Where are Democrats calling for a KNIFE ban after latest attack?

Do they even sell wooden bats anymore? When I go to my grandkids little league games, the PING noise the bats make just don’t have the visceral thrill of the CRACK of a wooden bat.
We import them from China, like everything else now...
When James T. Hodgkinson shot up the Republican softball field and almost killed Steve Scalise not one Democrat called for gun control. Not one.
You know how many people are killed each year with a knife?

EVERY black life / life matters!

We need to ban knives and disarm Americans from owning these hand-to-hand 'assault weapons'.

High capacity magazines?
- You never run out of 'ammo' and don't have to 'reload' with a knife.
I had knife issued as part of my military kit...

...they are obviously weapons of war and need to be taken off our streets...
ABC News - New York Subway Knife Attacks Rise Sharply

Police have made more than 600 arrests for illegal cutting instruments on the subway so far this year. Transit Chief Jason Wilcox said that's a 95% increase from last year.


no correlation of guns to murders.jpg
Ban knives immediately!

no correlation of guns to murders.jpg
you realize there is a significant difference between 19 dead, 17 injured…and 3 injured…yes? :rolleyes:

There is no difference.

A person decided they wanted to hurt people so they picked up an inanimate object and hurt people.

Stab people, shoot people, set a building on fire, hijack a plane and crash it into a building, make a bomb, run a car into a crowd of people, etc. There is no difference between them. Some criminal or nutball decided he wanted to hurt people so he did it.

You don't understand the point of the thread. The point is people don't care about murders anymore unless a gun is involved so they can say guns are bad. Someone gets stabbed? No one cares.

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