Where are the job bills?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"Washington – House GOP leaders are rushing a vote to ban all federal funding for NPR in an effort to reforge party unity a day after it splintered badly.

Fifty-four conservatives defected Tuesday to vote against a spending bill that would forestall a government shutdown for three weeks that they felt didn't go far enough to cut spending. But there is little chance of House Republican leaders losing votes in its bid to kill funding for NPR – the third such vote in weeks. The issue has been a rallying point among conservatives for decades.

Earlier this month, conservative activists released a video purporting to show NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller calling tea partyers "seriously racist" and saying that despite potential damage to smaller stations, "Frankly, it is very clear that we would be better off in the long run without federal funding." In the subsequent outcry, Mr. Schiller left NPR and the organization's president, Vivian Schiller (no relation) resigned. (The full video, subsequently released, shows that Mr. Schiller's comments were selectively edited.)"

Ful article: Why House Republicans are rushing to slash NPR funding - Yahoo! News

And now the neo-cons want to attack another oil rich country (Libya).

The GOP overreaching? You betcha. 2012 will remake the political landscape once again.
Sorry....Gotta fill out my brackets.

the "brackets" issue is a Hannity/Faux N00z inspired, tempest in a teapot. ZZZzzz aside from being off-topic.
The government cannot create jobs, it can only support an environment that promotes job creation. Lower taxes, cheap energy and less regulations for small business is the way to job growth and democrats are fighting it every step of the way. What was the first issue the democrat party tackled when it gained the majority half way into Bush's 2nd term? Fannie Mae? The economy? Nope. Democrats went after steroid use in Baseball while Fannie was in free fall. Please lefties, no lectures on fictional "jobs bills" while democrats are still in the majority in the senate and we have a socialist in the white house who runs away in hides or plays golf while the world is in crisis.
The two parties, over the last 3-4 decades, rigged the system so that the only *cough* industries we have left are "service" and "financial". Thanks a lot for nothing. They sold the American people down the river. The Repubs don't seem to mind however. Everything can be remedied by deregulation LOL.
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The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.
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The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

The Navy? It's not just a job it's an adventure. Do you lefties even know what economic growth is? It doesn't mean confiscating money from one segment of society and distributing it to another. That's zero growth. Only stupid people think that taxpayer funded salaries are an example of job growth. Only the private sector can create wealth.
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

Govt can definitely create some jobs...public sector jobs. Since these jobs, including the military you mentioned are all paid for by taxpayer dollars, the jobs that are really needed, govt can not create. As private sector jobs continue to be lost, where will the funding come from for all these "govt created" jobs? Public sector jobs do nothing to actualy grow GDP.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
In February, private sector construction, manufacturing, and business services all lost more than 100,000, and the service-providing sector lost more than 375,000 jobs. But government on the other hand added 9,000 last month, and the education and health service fields added 26,000 positions. In January, the government sector added 31,000 jobs, while education and health services added 43,000. Overall in 2008, the private sector lost 3.65 million jobs, while the government grew by nearly 150,000 in the same period.

This simply can not be sustained.
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

Govt can definitely create some jobs...public sector jobs. Since these jobs, including the military you mentioned are all paid for by taxpayer dollars, the jobs that are really needed, govt can not create. As private sector jobs continue to be lost, where will the funding come from for all these "govt created" jobs? Public sector jobs do nothing to actualy grow GDP.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
In February, private sector construction, manufacturing, and business services all lost more than 100,000, and the service-providing sector lost more than 375,000 jobs. But government on the other hand added 9,000 last month, and the education and health service fields added 26,000 positions. In January, the government sector added 31,000 jobs, while education and health services added 43,000. Overall in 2008, the private sector lost 3.65 million jobs, while the government grew by nearly 150,000 in the same period.

This simply can not be sustained.

The government can create private sector jobs. They do this by providing funding for roads and many other public projects that are built by private firms. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Any money used for the rebuilding of our infrastructure will lead to job growth in the private sector. With that job growth, other jobs would be created.

As for more government jobs, they do help put more money into the private sector as those public employees then spend their money in the private sector. However, that is a very inefficient way to create jobs, and in the end costs more than is received in return. But if the money was put towards infrastructure, that would help grow jobs in the private sector, and we would actually realize something in return for the money spent.

Government spending isn't always bad, but it is not good if we don't actually receive something in return.
"Washington – House GOP leaders are rushing a vote to ban all federal funding for NPR in an effort to reforge party unity a day after it splintered badly.

Fifty-four conservatives defected Tuesday to vote against a spending bill that would forestall a government shutdown for three weeks that they felt didn't go far enough to cut spending. But there is little chance of House Republican leaders losing votes in its bid to kill funding for NPR – the third such vote in weeks. The issue has been a rallying point among conservatives for decades.

Earlier this month, conservative activists released a video purporting to show NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller calling tea partyers "seriously racist" and saying that despite potential damage to smaller stations, "Frankly, it is very clear that we would be better off in the long run without federal funding." In the subsequent outcry, Mr. Schiller left NPR and the organization's president, Vivian Schiller (no relation) resigned. (The full video, subsequently released, shows that Mr. Schiller's comments were selectively edited.)"

Ful article: Why House Republicans are rushing to slash NPR funding - Yahoo! News

And now the neo-cons want to attack another oil rich country (Libya).

The GOP overreaching? You betcha. 2012 will remake the political landscape once again.

God, if I go into the local Farmer's Co-Op and start recording white Republican friends of mine making racist statements do you think I can get their welfare funding canceled?
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

Those military is Constitutionally mandated. Weak argument. *NEXT*
I guess the Democrats have been given their new lines to parrot.

Where is a jobs bill.

Funny we never heard a peep out of them about that in the last two years.

And lets see, we had a 800million STIMULIS (so called Jobs helper) and we STILL have near 10% Unemployment.

So the Question US people should be SHOUTING, WHERE THE HELL DID ALL THAT MOENY GO?
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It DOES crack me up that so many of the people who like to tell us that

"The government does not create jobs"

have themselves never worked for any private business in their adult lifetimes.

They are in the military, or they are retired. They work for the DoD as civilians, or they work for HSA, or they work for a corporation that does most of its business selling stuff to the GOVERNMENT.

But THEY insist that THEY understand CAPITALISM< so well.

Except they've never lived in a capitalist society, as they have never had a capitalist JOB.

This board is rife with those kind of pro-capitalist SERVANTS of the GOVERMENT.

Everybody BUT THEM needs to bite the bullet for CAPITALISM while they, like their fathers before them, and their children when they're old enough, will suck off the government teat their entire lives.
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