When Zimmerman is Acquitted (and he will be)

Because the trial seems to indicate that he was brutally attacked by some street thug high on dope - will Barry Sotereo have a beer summit with someone? Ask everyone to get along? Say the police acted "stupidly?"

Zimmerman created the whole scenario that caused Trayvon's death. Zimmerman was not brutally attacked by a street thung, much less one on dope. Your take on this is insane. And Zimmerman will not be acquited. he is going to do time, well deserved time. So, when he is doing his time, maybe the gun loving, gun toting, racist morons will have a think about their perspective on going out and hunting down innocent, unarmed people. Hope so.
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Given that witness testimony proved he wasn't racist, I doubt that would hold up in court Joe. You're like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland...

OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Man, you are such an ignoramus.

Not sure witness testimony proved anything of the sort.

Nor would it need to in order to prove Civil Rights violations.

What civilis right violations are there?

Double jeopardy.

Oh wait – you want to know what right HE violated, not what rights the government would violate should they try and charge him again for a crime that he did not commit.

The shit Joe will back to get his justice from someone because he demands that he is guilty evidence and jury be dammned. Real insight to how crazy some are getting over this trial. Fuck rights, justice and trails for Zimmerman, he hates ‘em. Now terrorists OTOH, THEY need a fair trial….
Not sure witness testimony proved anything of the sort.

Nor would it need to in order to prove Civil Rights violations.

What civilis right violations are there?

Double jeopardy.

Oh wait – you want to know what right HE violated, not what rights the government would violate should they try and charge him again for a crime that he did not commit.

The shit Joe will back to get his justice from someone because he demands that he is guilty evidence and jury be dammned. Real insight to how crazy some are getting over this trial. Fuck rights, justice and trails for Zimmerman, he hates ‘em. Now terrorists OTOH, THEY need a fair trial….

Frankly, putting him on trial in front of an all-white jury is something they used to do in the Old South.

As for terrorists, if we had an open and shut case against them, why have we NOT put them on trial in over a decade?
Yes indeed. You have not been watching the trial, have you? There was a neighborhood watch coordinator, a 911 dispatcher, a cop, and a special investigator. ALL of whom which testified that Zimmerman did not hint he was a racist, and that "assholes" and "fucking punks" did not imply such either. On top of that, Mrs. Dilliard was a friend of his and a neighbor, who happened to be BLACK.

No civil rights of any kind were broken, only your contentions.

These would be the same cops who screwed up the investigation to start with. The "New South" isn't any better than the old one.

Again, Florida screwed this prosecution up, so probably time for the Feds to step in and do it the right way.

Yup typical liberal response, someone else fault not the person responsible. Still Bush fault too huh?

Only person "responsible" here is Zimmerman. If he had not been out that night with a gun looking for trouble, Trayvon would have returned to his dad's girlfriend's apartment with a bag of skittles.
These would be the same cops who screwed up the investigation to start with. The "New South" isn't any better than the old one.

Again, Florida screwed this prosecution up, so probably time for the Feds to step in and do it the right way.

Yup typical liberal response, someone else fault not the person responsible. Still Bush fault too huh?

Only person "responsible" here is Zimmerman. If he had not been out that night with a gun looking for trouble, Trayvon would have returned to his dad's girlfriend's apartment with a bag of skittles.

Where is your proof that Zimmerman was out LOOKING FOR TROUBLE? There isn't any! Just because someone that has a legal permit to carry a gun, and he carry's it wherever he goes, do NOT mean he's looking for trouble. It means he's carrying it IN CASE....for protection! Martin shouldn't have confronted Zimmerman, he should have just gone home with his bag of skittles. HE was the one looking for trouble...and now there is a LOT of evidence proving he liked trouble. The bitch judge won't allow it in though....
Yup typical liberal response, someone else fault not the person responsible. Still Bush fault too huh?

Only person "responsible" here is Zimmerman. If he had not been out that night with a gun looking for trouble, Trayvon would have returned to his dad's girlfriend's apartment with a bag of skittles.

Where is your proof that Zimmerman was out LOOKING FOR TROUBLE? There isn't any! Just because someone that has a legal permit to carry a gun, and he carry's it wherever he goes, do NOT mean he's looking for trouble. It means he's carrying it IN CASE....for protection! Martin shouldn't have confronted Zimmerman, he should have just gone home with his bag of skittles. HE was the one looking for trouble...and now there is a LOT of evidence proving he liked trouble. The bitch judge won't allow it in though....

To say Trayvon was looking for trouble is absolutely ludicrous and insane. Since when does walking to the mini-market to get candy and a drink equal looking for trouble? Are normal citizens not allowed to walk to the market and get a snack? Trayvon was out doing what anyone has a right to do, in a place he had a right to be: had Zimmerman left him alone or let the police check up on Trayvon, the boy would still be alive. Zimmerman is a nut case, a gun happy, wanna be cop/hero who killed an innocent, unarmed person. He's a murderer. He created the entire situation that resulted in Trayvon's death. Zimmerman is responsible, not the victim.
These would be the same cops who screwed up the investigation to start with. The "New South" isn't any better than the old one.

Again, Florida screwed this prosecution up, so probably time for the Feds to step in and do it the right way.

Yup typical liberal response, someone else fault not the person responsible. Still Bush fault too huh?

Only person "responsible" here is Zimmerman. If he had not been out that night with a gun looking for trouble, Trayvon would have returned to his dad's girlfriend's apartment with a bag of skittles.


nobody cares.

But how funny was it yesterday that in the closing moments of the case, the defense brings out a dummy which ends up being more smashmouth to the prosecution!!! Just real funny shit.......

My prediction?

Sales of these priceless t-shirts will go up!!!:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::D


Where is your proof that Zimmerman was out LOOKING FOR TROUBLE? There isn't any! Just because someone that has a legal permit to carry a gun, and he carry's it wherever he goes, do NOT mean he's looking for trouble. It means he's carrying it IN CASE....for protection! Martin shouldn't have confronted Zimmerman, he should have just gone home with his bag of skittles. HE was the one looking for trouble...and now there is a LOT of evidence proving he liked trouble. The bitch judge won't allow it in though....

I think anyone who feels the need to go around with a gun is looking for trouble.

Unfortunately for Trayvon, he found it.

But that's the problem with this case for you guys. It puts the Gun Culture on trial, and it ain't a pretty sight. Most of you guys are scared little men one trigger pull from tragedy.

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