Where Are Threads Supporting Romney?? Wher Is The Love??

Negatives about Obama are positives about Romney.

We've seen Obama's hope and change. And it didn't happen. Now we need someone to fix all the screwing up that the most transparent administration ever made....

Romney wasn't my first choice but he's so much better than Obama that there truly is no comparison.........

Why?? What terrible dire consequences resulted from an Obama presidency???

A black guy is sitting in the WHITE House. All Republicans know that.
Where are the threads supporting Obama? I see lots of threads bashing Romney and the right but very little praising Obama.

We have been praising him for quite some time. You just don't recognize the good things he has done, that's all.

Good things you say that is a matter of opinion much like beauty being in the eye of the beholder it's the same with the Obama record. As for the number of threads on a message board I don't really see that as sign of anything it's nice political fodder but it means nothing.

I don't agree. There are tons of right wing Republicans on this board. Yet none of them is singing the praises of their candidate!!! Come on, that's strange. Especially when there is so much criticism of President Obama.
Negatives about Obama are positives about Romney.

We've seen Obama's hope and change. And it didn't happen. Now we need someone to fix all the screwing up that the most transparent administration ever made....

Romney wasn't my first choice but he's so much better than Obama that there truly is no comparison.........

Why?? What terrible dire consequences resulted from an Obama presidency???

A black guy is sitting in the WHITE House. All Republicans know that.

A black guy is really are you sure? At one time we were told Obama was half white or a white/black you know the way George Zimmerman is a white /hispanic.
Negatives about Obama are positives about Romney.

We've seen Obama's hope and change. And it didn't happen. Now we need someone to fix all the screwing up that the most transparent administration ever made....

Romney wasn't my first choice but he's so much better than Obama that there truly is no comparison.........

Why?? What terrible dire consequences resulted from an Obama presidency???

Well unemployment is high and the debt has doubled. And Obamacare is a bad idea. And if Obama wins a second term he will nominate very liberal judges. Well one thing good I can say for the Obama presidency is the capture of Bin Laden but I don't think it's enough.
Yet none of them is singing the praises of their candidate!!!

Republicans don't worship their Politicians as Democrats do..

You all act like Obama really could walk on water and turn into wine too...
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We have been praising him for quite some time. You just don't recognize the good things he has done, that's all.

Good things you say that is a matter of opinion much like beauty being in the eye of the beholder it's the same with the Obama record. As for the number of threads on a message board I don't really see that as sign of anything it's nice political fodder but it means nothing.

I don't agree. There are tons of right wing Republicans on this board. Yet none of them is singing the praises of their candidate!!! Come on, that's strange. Especially when there is so much criticism of President Obama.
Disagree if you wish that is your right as for tons of right wing republicans again that is a matter of opinion to some anyone who disagrees with Obama on anything is a right wing republican.Just because people are not posting Romney threads to your satisfaction is hardly a sign of anything and incumbent presidents usually do get the bulk of criticism because the election is a referendum on them and their policies not the challenger.
Yet none of them is singing the praises of their candidate!!!

Republicans don't worship their Politicians as Democrats do..

You all act like Obama really could walk on water and turn into wine too...

No I don't think so. What about Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln? They are icons for conservatives.
Negatives about Obama are positives about Romney.

We've seen Obama's hope and change. And it didn't happen. Now we need someone to fix all the screwing up that the most transparent administration ever made....

Romney wasn't my first choice but he's so much better than Obama that there truly is no comparison.........

Why?? What terrible dire consequences resulted from an Obama presidency???

A black guy is sitting in the WHITE House. All Republicans know that.

Racist crap, Rinata you should be ashamed thanking this shit.
Remember when the left was in love with Kerry...oh, that's right, they just wanted to unite against Bush.:D
We have been praising him for quite some time. You just don't recognize the good things he has done, that's all.

Good things you say that is a matter of opinion much like beauty being in the eye of the beholder it's the same with the Obama record. As for the number of threads on a message board I don't really see that as sign of anything it's nice political fodder but it means nothing.

I don't agree. There are tons of right wing Republicans on this board. Yet none of them is singing the praises of their candidate!!! Come on, that's strange. Especially when there is so much criticism of President Obama.

I have a treat for you if you jump through this here hoop..... Come on now..... so..... how does it feel???? Pretty lame, huh.
Negatives about Obama are positives about Romney.

We've seen Obama's hope and change. And it didn't happen. Now we need someone to fix all the screwing up that the most transparent administration ever made....

Romney wasn't my first choice but he's so much better than Obama that there truly is no comparison.........

Why?? What terrible dire consequences resulted from an Obama presidency???


For the third week in a row, 29% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction. The latest finding is from a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, April 8, and remains down five points from a recent high of 34% measured in early February.

When President Obama assumed office in January 2009, voter optimism rose to 27%, then climbed into the 30s, peaking at 40% in early May of that year. In 2010, confidence steadily decreased.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™
Remember when the left was in love with Kerry...oh, that's right, they just wanted to unite against Bush.:D

so what? So your logic is the left was foolish in their strategy so we the right need to follow their lead?

Thats GENIUS, seriously You should run for something.

You project allot. Why is that considering how wrong you usually are? How about instead of presuming on false assumptions you work on your own path. We don't need you to constantly falsely depict our positions and visions. Stand on your own.
Why on earth do we need to have tons of threads on Romney? He's a candidate, not an object of worship like some people try to teach politicians.

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