Where are these refugees going to live?

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on in, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who knows how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

No, it's not what you "know" in Europe - the majority are not young men as per the actual figures given by the UN who monitors refugees and displaced peoples.

You seem to have a problem with facts.

So you must have missed all the pictures where it's like 500 men and about 20 children and women. People across Europe are saying "why is it nearly all men, why aren't there more women and children?"

Pictures mean nothing without context. I can show you all sorts of pictures of mostly women and children trekking across the continent as well. The people who are trying to take care of the refugees - like the UN groups and NGO's - are more likely to have a better grip on demographics then people depending on photos they see on the internet.

I have no problem with the facts. I've seen it, I've been on the ground, last month I was at the Croatia-Slovenia border and I've never seen anything like it in my life, I also saw how aggressive the men are, shouting and demanding straight away and overpowering the police to get in and refusing food and screaming that they want to be let through to go to Germany and threatening to seize cars and trains.

You may well have but that doesn't change the fact that it is not mostly men.
"You may well have but that doesn't change the fact that it is not mostly men."

Whatever, dream on.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.

The Leftists have the sort of mentality that would have accepted a ride home from Ted Bundy, because he was good looking and charming and had nice hair.

The Leftists mentality operates solely on emotion and not actual thinking. They cannot think of anything, it's all about how they feel....they feel sorry, they feel guilty, they feel they need to help etc.

Whereas we THINK....we think is this a good idea, who might these people be, are they all who they say they are, could we possibly end up being put in a dangerous situation, could our community and possibly our country be put into danger....and then we think, maybe we better step back and go on the side of caution because it's better to be safe than sorry.
Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.

The Leftists have the sort of mentality that would have accepted a ride home from Ted Bundy, because he was good looking and charming and had nice hair.

The Leftists mentality operates solely on emotion and not actual thinking. They cannot think of anything, it's all about how they feel....they feel sorry, they feel guilty, they feel they need to help etc.

Whereas we THINK....we think is this a good idea, who might these people be, are they all who they say they are, could we possibly end up being put in a dangerous situation, could our community and possibly our country be put into danger....and then we think, maybe we better step back and go on the side of caution because it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Whereas we THINK...."


You "feel".

You react to your feelings of fear rather than think things through in a logical manner. You are no different.
good looks, well spoken, official car and officers uniform should not be a wave by at security point. My father many times was detained hours at road blocks and internationally at airports.

When lives are at stake a flash of a badge hold not exclude anyone from questions.

We locked down after 9/11. In high threat orange or red warnings we should expect to stop anyone and expect to be questioned. Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt.

Israel is trained to watch body language of all the people. We as citizens and all those in law enforcement should be more aware of everyone around us and report anything odd or out of place.

We all have to take responsibility for our security in our country and when we travel.

When we see or hear something on the internet we should report it as well. We can't afford to ignore every rant or aggressive language a just venting. Let the authorities sort that out.

There are courses we can take to know what to look for and how to trace and report potential threats or suspicious conversations.

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.

The Leftists have the sort of mentality that would have accepted a ride home from Ted Bundy, because he was good looking and charming and had nice hair.

The Leftists mentality operates solely on emotion and not actual thinking. They cannot think of anything, it's all about how they feel....they feel sorry, they feel guilty, they feel they need to help etc.

Whereas we THINK....we think is this a good idea, who might these people be, are they all who they say they are, could we possibly end up being put in a dangerous situation, could our community and possibly our country be put into danger....and then we think, maybe we better step back and go on the side of caution because it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Whereas we THINK...."


You "feel".

You react to your feelings of fear rather than think things through in a logical manner. You are no different.

No we think. Fear of potential suicide attacks is what all normal people should fear. We don't THINK suicide attacks are worth it.

I've got Muslim friends, I'm not anti-Muslim, I'm anti-Islam. My Muslim friends don't want this crowd in either, because they've seen, like we all have how aggressive and demanding they are.

My Muslim friends go to no Mosque, they don't like Mosques, they say that's where people like them go from being normal to slowly getting radicalised. My Muslim friends pray five times a day, but quietly to themselves.

My Muslim friends think if this crowd get in, then they themselves are going to be in danger, because they've integrated and they live by the laws of our land and they like a drink or two and they've become just like the rest of us....and because of this they'll be considered an Infidel themselves.

So, are my Muslim friends wrong about this crowd also?
good looks, well spoken, official car and officers uniform should not be a wave by at security point. My father many times was detained hours at road blocks and internationally at airports.

When lives are at stake a flash of a badge hold not exclude anyone from questions.

We locked down after 9/11. In high threat orange or red warnings we should expect to stop anyone and expect to be questioned. Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt.

Israel is trained to watch body language of all the people. We as citizens and all those in law enforcement should be more aware of everyone around us and report anything odd or out of place.

We all have to take responsibility for our security in our country and when we travel.

When we see or hear something on the internet we should report it as well. We can't afford to ignore every rant or aggressive language a just venting. Let the authorities sort that out.

There are courses we can take to know what to look for and how to trace and report potential threats or suspicious conversations.

"Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt."

The UN and the George Soro's funded NGOs are travelling with this crowd. It's them who are basically demanding that they're just waved through regardless. There's some ulterior motive here which is vaguely sinister to many of us.

Why is the UN ignoring it's own 1951 law on what constitutes a refugee for this crowd? Why is the EU at Brussels ignoring it's own laws for this crowd?

What is it about these Muslim hordes, why are THEY getting this unusual treatment and just getting a free pass?
I think beautiful Malibu, CA would be a great place to settle them. Babs Streisand and other lefty Hollyweird pukes could invite them over to use their pools, tennis courts, etc.

Expecting an earthquake soon?
good looks, well spoken, official car and officers uniform should not be a wave by at security point. My father many times was detained hours at road blocks and internationally at airports.

When lives are at stake a flash of a badge hold not exclude anyone from questions.

We locked down after 9/11. In high threat orange or red warnings we should expect to stop anyone and expect to be questioned. Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt.

Israel is trained to watch body language of all the people. We as citizens and all those in law enforcement should be more aware of everyone around us and report anything odd or out of place.

We all have to take responsibility for our security in our country and when we travel.

When we see or hear something on the internet we should report it as well. We can't afford to ignore every rant or aggressive language a just venting. Let the authorities sort that out.

There are courses we can take to know what to look for and how to trace and report potential threats or suspicious conversations.

I think we have be very very careful there and think about how much we, as free citizens, are willing to sacrifice for "security". Is it worth another Japanese Internment? I do not think so. Citizens should not be rounded up without grounds. The people who provide the most help to law enforcement, when it comes to Islamic extremism, is the Muslim community.
good looks, well spoken, official car and officers uniform should not be a wave by at security point. My father many times was detained hours at road blocks and internationally at airports.

When lives are at stake a flash of a badge hold not exclude anyone from questions.

We locked down after 9/11. In high threat orange or red warnings we should expect to stop anyone and expect to be questioned. Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt.

Israel is trained to watch body language of all the people. We as citizens and all those in law enforcement should be more aware of everyone around us and report anything odd or out of place.

We all have to take responsibility for our security in our country and when we travel.

When we see or hear something on the internet we should report it as well. We can't afford to ignore every rant or aggressive language a just venting. Let the authorities sort that out.

There are courses we can take to know what to look for and how to trace and report potential threats or suspicious conversations.

"Why should refugees, green card holders, immigrants or tourists be exempt. No one should be exempt."

The UN and the George Soro's funded NGOs are travelling with this crowd. It's them who are basically demanding that they're just waved through regardless. There's some ulterior motive here which is vaguely sinister to many of us.

Why is the UN ignoring it's own 1951 law on what constitutes a refugee for this crowd? Why is the EU at Brussels ignoring it's own laws for this crowd?

What is it about these Muslim hordes, why are THEY getting this unusual treatment and just getting a free pass?

Now it's George Soro's? :cuckoo:
I think beautiful Malibu, CA would be a great place to settle them. Babs Streisand and other lefty Hollyweird pukes could invite them over to use their pools, tennis courts, etc.

Expecting an earthquake soon?
Generally I pray for one to hit there, but I'm going to hold off for now. As great as it would be to see Babs and her cohorts treading water in the Pacific before going under for the third time, the 'slow misery' of them instead having the newcomers in their hood would be too much to pass up.
I think beautiful Malibu, CA would be a great place to settle them. Babs Streisand and other lefty Hollyweird pukes could invite them over to use their pools, tennis courts, etc.

Expecting an earthquake soon?
Generally I pray for one to hit there, but I'm going to hold off for now. As great as it would be to see Babs and her cohorts treading water in the Pacific before going under for the third time, the 'slow misery' of them instead having the newcomers in their hood would be too much to pass up.

There are several communities in so.cal with those from the middle east and asia. Some muslim but not all. Rather like driving through the globe just going from LA thru orange county. Each with it's own language and culture, and few english signs. Isn't english still taught in so.cal schools?
Where are these refugees going to live?

San Francisco California. Should make the gay pride parades interesting, if nerve-wracking.

Have the VHS tape of the one I was in with my "hi Mom!" cameo.:) Spent the night with a boyfriend and he dragged me to it the next morning. Thought we were gonna watch the parade, not march in it. :)

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