When your government isnt worth a shit

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.


How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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Why don't you stick to bitching about your own government. For Christ sakes....even the Queen and Prince Charles are sick from COVID-19.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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2,400 deaths in the US, isnt really a very large body count, especially compared to Neville Chamberlains peace treaty with Hitler. Want to try again, you Rag Head loving prick?


How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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Why don't you stick to bitching about your own government. For Christ sakes....even the Queen and Prince Charles are sick from COVID-19.
I am bitching about my own government soft lad.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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2,400 deaths in the US, isnt really a very large body count, especially compared to Neville Chamberlains peace treaty with Hitler. Want to try again, you Rag Head loving prick?

That is so random I cant really respond.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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I agree. That is what happens when you allow peons to choose. England needs to go back to being governed by God via their monarch.
Hitler had a wish that you were German too.

Systems all over the place are dealing with shortages. There are these things called supply chains and inventory levels. When hospitals start using in days what they normally use in months, those inventory levels disappear. The supply chains, a lot of which have been moved to the country largely responsible for this shit show, take time to catch up with demand orders of magnitude higher. Equipment has to be ordered and installed, people acquired and trained, raw materials acquired, components manufactured. All of that takes time.

There isn't some magic vending machine someplace, the stuff has to actually be made. Capacity as to be expanded to meet new demand levels. For people that have never been involved in actually building anything that seems like a shock. For those of us that have been doing it most of our lives it isn't.
I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

Just guessing, of course, but had you been asked a few weeks ago, you would have denied you'd say anything like that, ever.

On the other hand, Tom, Britons probably wouldn't appreciate being Italian, or Spaniards, for that matter. So... not all's bad in that Kingdom, or is it?

Hang in there, and keep a healthy distance, will you?
In countries that are not dictatorships, the Head of State must balance the need for precautionary measures with the Constitutional freedoms of the population and with the culture.

Were the U.S. a dictatorship, the President could have ordered us all to stay within the confines of our own property, under penalty of death.

Apparently, there are some people on this forum who would fault our President for NOT acting like a dictator...while others in this same forum fault him FOR acting like a dictator.

Draw your own conclusions.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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Why don't you stick to bitching about your own government. For Christ sakes....even the Queen and Prince Charles are sick from COVID-19.
I am bitching about my own government soft lad.
I said stick to it. I know you're bitching about your own government.....but you have no say in ours.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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I served during Vietnam. Care to comment on that.
Especially the part about the Ford exec. being sec. of Defense

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

View attachment 317445
Why don't you stick to bitching about your own government. For Christ sakes....even the Queen and Prince Charles are sick from COVID-19.
I am bitching about my own government soft lad.
I know, that's why you mentioned Trump, liar.

How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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Gee if Hitler's blitz was only successful you would have your wish.
How long before these clowns get it right ?
I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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Nice graphic. It could even more dramatically be made comparing South Korea and the U.S.!

The Trump administration totally screwed up in not preparing, after the initial correct decision to restrict tourist flights from China (advocated and supported by Fauci and virtually all U.S. epidemiology experts) — largely because Trump was blindly complacent and felt we were somehow safe behind his ”air Wall.” He refused to listen to experts who warned that that was definitely NOT the case.

BUT, while South Korea is a fully capitalist and excellent model for how the Covid-19 threat could be handled, one which the whole West should learn from, certain aspects of electronically aided tracing and quarantining introduced there (and in China) are probably beyond what U.S. society, with our privacy concerns and distrust of government, is willing to accept.

Korea and China, though very different societies, both have more experience mobilizing their populations for epidemic control, and their population’s willingness to accept health authorities and government intrusion into individual “privacy rights” is much greater. If Covid-19 were much worse, let’s say a plague-like phenomenon, I think they would also prove to be far better prepared than the West.

Chinese local and provincial authorities in Wuhan and Hubei certainly screwed up immensely at first, and this was in large part the result of XiJinping’s authoritarian censorship policies and bureaucratic centralization, but once the new viral danger was more fully appreciated and the tough decisions made, Xi mobilized the central authorities and used its tremendous powers rapidly and for the most part wisely.

In China at least, the central authorities also mobilized the population’s sense of social solidarity, something Westerners are only beginning to recognize is a crucial resource in such a crisis. The number and scale of volunteers mobilized in China to deal with this “invisible enemy” was truly awesome. I have family and friends there and have some understanding of what this involved.

Even Americans who overwhelmingly despise XiJinping and China’s totalitarian regime should recognize these underlying realities.
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How long before these clowns get it right ?

I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

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do you talk about Muscovite empire and vova putler?

UK does just fine


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How long before these clowns get it right ?
I understand that trumps incompetence has caused a bigger body count but these shits run him close. A lot of us wish we were German.

View attachment 317445

Nice graphic. It could even more dramatically be made comparing South Korea and the U.S.!

The Trump administration totally screwed up in not preparing, after the initial correct decision to restrict tourist flights from China (advocated and supported by Fauci and virtually all U.S. epidemiology experts) — largely because Trump was blindly complacent and felt we were somehow safe behind his ”air Wall.” He refused to listen to experts who warned that that was definitely NOT the case.

BUT, while South Korea is a fully capitalist and excellent model for how the Covid-19 threat could be handled, one which the whole West should learn from, certain aspects of electronically aided tracing and quarantining introduced there (and in China) are probably beyond what U.S. society, with our privacy concerns and distrust of government, is willing to accept.

Korea and China, though very different societies, both have more experience mobilizing their populations for epidemic control, and the population’s willingness to accept health authorities and government intrusion into individual “privacy rights” is much greater. If Covid-19 were much worse, let’s say a plague-like phenomenon, I think they would also prove to be far better prepared than the West.

Chinese local and provincial authorities in Wuhan and Hubei certainly screwed up immensely at first, and this was in large part the result of XiJinping’s authoritarian censorship policies and bureaucratic centralization, but once the new viral danger was more fully appreciated and the tough decisions made, Xi mobilized the central authorities and used its tremendous powers rapidly and for the most part wisely.

In China at least, the central authorities also mobilized the population’s sense of social solidarity as well, something Westerners are only beginning to recognize is a crucial resource in such a crisis. The number and scale of volunteers mobilized in China to deal with this “invisible enemy” was truly awesome. I have family and friends there and have some understanding of this.

Even Americans who overwhelmingly despise XiJinping and China’s totalitarian regime should recognize these underlying realities.
The main cause of the problem in this country is Hawaiian judges and our Democrat controlled media.

Let me remind you....you ignorant asshole....while the Democrats were busy trying to impeach Trump, his administration was already taking action to prevent the spread of the virus.....but then again let me remind you that Chuck Schumer was accusing Trump of going too far.

Also.....anyone who is stupid enough to congradulate the Chinese for their handling of a world-wide pandemic that they caused is not worth paying attention to.
You do not recover from being a member of the EU over night.....both the UK and America are paying the price today for socialist thinking governments just a few years ago....we are both still trying to excavate ourselves out...

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