Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

Bush and the neo-cons, failed liberals as a matter of fact, were wrong.

Obama and the congressional leadership, liberal to conservative, is right on Syria.
Bwahahaha! So, are you for the strike? If you aren't, why aren't you protesting instead of posting about Libs not protesting? Because you really don't know what you want, you're going to wait for your lame leaders to make the decision so you don't end up going against them! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Man you leftys aren't very bright are you?

It's called pointing out hypocrisy. "Hypocrisy" Google it.

And its called doing nothing and expecting others to do it for you :lol:

Better take another class on reading comprehension.:cuckoo:
4000 US troops killed in vain, in a war of choice, and you point and laugh at its critics? Really? Seriously? No wonder McCain lost. No wonder Mittypoo lost. There just aren't enough f_______ retards in America to vote for them to repeat the policies of the Presiduncy of George W . The Bushtard.


You aren't just a critic, you are an idiot. It's the idiot we are pointing at.

Yeah, right. Whatever.

George Bush is the idiot, for thinking that the Iraq War was needed, and would succeed. Dubya's supporters were idiots too.

Sorry, but the history is written in stone: Bush and his supporters were idiots and the Iraq War was a mistake and a failure. And conservatives have only themselves to blame for it.

Yeah, i'm very disappointed in the 'Anti-War Left.' Why so quiet? They need to aggressively speak out. Their credibility is on the line.
Sometimes the elected representative government (our form of government) makes call disliked by the citizens who elected them.

10 years ago when it was a repub demanding war, the liberals were marching by the millions. Now they say it's ok when their god obama destroys a nation that never did anything to us.

Am I supposed to believe it is just a coincidence you and Grampa Murked U both started topics asking this same question?

Where's the march on Washington?

Where are the protesters?

Looks to me like you are both drinking from the same piss bowl.

And mass protests did not really get going until well into the Iraq war. The protests prior to the war were quite small affairs.

By the way, a little secret. This is not an invasion. A few sailors at sea will push some buttons and call it a day.

I will tell you the same thing I told Grampa:

The irate left is there...if you bother to actually, you know...look.

MoveOn&#8217;s 8 Million Members Vote Overwhelmingly to Oppose Military Action in Syria

If you are looking for a protest march in Washington, the same group which organized all the anti-Iraq marches is having one this Saturday: ANSWER Coalition


ANSWER, by the way, is a front for the Workers World Party, a Stalinist organization.

ANSWER organized and controlled all of the major anti-Iraq war protests across America. If you see an ANSWER organizer in a reflective vest at a protest, you are looking at a full-blooded commie. If you went to one of those protests, you were a textbook useful idiot. Just like the faux righties protesting this missle shoot are useful idiots for Putin.
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10 years ago when it was a repub demanding war, the liberals were marching by the millions. Now they say it's ok when their god obama destroys a nation that never did anything to us.

Am I supposed to believe it is just a coincidence you and Grampa Murked U both started topics asking this same question?

Where's the march on Washington?

Where are the protesters?

Looks to me like you are both drinking from the same piss bowl.

And mass protests did not really get going until well into the Iraq war. The protests prior to the war were quite small affairs.

By the way, a little secret. This is not an invasion. A few sailors at sea will push some buttons and call it a day.

I will tell you the same thing I told Grampa:

The irate left is there...if you bother to actually, you know...look.

MoveOn&#8217;s 8 Million Members Vote Overwhelmingly to Oppose Military Action in Syria

If you are looking for a protest march in Washington, the same group which organized all the anti-Iraq marches is having one this Saturday: ANSWER Coalition


ANSWER, by the way, is a front for the Workers World Party, a Stalinist organization.

ANSWER organized and controlled all of the major anti-Iraq war protests across America. If you see an ANSWER organizer in a reflective vest at a protest, you are looking at a full-blooded commie. If you went to one of those protests, you were a textbook useful idiot. Just like the faux righties protesting this missle shoot are useful idiots for Putin.

Let us know when they volunteer as Human Shields in Syria. So far, i'm just not seeing the 'Anti-War Left' being vocal enough. And btw, when you joining the 'Rebels' over in Syria? Because up to this point all you've done is sit at your computer, munch potato chips, and play Keyboard Commando. So either man-up and head over to Syria, or just shut up and play some more Call of Duty. Leave serious discussions of War to the adults.
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Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

Considering the fact that no one advocates ‘invading’ Syria, there are no ‘protesters’ accordingly.

The only persons talking about ‘invading’ anything are you and other liars on the right.
Where are the anti-war protesters for this impending invasion of Syria?

Considering the fact that no one advocates ‘invading’ Syria, there are no ‘protesters’ accordingly.

The only persons talking about ‘invading’ anything are you and other liars on the right.

Regardless, it's still an act of War. It's aggression. The 'Anti-War Left' needs to be more vocal in their opposition.

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