Where are the women who accused Trump?

Trump's accusers? Oh I get it, it's about alleged sexual abuse. Trump is a tough guy who thrived in mostly a male dominated construction industry. Secret recorded junk by left wing sissies seems to lead to alleged sexual abuse but logic indicates that it's just locker room talk. The difference is that republicans can't get away with sexual abuse but democrats seem to thrive on it as long as Hollywood is willing to break out the checkbook. The strange thing is that democrats threatened to ruin the economy of North Carolina unless the voters were willing to risk the lives of women by admitting confused men into the ladies room to powder their noses but democrats did nothing when Hollywood established a system of sexual abuse that forced young women into virtual prostitution. Is it possible that most card carrying democrats really are sissies and care more for fake women than real women?
If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.
Afraid of retaliation?
If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.

Well I imagine there coming back--:badgrin: especially since Harvey Wienstein and what he did is all over the news. The most notable is this one.

"In the early 2000s, I was assigned the Trump beat for PEOPLE magazine. For years I reported on all things Donald. I tracked his hit show The Apprentice, attended his wedding to Melania Knauss and roamed the halls of his lavish Trump Tower abode. Melania was kind and sweet during our many chats, and Donald was as bombastic and entertaining as you would expect. We had a very friendly, professional relationship. Then, in December 2005, I traveled to Mar-a-Lago to interview the couple for a first-wedding-anniversary feature story. Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had to see. We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Now, I’m a tall, & It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself. Back in my Manhattan office the next day, I went to a colleague and told her everything. I asked to be taken off the Trump beat, and I never interviewed him again."
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story


Natasha Soynoff--People Magazine writer.

Of course other women came forward--but apparently they were too ugly to believe.
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

And Trump used to frequent the dressing rooms at his beauty contests--including teenage girls at the USA miss teen beauty contest.

Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.

At least four women told Buzzfeed that the mogul — who owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants from 1996 until last year — nonchalantly strolled into their dressing room during the 1997 pageant.


And we can't forget that Hollywood access tape either.

There's no difference between Trump & Harvey Weinstein, and I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them. If Howard Stern grows some balls he might even release those interviews he did with Trump, bragging about his sex capapades and extra marital affairs. Or he might sell them to a media outlet to release. But you can count on it, it's coming.
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.
Trump's accusers? Oh I get it, it's about alleged sexual abuse. Trump is a tough guy who thrived in mostly a male dominated construction industry. Secret recorded junk by left wing sissies seems to lead to alleged sexual abuse but logic indicates that it's just locker room talk. The difference is that republicans can't get away with sexual abuse but democrats seem to thrive on it as long as Hollywood is willing to break out the checkbook. The strange thing is that democrats threatened to ruin the economy of North Carolina unless the voters were willing to risk the lives of women by admitting confused men into the ladies room to powder their noses but democrats did nothing when Hollywood established a system of sexual abuse that forced young women into virtual prostitution. Is it possible that most card carrying democrats really are sissies and care more for fake women than real women?

You probably should read post # 9 on this thread.
Why did the media drop this story? It couldn't be to protect Trump, since they went after him on the phony Russia scandal.
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.

Like I said read post # 9 on this thread. There are accusers of Trump and their stories have been verified by people they told at the time it happened. But you're going to have to spend more than 2 seconds to read the entire articles.
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

The silence in this thread is deafening.

Show me the evidence that Trump sexually harassed women.

Show me that these women are pursuing this accusations to the full extent of the law.

There's not much to talk about, is there?
The silence in this thread is deafening.

Show me the evidence that Trump sexually harassed women.

Show me that these women are pursuing this accusations to the full extent of the law.

There's not much to talk about, is there?

Like I said, don't worry there will be. Investigative reporters know that this Harvey Weinstein story is a red hot issue right now, and the next one they'll be looking at is who you voted for.

Someone just put a thread up for a $10 million dollar payment for people to drag up the dirt on Donald Trump, and Howard Stern may be considering that. He stated he would not release his Trump interviews during the campaign season, but 10 million may be a little difficult for him to turn down.
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.
Ffs. Trump admitted he barged into beauty contestants' dressing rooms and ogled naked girls. For that he was elected to POTUS by a minority vote. What more do you want?
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.
Ffs. Trump admitted he barged into beauty contestants' dressing rooms and ogled naked girls. For that he was elected to POTUS by a minority vote. What more do you want?

Yes, I believe they have Trump on a T.V. interview admitting that he went into Beauty Contestants dressing rooms, including teens who were competing for the Miss Teen contest. I think he said it on Howard Stern radio program also.
Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing
Former Miss Arizona: Trump "came strolling right in" to Miss USA dressing room - CBS News

Yes, I believe they have Trump on a T.V. interview admitting that he went into Beauty Contestants dressing rooms, including teens who were competing for the Miss Teen contest.
And what was decided to be done about it was to elect him POTUS by a minority vote. It's not as if everyone doesn't know this.
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.
Ffs. Trump admitted he barged into beauty contestants' dressing rooms and ogled naked girls. For that he was elected to POTUS by a minority vote. What more do you want?

Yes, I believe they have Trump on a T.V. interview admitting that he went into Beauty Contestants dressing rooms, including teens who were competing for the Miss Teen contest. I think he said it on Howard Stern radio program also.
Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing
Former Miss Arizona: Trump "came strolling right in" to Miss USA dressing room - CBS News

Here you go it's a tape.

I actually posted this on another OP started by Blackrook yesterday, that he abandoned. An OP where I also addressed this argument. So the poster of this OP is too cowardly too actually defend his opinions, instead he chooses to start an entire new one hoping that it'll stick the next time.
Lol I've heard that argument before. What besides coming forward you suggest they do? All the people coming forward on Weinstein haven't charged him either and chances are he won't be. Can Harvey Weinstein be charged? Potentially — here's look at what could happen next
In a few days or weeks the story will die out. Will you then suggest the silence means Weinstein is innocent? Like I said Trump has been caught on tape saying he did make use of his status to get away with sexual inappropriate behavior. People have come forward to confirm these confessions. For some reason though, you are unconvinced Trump actually did what he said he did, while at the same this OP is being completely prepared to condemn the morality of the entire left for Weinstein's actions. Weinstein has lost his career, reputation, wife and business because of this. Trump got elected president. Forgive me when I call foul.
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I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them.
Hmm, guess Jessica Drake will have to make time
in between making porn flicks and running her dildo shop

Shit, Gloria is going to need Lisa to help her
Gloria Allred is saving them for the 2020 election cycle and once she fails again they will be like Gloria client that was the illegal maid that she dumped after the election cycle when Brown won California...

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