Where are Trump's tax returns?

I believe she DELETED them!

Trump is obviously hiding something, and the Chumps do NOT want to know what it is.

Trump is obviously hiding something, and the Chumps do NOT want to know what it is.

Because you say so? :p

Again, you are upset Trump won't release documents he's not legally required to release while ignoring the fact that Obama and Hillary are refusing to release documents they are required by law to release.

You are a special kind of stupid.
The Trump followers certainly are melting down over this, so that's our cue to keep hammering on the point. They wouldn't be crying so hard if they weren't so scared. Plainly, even they understand what a corrupt scumbag Trump is. That's why the losers love him, being that like attracts like. However, being kindred souls, they also know that they that they need to keep Trump's corruption hidden, just as they have to keep their own corruption hidden.

You can whine, Trump losers, but you can't hide. The issue won't go away. We'll keep making sure everyone knows Trump is hiding something, and that you all approve.
The Trump followers certainly are melting down over this, so that's our cue to keep hammering on the point. They wouldn't be crying so hard if they weren't so scared. Plainly, even they understand what a corrupt scumbag Trump is. That's why the losers love him, being that like attracts like. However, being kindred souls, they also know that they that they need to keep Trump's corruption hidden, just as they have to keep their own corruption hidden.

You can whine, Trump losers, but you can't hide. The issue won't go away. We'll keep making sure everyone knows Trump is hiding something, and that you all approve.

That's fine.

Wait until you see what Clinton is presented with by Trump on global TV at the upcoming debates, should she actually make them.

Oy vey.
Well, that will just be another reason for many in the GOP to sit out the election. Evident to all the man is a serial liar.
If you'd actually consider voting for Trump, you'd already have to disregarded seemingly disqualifications such as racist statements and lack of any consistent policy that his lying about how much he's made, given to charity and is worth are simple irrelevancies. LOL
Trump is obviously hiding something, and the Chumps do NOT want to know what it is.

Because you say so? :p

Again, you are upset Trump won't release documents he's not legally required to release while ignoring the fact that Obama and Hillary are refusing to release documents they are required by law to release.

You are a special kind of stupid.
"Quick! Call the Tu Quoqu Brigade and make sure they are loaded up on red herrings!"
He's rich and pays little taxes. Just like all the other Elites in the country. I mean, Hitlery hasn't even driven a car for years. She's been chauffeured around most of her life. She's the ultimate rich corrupt Elite.

But in my opinion, she's far worse than Trump. Her and her husband have milked Taxpayers to support their lavish lifestyle for many years. They reside in the most expensive exclusive real estate in the world. But how can that be? They've never done anything for themselves? Their just sleazy career politicians. I hope America doesn't allow them back into the White House.
Wait until you see what Clinton is presented with by Trump on global TV at the upcoming debates, should she actually make them.

Given that the weird slurs and conspiracy theories Trump has directed towards Clinton have backfired on him badly, why do you think more of the same won't backfire even worse?

Thanks to Clinton spearing Trump, the media sharks smell blood in the water. They've learned that pointing out Trump's stumbles get them better ratings than kissing his ass. And Trump has insulted and threatened them. What motivation do they have to keep playing nice with him?

And given how fundamentally gutless Trump is, what makes you think he'll even show? He'll probably cry that he's pulling out because the media is so unfair to him. You'll no doubt instantly run here to justify it, telling us how brave DearLeaderDonald was for running away.
Wait until you see what Clinton is presented with by Trump on global TV at the upcoming debates, should she actually make them.

Given that the weird slurs and conspiracy theories Trump has directed towards Clinton have backfired on him badly, why do you think more of the same won't backfire even worse?

Thanks to Clinton spearing Trump, the media sharks smell blood in the water. They've learned that pointing out Trump's stumbles get them better ratings than kissing his ass. And Trump has insulted and threatened them. What motivation do they have to keep playing nice with him?

And given how fundamentally gutless Trump is, what makes you think he'll even show? He'll probably cry that he's pulling out because the media is so unfair to him. You'll no doubt instantly run here to justify it, telling us how brave DearLeaderDonald was for running away.

Hillary's historic baggage is like herpes. She carries it wherever she goes.
Where are Trump's tax returns? The short answer is that IRS has them. Any high profile republican politician or radio talk show personality can count on being targeted by Obama's jack booted thugs in the IRS. The "Justice" department won't investigate the IRS even after they cited their 5th Amendment right not to answer questions because Barry Hussein has the "Justice" department sewn up with a radical left winger who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground except to follow orders from Hussein.

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