When you've just had enough and need a break thread.

Aww. Mr GreyHairyFace is still adorable! how old is he? Karma will be 9 in July but she is a blondie so her white face is not that noticeable. Moki just turned 11.
You have5 or 6 more years with him! Vet that used to see Moki said he has cancer and only has about a year. That was 2 years ago. He is still hanging in there, chasing seagulls, rolling around in my van's pillows messing it all up, pooping and eating just fine. Hang in there. He could live to 18 or longer! Hell, my cat lived to 23 with one eye and no teeth! Bone cancer got him though otherwise he would still be here playing pattycake with me.

Love these little guys!
The look on this cats face is just...amazing and hilarious!


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