Where are these refugees going to live?

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on it, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who's know how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

There is only one thing that I agree with you on and that is that Merkel fucked up by speaking for all EU citizens by inviting the refugees over the way she did ... Who the hell does she think she is ...

That said, I do think that each EU country should take on as many deserving refugees as they can handle, but no more. Each country should be able to decide how many that is - that is not something that should be imposed on them by EU. It can be discussed as an EU issue, but not decided as an EU issue ...

I'm scared myself. I live in Sweden and I KNOW that Swedes really need to start taking it easy and do a reality check before they seriously fuck themselves over, but at the same time, I'm totally open to taking in refugees ... as long as they come from war-torn country, have a legitimate claim at being refugees and the state can take care of them - has a place for them to live, etc. But Sweden is realising that finally - they have resumed border checks, for example.

And Germany has realised that as well. I am now feeling extremely sorry and sick for those that undertook this journey and placed themselves in danger just to have to inevitably go back. Not to mention those that have died at sea ...

Refugees? Yeah right.

The UN 1951 policy of what is a refugee and what they do. A refugee fleeing a war zone, the first SAFE country not at war that they arrive in that's the country that they ask to stay in....that's TURKEY for this crowd.

They leave Turkey, safe....then piled into Greece, safe....then pile through ALL of these SAFE nations:

Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria....to get to one of TWO of their countries of CHOICE....Germany or Sweden.

The majority are NOT refugees, they do not act like ANY type of refugee.

Refugees do NOT get to pick and choose which country they want to go to, they're NOT f-cking TOURISTS.

Refugees, according to the UN right back to 1951, refugees apply to STAY in the FIRST country they get to not at war and that's Turkey....so they should be rounded up and taken and dumped back in Turkey.

Also Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan they're coming from, these Middle Eastern countries are a) not at war and b) don't need to use of boats to reach:

United Arab Emirates - main place Dubai.
Saudi Arabia.

WHY don't they go to ANY of the above Middle Eastern nations, they share everything with them, from culture to religion to language to food.

Oh that's right they don't go to any of those other Middle Eastern countries because they won't give them welfare, so they can fleece the population who work and sit on their backsides just claiming free stuff.

They ALL want Europe and America and even Australia and New Zealand, places unlike the other Middle Eastern countries where they have NOTHING in common, different culture, religion, language and food BUT they can all get welfare and claim free stuff from the IDIOTIC Western nations who are in a hysterical grip of almost pathological altruism and seemingly don't even give a sh-t who ANY of this swarm of hundreds of thousands and probably millions of people are.

Total insanity, this is where Liberalism leads us, to a suicidal policy, where we're supposed to believe a load of utter horsecrap that they're refugees when as I've illustrated above they act like NO other group of refugees in history.

They are a mixture of Economic Migrants - gimme free stuff and potential terrorists and ACTUAL terrorists and about 20% of them will be ACTUAL refugees....but who cares, we must take ALL of them. Lunatic policy.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Oh you didn't know? You're getting kicked out of your government housing so some Syrian terrorist can setup shop.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Should have relocated them to somewhere in the ME. They are coming to western countries though because typicaly they are more compassionate to refugees.

Turkey could have taken them or Iran

Sweetie, Turkey already has about a million of them ...

Turkey should have ALL of them. Turkey isn't at war, thus if they were real refugees they'd stay in Turkey.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Oh you didn't know? You're getting kicked out of your government housing so some Syrian terrorist can setup shop.

I don't live in government housing but I take your point.

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on in, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who knows how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

No, it's not what you "know" in Europe - the majority are not young men as per the actual figures given by the UN who monitors refugees and displaced peoples.

You seem to have a problem with facts.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Oh you didn't know? You're getting kicked out of your government housing so some Syrian terrorist can setup shop.

I don't live in government housing but I take your point.

According to liberal logic if you take any type of government assistance, or even benefit from a tax break, you are officially "government funded" and thus belong to the state. Thus anyone's home or business is going to be up for mandatory refugee relocation like they did in Germany.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
We have tons of housing here, it just isn't being lived in. Vacant Houses Outnumber Homeless People in U.S.

There are plenty of small towns in the south that would be perfect for resettlement for the refugees
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Should have relocated them to somewhere in the ME. They are coming to western countries though because typicaly they are more compassionate to refugees.

Turkey could have taken them or Iran

Sweetie, Turkey already has about a million of them ...

Turkey should have ALL of them. Turkey isn't at war, thus if they were real refugees they'd stay in Turkey.

First of all, there is no way Turkey can take care of all of them.

Secondly, you forgot what you're hating Merkel for - she literally invited them over. Wouldn't you want to better your chances were you one of them?

Thirdly, the statement 'if they were real refugees they'd stay in Turkey' just doesn't make any sense.

Truth is that some of the folks arriving to EU are not refugees. There are many folks from Balkans (esp. Albanians) that took advantage of the situation and joined the refugees on their quest to EU - as well as some Africans. However, those are going to be sent back where they came from because they are not going to be given the refugee status - at least not here in Sweden and I'm pretty sure other countries are going to do the same thing.

I've read somewhere (I've read so many articles the past few months that I can't keep them straight anymore), that EU (or is it just Sweden) is going to not issue absolutely any asylum to citizens of certain countries to make the process easier and faster for Migrationsverket. That actually flies in the face of the international law that wants every asylum application to be considered individually and separately regardless of where they come from. So, as you can see, Sweden is not totally clueless and 'kumbayah' as you might think.
KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait are some who haven't taken any yet citing security concerns. But Iraq is right next door. Why not go there? Have more in common with them than anyone in a infidel nation I'"m sure.

Yes, they did cite security concerns ie. potential terrorist attacks.

So we're supposed to have them instead and get the terrorist attacks? Of course we are, because oh dear IF we point out the obvious we're called racist.

What should have happened is this. When Traitor Merkel made her insane and deeply irresponsible declaration without consulting ANYONE.

What should have happened:

Processing Centres should have been set up in Turkey - thus outside Europe's borders. They all trek to Turkey, where hordes of EU suits and hordes of EU security and intelligence suits put the Muslim hordes through the mill, where they're ALL fingerprinted and asked every question under the sun and then re-asked them at a later date.

Then all this information is given to Interpol and it's run through the system etc and anyone deemed not kosher or anyone deemed in any way the slightest bit suspicious are told no you cannot travel any further and must stay in Turkey, behind the scenes they're monitored and kept watch on.

Any of the Muslim hordes that qualify as an actual refugee is then allowed to travel further and the first EU country they get into they have to stay in, no choosing where they want to go.

But because this sane method wasn't adopted and they all just came charging in, we have this absurd and dangerous situation where we have all of them all at once, knowing not who anyone is or who's a terrorist, thus thanks to Traitor Merkel, every man, woman and child across the whole of Europe are now at any given time at risk of being murdered in suicide attacks.

Traitor Merkel talking absolute horsecrap, saying oh well those who are economic migrants we'll deport.

Really Merkel, how? According to the POS UN, you can only deport them if it's Voluntary Deportation. So you say. we're deporting you, they say no, therefore you have to allow them to stay. If you grabbed them and forcibly deported them - like we SHOULD do - the POS UN and the Human Rights Groups and the Leftist Activists would collectively throw a fit and start screaming at us.

Thanks to Traitor Merkel, this is what we face in Europe. An utterly nightmarish scenario, the whole Continent on tenderhooks as to when and where the next suicide attacks will occur. They could be any day and anywhere, they could even be across multiple nations simultaneously next time....and then what do we do? How do we even handle that sort of total chaos and mayhem?
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
We have tons of housing here, it just isn't being lived in. Vacant Houses Outnumber Homeless People in U.S.

There are plenty of small towns in the south that would be perfect for resettlement for the refugees

What and destroy those small towns, like Merkel when she had 750 of them dumped in a German village with a population of 100? That happened to a small town in the Netherlands also.
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.
"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on it, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who's know how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

There is only one thing that I agree with you on and that is that Merkel fucked up by speaking for all EU citizens by inviting the refugees over the way she did ... Who the hell does she think she is ...

That said, I do think that each EU country should take on as many deserving refugees as they can handle, but no more. Each country should be able to decide how many that is - that is not something that should be imposed on them by EU. It can be discussed as an EU issue, but not decided as an EU issue ...

I'm scared myself. I live in Sweden and I KNOW that Swedes really need to start taking it easy and do a reality check before they seriously fuck themselves over, but at the same time, I'm totally open to taking in refugees ... as long as they come from war-torn country, have a legitimate claim at being refugees and the state can take care of them - has a place for them to live, etc. But Sweden is realising that finally - they have resumed border checks, for example.

And Germany has realised that as well. I am now feeling extremely sorry and sick for those that undertook this journey and placed themselves in danger just to have to inevitably go back. Not to mention those that have died at sea ...

Refugees? Yeah right.

The UN 1951 policy of what is a refugee and what they do. A refugee fleeing a war zone, the first SAFE country not at war that they arrive in that's the country that they ask to stay in....that's TURKEY for this crowd.

They leave Turkey, safe....then piled into Greece, safe....then pile through ALL of these SAFE nations:

Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria....to get to one of TWO of their countries of CHOICE....Germany or Sweden.

The majority are NOT refugees, they do not act like ANY type of refugee.

Refugees do NOT get to pick and choose which country they want to go to, they're NOT f-cking TOURISTS.

Refugees, according to the UN right back to 1951, refugees apply to STAY in the FIRST country they get to not at war and that's Turkey....so they should be rounded up and taken and dumped back in Turkey.

Also Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan they're coming from, these Middle Eastern countries are a) not at war and b) don't need to use of boats to reach:

United Arab Emirates - main place Dubai.
Saudi Arabia.

WHY don't they go to ANY of the above Middle Eastern nations, they share everything with them, from culture to religion to language to food.

Oh that's right they don't go to any of those other Middle Eastern countries because they won't give them welfare, so they can fleece the population who work and sit on their backsides just claiming free stuff.

They ALL want Europe and America and even Australia and New Zealand, places unlike the other Middle Eastern countries where they have NOTHING in common, different culture, religion, language and food BUT they can all get welfare and claim free stuff from the IDIOTIC Western nations who are in a hysterical grip of almost pathological altruism and seemingly don't even give a sh-t who ANY of this swarm of hundreds of thousands and probably millions of people are.

Total insanity, this is where Liberalism leads us, to a suicidal policy, where we're supposed to believe a load of utter horsecrap that they're refugees when as I've illustrated above they act like NO other group of refugees in history.

They are a mixture of Economic Migrants - gimme free stuff and potential terrorists and ACTUAL terrorists and about 20% of them will be ACTUAL refugees....but who cares, we must take ALL of them. Lunatic policy.

Nobody has to take all of them. The countries will decide who gets to stay and who doesn't. Many if not most will be turned away.
It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on in, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who knows how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

No, it's not what you "know" in Europe - the majority are not young men as per the actual figures given by the UN who monitors refugees and displaced peoples.

You seem to have a problem with facts.

So you must have missed all the pictures where it's like 500 men and about 20 children and women. People across Europe are saying "why is it nearly all men, why aren't there more women and children?"

I have no problem with the facts. I've seen it, I've been on the ground, last month I was at the Croatia-Slovenia border and I've never seen anything like it in my life, I also saw how aggressive the men are, shouting and demanding straight away and overpowering the police to get in and refusing food and screaming that they want to be let through to go to Germany and threatening to seize cars and trains.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

We have seen that gender and age alone are not valid factors, but even 20% of the refugees is a considerable threat internally. One or two terrorists is too many. 8-10 could carry out a paris like attack. I hundred and we could have several 9/11 like massacres that could decimate our economy for years.

Just because someone carries an epi pen does not mean they can eat peanuts. We need to avoid them altogether. We need to keep potential terrorist out or isolate them in one area till they can be sent home.

Where are you going to isolate that many people - particularly families? For how long? What kind of future do you think you are going to develop from years in a refugee camp? Or do you just send them back to be killed in Syria? It's not the first time there has been concern about terrorism and refugees and it won't be the last.
"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on it, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who's know how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

There is only one thing that I agree with you on and that is that Merkel fucked up by speaking for all EU citizens by inviting the refugees over the way she did ... Who the hell does she think she is ...

That said, I do think that each EU country should take on as many deserving refugees as they can handle, but no more. Each country should be able to decide how many that is - that is not something that should be imposed on them by EU. It can be discussed as an EU issue, but not decided as an EU issue ...

I'm scared myself. I live in Sweden and I KNOW that Swedes really need to start taking it easy and do a reality check before they seriously fuck themselves over, but at the same time, I'm totally open to taking in refugees ... as long as they come from war-torn country, have a legitimate claim at being refugees and the state can take care of them - has a place for them to live, etc. But Sweden is realising that finally - they have resumed border checks, for example.

And Germany has realised that as well. I am now feeling extremely sorry and sick for those that undertook this journey and placed themselves in danger just to have to inevitably go back. Not to mention those that have died at sea ...

Refugees? Yeah right.

The UN 1951 policy of what is a refugee and what they do. A refugee fleeing a war zone, the first SAFE country not at war that they arrive in that's the country that they ask to stay in....that's TURKEY for this crowd.

They leave Turkey, safe....then piled into Greece, safe....then pile through ALL of these SAFE nations:

Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria....to get to one of TWO of their countries of CHOICE....Germany or Sweden.

The majority are NOT refugees, they do not act like ANY type of refugee.

Refugees do NOT get to pick and choose which country they want to go to, they're NOT f-cking TOURISTS.

Refugees, according to the UN right back to 1951, refugees apply to STAY in the FIRST country they get to not at war and that's Turkey....so they should be rounded up and taken and dumped back in Turkey.

Also Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan they're coming from, these Middle Eastern countries are a) not at war and b) don't need to use of boats to reach:

United Arab Emirates - main place Dubai.
Saudi Arabia.

WHY don't they go to ANY of the above Middle Eastern nations, they share everything with them, from culture to religion to language to food.

Oh that's right they don't go to any of those other Middle Eastern countries because they won't give them welfare, so they can fleece the population who work and sit on their backsides just claiming free stuff.

They ALL want Europe and America and even Australia and New Zealand, places unlike the other Middle Eastern countries where they have NOTHING in common, different culture, religion, language and food BUT they can all get welfare and claim free stuff from the IDIOTIC Western nations who are in a hysterical grip of almost pathological altruism and seemingly don't even give a sh-t who ANY of this swarm of hundreds of thousands and probably millions of people are.

Total insanity, this is where Liberalism leads us, to a suicidal policy, where we're supposed to believe a load of utter horsecrap that they're refugees when as I've illustrated above they act like NO other group of refugees in history.

They are a mixture of Economic Migrants - gimme free stuff and potential terrorists and ACTUAL terrorists and about 20% of them will be ACTUAL refugees....but who cares, we must take ALL of them. Lunatic policy.

Nobody has to take all of them. The countries will decide who gets to stay and who doesn't. Many if not most will be turned away.

Voluntary Deportation, so how's that going to work? You think they're just going agree to be deported?
The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on in, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who knows how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

No, it's not what you "know" in Europe - the majority are not young men as per the actual figures given by the UN who monitors refugees and displaced peoples.

You seem to have a problem with facts.

So you must have missed all the pictures where it's like 500 men and about 20 children and women. People across Europe are saying "why is it nearly all men, why aren't there more women and children?"

Pictures mean nothing without context. I can show you all sorts of pictures of mostly women and children trekking across the continent as well. The people who are trying to take care of the refugees - like the UN groups and NGO's - are more likely to have a better grip on demographics then people depending on photos they see on the internet.

I have no problem with the facts. I've seen it, I've been on the ground, last month I was at the Croatia-Slovenia border and I've never seen anything like it in my life, I also saw how aggressive the men are, shouting and demanding straight away and overpowering the police to get in and refusing food and screaming that they want to be let through to go to Germany and threatening to seize cars and trains.

You may well have but that doesn't change the fact that it is not mostly men.
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!
So, we should bring more right?
You should deal with what matters, the mentality not the people, and every time you wet your panties over the scary sand ******* you are giving them exactly what they want!
Enlighten us then, oh wise one, what, pray tell, should we do, your majasty, and knower of all?
Good fucking question, nice of you to ask, and since there is no good answer start with the best solution to all this nonsense, which you reject, Liberalism, closely followed by regulated capitalism, closely followed to sane environmental policies so we aren't killing each over clean water.

You have to make the idea of killing someone you vehemently don't agree with unthinkable, and you can start with yourself since you don't believe that for a second, and neither do they.
Well, thank you for clearing that up. I was completely unaware that I though killing someone, that disagreed with me, was even an option. Guess you told me... The tone of your post tells me all I need to know for further discussion, or rather lack there of, with you. Obviously you have no interest in stating your ideas, let alone discussing them.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Oh you didn't know? You're getting kicked out of your government housing so some Syrian terrorist can setup shop.

I don't live in government housing but I take your point.

According to liberal logic if you take any type of government assistance, or even benefit from a tax break, you are officially "government funded" and thus belong to the state. Thus anyone's home or business is going to be up for mandatory refugee relocation like they did in Germany.

We're never going to convince them anywhere. The Leftists both in Europe and America are going have to learn the hard and brutal way, they'll have to get it straight up the consequences of their pathological altruism.

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