Where are the women who accused Trump?

If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.

Well I imagine there coming back--:badgrin: especially since Harvey Wienstein and what he did is all over the news. The most notable is this one.

"In the early 2000s, I was assigned the Trump beat for PEOPLE magazine. For years I reported on all things Donald. I tracked his hit show The Apprentice, attended his wedding to Melania Knauss and roamed the halls of his lavish Trump Tower abode. Melania was kind and sweet during our many chats, and Donald was as bombastic and entertaining as you would expect. We had a very friendly, professional relationship. Then, in December 2005, I traveled to Mar-a-Lago to interview the couple for a first-wedding-anniversary feature story. Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had to see. We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Now, I’m a tall, & It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself. Back in my Manhattan office the next day, I went to a colleague and told her everything. I asked to be taken off the Trump beat, and I never interviewed him again."
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story


Natasha Soynoff--People Magazine writer.

Of course other women came forward--but apparently they were too ugly to believe.
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

And Trump used to frequent the dressing rooms at his beauty contests--including teenage girls at the USA miss teen beauty contest.

Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.

At least four women told Buzzfeed that the mogul — who owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants from 1996 until last year — nonchalantly strolled into their dressing room during the 1997 pageant.


And we can't forget that Hollywood access tape either.

There's no difference between Trump & Harvey Weinstein, and I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them. If Howard Stern grows some balls he might even release those interviews he did with Trump, bragging about his sex capapades and extra marital affairs. Or he might sell them to a media outlet to release. But you can count on it, it's coming.

No difference? Trump is president Weinstein is a rapist.
If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.

Well I imagine there coming back--:badgrin: especially since Harvey Wienstein and what he did is all over the news. The most notable is this one.

"In the early 2000s, I was assigned the Trump beat for PEOPLE magazine. For years I reported on all things Donald. I tracked his hit show The Apprentice, attended his wedding to Melania Knauss and roamed the halls of his lavish Trump Tower abode. Melania was kind and sweet during our many chats, and Donald was as bombastic and entertaining as you would expect. We had a very friendly, professional relationship. Then, in December 2005, I traveled to Mar-a-Lago to interview the couple for a first-wedding-anniversary feature story. Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had to see. We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Now, I’m a tall, & It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself. Back in my Manhattan office the next day, I went to a colleague and told her everything. I asked to be taken off the Trump beat, and I never interviewed him again."
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story


Natasha Soynoff--People Magazine writer.

Of course other women came forward--but apparently they were too ugly to believe.
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

And Trump used to frequent the dressing rooms at his beauty contests--including teenage girls at the USA miss teen beauty contest.

Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.

At least four women told Buzzfeed that the mogul — who owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants from 1996 until last year — nonchalantly strolled into their dressing room during the 1997 pageant.


And we can't forget that Hollywood access tape either.

There's no difference between Trump & Harvey Weinstein, and I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them. If Howard Stern grows some balls he might even release those interviews he did with Trump, bragging about his sex capapades and extra marital affairs. Or he might sell them to a media outlet to release. But you can count on it, it's coming.

No difference? Trump is president Weinstein is a rapist.

There's a huge difference--Weinstein isn't President--Trump is---:badgrin: Trump is a much bigger FISH than Weinstein because he is the POTUS. If Howard Stern releases those Trump interviews--they're going to be played in a 24/7 loop. Stern said during the campaign season that Trump loved to talk about his sexcapades and extramarital affairs.

Bill Clinton was pulled through a knothole backwards over "consenual sex" & BJ's. Two decades later, people are still talking about it.

Stern has a ton of Trump interviews. Howard Stern is a vulgar program. The place you tune into when you want to hear that locker room talk. :dig:

Now imagine that being blasted in a 24/7 hour loop--:badgrin: Then women come forward and are all over the news claiming that Trump sexually harrassed or sexually assaulted them. (not consenual sex.)

What do you think this is going to do to Republicans who are up for reelection in 2018?

You knew Trump had a sorid past and voted for him anyway. I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
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OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.

You decide nothing. The women decided years ago not to press charges. They merely confirmed what Trump said: that he sexually assaults women. As always, when women accuse powerful men, they were called "liars". That's why they didn't press charges in the first place.

You had your chance to decide what to do when they confirmed that Trump sexually assaults women and you decided to vote for him anyway.
OK, let's see some action. Let the women come forward, and we will decide what to do about this.

You decide nothing. The women decided years ago not to press charges. They merely confirmed what Trump said: that he sexually assaults women. As always, when women accuse powerful men, they were called "liars". That's why they didn't press charges in the first place.

You had your chance to decide what to do when they confirmed that Trump sexually assaults women and you decided to vote for him anyway.
That's bullshit. These women don't have a right to do a "hit and run" on Trump, then fade into the woodwork. If Trump is guilty, let these women come forward and prove it.
I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them.
Hmm, guess Jessica Drake will have to make time
in between making porn flicks and running her dildo shop

Shit, Gloria is going to need Lisa to help her

Every time a woman accuses a powerful man of sexual assault, some asshole attacks the woman for saying this stuff. Every. Single. Time.

60 women have said Bill Cosby drugged and assaulted them but they're only in it for the money.

FOX News paid out $25 million in sexual harassment claims against Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and the women were washed up has beens.

15 women say Donald Trump assaulted them and they're all liars.


It's not transgendered men going in women's washrooms that's the problem here assholes. It's powerful men using their wealth and/or power to intimidate and abuse women.
I am certain that investigative reporters are all over this country right now, talking to women who have accused Trump of sexually harrassing or assaulting them.
Hmm, guess Jessica Drake will have to make time
in between making porn flicks and running her dildo shop

Shit, Gloria is going to need Lisa to help her

Every time a woman accuses a powerful man of sexual assault, some asshole attacks the woman for saying this stuff. Every. Single. Time.

60 women have said Bill Cosby drugged and assaulted them but they're only in it for the money.

FOX News paid out $25 million in sexual harassment claims against Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and the women were washed up has beens.

15 women say Donald Trump assaulted them and they're all liars.


It's not transgendered men going in women's washrooms that's the problem here assholes. It's powerful men using their wealth and/or power to intimidate and abuse women.
Every time a woman accuses a powerful man of sexual assault, some asshole attacks the woman for saying this stuff. Every. Single. Time.
Damn straight!

Every time a woman accuses a man, powerful or not,
10, 15, 20 years later, of sexual assault/harassment,
I call bullshit...Every. Single. Time.

I was just 17, when I attended my first New Year's Eve party.
I wasn't in the company of and surrounded by familiar faces...
friends I grew up with, with to school with or hung around with.
The only people I knew were my fellow co workers.
And, it was a co worker who was hosting the party.

A couple of hours into the party, while standing around
and conversing with a group of my friends from work
I felt a hand, from someone behind me, stroke my crotch

I IMMEDIATELY swung around
and punched the guy in the face.
I continued on, yelling, swearing and slapping him

Believe me you, when I say,
had Trump grabbed my pussy on a plane,
all hell would have broke loose

If I was working for People magazine
and he shoved me against a wall and tried to
put his tongue in my mouth, while his wife was changing

I would not have carried on as if nothing happened,
went for a spa treatment, at his resort, the next day
and waited to tell someone when I got back to the office

Believe me you, when I say...
I wish a powerful man with money
would grab my crotch or pin me up against a wall
I could use a golden ticket right about now!
If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.
What did you expect them to do ? They stated very clearly their purpose. Were you not listening?
They said their only purpose was to come forward and tell their stories after T lied at the debate that he never assaulted any women.
He assaulted 15 of them.
They couldn't stand his lying about it.
Little did they know that the lying was only beginning.
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
View attachment 154809
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
She claimed he lifted up the armrest and tried to put his hand up her dress. Problem: The seats in that plane had fixed armrests. You can't "lift them up". She lied. Acknowledge it.
Care to address the other one who claimed he groped her at the Ray Charles concert that never took place? I didn't think you would.
View attachment 154809
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
She claimed he lifted up the armrest and tried to put his hand up her dress. Problem: The seats in that plane had fixed armrests. You can't "lift them up". She lied. Acknowledge it.
Care to address the other one who claimed he groped her at the Ray Charles concert that never took place? I didn't think you would.

Small Problem:

Now you ask yourself where are you getting your information from and why did they need to lie in this case. If they had the truth , why lie?
...No difference? Trump is president Weinstein is a rapist.

"...No difference? Trump is president (and, by his own taped admission, routinely sexually harassed and assaulted women [and teen-age girls?] throughout the course of his business dealings, and who is facing allegations of sexual misconduct, to varying degrees, by a dozen or more women). Weinstein has been accused of rape, and other lesser but despicable behaviors attributed to Trump..."

There... all fixed... no extra charge.

Don't count on the No-Stick coating on Teflon Don to last for much longer.

He is his own worst enemy... and the wolves are closing-in, on several legal fronts.

Thank God.

The end of the Trump presidency, through legal, constitutional means, cannot come quickly enough, for the well-being of The People and the Republic and the Constitution.

The HildaBeast was not the answer, last year.

Trouble is...

The Creature was not the answer, either.

We are a Nation of Laws, not demagogues.

The Law moves ponderous-slow at times like this, but, implacably, it moves forward, unstoppable, as it appears now to be doing, in the direction of The Creature.

Time to let The Law do what it was created to do... separate wheat from chaff.

Translation: examine and judge, then separate good men from bad.
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...No difference? Trump is president Weinstein is a rapist.

"...No difference? Trump is president (and, by his own taped admission, routinely sexually harassed and assaulted women [and teen-age girls?] throughout the course of his business dealings, and who is facing allegations of sexual misconduct, to varying degrees, by a dozen or more women). Weinstein has been accused of rape, and other lesser but despicable behaviors attributed to Trump..."

There... all fixed... no extra charge.

Don't count on the No-Stick coating on Teflon Don to last for much longer.

He is his own worst enemy... and the wolves are closing-in, on several legal fronts.

Thank God.

The end of the Trump presidency, through legal, constitutional means, cannot come quickly enough, for the well-being of The People and the Republic and the Constitution.

The HildaBeast was not the answer, last year.

Trouble is...

The Creature was not the answer, either.

We are a Nation of Laws, not demagogues.

The Law moves ponderous-slow at times like this, but, implacably, it moves forward, unstoppable, as it appears now to be doing, in the direction of The Creature.

Time to let The Law do what it was created to do... separate wheat from chaff.

Translation: examine and judge, then separate good men from bad.
IN other words, this is it! huh? how "this is it" will that make this?
View attachment 154809
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
She claimed he lifted up the armrest and tried to put his hand up her dress. Problem: The seats in that plane had fixed armrests. You can't "lift them up". She lied. Acknowledge it.
Care to address the other one who claimed he groped her at the Ray Charles concert that never took place? I didn't think you would.

Small Problem:

Now you ask yourself where are you getting your information from and why did they need to lie in this case. If they had the truth , why lie?
Oh, well hell, if a left wing blogger says she's telling the truth then she must be telling the truth. That's why Trump was convicted of sexual assault on a plane (IN PUBLIC), right? Remember that very public trial? Yeah, neither do I.

Now you ask yourself...If she's not making it up, and there was a witness (that SHE mentioned), why would she not take advantage of a chance of a lifetime to sue one of the richest men in the world for millions of dollars? One would think she would have at least talked to an attorney about her options but no, she did not. Why? We're supposed to believe that Trump attacked a stranger on a plane and she did nothing, didn't move to another seat, didn't ASK to be moved to another seat, didn't complain that she was physically attacked (IN PUBLIC), just acted like nothing happened? Gee, do you think it's possible that maybe this woman (who was a Clinton supporter and activist) made it up? If not, how about you show us some fucking proof? I'll wait...and wait...and wait.
View attachment 154809
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
She claimed he lifted up the armrest and tried to put his hand up her dress. Problem: The seats in that plane had fixed armrests. You can't "lift them up". She lied. Acknowledge it.
Care to address the other one who claimed he groped her at the Ray Charles concert that never took place? I didn't think you would.

Small Problem:

Now you ask yourself where are you getting your information from and why did they need to lie in this case. If they had the truth , why lie?
Oh, well hell, if a left wing blogger says she's telling the truth then she must be telling the truth. That's why Trump was convicted of sexual assault on a plane (IN PUBLIC), right? Remember that very public trial? Yeah, neither do I.

Now you ask yourself...If she's not making it up, and there was a witness (that SHE mentioned), why would she not take advantage of a chance of a lifetime to sue one of the richest men in the world for millions of dollars? One would think she would have at least talked to an attorney about her options but no, she did not. Why? We're supposed to believe that Trump attacked a stranger on a plane and she did nothing, didn't move to another seat, didn't ASK to be moved to another seat, didn't complain that she was physically attacked (IN PUBLIC), just acted like nothing happened? Gee, do you think it's possible that maybe this woman (who was a Clinton supporter and activist) made it up? If not, how about you show us some fucking proof? I'll wait...and wait...and wait.

You have 15 accusers and you had to use a lie to try and get rid of one of them. It was a lie...

Hey we saw it with O'Reilly and Ailes, the RW defend there creeps so it is no wonder why you would defend Trump...
If Trump really did all these bad things, then why did these women fade away into the woodwork after the election was over?

I want to see a revival of this story. If Trump is guilty, so be it.

They exist still, just the far left media is more concerned with what Trump does or does not tweet about and using their fake sources to make up the news as they go along!
Totally FAKE and set up by The Clinton Slime Machine. Unlike The Clinton's, Weiner's, Epstein's, and Weinstein's victims, which are real, and numerous.

This whole discussion should be revisited.

In my opinion, there was a Clinton Sex Ring. They surrounded themselves with sexual perverts, just like themselves.

  • From Bill Clinton's 26 DOCUMENTED ROMPS on Kiddie Porn Island with Epstein, and multiple rapes of underage girls......
  • To The Clinton's Close relationships with Anthony Weiner........and Weinstein....
  • To the Rumored Sex Ring that Podesta was involved in acting as The Clinton's Pimp.....
  • To their friendship with Barney Frank....and....Robert Byrd who both are said to engage in Sex Trafficking....
  • To testimony that not only Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women, but that Hillary Clinton sexually assaulted both men and women, primarily under-aged children...

This needs to be discussed again.

Everyone knew, including The Clintons what Epstein and Weinstein were about..
And The Clintons fully knew about Huma and Anthony Weiner's perversions.

"Sexual Assault Victims Must Be Believed!"

Woman Claims Hillary Sexually Abused Her

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View attachment 154809
Besides the dykie looking one who claimed he attacked her on the airplane (and a witness said she was lying), was the one who claimed he fondled her at the Ray Charles concert that she didn't know had been CANCELLED!

Why don't you tell everyone who that witness was?
He was a pimp who got young boys for British politicians. True dat.
Imagine believing a pathological liar over 15 of his victims.
You probably believe Bill Cosby too... and Roger Aisles....and Bill OReilly....and Harvey Weinstein.
She claimed he lifted up the armrest and tried to put his hand up her dress. Problem: The seats in that plane had fixed armrests. You can't "lift them up". She lied. Acknowledge it.
Care to address the other one who claimed he groped her at the Ray Charles concert that never took place? I didn't think you would.

Small Problem:

Now you ask yourself where are you getting your information from and why did they need to lie in this case. If they had the truth , why lie?
Oh, well hell, if a left wing blogger says she's telling the truth then she must be telling the truth. That's why Trump was convicted of sexual assault on a plane (IN PUBLIC), right? Remember that very public trial? Yeah, neither do I.

Now you ask yourself...If she's not making it up, and there was a witness (that SHE mentioned), why would she not take advantage of a chance of a lifetime to sue one of the richest men in the world for millions of dollars? One would think she would have at least talked to an attorney about her options but no, she did not. Why? We're supposed to believe that Trump attacked a stranger on a plane and she did nothing, didn't move to another seat, didn't ASK to be moved to another seat, didn't complain that she was physically attacked (IN PUBLIC), just acted like nothing happened? Gee, do you think it's possible that maybe this woman (who was a Clinton supporter and activist) made it up? If not, how about you show us some fucking proof? I'll wait...and wait...and wait.

You have 15 accusers and you had to use a lie to try and get rid of one of them. It was a lie...

Hey we saw it with O'Reilly and Ailes, the RW defend there creeps so it is no wonder why you would defend Trump...
Hey hack, post some proof or STFU.

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