Where Are The Violent Protests Over 120 Children Shot Already This Year - Just In Philly Alone


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It is ok no blm will happen cause the blacks and democrats don't care about dead black children unless they can link them to white people or cops.
^^^ nailed it. Just 1 white on black death and there's a months long media storm with riots, looting and burning. 100's of black on black killings and it's crickets.
Baby is latest victim of Philadelphia carnage, 120 kids shot this year: Video

Baby is latest victim of Philadelphia carnage, 120 kids shot this year: Video

...proving once again Marxist-Based BLM has NOTHING to do with giving a sh!t about the loss of black lives.

The DemoKKKrats LOVE this. It's a big part of their black genocide program.
The DemoKKKrats LOVE this. It's a big part of their black genocide program.

They're being replaced by criminal illegal aliens. Black hood rats are being pushed out of their Hoods daily these days; Compton in LA is an example. As a demographic they're too stupid and racist to see what is right in front of them and what Democrats have in store for them, though, so no need to pander to them any more and pretend we have to feel their pain; they support and voted for the BLM candidates and agenda so let them reap what they sow.

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