Where are the Republicans?

This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.
Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

The bottom line is they approve.

Yes, it really is just that simple.

Why are you always asking about the Republicans? What about the Democrats? You seem to have no concern about what they are doing.
You guys need to back off on that straw man, there's gonna be a shortage soon.
American kids are not straw man. They are real children suffering separation from jailed parents. Interesting how you ignore them, or refer to them as "straw man", while shedding tears over illegal kids being separated, for much shorter times, and under better conditions, and they're not even Americans.
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This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Q. Where are the any Republicans?

A. Real Republicans have been thrown under the bus when they refuse to echo the current iteration of conservatism, and are expected by Trump to stand up and salute him as N. Koreans do, to show their respect for their dear leader.

Trump's course is set, unless We the People enforce the Seperation of Powers by sending home those Republican Members of the House and Senate, we will become a banana republic.

As the man once said in response to the result of the convention in Philadelphia centuries ago, Madam, you have been given a Republic, if you can keep it

Can we? Or will we continue to stay the course and toss away what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to produce, and leave for us and our posterity?
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"??? Of course you don't. You were watching Morning Joe play footsie with Mika while she mugged pain for the cameras.

It started as a court decision that children had to be OUT of detention in less than 30 days. And the Obama administration wrote an order to comply. It's not a "trump thing".. He doesn't like it either.

But in reality, you'd need a Trump Resort and Golf course to HOLD them all "as families". Even if you didn't KNOW if they were REALLY family because they're showing up with NO documentation or paperwork. That's not MY FAULT. But to a bleeding heart, just hiking your ass over the border with no ID, no passport, no birth records, no photo ID, no real forwarding address isn't a problem..

Bleeding hearts are good, callous hearts are bad.

No amount of spin will ever make the Trump Doctrine good, Christian or moral, He is depraved, and his lips say one thing his feet won't do.
Yes. I can. Which is why I think it's completely dishonest to use the talking points currently in use.

But saying "the government is now allowing parents to see children often enough because they are incarcerated for violating the law due to an Obama policy" doesn't have the same emotional impact as screaming "Trumps ripping these poor families apart and locking the kids in cages'"

But does going with the dishonest one help anyone?

What talking points?

The Attorney General said the following:

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law."

Thats not a talking point...that is what the creep said.

Even casual observers of our government knows that the government can enforce/ignore laws at it's leisure. For example, we do so with pot laws--the federal law prohibits it's sale and possession yet states allow it to be sold and smoked and taxed for that matter. So there is no "requirement" to be this callous. It's a choice. Certainly, it can't be done in every case and nobody expects that. So yes, Trump is ripping the families apart and locking the kids in cages. If this happened under Obama as well; okay...why does that excuse the current administration?

Are you seriously suggesting we should allow child smuggling???

Are you seriously suggesting I said any such thing?

I'm suggesting we don't act like assholes for no other reason except to be assholes.

No. You did. You're the one having issues with Sessions statement that child smugglers will have the children taken from them according to the law.

Okay...I'm talking to someone (you) who thinks parents are smuggling their own kids across the border....is that correct? Are you that dense?

We are talking about your quote from Sessions about child smuggling. Parents weren’t mentioned
What talking points?

The Attorney General said the following:

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law."

Thats not a talking point...that is what the creep said.

Even casual observers of our government knows that the government can enforce/ignore laws at it's leisure. For example, we do so with pot laws--the federal law prohibits it's sale and possession yet states allow it to be sold and smoked and taxed for that matter. So there is no "requirement" to be this callous. It's a choice. Certainly, it can't be done in every case and nobody expects that. So yes, Trump is ripping the families apart and locking the kids in cages. If this happened under Obama as well; okay...why does that excuse the current administration?

Are you seriously suggesting we should allow child smuggling???

Are you seriously suggesting I said any such thing?

I'm suggesting we don't act like assholes for no other reason except to be assholes.

No. You did. You're the one having issues with Sessions statement that child smugglers will have the children taken from them according to the law.

Okay...I'm talking to someone (you) who thinks parents are smuggling their own kids across the border....is that correct? Are you that dense?

We are talking about your quote from Sessions about child smuggling. Parents weren’t mentioned

Apparently, the answer is yes.
This plan Trump devised to take children away from those coming here is obviously the worst possible idea. To do this as a deterrent.

Where are the Republican Senators, Representatives?

Where are the any Republicans?

Sitting & doing nothing will reverberate in November.

They will let Donald Trump perform one of the worst acts a government has ever done to families & children. Done purposefully to force pain & despair onto infants & toddlers in order to enforce a policy.

Shame on easch & every one of the,. Shame on each & every one of the posters that agree with this disaster.

You will all rot in Hell in this afront against God, nature & the United States of America.

Fuck you people, Fuck those Republicans, Fuck Jeffv Sessions, fuck Donald Trump for lowering this country to the level of countries we used to rail against their human rights.

Did ya miss the statement from Trump this morning that "he hates it"??? Of course you don't. You were watching Morning Joe play footsie with Mika while she mugged pain for the cameras.

It started as a court decision that children had to be OUT of detention in less than 30 days. And the Obama administration wrote an order to comply. It's not a "trump thing".. He doesn't like it either.

But in reality, you'd need a Trump Resort and Golf course to HOLD them all "as families". Even if you didn't KNOW if they were REALLY family because they're showing up with NO documentation or paperwork. That's not MY FAULT. But to a bleeding heart, just hiking your ass over the border with no ID, no passport, no birth records, no photo ID, no real forwarding address isn't a problem..

Bleeding hearts are good, callous hearts are bad.

No amount of spin will ever make the Trump Doctrine good, Christian or moral, He is depraved, and his lips say one thing his feet won't do.
If we built a wall then we wouldn't have to arrest them for illegally crossing the border.
Republicans (the post 1998 version) - totally sold out Zionists who care only about Israel

Democrats - have four core values - STEALING LYING HATING DISCRIMINATING

time to ditch both...
Republicans (the post 1998 version) - totally sold out Zionists who care only about Israel

Democrats - have four core values - STEALING LYING HATING DISCRIMINATING

time to ditch both...
in America, you can't ditch both.
This whole problem with illegal aliens (and anything about them including tent cities) came from Democrats.

Actually the whole problem comes from illegal aliens. If they didn't come here, we wouldn't be having any kind of problems.

Which is why border security is the best way to keep families together

Agreed. These people come here hoping to draw sympathy from the left. They know they don't meet the qualifications for asylum, but figure if they can cause enough of a problem, we will issue them a hearing a year from now and until that time, they can roam around the country and then never attend the hearing.

They will eventually decide on which sanctuary city to live in and work jobs, get drivers licenses, send their kids to our schools, and even get credit cards. They will just blend into the other 12 million or so illegal crowd.

Because Trump is in charge, they are not granted a hearing. Sessions stated that these people are abusing our asylum system and it needs to be stopped. Now when they come here, they are arrested for trespassing the way it should be, and hopefully that sends a message to the rest of the world.
supporting a loser who can't win the election will not get you your way

So I have to vote to sell out America when the Dems and GOP give us nothing but treasonous kleptocratic turds to vote for???

Or don't vote at all, the choice is yours.

Our precious MSM attacks candidates, spouses of candidates, children of candidates. They attack their personal lives, their professional lives, their family life.

Ask yourself WTF would want to run for President today taking all that abuse? Although I'm no Mitt Romney fan, you couldn't get a much cleaner cut guy than that. Successful businessman, married once, very religious, never touched a drop of alcohol, cigarettes, or recreational drugs, and he was demonized so badly by the MSM it made him look like the devil incarnate.

So this is what you are left with; people that are willing to suffer all that scrutiny and lies not only for themselves, but others in their circle as well.
"very religious" = big big big trouble for the US taxpayer and those in the US military

Mormonism is another Zionist fraud designed to push unChosen idiots to support ISRAEL.

Ever notice just how Jewish Steve Young looks?
"very religious" = big big big trouble for the US taxpayer and those in the US military

Mormonism is another Zionist fraud designed to push unChosen idiots to support ISRAEL.

Ever notice just how Jewish Steve Young looks?

Mormonism is a religion no different than any other. People can choose to believe in God the way they want. While not terribly religious myself, I would be more confident of a candidate that exercises religion than one that doesn't. Somebody that thinks government is the highest power on earth scares me.

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