Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

God/ YHWH/ Adonai/ Allah/ Elohim

Athena... Ishtar/ Astaroth

Lilith/ Ereshkigal

Michael/ Mikail

Iblis/ Shaitan... Lucifer
I found God some years ago. And I found Him in a place where few have sought Him out.

And still more years ago, I pleaded with the Mother of Jesus. And She replied.

And THAT is my religion.

End of my story on the spiritual.
Ad hominem. Where did I say the only thing I see is myself? I see other people but I do not recognize them as being better than me or worthy of worship. I understand you look where you please but if you are looking for a higher power it is within you. Your tie to the world is unique and makes you supreme because in the end you are the only thing that matters.

Ahhhh..... I see. If you say I am listening to other people tell me where to look, that is good. If I say you aren't looking past yourself, that is bad. I just want to make sure I understand the rules.

I did not mean other people. I meant that human beings are no more superior than anything else.

If you are looking for a higher power, you are wasting your time. But it is your time to waste.

Pardon me if I offended you. That was not my intention. I disagree that I am no more superior to anything else. What is superior/supreme is subjective. Its a valuation placed by the individual. My life is governed and directed by the choices I make. That proves I am superior to you. At least to me. Who makes decisions for you?

I was not offended. Just surprised that you would be after your initial post.

I make the decisions for me, but that does not make me superior to you. I have no idea why you think it would.
Ahhhh..... I see. If you say I am listening to other people tell me where to look, that is good. If I say you aren't looking past yourself, that is bad. I just want to make sure I understand the rules.

I did not mean other people. I meant that human beings are no more superior than anything else.

If you are looking for a higher power, you are wasting your time. But it is your time to waste.

Pardon me if I offended you. That was not my intention. I disagree that I am no more superior to anything else. What is superior/supreme is subjective. Its a valuation placed by the individual. My life is governed and directed by the choices I make. That proves I am superior to you. At least to me. Who makes decisions for you?

I was not offended. Just surprised that you would be after your initial post.

I make the decisions for me, but that does not make me superior to you. I have no idea why you think it would.

I was not offended either. It seemed to me that you took issue to my post disagreeing with you on the individual being supreme. When it comes down to it who has more say so in your life? Me or you? If the answer is you, would that not place you in a supreme/superior position to myself?
Pardon me if I offended you. That was not my intention. I disagree that I am no more superior to anything else. What is superior/supreme is subjective. Its a valuation placed by the individual. My life is governed and directed by the choices I make. That proves I am superior to you. At least to me. Who makes decisions for you?

I was not offended. Just surprised that you would be after your initial post.

I make the decisions for me, but that does not make me superior to you. I have no idea why you think it would.

I was not offended either. It seemed to me that you took issue to my post disagreeing with you on the individual being supreme. When it comes down to it who has more say so in your life? Me or you? If the answer is you, would that not place you in a supreme/superior position to myself?

Then neither of us was offended and we can pass it off to a small communication glitch. A matter of no importance.

I have the entire say in my life. All choices are entirely mine to make, even if the choices I have are extremely limited by your actions. But you are in exactly the same position, so I see it as equal footing. You are responsible for you and I am for me. I do not see any superior position.
I was not offended. Just surprised that you would be after your initial post.

I make the decisions for me, but that does not make me superior to you. I have no idea why you think it would.

I was not offended either. It seemed to me that you took issue to my post disagreeing with you on the individual being supreme. When it comes down to it who has more say so in your life? Me or you? If the answer is you, would that not place you in a supreme/superior position to myself?

Then neither of us was offended and we can pass it off to a small communication glitch. A matter of no importance.

I have the entire say in my life. All choices are entirely mine to make, even if the choices I have are extremely limited by your actions. But you are in exactly the same position, so I see it as equal footing. You are responsible for you and I am for me. I do not see any superior position.

I see where you are coming from now and agree with you wholeheartedly.
I was not offended either. It seemed to me that you took issue to my post disagreeing with you on the individual being supreme. When it comes down to it who has more say so in your life? Me or you? If the answer is you, would that not place you in a supreme/superior position to myself?

Then neither of us was offended and we can pass it off to a small communication glitch. A matter of no importance.

I have the entire say in my life. All choices are entirely mine to make, even if the choices I have are extremely limited by your actions. But you are in exactly the same position, so I see it as equal footing. You are responsible for you and I am for me. I do not see any superior position.

I see where you are coming from now and agree with you wholeheartedly.

I expected as much. However, when I initially posted this I was really talking about human beings in general as they relate to everything else. So to clarify that, I do not think human beings are superior to chickens. It is possible we are more responsible for our actions, but we are no better.
Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right.

Which camp are you in?

If you seek God, where are you looking?

If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine.


P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.

ALMIGHTY GOD IS REVEILED to mankind in his ETERNAL LIVING HOLYWORD.===God's Word is Living and Active
12For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:12

Thanks for this.

I have you down as an idol worshiper.

What draws you to your genocidal son sacrificing God?

I found God some years ago. And I found Him in a place where few have sought Him out.

And still more years ago, I pleaded with the Mother of Jesus. And She replied.

And THAT is my religion.

End of my story on the spiritual.

Replied to what question?

Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right.

Which camp are you in?

If you seek God, where are you looking?

If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine.


P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.

The birds outside...the trees...the glorious views of mountains...the roar of the surf...the whisper of clouds.

His name is Everywhere.
I found God some years ago. And I found Him in a place where few have sought Him out.

And still more years ago, I pleaded with the Mother of Jesus. And She replied.

And THAT is my religion.

End of my story on the spiritual.

Replied to what question?

It wasn't a question, but a request.

Request for what?


P.S. If I have to squeeze every detail than do not bother with me.
Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right.

Which camp are you in?

If you seek God, where are you looking?

If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine.


P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.

The birds outside...the trees...the glorious views of mountains...the roar of the surf...the whisper of clouds.

His name is Everywhere.

You forgot people.

Or do you not see us as God as well?

Gnostic Christians do.

Basic Beliefs of a True Gnostic

Are you ready to step up and take your rightful place?
Do you have a spiritual itch to scratch?

Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right.

Which camp are you in?

If you seek God, where are you looking?

If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine.


P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.

The birds outside...the trees...the glorious views of mountains...the roar of the surf...the whisper of clouds.

His name is Everywhere.

You forgot people.

Or do you not see us as God as well?

Gnostic Christians do.

Basic Beliefs of a True Gnostic

Are you ready to step up and take your rightful place?
Do you have a spiritual itch to scratch?


I'm curious....do gnostic gnostics treat gnostic Christians as if they aren't true Scotsmen?.....
I don't know. Do they deserve respect?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ35SOU9HTM]The drunk Scotsman (lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

It wasn't a question, but a request.

Request for what?


P.S. If I have to squeeze every detail than do not bother with me.

LOL. I requested strength.

The Lord helps those who help themselves.

We all have weak moments though when we grovel and beg and feel sorry for our predicament and seek imaginary help and hope to hell it is real while knowing damned well that it is not.


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