When You’ve Lost Jon Stewart

The thing is, all he's doing is pushing back against the leftist narrative. He's not really telling anyone anything that they don't already know. China grew this virus in a lab and it escaped... common knowledge.

A leftist pushing back against the lying leftist propaganda wing... rare.
The thing is, all he's doing is pushing back against the leftist narrative. He's not really telling anyone anything that they don't already know. China grew this virus in a lab and it escaped... common knowledge.

A leftist pushing back against the lying leftist propaganda wing... rare.
Yes. . . but that lab was built with French help, and that research was conducted with US technical help and funding.

If we keep just blaming China, we will forget this was an international billionaire effort to globalize government, it is closely linked with their Green Agenda, the AGW scam, and the effort to totally remake the world with a global technocracy.

They all co-operated to shut down the entire global economy. They have not been successful as they have wanted. . . so whipping up the population for more war? Well, that will do too. . .

Look what we got after WWII, the UN and all these global institutions, and then imagine what we would get if they can mobilize the world to war again. . .
The thing is, all he's doing is pushing back against the leftist narrative. He's not really telling anyone anything that they don't already know. China grew this virus in a lab and it escaped... common knowledge.

A leftist pushing back against the lying leftist propaganda wing... rare.
Now that's just crazy.......*wink...wink*
The thing is, all he's doing is pushing back against the leftist narrative. He's not really telling anyone anything that they don't already know. China grew this virus in a lab and it escaped... common knowledge.

A leftist pushing back against the lying leftist propaganda wing... rare.
Yes. . . but that lab was built with French help, and that research was conducted with US technical help and funding.

If we keep just blaming China, we will forget this was an international billionaire effort to globalize government, it is closely linked with their Green Agenda, the AGW scam, and the effort to totally remake the world with a global technocracy.

They all co-operated to shut down the entire global economy. They have not been successful as they have wanted. . . so whipping up the population for more war? Well, that will do too. . .

Look what we got after WWII, the UN and all these global institutions, and then imagine what we would get if they can mobilize the world to war again. . .
I think China is just pissed because the media has been claiming for years that most of our debt is China's fault.
Go to 3 minute mark.

What was a crazy conspiracy and censored heavily by Leftists just a few months ago because we can’t have people rally around Trump, is now mainstream factual knowledge.

Did you watch after 3:45 ? He rips everyone for a minute there.
Go to 3 minute mark.

What was a crazy conspiracy and censored heavily by Leftists just a few months ago because we can’t have people rally around Trump, is now mainstream factual knowledge.

It seems like many of these accusations on Trump are now becoming unfounded as the Progs have gained power.
That's great but where was he a year ago when you weren't allowed to express this common sense?
Wow! It is amazing how the narrative has changed to accommodate their political partisan preferences.
Go to 3 minute mark.

What was a crazy conspiracy and censored heavily by Leftists just a few months ago because we can’t have people rally around Trump, is now mainstream factual knowledge.

Wasn't Trump banned from social media for advancing crazy conspiracy theories that the Wuhan virus actually came from the Wuhan lab that studies viruses where all the people got sick?
Go to 3 minute mark.

What was a crazy conspiracy and censored heavily by Leftists just a few months ago because we can’t have people rally around Trump, is now mainstream factual knowledge.

Wasn't Trump banned from social media for advancing crazy conspiracy theories that the Wuhan virus actually came from the Wuhan lab that studies viruses where all the people got sick?

Yep. I had Fakebook posts censored for saying what even Biden admits to being a very real possibility.

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