Where are these refugees going to live?

Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Why don't you quit being a hysterical moron and peruse the laws for refugee status and see how many Syrian Americans there actually are.

I kind of hope they live in the OPs neighborhood. It would give him other things to obsess over.

The OP is asking the same questions that we in Europe are asking. Just the diseases aspect by itself is alarming, rather a number of them have TB and syphilis.
Don't have sex with them then.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
They can stay where they came from,stand and fight for their country.

Or train them and then send them back to fight for Syria, like the new Polish Foreign Minister has suggested. Makes total sense:

Incoming Foreign Minister: Syrian refugees can fight for homeland
That always works out so well when we train and arm people, like bin Laden.

Well yes, but Obama and his Muslim CIA head honcho John Brennan * have already trained and armed the so-called "moderate rebels"....aka the terrorists.

* John Brennan spent time in Saudi Arabia, where he converted to Islam, he also went to Mecca and Medina during Hajj.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
They can stay where they came from,stand and fight for their country.

Or train them and then send them back to fight for Syria, like the new Polish Foreign Minister has suggested. Makes total sense:

Incoming Foreign Minister: Syrian refugees can fight for homeland
That always works out so well when we train and arm people, like bin Laden.

Well yes, but Obama and his Muslim CIA head honcho John Brennan * have already trained and armed the so-called "moderate rebels"....aka the terrorists.

* John Brennan spent time in Saudi Arabia, where he converted to Islam, he also went to Mecca and Medina during Hajj.
Muslims are supposed to, at least once in their lives if possible, it is one of the Five Pillar of Islam, and Reagan trained, armed, and paid bin Laden.
Why don't you quit being a hysterical moron and peruse the laws for refugee status and see how many Syrian Americans there actually are.

I kind of hope they live in the OPs neighborhood. It would give him other things to obsess over.

The OP is asking the same questions that we in Europe are asking. Just the diseases aspect by itself is alarming, rather a number of them have TB and syphilis.
Don't have sex with them then.

No but you can't wait to have sex with them, you're obviously panting already in anticipation of getting that Cultural Enrichment.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
They can stay where they came from,stand and fight for their country.

Or train them and then send them back to fight for Syria, like the new Polish Foreign Minister has suggested. Makes total sense:

Incoming Foreign Minister: Syrian refugees can fight for homeland
That always works out so well when we train and arm people, like bin Laden.

Well yes, but Obama and his Muslim CIA head honcho John Brennan * have already trained and armed the so-called "moderate rebels"....aka the terrorists.

* John Brennan spent time in Saudi Arabia, where he converted to Islam, he also went to Mecca and Medina during Hajj.
Muslims are supposed to, at least once in their lives if possible, it is one of the Five Pillar of Islam, and Reagan trained, armed, and paid bin Laden.

So you think it's a good thing, during these times, that the head of the CIA is a Wahhabi Muslim?
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
We have tons of housing here, it just isn't being lived in. Vacant Houses Outnumber Homeless People in U.S.

Shouldn't our homeless have first call on those?

Of course not, the ethnic populations don't matter anymore....just so long as every nation packs in as many Muslim hordes as possible, doesn't matter that even the governments don't know who's in this crowd, just pile them in and crap on your own people who pay the taxes, tax money now to be given to the Muslim hordes in welfare as basically hardly any of them are going to want to work.
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
Germany actually kicked a citizen out of her apartment for 16 years to make room for refugees. It was govt housing. But they kicked out their own citizen to make room for a refugee. That's fucked up.
Germany Displacing Residents To Make Way For Syrian Refugees: Nurse Shocked After Being Kicked Out Of Same Flat For 16 Years » 100percentfedUp.com
German family kicked out of House to Accommodate Refugees | EUTimes.net
Germany actually kicked a citizen out of her apartment for 16 years to make room for refugees. It was govt housing. But they kicked out their own citizen to make room for a refugee. That's fucked up.
Germany Displacing Residents To Make Way For Syrian Refugees: Nurse Shocked After Being Kicked Out Of Same Flat For 16 Years » 100percentfedUp.com
German family kicked out of House to Accommodate Refugees | EUTimes.net

You know, they seem so totally out of touch with ALL reality, they think we make this crap up. WTF is wrong with these people? Oh yeah I forgot, they're Leftists.

I just posted a similar link, from a different newspaper website.
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
They can stay where they came from,stand and fight for their country.

Or train them and then send them back to fight for Syria, like the new Polish Foreign Minister has suggested. Makes total sense:

Incoming Foreign Minister: Syrian refugees can fight for homeland
That always works out so well when we train and arm people, like bin Laden.

Well yes, but Obama and his Muslim CIA head honcho John Brennan * have already trained and armed the so-called "moderate rebels"....aka the terrorists.

* John Brennan spent time in Saudi Arabia, where he converted to Islam, he also went to Mecca and Medina during Hajj.
Central Islamist Agency
Claim: CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim who converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.
They can stay where they came from,stand and fight for their country.

Or train them and then send them back to fight for Syria, like the new Polish Foreign Minister has suggested. Makes total sense:

Incoming Foreign Minister: Syrian refugees can fight for homeland
That always works out so well when we train and arm people, like bin Laden.

Well yes, but Obama and his Muslim CIA head honcho John Brennan * have already trained and armed the so-called "moderate rebels"....aka the terrorists.

* John Brennan spent time in Saudi Arabia, where he converted to Islam, he also went to Mecca and Medina during Hajj.
Central Islamist Agency
Claim: CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim who converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.


I just looked that up a week ago. Wasn't Brennan but some local head of station or whatever.
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

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