Where are the Republicans?

Families that have that need aren't having their kids--who have committed no crime on their own--detained by federal authorities.

Tissue? The parents should have thought about that before they crossed, they were warned.


Well, you were bitching about the costs of transportation of all things. If we didn't--by policy--lock up 4 years olds who committed no crime; we would be paying $0.00 for their transportation to see their detained parents.

First stop the lying, I didn't say a damn thing about the "cost" of transportation, I just said it wasn't provided for citizens who want to visit someone in jail.
Oh okay. LOL

Also it's been documented in this and other threads that the courts will not allow the feds to detain children. Your bitch is with those judges, no one else.

For some reason the INS detention center in Laredo that has kids in it is nearing capacity.


Too many bum rushed the border, it takes time to place them.


1500 A DAY are detained. That may be people or cases of family don't know. That's 1500 court cases and legal representations if they are claiming asylum. It's an IMPOSSIBLE burden. One that our inept, inefficient and unmotivated govt CAN NOT HANDLE. It's WISE to change the conditions on asylum. If you're claiming asylum because your native govt SUCKS and can't control gangs, that's YOUR problem. Not ours. If your native govt is threatening you or persecuting you -- we'll expedite your "welcome to America" if we possibly can. OUR govt can barely control gang violence and harassment.
Last edited:
Two more points:

1) Child protective services rips families apart all the time. More than they need to. I don't see anyone claiming they should be disbanded. Why? Because nearly everyone agrees that there are times the government should split up families.

So please stop the phoney outrage about children being taken from parents unless you plan stopping government from taking children away from all families.all

2) How do we know any of these people are families? Human trafficking is a thing and it's quite easy for smugglers to pretend they are family to abuse these children. Are we DNA testing or we just blindly taking peoples word for it?
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Do you have any idea how ignorant you are?

if he did, he wouldn't continue in ignorance.

true wisdom is found in knowing that you know nothing. That takes self awareness
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"???

Wow…only if there was someone that could do something about governmental policy. Maybe with an executive order or something? Oh wait, that would hurt him politically.

DACA was an exec order. It got bruised in the courts and sent back for Congress to act on. Same with this deal. It got damaged in the courts. The courts said there needed to be actual law. Exec action adds too much uncertainty and instability to operate a massive Fed Govt.

You already have Congress NOT WRITING law -- but directing the AGENCIES to make law and they can take over a DECADE with edicts and retractions and changes. Then Congress IGNORES the mgt and oversight of that process. Citizens, businesses and the AGENCIES THEMSELVES need more finality and clarity or things will just cease to work MORE than they are already hosed.

It's time to go back to making CONGRESS understand the problem BEFORE they task the agencies. Or they'll NEVER understand enough to muck with massive reforms, programs, and issues.

Sort of missed the point there didn't you?

We have a President who has zero problem destroying Obama executive orders. Usually with other EOs.

Now we have an immigration crisis that is of our own making that the President that says, "he hates it" (the crisis) but refuses to issue an EO.

Because the original executive order was a response to a court order. Obama had limited options as Trump does. Which means we either need an act of Congress or the judicial decision overturned
I'm sorry but this "we can't split up families" talking point is emotional nonsense. We split up families all the time to enforce the law.
Can anyone honestly say that if we catch a serial killer we can't send him to prison because it will take him away from his kids? Does anyone think that is acceptable?
We arrest people and throw them in jail over parking violations. I don't see you people complaining about their families being split up by the government.
Is sincerity really so hard practice?

Again...it's not the separation. That is going to happen. It's preventing kids from seeing their parents. One mother didn't see her child for 8 months. Serial killers usually aren't held without visitors for 8 months.

Can you appreciate the difference?

Serial killer gets visits
Illegal immigrant gets no visit for several months.

Yes. I can. Which is why I think it's completely dishonest to use the talking points currently in use.

But saying "the government is now allowing parents to see children often enough because they are incarcerated for violating the law due to an Obama policy" doesn't have the same emotional impact as screaming "Trumps ripping these poor families apart and locking the kids in cages'"

But does going with the dishonest one help anyone?

What talking points?

The Attorney General said the following:

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law."

Thats not a talking point...that is what the creep said.

Even casual observers of our government knows that the government can enforce/ignore laws at it's leisure. For example, we do so with pot laws--the federal law prohibits it's sale and possession yet states allow it to be sold and smoked and taxed for that matter. So there is no "requirement" to be this callous. It's a choice. Certainly, it can't be done in every case and nobody expects that. So yes, Trump is ripping the families apart and locking the kids in cages. If this happened under Obama as well; okay...why does that excuse the current administration?

Are you seriously suggesting we should allow child smuggling???

Are you seriously suggesting I said any such thing?

I'm suggesting we don't act like assholes for no other reason except to be assholes.

No. You did. You're the one having issues with Sessions statement that child smugglers will have the children taken from them according to the law.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"???

Wow…only if there was someone that could do something about governmental policy. Maybe with an executive order or something? Oh wait, that would hurt him politically.

DACA was an exec order. It got bruised in the courts and sent back for Congress to act on. Same with this deal. It got damaged in the courts. The courts said there needed to be actual law. Exec action adds too much uncertainty and instability to operate a massive Fed Govt.

You already have Congress NOT WRITING law -- but directing the AGENCIES to make law and they can take over a DECADE with edicts and retractions and changes. Then Congress IGNORES the mgt and oversight of that process. Citizens, businesses and the AGENCIES THEMSELVES need more finality and clarity or things will just cease to work MORE than they are already hosed.

It's time to go back to making CONGRESS understand the problem BEFORE they task the agencies. Or they'll NEVER understand enough to muck with massive reforms, programs, and issues.

Sort of missed the point there didn't you?

We have a President who has zero problem destroying Obama executive orders. Usually with other EOs.

Now we have an immigration crisis that is of our own making that the President that says, "he hates it" (the crisis) but refuses to issue an EO.

Yes, a President can reverse an executive order by a previous President. A President cannot reverse a policy or law written by Congress.

or a judicial order
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Hey Dave,

Good to know you speak for God.

Can you get him to tell us where Hoffa is buried.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"???

Wow…only if there was someone that could do something about governmental policy. Maybe with an executive order or something? Oh wait, that would hurt him politically.

DACA was an exec order. It got bruised in the courts and sent back for Congress to act on. Same with this deal. It got damaged in the courts. The courts said there needed to be actual law. Exec action adds too much uncertainty and instability to operate a massive Fed Govt.

You already have Congress NOT WRITING law -- but directing the AGENCIES to make law and they can take over a DECADE with edicts and retractions and changes. Then Congress IGNORES the mgt and oversight of that process. Citizens, businesses and the AGENCIES THEMSELVES need more finality and clarity or things will just cease to work MORE than they are already hosed.

It's time to go back to making CONGRESS understand the problem BEFORE they task the agencies. Or they'll NEVER understand enough to muck with massive reforms, programs, and issues.

Sort of missed the point there didn't you?

We have a President who has zero problem destroying Obama executive orders. Usually with other EOs.

Now we have an immigration crisis that is of our own making that the President that says, "he hates it" (the crisis) but refuses to issue an EO.

Because this President knows like I do and i think you really do too -- that THESE problems need actual legislation and the bills must address MANY ISSUES.

You do not keep sticking fingers in the dike. You're gonna run out fingers pretty damn fast. You power up and fix the UNDERLYING FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES. The conditions of children are only an issue NOW. It's a camera mugging opportunity. Wasn't an issue when ICE literally LOST TRACK of over 10,000 Cent. Amer parentless border crashers during Obama.

Or DHS having an OBLIGATION since about the 1990s because of OLD legislation that makes THEM responsible for detained minors after a short period of detention.

This is an immediate problem that needs immediate attention. If there ever was a need for an EO...this is it!

What violence does and EO do to the congressional process that could go along a parallel track and the EO can be rescinded when the bill gets signed into law?
Every time I respond to you. Fortunately I'm semi retired and have plenty of time.
In that case, maybe you could call your local court officials, and ask them how long (decades) jailed parents have been separated from their kids. Ho hum.
This is an immediate problem that needs immediate attention. If there ever was a need for an EO...this is it!

What violence does and EO do to the congressional process that could go along a parallel track and the EO can be rescinded when the bill gets signed into law?
Are you asking for an EO to allow ALL jailed parents to be kept together with their kids ? (or just illegal aliens)
Tissue? The parents should have thought about that before they crossed, they were warned.


Well, you were bitching about the costs of transportation of all things. If we didn't--by policy--lock up 4 years olds who committed no crime; we would be paying $0.00 for their transportation to see their detained parents.

First stop the lying, I didn't say a damn thing about the "cost" of transportation, I just said it wasn't provided for citizens who want to visit someone in jail.
Oh okay. LOL

Also it's been documented in this and other threads that the courts will not allow the feds to detain children. Your bitch is with those judges, no one else.

For some reason the INS detention center in Laredo that has kids in it is nearing capacity.


Too many bum rushed the border, it takes time to place them.


1500 A DAY are detained. That may be people or cases of family don't know. That's 1500 court cases and legal representations if they are claiming asylum. It's an IMPOSSIBLE burden. One that our inept, inefficient and unmotivated govt CAN NOT HANDLE. It's WISE to change the conditions on asylum. If you're claiming asylum because your native govt SUCKS and can't control gangs, that's YOUR problem. Not ours. If your native govt is threatening you or persecuting you -- we'll expedite your "welcome to America" if we possibly can. OUR govt can barely control gang violence and harassment.

Yep, I think they should move people with accompanied minors to the front of the line so they can be sent home expeditiously and not be held in detention too long.

This whole problem with illegal aliens (and anything about them including tent cities) came from Democrats.

1. Democrats and the courts created a magnet of welfare benefits for illegal aliens.

2. Obama expanded the definition of "asylum" to include people who claimed they feared "crime gangs", or even feared abusive husbands. Another magnet making it easy for illegals to BS their way into the country.

3. Obama allowed "Catch & Release" enabling illegals to avoid jail entirely.

4. Democrats have voted for amnesty and sanctuary cities. further encouraging illegals to come here.

This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

The bottom line is they approve.

Yes, it really is just that simple.

Perhaps the issue is more complicated than you are allowing and they simply don't have knee jerk reaction to Democrat lies
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"???

Wow…only if there was someone that could do something about governmental policy. Maybe with an executive order or something? Oh wait, that would hurt him politically.

DACA was an exec order. It got bruised in the courts and sent back for Congress to act on. Same with this deal. It got damaged in the courts. The courts said there needed to be actual law. Exec action adds too much uncertainty and instability to operate a massive Fed Govt.

You already have Congress NOT WRITING law -- but directing the AGENCIES to make law and they can take over a DECADE with edicts and retractions and changes. Then Congress IGNORES the mgt and oversight of that process. Citizens, businesses and the AGENCIES THEMSELVES need more finality and clarity or things will just cease to work MORE than they are already hosed.

It's time to go back to making CONGRESS understand the problem BEFORE they task the agencies. Or they'll NEVER understand enough to muck with massive reforms, programs, and issues.

Sort of missed the point there didn't you?

We have a President who has zero problem destroying Obama executive orders. Usually with other EOs.

Now we have an immigration crisis that is of our own making that the President that says, "he hates it" (the crisis) but refuses to issue an EO.

Because the original executive order was a response to a court order. Obama had limited options as Trump does. Which means we either need an act of Congress or the judicial decision overturned

Oh...so Trump's lawyers are forcefully arguing for the overturn? In what court?
Again...it's not the separation. That is going to happen. It's preventing kids from seeing their parents. One mother didn't see her child for 8 months. Serial killers usually aren't held without visitors for 8 months.

Can you appreciate the difference?

Serial killer gets visits
Illegal immigrant gets no visit for several months.

Yes. I can. Which is why I think it's completely dishonest to use the talking points currently in use.

But saying "the government is now allowing parents to see children often enough because they are incarcerated for violating the law due to an Obama policy" doesn't have the same emotional impact as screaming "Trumps ripping these poor families apart and locking the kids in cages'"

But does going with the dishonest one help anyone?

What talking points?

The Attorney General said the following:

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law."

Thats not a talking point...that is what the creep said.

Even casual observers of our government knows that the government can enforce/ignore laws at it's leisure. For example, we do so with pot laws--the federal law prohibits it's sale and possession yet states allow it to be sold and smoked and taxed for that matter. So there is no "requirement" to be this callous. It's a choice. Certainly, it can't be done in every case and nobody expects that. So yes, Trump is ripping the families apart and locking the kids in cages. If this happened under Obama as well; okay...why does that excuse the current administration?

Are you seriously suggesting we should allow child smuggling???

Are you seriously suggesting I said any such thing?

I'm suggesting we don't act like assholes for no other reason except to be assholes.

No. You did. You're the one having issues with Sessions statement that child smugglers will have the children taken from them according to the law.

Okay...I'm talking to someone (you) who thinks parents are smuggling their own kids across the border....is that correct? Are you that dense?
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Do you have any idea how ignorant you are?

if he did, he wouldn't continue in ignorance.

true wisdom is found in knowing that you know nothing. That takes self awareness

Nothing but convoluted bull shit…..

You liberals don’t seem to be

aware of just how ignorant you are.

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