Where are these refugees going to live?

Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!
So, we should bring more right?
You should deal with what matters, the mentality not the people, and every time you wet your panties over the scary sand ******* you are giving them exactly what they want!
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Only took 8 for Paris.

I'm not oblivious to history or unaware what and who I sound like, but the fact remains unlikes Jews trying to flee the Nazis, Syrians aren't innocent victims nor likely to assimilate into American culture. They're hardcore tribal mentality Muslims who're gonna wanna do things like they got to in Syria, but here. That's not compatible with US law or culture. Can practice any religions you like and more poower to ya, but you can't do honor killings, marry children, have harems, or kill people for pissing on a Qur'an.

That's who's coming for dinner.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

It's not a zero-sum issue. Helping on group doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't help the other. Are we that limited?

Only takes one more infiltrator and whoever supported briging them in will have a really uncomfortable time explaining it afterwords. Assuming they get a chance to...

There are criminals, nuts and terrorists amongst us already - most incidents of mass violence in this country are domestic. Refusing to take in refugees who are fleeing for their lives isn't going to make a difference and taking in refugees and monitoring them appropriately - will have no effect on the homeless rates of veterans. It comes down to what we are and want to be as a country.

Sure, have our own crazies as it is, so we shouldn't ask for more from elsewhere.

Bottom line is what happens after they're here? Not like they're bringinng their wealth along with them. They're gonna form self-imposed exile communities because they wont want or be able to assimilate. They're not that kind of culture or people. They're gonna live in shantytowns where they can live amongst their own kind and clash constantly with us and our laws binding them nonetheless. That's going to cause resentment and breed extremism as they only cluster tighter together against "outside influences." This is absolutely what's going to happen. If they didn't have infiltrators already, they'll grow their own as they demand to be left alone like the Amish, and we'll probably let them.

Not necessarily. We'd have to provide the support they need to adapt and understand our culture, get jobs etc - just like any other refugee group. Syria was once one of the better educated Middle Eastern countries before the civil war with a substantial professional middle class.

How do you "know" that is going to happen or is that an assumption? We already have Syrian-American communities - long established.

Europe Refugee Crisis Facts: Wealthy, Educated Syrians Risking Lives To Leave War

More than half -- 53 percent -- of the 380,412 people who have arrived in Europe since January are from Syria, the United Nations reported Wednesday. Syrians are different from other refugees in that they are far more likely to come from professional backgrounds than refugees originating in African countries like Eritrea, for instance, according to migration experts.

...Donohoe said many of the refugees living in camps in Lesbos, Greece -- one of the most popular arrival points for refugees and migrants -- had smartphones. At least a few people could speak English on every boat arriving to Lesbos, meaning that many of them likely had a formal education or came from an upper middle-class background, he said.

Doctors, bankers and Syrians from other high-paying professions have been among the arrivals. Several of the refugees interviewed by the International Business Times had university educations, and one pair of brothers had worked in investment banking in Syria and were looking to do the same in Europe.

On the eve of the civil war in early 2011, Syrian GDP per capita was as high as $5,000, more than double what it was in neighboring Pakistan and Yemen, and five times as much as the average GDP per capita in Afghanistan. By 2013, Syria's GDP dropped by 20.6 percent. World Bank authorities have not been able to collect economic data in Syria since 2014 because of the chaos in the region, and experts estimate that the GDP has continued to plummet.​

Even the other arab nations don't want them citing security concerns. If KSA, Kuwait (our bitches) don't wanna take them, shouldn't we take that as a clue who we're talking about? Not liek Syria is a northern European socialist mecca. They've been terrorists against Israel since its inception. These are not warm and fuzzy Muslims.

The Gulf States aren't taking any refugees period but they're willing to give them temporary work visas.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

It's not a zero-sum issue. Helping on group doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't help the other. Are we that limited?

Only takes one more infiltrator and whoever supported briging them in will have a really uncomfortable time explaining it afterwords. Assuming they get a chance to...

There are criminals, nuts and terrorists amongst us already - most incidents of mass violence in this country are domestic. Refusing to take in refugees who are fleeing for their lives isn't going to make a difference and taking in refugees and monitoring them appropriately - will have no effect on the homeless rates of veterans. It comes down to what we are and want to be as a country.

Sure, have our own crazies as it is, so we shouldn't ask for more from elsewhere.

Bottom line is what happens after they're here? Not like they're bringinng their wealth along with them. They're gonna form self-imposed exile communities because they wont want or be able to assimilate. They're not that kind of culture or people. They're gonna live in shantytowns where they can live amongst their own kind and clash constantly with us and our laws binding them nonetheless. That's going to cause resentment and breed extremism as they only cluster tighter together against "outside influences." This is absolutely what's going to happen. If they didn't have infiltrators already, they'll grow their own as they demand to be left alone like the Amish, and we'll probably let them.

Not necessarily. We'd have to provide the support they need to adapt and understand our culture, get jobs etc - just like any other refugee group. Syria was once one of the better educated Middle Eastern countries before the civil war with a substantial professional middle class.

How do you "know" that is going to happen or is that an assumption? We already have Syrian-American communities - long established.

Europe Refugee Crisis Facts: Wealthy, Educated Syrians Risking Lives To Leave War

More than half -- 53 percent -- of the 380,412 people who have arrived in Europe since January are from Syria, the United Nations reported Wednesday. Syrians are different from other refugees in that they are far more likely to come from professional backgrounds than refugees originating in African countries like Eritrea, for instance, according to migration experts.

...Donohoe said many of the refugees living in camps in Lesbos, Greece -- one of the most popular arrival points for refugees and migrants -- had smartphones. At least a few people could speak English on every boat arriving to Lesbos, meaning that many of them likely had a formal education or came from an upper middle-class background, he said.

Doctors, bankers and Syrians from other high-paying professions have been among the arrivals. Several of the refugees interviewed by the International Business Times had university educations, and one pair of brothers had worked in investment banking in Syria and were looking to do the same in Europe.

On the eve of the civil war in early 2011, Syrian GDP per capita was as high as $5,000, more than double what it was in neighboring Pakistan and Yemen, and five times as much as the average GDP per capita in Afghanistan. By 2013, Syria's GDP dropped by 20.6 percent. World Bank authorities have not been able to collect economic data in Syria since 2014 because of the chaos in the region, and experts estimate that the GDP has continued to plummet.​

Even the other arab nations don't want them citing security concerns. If KSA, Kuwait (our bitches) don't wanna take them, shouldn't we take that as a clue who we're talking about? Not liek Syria is a northern European socialist mecca. They've been terrorists against Israel since its inception. These are not warm and fuzzy Muslims.

The Gulf States aren't taking any refugees period but they're willing to give them temporary work visas.

I know it'll happen because God told me. Good enough? :)
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.
It's not a zero-sum issue. Helping on group doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't help the other. Are we that limited?

Only takes one more infiltrator and whoever supported briging them in will have a really uncomfortable time explaining it afterwords. Assuming they get a chance to...

There are criminals, nuts and terrorists amongst us already - most incidents of mass violence in this country are domestic. Refusing to take in refugees who are fleeing for their lives isn't going to make a difference and taking in refugees and monitoring them appropriately - will have no effect on the homeless rates of veterans. It comes down to what we are and want to be as a country.

Sure, have our own crazies as it is, so we shouldn't ask for more from elsewhere.

Bottom line is what happens after they're here? Not like they're bringinng their wealth along with them. They're gonna form self-imposed exile communities because they wont want or be able to assimilate. They're not that kind of culture or people. They're gonna live in shantytowns where they can live amongst their own kind and clash constantly with us and our laws binding them nonetheless. That's going to cause resentment and breed extremism as they only cluster tighter together against "outside influences." This is absolutely what's going to happen. If they didn't have infiltrators already, they'll grow their own as they demand to be left alone like the Amish, and we'll probably let them.

Not necessarily. We'd have to provide the support they need to adapt and understand our culture, get jobs etc - just like any other refugee group. Syria was once one of the better educated Middle Eastern countries before the civil war with a substantial professional middle class.

How do you "know" that is going to happen or is that an assumption? We already have Syrian-American communities - long established.

Europe Refugee Crisis Facts: Wealthy, Educated Syrians Risking Lives To Leave War

More than half -- 53 percent -- of the 380,412 people who have arrived in Europe since January are from Syria, the United Nations reported Wednesday. Syrians are different from other refugees in that they are far more likely to come from professional backgrounds than refugees originating in African countries like Eritrea, for instance, according to migration experts.

...Donohoe said many of the refugees living in camps in Lesbos, Greece -- one of the most popular arrival points for refugees and migrants -- had smartphones. At least a few people could speak English on every boat arriving to Lesbos, meaning that many of them likely had a formal education or came from an upper middle-class background, he said.

Doctors, bankers and Syrians from other high-paying professions have been among the arrivals. Several of the refugees interviewed by the International Business Times had university educations, and one pair of brothers had worked in investment banking in Syria and were looking to do the same in Europe.

On the eve of the civil war in early 2011, Syrian GDP per capita was as high as $5,000, more than double what it was in neighboring Pakistan and Yemen, and five times as much as the average GDP per capita in Afghanistan. By 2013, Syria's GDP dropped by 20.6 percent. World Bank authorities have not been able to collect economic data in Syria since 2014 because of the chaos in the region, and experts estimate that the GDP has continued to plummet.​

Even the other arab nations don't want them citing security concerns. If KSA, Kuwait (our bitches) don't wanna take them, shouldn't we take that as a clue who we're talking about? Not liek Syria is a northern European socialist mecca. They've been terrorists against Israel since its inception. These are not warm and fuzzy Muslims.

The Gulf States aren't taking any refugees period but they're willing to give them temporary work visas.

I know it'll happen because God told me. Good enough? :)

pfft. God and I had an argument last night.
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!

Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.
Are you saying we shouldn't know who we are letting in? I am saying, let them come, if we can be sure they are not coming here to do us harm. I am not an anti-imigrant, I am simply saying we need to protect ourselves first. If my memory serves, these United States banned most imigration, from early 1907 until well after WWII, and put many restrictions on who, and from where, we would let come here.
Immigration act of 1907 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Immigration Laws Passed in the U.S.: History and Timeline
Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama have announced they will not accept Syrian refugees. That list will grow
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!
So, we should bring more right?
You should deal with what matters, the mentality not the people, and every time you wet your panties over the scary sand ******* you are giving them exactly what they want!
Enlighten us then, oh wise one, what, pray tell, should we do, your majasty, and knower of all?
And that matters a damn why? Oh right, it doesn't. Just painting a bull's eye on themselves. If they hate you there's not much reason not to blow those assholes up eh?
Maybe you want them in your back yard? All 10,000+ unvetted, no unvettable, "refugees"? Maybe if we just show them that we love them too, they will stop hating us so much... NOT. I am not saying that they are all terrorists, but do you really want to take the risk that even ONE of them is? Let's use some common sense here. If we can't be sure they are not terrorists looking to come here for evil purposes, we should not let them come. We have a duty to protect ourselves first. If we cannot do that, then nothing else matters. This is not a humanitarian question, it is a matter of national defense.
News for ya, several of them probably support ISIS. More news for you, most of those who do here are ALREADY FUCKING HERE!!!
So, we should bring more right?
You should deal with what matters, the mentality not the people, and every time you wet your panties over the scary sand ******* you are giving them exactly what they want!
Enlighten us then, oh wise one, what, pray tell, should we do, your majasty, and knower of all?
Good fucking question, nice of you to ask, and since there is no good answer start with the best solution to all this nonsense, which you reject, Liberalism, closely followed by regulated capitalism, closely followed to sane environmental policies so we aren't killing each over clean water.

You have to make the idea of killing someone you vehemently don't agree with unthinkable, and you can start with yourself since you don't believe that for a second, and neither do they.
Germany actually kicked a citizen out of her apartment for 16 years to make room for refugees. It was govt housing. But they kicked out their own citizen to make room for a refugee. That's fucked up.
The vicious traitors known as the Swedish Government are actually thinking of seizing Swedes holiday homes to house the Muslim hordes....can you believe this crap?

What the hell are you talking about? The government is not thinking about anything like that at all. There was one guy working for some municipality somewhere in the middle of the Swedish version of NOWHERE that mentioned something like that once last year and that's as far as that goes. Now tere is one Facebook group asking folks if they would be willing to house refugees at their holiday homes, but that's the extent of that - it's up to the folks owning those places, nobody is going to seize their homes from under them.

Can you not make shit up? Thanks.
Germany actually kicked a citizen out of her apartment for 16 years to make room for refugees. It was govt housing. But they kicked out their own citizen to make room for a refugee. That's fucked up.
The vicious traitors known as the Swedish Government are actually thinking of seizing Swedes holiday homes to house the Muslim hordes....can you believe this crap?

What the hell are you talking about? The government is not thinking about anything like that at all. There was one guy working for some municipality somewhere in the middle of the Swedish version of NOWHERE that mentioned something like that once last year and that's as far as that goes. Now tere is one Facebook group asking folks if they would be willing to house refugees at their holiday homes, but that's the extent of that - it's up to the folks owning those places, nobody is going to seize their homes from under them.

Can you not make shit up? Thanks.

Even when several links were provided proving that Germans were being thrown out of their longheld rented property, your sort probably still don't believe that that's happening.

I'm not making shit up.

You're talking it though. It's just driving you all crazy that we're already being proven right, that the whole thing is a Trojan Horse.
"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on it, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who's know how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.

There is only one thing that I agree with you on and that is that Merkel fucked up by speaking for all EU citizens by inviting the refugees over the way she did ... Who the hell does she think she is ...

That said, I do think that each EU country should take on as many deserving refugees as they can handle, but no more. Each country should be able to decide how many that is - that is not something that should be imposed on them by EU. It can be discussed as an EU issue, but not decided as an EU issue ...

I'm scared myself. I live in Sweden and I KNOW that Swedes really need to start taking it easy and do a reality check before they seriously fuck themselves over, but at the same time, I'm totally open to taking in refugees ... as long as they come from war-torn country, have a legitimate claim at being refugees and the state can take care of them - has a place for them to live, etc. But Sweden is realising that finally - they have resumed border checks, for example.

And Germany has realised that as well. I am now feeling extremely sorry and sick for those that undertook this journey and placed themselves in danger just to have to inevitably go back. Not to mention those that have died at sea ...
Yes, so why take any more of them? Do we need more terrorists?

You run from this, they win.

It's just so incredibly naïve.

Look at the French, waving the Tricolor, singing La Marseillaise and going on about Liberté, égalité, fraternité etc.

That's all well and good, but I'm sorry NONE of that jazz is going to protect them from another suicide attack.

One way to protect a nation and it's peoples from terrorist attacks is not to allow thousands upon thousands of mainly young males of military age into the nation that not even the government knows who is who.

The majority of the refugees are not military age young males: Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Actually the UN themselves have said that, it's 12% women and children on their own figures, that's 88% males and in Europe I can tell you, the majority of those males are between the ages of 18-25 ie. of military age.

From the article I quoted:

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees or even solely the 200,000-some Syrians who have been willing to take some type of boat to reach Europe by sea.

"Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent — but these are not figures on Syrian refugees "
Which is what we already know in Europe, the vast majority are male and they've ALL come charging in pretending to be Syrian - thanks to Traitor Merkel announcing that anyone from Syria can just come on in, of course she never consulted us Europeans or even any other European leader.

So we know that Iraqi's, Afghans, Pakistani's are also pretending to be Syrian.

What we have is a ton of people, predominantly male storming across safe nations that aren't at war to get into Europe....most to sit on their backsides and claim welfare and who knows how many to kill us....if even 1 in every 100 is a terrorist and there's 800,000 so far....that's how many terrorists Traitor Merkel has let in?

I'm trying to figure if people like you are just the Kumbaya type, the I don't care type, the I want Cultural Enrichment type or if you just support ISIS. If it's the latter then why don't you go to Syria and just join them already.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Should have relocated them to somewhere in the ME. They are coming to western countries though because typicaly they are more compassionate to refugees.

Turkey could have taken them or Iran
Germany actually kicked a citizen out of her apartment for 16 years to make room for refugees. It was govt housing. But they kicked out their own citizen to make room for a refugee. That's fucked up.
The vicious traitors known as the Swedish Government are actually thinking of seizing Swedes holiday homes to house the Muslim hordes....can you believe this crap?

What the hell are you talking about? The government is not thinking about anything like that at all. There was one guy working for some municipality somewhere in the middle of the Swedish version of NOWHERE that mentioned something like that once last year and that's as far as that goes. Now tere is one Facebook group asking folks if they would be willing to house refugees at their holiday homes, but that's the extent of that - it's up to the folks owning those places, nobody is going to seize their homes from under them.

Can you not make shit up? Thanks.

Even when several links were provided proving that Germans were being thrown out of their longheld rented property, your sort probably still don't believe that that's happening.

I'm not making shit up.

You're talking it though. It's just driving you all crazy that we're already being proven right, that the whole thing is a Trojan Horse.

I was not responding to your German thing, but what you said about Sweden.
Something I haven't heard explained with all the refugee talk is where they're gonna live. Have about 50,000 homeless veterans in the US as it is. We can't find them a home, but can find homes for 10,000 Syrians? Are we building brand new places or something? What about diseases they're bringing in? These aren't the most sanitary places on Earth so are we putting them into quarantine first at least? What about education, jobs, language training, and cultural assimilation? Are they just getting a handshake and "good luck to you?" This all costs money, takes time, and there are more deserving recipiants for a top-to-bottom handout.

Like our homeless veterans.

Should have relocated them to somewhere in the ME. They are coming to western countries though because typicaly they are more compassionate to refugees.

Turkey could have taken them or Iran

Sweetie, Turkey already has about a million of them ...
KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait are some who haven't taken any yet citing security concerns. But Iraq is right next door. Why not go there? Have more in common with them than anyone in a infidel nation I'"m sure.
KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait are some who haven't taken any yet citing security concerns. But Iraq is right next door. Why not go there? Have more in common with them than anyone in a infidel nation I'"m sure.

Are you trying to make me answer for what those countries are doing/have decided?

The Saudis, for example, are not exactly the biggest humanitarians this world (they have a shitload of human rights abuses on their conscience) has ever seen for f's sake. I think some Swedish politicians even condemned their decision not to allow any refugees in. On the other hand, these refugees are escaping Islamic extremists/zealots and Saudi Arabia is home to another form of Islamic extremists - the Salafists (not sure about the spelling).
Illegal Mexicans not looking so bad now are they? Oh hey, that's a thought, kill two birds...

Seize illegal aliens' homes and properties, deport them, and move the Syrians in. :)

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