Where are these refugees going to live?

Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Listen, we can stomp our feet all we want, the US created this instability in the muslim world and its fucked up to expect all of Europe to deal with this shit..now with that being said, TEXAS should be the one stop shop for housing these people. George W. Lush and his croney administration, starting with Cheesy Chenney and ending with Rove and Wolverich, should be the one's hosting these people. I say put em there.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Listen, we can stomp our feet all we want, the US created this instability in the muslim world and its fucked up to expect all of Europe to deal with this shit..now with that being said, TEXAS should be the one stop shop for housing these people. George W. Lush and his croney administration, starting with Cheesy Chenney and ending with Rove and Wolverich, should be the one's hosting these people. I say put em there.
While I share your beleif that WE created the instability, in part, that is no reason to bring potential terrorist to our country. Do you not realize that merely bringing them here YOU are also put in danger? You are a fool, and still cling to the "blame Bush for everything" camp. It is sad.
Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.

Where are you going to isolate that many people - particularly families? For how long? What kind of future do you think you are going to develop from years in a refugee camp? Or do you just send them back to be killed in Syria? It's not the first time there has been concern about terrorism and refugees and it won't be the last.

Turkey, jordan, Iraq and Lebanon have camps where the refugees are registers. Not all are in the camps but the majority are. The refugees are not integrated into the general population.

If we expect them to return we need to have way of GPS tracking, like many do with senior or children, or keep them together in a somewhat confined area where it is easy to load them back on a boat or plane and move them out.

Whe they integrate into society we will loose them the way illegals are mostly lost in the crowd.
Where are these refugees going to live?

San Francisco California. Should make the gay pride parades interesting, if nerve-wracking.
I mean, isn't San Francisco officially a sanctuary city? Where's the red carpet rolled out there? With governors banning refugees from Syria right and left, why hasn't the Rachael Maddow Show been screaming from the rooftops that all these poor islamic questionables be allowed to flood into the Bay Area's welcome protective arms?

Watched her show last night and she almost seemed like she was saying that some senators wanting to allow just Christian Syrians in was a risky business. So, either she was promoting that any and all Syrians, regardless of religion, be allowed into San Francisco (sanctuary cities), or that she was nervous there'd be no way to tell if San Francisco would be dealing with islamic extremists posing as Christian refugees? It's interesting watching her reaction to the idea of pumping the US full of islamic cells that even if benign at first, will surely spawn domestic terrorists in the one country that should fear them the most; largely thanks to Maddow's "way of life" and ceaseless prominent broadcast advocacy that that become "the new normal". We bought that mantra and letting the door bang wide open to those who cannot tolerate it would be the worst blunder in American history. It would've been smarter to trust the British during our war for independence.
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Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.
This is a teachable moment on how the Right lies.

The UN report whose numbers are not only deliberately misleading as they are being used are exaggerated too. First of all they are only the number of refugees escaping by sea. Second only 52% of them are Syrians. And thirdly 22% are children, 16% are women and 62% are men. Finally the total escaping by sea is 836,088 which comes to 434,766 Syrians total, less than half a million.

Now the total number of Syrian refugees escaping by all means totals just under 12 million, half of whom are children and about 35% are under 11 years old.

So your 88% is complete horse shit!

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
Lots of homeless people actually like being homeless. I know it sounds crazy but facts are facts.
^ Might actually be some truth in that. We've a lot of Native's who are homeless and we city folks freak out about it, but for them it's kind of normal living outside.
Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.
This is a teachable moment on how the Right lies.

The UN report whose numbers are not only deliberately misleading as they are being used are exaggerated too. First of all they are only the number of refugees escaping by sea. Second only 52% of them are Syrians. And thirdly 22% are children, 16% are women and 62% are men. Finally the total escaping by sea is 836,088 which comes to 434,766 Syrians total, less than half a million.

Now the total number of Syrian refugees escaping by all means totals just under 12 million, half of whom are children and about 35% are under 11 years old.

So your 88% is complete horse shit!

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean
After reading statements in your signature that you apparantly attribute to Rush Limbaugh, and seeing that you are deliberately mis-leading, I must question the validity of anything and everything you post, link to, or insinuate.
Why don't you quit being a hysterical moron and peruse the laws for refugee status and see how many Syrian Americans there actually are.

I kind of hope they live in the OPs neighborhood. It would give him other things to obsess over.
Why don't you invite them to live with you if you care so fucking much

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