single incidence of spying on the Catholics...

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