Where did anti-semitism originate from?

dilloduck said:
While the title of this thread is regarding the origins of anti-semitism, your hatred for Arabs can't be winning the Jews any brownie points in this regard. While the United States is attempting to relieve tensions in the Arab world by stating that we are at war with TERRORISTS (not Arabs), you throw gas on the flames. Thanks but no thanks.

So if you devine that one poster spews violent anti-semitic statements of 'only Jewish people count' or 'Jews displaced Arabs from THEIR land' while I reply pointing out the errors in these imbecilic statements, then I am displaying racist hatred. Then you claim that my post has nothing to do with anti-semitism? What a twistd perspective you have.

Pretty selective reading my words of explanation as fanning the flames of anti-semites. You are exactly like a dung beatle which finds better dung the deeper he digs into his round food stock.

You equate Arabs with people who either are not terrorists at all or just a few of them are violent terrorists but have nothing to do with their Qur'an.

Where in the world did you get your information about Arabs and Muslims not being terrorists? George Bush says Islam is a peaceful religion and only a few are terrorists. Yet George Bush pre-emptively strikes at those Arab countries who harbor those set on destroying humanity and the infidels. Remember I said watch what GW Bush does and not what he says.

You are like the Arabs who accuse Israel of creating all the problems when everyone now knows that it is just the opposite. (except for a few like yourself who know the truth but denies what is before their eyes).

It is always a good policy to blame the victims instead of the perpetrators. Whether you make such statements out of pure ignorance or out of hate for the victims, you expose yourself as irrelevant as Arafat.
ajwps said:
NO not at all.

Do you consider yourself an Arabist?

Didn't even know there was such a thing as an ARABIST! Was just curious about the Zionist question. Is it an insult to ask a jew that question? I'm sorry I asked you that if it is.
dilloduck said:
Didn't even know there was such a thing as an ARABIST! Was just curious about the Zionist question. Is it an insult to ask a jew that question? I'm sorry I asked you that if it is.

I have no idea what you might consider to be the definition of a Zionist? Most consider the Zionists to be those early Jewish pioneers who originally built the deserts and swamps of the waste lands of Israel back to a real country. That is not a problem today as the land of Israel is now a modern country.

But most of you and the Arabs consider the word Zionist to be the equivalent of those 'damn Jews.' (all the Jewish men, women, children and the unborn of the world). About .01% of the population of the world.

And by the way, it is no insult to be called a Jew or to equate us with the religion of Judaism. But I am not and have never been a Zionist. I had an uncle who belonged to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). The orignal Zionists backed Theodore Hertzel and the building of the land of Israel into a democratic country state.

Most of you Arabists adherents are either believers of the tactics of suicide children bombers or Qur'anic edict to convert the world to Islam or slay them from ambush.
r2200t said:
If you went to Germany in the 1930's and asked people if they were nazi's i don't think they would get offended. However today they might not want to admit it.

No the Germans of the 1930 did not vote Hitler into office. He intimidated the majority of the German people to follow the superman myth with the promise of work and the return of face from their WW1 disgrace.

After 1945, you could ask any living German if he was or had been a Nazi. Funny thing, not one German admitted to being a Nazi openly following the war to this very day. I guess they were ashamed of their path down the road with Uncle Adolph.

Similarly, I don't see why A Zionist would get offended, but i wouldn't be surprised if ajwps is a Zionist at heart but won't admit to it, it's like those gay guys in denial, they think they are straight but they keep checking out other men, (no offense to gays, but this is the best example i can think of)

Great... Your frontal lobe equates Zionists with gays. While most of us equate you with a flat line EEG who keeps checking to see if your rectal sphincter still works. Like I asked Dilloduck, how do you define the word Zionist?

Do you think that Arafat is a Zionist or a Muhammadist?

I guess since the UN equated Zionism with racism, Zionists have been keeping things low.

I'm not sure that the UN equating anything bothers anybody for any reason. The UN is a majority of Muslim countries and anything that they attempt is moot.

Are you a follower of the Zionist Jew Christ?

and... No, i am not a arabist. I'm a humanitarian, I live in a delusional world where everyone is equal, where one human from Zimbabwe is as important as one from the USA.

Yes indeed you do live in a delusional world but I think that you are as far from a humanitarian as Mahatma Ghandi was a child killer.

So you feel that a man from Zimbabwe is as important as a Zionist (JEW)?

Do you think that John Gacy of Chicago was as important as Mary Magdalene?
ajwps said:
No the Germans of the 1930 did not vote Hitler into office. He intimidated the majority of the German people to follow the superman myth with the promise of work and the return of face from their WW1 disgrace.

After 1945, you could ask any living German if he was or had been a Nazi. Funny thing, not one German admitted to being a Nazi openly following the war to this very day. I guess they were ashamed of their path down the road with Uncle Adolph.

Good job. I don't know how many times people have to be told that Hitler was never elected into office. It's really not hard to read a history book.

Great... Your frontal lobe equates Zionists with gays. While most of us equate you with a flat line EEG who keeps checking to see if your rectal sphincter still works. Like I asked Dilloduck, how do you define the word Zionist?

Do you think that Arafat is a Zionist or a Muhammadist?

I can tell you that whatever Arafat is, it doesn't equate with gays. The only gay pride parades in the Middle East, are in Israel. The left always misses the fact that only Isreal actually allows true freedom for one to be openly gay. Doesn't mean Zionists are like gays, only that they allow them in society.

I'm not sure that the UN equating anything bothers anybody for any reason. The UN is a majority of Muslim countries and anything that they attempt is moot.

Hell, anyone who relies on the moral compass of the UN bothers me. What kind of person would ever credit the UN with credentials such as this?

Yes indeed you do live in a delusional world but I think that you are as far from a humanitarian as Mahatma Ghandi was a child killer.

Well like the man said, the UN was his moral compass for humanitarian principles.
Comrade said:
Good job. I can tell you that whatever Arafat is, it doesn't equate with gays. The only gay pride parades in the Middle East, are in Israel. The left always misses the fact that only Isreal actually allows true freedom for one to be openly gay. Doesn't mean Zionists are like gays, only that they allow them in society.

Comrade if you think that gays don't exist in the world of the Arabs and Arafat you are incorrect.

Gays exist everywhere but in the land of Islam, they still remain hidden 'in their closets.' It is forbidden in the Qur'an except for those who die as martyrs for Allah.

They are promised the reward of sinless sex with little boy youths (as pure as pearls).

Found in the Qur'an of Islam

The Mount
52:23 They shall there exchange, one with another, a (loving) cup free of frivolity, free of all taint of SIN.

The Mount
52:24 Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them. Boys (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.

The Mount
52:25 They will advance to each other, engaging in mutual enquiry.

Time, Man, (every) Man, This (day-and-)age
76:19 And round about them will (serve) BOYS of perpetual (freshness): If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls.

Time, Man, (every) Man, This (day-and-)age
76:20 And when thou lookest, it is there thou wilt see a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent.

How about blowing yourself up to kill babies so that you can have sinless sex with boy for eternity? Come on doesn't it sound like a lot of fun?
r2200t said:
So the UN was right in allowing the creation of Israel, But the UN at the same time has no right to critisize Israel.

Well it's nice the UN did eventually recognize the British Mandate which set forth the partition plan some 32 years after the British Balfour Declaration and allowed Isreal to join the hallowed halls within the single building the U.S. put up in NYC to bring the UN together as a real live organization, instead of a gleam in Mrs. Roosevelts eye.

But once again I remind it's supporters, that the UN only exists as an idea, not an authority. You attribute the legitimacy of the UN to a matter it was never authorized nor intended to enforce. Must the obvious once again be clearly illustrated? That the UN exists only by the graciousness of it's masters, the nation-states?

Any argument for it's legitimacy is still a complete fantasy, a farce which only those willing to overlook the gross moral inconsistencies can entertain. If there was one time when the UN, and not it's most powerfull backers, was once able to wield any real power, I am at a loss to find it. I would recommend a healthy dose of reality for anyone who dares to play the fools game by issuing a proclamation of genuine UN authority among the nation-states who drive reality in practice.

As for the UN with respect to Isreal, their recognition of this state by no means granted it either authority or legitimacy. Among historical documentation, Isreal was in fact the very first state to exist, and was granted this right by the authority of "God" above. In the legal sense this right remains documented in the holiest writings of mankind itself. I myself give less credit to this than I would to a more modern partition as set forth long before the UN existed, under the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Then again I give more credit to it's actual existence and proven status as a liberal democracy overall.

But when you think the UN had any say in the manner, because it chose to accept Isreal into it's assembly as a participant, that's practically the weakest argument for it's existence I've ever heard.


1948 Independence of the State of Israel

"On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate came to an end. As a result, the State of Israel was proclaimed according to the UN Partition Plan. On the same day, the members of the National Council signed the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel. Eleven minutes after the proclamation, American President Harry S. Truman extended recognition to Israel. Not even a day later the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded, thus beginning the Israel’s War of Independence. Israel fiercely defended its sovereignty, losing 6,000 Israeli lives and lasting 15 months. In 1949, with assistance from the UN, negotiated Armistice Agreements with each of the invading countries, except Iraq, which has refused to negotiate with Israel to date. As a result, “the coastal plain, Galilee and the entire Negev were within Israel's sovereignty, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) came under Jordanian rule, the Gaza Strip came under Egyptian administration, and the city of Jerusalem was divided, with Jordan controlling the eastern part, including the Old City, and Israel the western sector.” (Armistice Agreements, The State of Israel Ministry of Affairs) On May 11, 1949, the UN admitted Israel as its 59th member."

Talk about half-assed recognition, well after the fact. I guess that made it okay to exist in your book, having admitted to the obvious well after their own war and established support from most Western powers.

Like I said, the UN act of recognizing a state never was and shall always remain a factor completely seperate from it's actual legal authority over that same state. Don't entertain the UN fantasy which itself cannot or never attempted to document. There is no such authority and never was supposed to be.
r2200t said:
LOL, Do you seriously think readers will buy into that crap! Deserts and swamps, wasteland??? what century are you living in? Why stop there, you can say that Palestinians lived in tents, and holes in the ground, or in mud huts... houses made of straw... Heck call em Nomads too. Igloo hunters...

Now back to reality, Since 1920, Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Palestine (British Mandate) lived together, in houses brick or concrete homes. They had businesses, i know my granpa had a Jewlery Store, and a 2 story-home, and a car (until Holocaust victims stole them from him stating that the land is theirs...). so please explain to me, where these deserts, swamps and wastelands are?? Rememeber, Israel was created in 1948. Also, have you been to Dowtown Beirut lately, Or Abu Dhabi or Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates??? They built one heck of a city, worthy to be called a modern country...Proof that the racist state of Israel, or zionism is not a pre-requisite to developped countries in the Middle East. Arabs too can build a civilization. You Jewish friends did no one a favor. And unlike your swamp theory i have proof.

Pic of downtown Abu Dhabi/Dubai, in the united arab emirates,
It makes Israel look like a 3rd world country.

Even Lebanon after recovering from 15 years of war looks decent

And here is a pic of Acre (dad's hometown)

other pics,Haifa (mom's hometown) in 1935, looks pretty developped to me.

Where are your SWAMPS? Deserts? only thwarted skewed racist eyes sees swamps in those pics.

Here is a pic of a swamp to remind you of what it looks like. and that green thing is a frog. ;)

Great pics... why don't the Palestinians, especially those who never set foot in Isreal, immigrate to these places instead?
shouldn't you say that Lebanon WAS a Christian nation? From everything that I have read, the Muslims have taken over there and the Christians have been made a minority there.
r2200t said:
I'm not too sure, could be many reasons, poverty is very high, unemployment is of the chart, education is crap, then they need to apply as immigrants, and few countries want poor un-educated immigrants...Some Palestinians are very patriotic, they still chant the Palestinian anthem. their culture is very important to them aswell. Since all arabic countries are very different, some prefer to suffer and stay in palestinian territories. Also many arabic speeking countries are very full of themselves. Kuwaiti's think they are the shit and all the rest of arabs are inferior, many countries think the same... so a Palestinian would be treated by some as less important (nothing Palestinians arent used to). Other Arabs might think badly of Palestinians for leaving their towns. Remember, Israel bans non-Jews from returning to live in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, so once they step out, they may never return, it's part of Israel's ethnic cleansing strategy..

More interestingly, UAE is a rich tax free country, with many immigrant workers. To become a citizen and enjoy the benefits of free homes, grants etc.. you must have 3 ancestors born in that country! then you must apply. It's an oppertunistic place and a highly viewed touristic attraction for europeans(has the worlds only 7-star hotel, built on it's own island with underwater aquatium, helicopter landing and ferry...I have a friend who stayed there..., but becoming a citizen is very difficult, you need connections. the reason behind this is the tiny population of citizens compared to number of immigrant workers.

Lebanon, is under a Christian administration, if they allow muslim immigrants to enter and vote, then this could turn the country into an islamic fundamentalist country. (it's a very delicate country, I think the US is playing a role in keeping it Christian) The Muslims in Lebanon, want to allow Palestinian refugees incamps to enter. but the Christians are preventing this. Each have valid arguments.

Right on. You definately know enough to see the complexities involved here.

I don't dispute a single statement and would only add two additional issues which contribute to the conflict.

The first is that the Palestinians surely got the shortest straw in the whole deal. Their expulsion following the Arab-Isreali wars, which was based upon the promise of an Arab victory, in defeat led to a situation niether Isreal nor it's neighbors could deal with. The Palestinian people gambled (or were gambled with) and lost badly. The Arab countries refused and continue to refuse to take upon themselves the responsibility of those uprooted people, who were expelled violently wherever they managed take root among the Arab regimes. They were cast off and left to rot and fester without any support from the losers of their war. In this respect I find Isreal no more at fault than those who gambled upon it's defeat.

And having refused to absorb and adopt the tragic losers of those who were promised victory and a better life, the continuation of the Palestinian issue is but a convenient lie for those who see, in their own self-interest, a continuation of the conflict via the Palestian proxy.

You definately have the objectivity to understand the big picture and I respect you for it.
r2200t said:
They should be ashamed, but there are still many supremisist(?) Germans...

There are always supremacists who feel that they are better than others. That is in the nature of mankind to feel that they particularly were born as a special higher level than others. It is those who act out their feelings on those who in reality make those same super beings intuitively know they are inferior. Thus if these supermen can intimidate or kill who they fear, then they become the remaining super beings. Nice trick but it never works.

Common, i never said that, i was comparing reactions. Some gays are in denial and some Zionist Jews are in denial aswell.

Right..... Here is your quote
....ajwps is a Zionist at heart but won't admit to it, it's like those gay guys in denial, they think they are straight but they keep checking out other men, (no offense to gays, but this is the best example i can think of)

Like you too are in denial but can't exactly come to your reality (no offense to gays) but think you are still straight but keep checking out other men. This is the best example I can think of as well.

Zionist (my definition) is someone who believes Israel (including Palestinian territories) is a land for Jews Worldwide and only Jews, and someone who believes that expelling others who live there is just and right since it's the land of the Jews. Is someone who encourages Palestinian land grabs to make Israel larger. Someone who makes donations to this end. something like that, i would need to think it through to write something more accurate..

You really should read your statement carefully. Do you see how utterly stupid you sound? The fact is that there is no one including any Jewish person who fits that ignorant description.

Do you see words in your statement like:
1) someone who believes that their land is theirs
2) expelling others living in your land that kill your children
3) expelling others because they are not Jews
4) encourages land grabs of land of others who never had a government in the land
5) someone who makes donation to the ancesteral land (like Irish Americans making donations to Ireland
6) something like that
7) can't think of anything accurate

Sorry this is not the definition of Zionists.....

I think Arafat is a corrupt Piece of Sh!t who would never get re-elected. He's a discrace to Palestinians. His policies of attacking civilians, and his ugly looks shame people worldwide. I'd be happy if he was in exile on some island in the pacific ocean, with the other terrorist Sharon.

So you think Arafat would never get re-elected? Which Arab do you think would vote against him without being murdered? Maybe you think that Arab elections are like those in your hometown? Why are you so upset with the child murderer Arafat?

Arafat is much like Adolph Hitler. They both knew how to wage war against the innocent country(ies) around them and both have/had no knowledge of military strategies. They both bring and brought their people to an ignominious end by sheer stupidity.

Sharon was elected in a free Democratic election by a majority of the citizens of Israel including the Arab population who also voted in the public elections. You call Sharon a terrorist and you call Arafat a terrorist. Then who is the good guy here? John Kerry and John Edwards maybe?

When ONLY 2 or 3 countries out of 150 countries vote with Israel, it has nothing to do with Muslims since all the Christian countries also vote against Israel (except Jewish-Lobbied US).

What is the difference if all the nations hate this little country of 5 or so million people who live like Americans in freedom and justice with each and every voice counted. Who makes the nations of the world right or correct because of might or numbers? That statement of yours is totally irrational. The Jewish prophets of eons ago actually wrote down that most of the nations would rise up against Israel but that they would get their comeuppance in the end. You are seeing history happening in your own time and you see nothing.

Zionist Jew Christ?<sigh> no not in that sense... Jesus hated Jews, he called them hypocrites time and again, and he said that they would have their (Jews) reward in full...

So Jesus hated Jews and called them hypocrites over and over again. Yet he wrote not one word of this revelation that he hated his mother, his father, his brothers, his disciples, his own followers, his friends and neighbors, his carpenter customers and just every man, woman and child born into the Jewish religion ad infinitim. That promised Jewish reward has been received since his time as the nations including the Christian nations (and many in the USA) have striken out irrationally against Jesus and his Jewish bretheren. Yep Jesus the Jew would condemn all the Jews throughout time for being hypocrits. Just brilliant....

There is little doubt that if Jesus were to return today, you would be the first to crucify him again. He was a Jew you know!!!

YEs i admited to being delusional,.. A Zionist life is as important as a Palestinians'...

Now you consider Zionist's lives to be important when you have just condemned them for being evil, deceitful and just all around no-good because Jesus the Jew condemned his own people as said by Paul the Tarsian.

lol, as far as human life goes, yes. I disagree with capital punishment. all people should have a chance to be rehabilitated, if it is possible. If not they need to be confined. A human who is messud up in the head is many times the result of society..cheers.

So you don't believe in capital punishment. That's nice.... You believe that a person who brutally murders your mother or your sister or your father or maybe your child should be rehabilitated. I'll bet you wouldn't change your mind about someone who painfully killed another, took their rehabilitation and civil rights away and got a possibility of parole to kill again. I guess that life for a life (Genesis 21:23-24) is just meaningless words?

A famous writer by the name of Norman Cousins thought just as you. He freed a murderer who during his time on death row became self educated, wrote a best selling book and became famous. Mr. Cousins obtained a reprieve and eventually this murderer was released where he promptly killed an innocent young woman. So much for his rehabilitation.

You proclaim that criminals and murderers are just victims of society. I love that.... Everybody is just a victim and nobody is responsible that way. Isn't that just peeche-keen....
r2200t said:
Thanks, and those are good points aswell. I think there is one exception to the original invading arab speaking countries: Jordan

Here is a quote..:

"Officials estimate that around 150,000 Gaza-origin Palestinians have been issued Jordanian passports. About 25,000 of them live in the refugee camp in Jarash, north of Amman."

there are alos another 100,000 immigrants with no passports, who ended up there after the '67 war...
So IMHO, i think Jordan was the only one to do it's part in absorbing Palestinians, and i think it's economy and unemployement must have suffered for years. The rest were selfish as you stated. Jordan is currently a poor country and i think it's done it's part.

Lebanon, has another problem, it's too small for the amount of Lebanese people world wide.. .it's a problem already...


But didn't Jordan actually fight against and focibly expell most of the Palestinian refugees who settled there after 1967? I have tons of links pointing to a series of massacres by King Hussein against a PLO uprising sponsored by Arafat himself, culiminating in what is referred to as "Black September"

Fatah and other Palestinian Liberation Organization factions had long been active among the 400,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanese camps. Through the 1960s the center for armed Palestinian activities had been in Jordan. Then, in 1970, after the PLO tried to destabilize Jordan and take over, King Hussein of Jordan decided to evict the bulk of the armed Palestinians in three weeks of bloody fighting in what the Palestinians call "Black September." One of the major results was the forced migration of a large number of PLO fighters from Jordan to Lebanon. There they based their military and economic activities in the fertile environment of the refugee camps. Soon the Palestinians were well on their way to creating what the Lebanese called "a State within the State."


And as far as those escaping to Lebanon, the Christian government there even established a temporary alliance with Isreal to evict the same refugees from Lebonese territory due to the unrest and instability such a massive population movement caused for their own resisidents among Lebanon.


From such a history I'd gather no single state in the region can really come clean at all, and in the end, still, the Palestinians were truly raped by their Arab brethren. I see Isreal can claim several million native Arab Muslim citizens who get full citizenship and subsequent rights of free speech and worship, but the numbers adopted by the Arab neighbors fall well short of this total. Why is Isreal particularly singled out by the Arab world for it's own refusal to accept the remaining millions of displaced people? These same Arab nations never adopted a policy of peacefull integration of these tragic martyrs, or at least failed to adopt, after much violence and civil war, more than perhaps some two hundred thousand themselves. This is despite the massive real estate and overall capacity for assimiliation they themselves can brag of. I still find it hard to imagine why they can't themselves be labeled hipocritical for thier position. Doesn't anybody in the region want the Palestinians? I think Europe and the more remote Arab regimes have little to say beyond what suits them selfishly. I wonder what you make of this.
r2200t said:
Thanks, and those are good points aswell. I think there is one exception to the original invading arab speaking countries: Jordan
Here is a quote..: "Officials estimate that around 150,000 Gaza-origin Palestinians have been issued Jordanian passports. About 25,000 of them live in the refugee camp in Jarash, north of Amman." there are alos another 100,000 immigrants with no passports, who ended up there after the '67 war... So IMHO, i think Jordan was the only one to do it's part in absorbing Palestinians, and i think it's economy and unemployement must have suffered for years. The rest were selfish as you stated. Jordan is currently a poor country and i think it's done it's part. Lebanon, has another problem, it's too small for the amount of Lebanese people world wide.. .it's a problem already... cheers

Did you not know that Jordan has always been a majority of so-called palestinian Arabs. The King of Jordan is a Hashemite and not a palestinian but he rules over the real Palestine west of the river Jordan. Little Israel is not one-quarter the size of Jordan but has aborbed the expelled Jewish people back into its tiny state making it one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Comrad is very correct. The former Hashemite King of Jordan killed thousands and expelled the rest of the PLO and Arafat from its borders. No one came to their defence or claimed Jordan was a racist state or that Jordan was an evil country that treated its brothers with callous disregard.

Israel and the world would fund Jordan with all the money they needed to absorb their Arab brothers from Israel. Just as Israel has done for their own brothers. There is no excuse that Jordan, a large country, can't change to become the answer to the killing and the murderers who may live in their land with no cost to the King and his treasury. Why does Jordan keep the PLO in camps instead of absorbing them.

THE ANSWER: They can't live with terrorists and murderers in their midst.
r2200t said:
I'm sick of replying to your non-sense...wtf are you talking about. Your opinions have lost all credibility in my eyes, sorry.

hey r2200t, nice way to sidestep the valid points made about Jordan!
r2200t said:
Actually the Jordan reply was posted as i was tryping my replies to other posts... But if you want to bring up side stepping i can bring back a few of my solid posts that got no replies...maybe i'll bump them later-on

You'll hear from me on Jordan tomorrow morning, i can't find my stapler under all the paperwork on my desk.

My apologies then. At least you support a lot of your positions with facts. I can't wait to read what you have to say tomorrow about Jordan.
r2200t said:
I said
"but i wouldn't be surprised if ajwps is a Zionist at heart but won't admit to it, it's like those gay guys in denial, they think they are straight but they keep checking out other men, (no offense to gays, but this is the best example i can think of)" read it one more time. and let me know if you still think i was calling you gay. The comparison was about denial.

I am still laughing so hard at your moronic joke responses that I have to wipe the tears out of my eyes. You wouldn't be surprised if Harry Truman was a henchman of Adolph Hitler. Further clarification of your comparison denial of Zionism with homosexuality was not vague or oblique but right on point. Repeated denials of ignorant and imbecilic comparisons fool no one.

I never said its the definition of Zionist, I said it was my definition:

My response was not a response to a general definition of Zionism but I simply pointed out your definition of Zionism. Boy can you bob and weave attempting to deny your own words. You should be a boxer.

Israel is preventing the Palestinians from having elections because they know (via intelligence, mossad) that government wing of Hamas will get elected, and that would be disastrous to the situation. That is why Israel won't allow democracy to flourish in the Palestinian territories.

Unbelievable! Now you have the Israeli inteligence Mossad controling the elections in the rigged Arab election in which Arafat was apposed by a non entity known by no one who didn't even get a poster up on a street corner.

Yep the Israeli Mossad got our good friend Yassar Arafat elected in the last election some years ago. Maybe you weren't aware but the Hamas, PLO, PLFP are all under the direct control of Yassar Arafat now living on his rubble pile in Ramallah. Israel would love to have the Arabs vote for their choice of candidates but if you look at your TV news, you will see that the Arabs are revolting against the corrupt Arafat and his son and cronies. I have said before that in a short time, the PLO and all its killer groups are about to implode on their own. Israel doesn't need to stir the pot. The Arabs see that they are hungy while their leaders have every luxury and give the starving Arabs orders to blow themselves up. Great observation root2000.

Yes I agree Sharon is a terrorist, elected by the Israelis. Does that make him the only elected terrorist.

How can one respond to a dim-witted assertion? You haven't the vaguest clue, do you?

Each and every voice is counted, lol... I hope you don't believe all these stories written by Jewish Prophets, sigh, so are you one of those (zionist) Jews that also thinks that the Jewish land extends to the Euphrates river in Iraq?? Why don't you use your life savings to lobby the US gov. to give you that land...

If the prophecies come about under your nose one tends to say, hey you can't believe what everyone sees happening. I'll bet you are one of the white slavers that takes white women across state lines for illicit purposes. Why do I need to lobby the US government to give Israel to Israel? Do you know how stupid your proclamations are beginning to sound?

Man who cares.. religion should not be followed word by word, at least not thousands of years after their creation. How many Christians have sex after marriage? how many Jews still have sex through a hole in a blanket? How many muslims want boys to molest when they die? The point is ONLY the basic laws in religions should be used, or else it leads to fanaticism, Like the the Zionists Terrorists in Israel, the Fundamentalist Muslims worldwide or those Leftist(?) Christians who kill abortionists etc... i know there are many examples, but i'll keep it short for the sake of discussion.

Now you claim to be everybody's Bible scholar.... You find yourself some kind of religious expert telling people what to believe and what to ignore in their respective faiths. It seems that your brain seizures are keeping your irratic thoughts short for the sake of discussion.

I'm a humanitarian, i don't hate Jews. I wouldn't kill anyone unless they were trying to directly kill me, and even then, i would try to inflict injury instead of death.

Yes you are a true humanitarian spoting hate then denying your hate, then you wouldn't kill anyone unless attacked then only trying to inflict injury. You should work for John Kerry. He needs someone to really flip-flop and go into a coma like state for leaving your physical body. You sure are a character.

Even Evil doers do not deserve death, they deserve rehabilitation, re-education.

Is that according to your beliefs, your wishes, your fantasies, your large colon or just that you haven't been the victim of a violent crime when you lose a loved one. You just might get your chance to back up your words after having to bury a loved one killed by one of your fun loving Muslim terrorists.

Yes, i don't believe in brutal vengence.

Good for you...

I guess it didn't work in this case, that doesn't mean it cannot work for others... A GOOD system must be in place for rehabilitation. Psychologists must be used, standard prison cells do nothing. Therapy is needed. and again, not everyone can be cured, but death is not the answer.

Now you claim to be a criminal expert and find the law of the land does not meet your humanitarian standards. It is apparent that you need both rehabilitation and psychotherapy because no known cure is known for your particular form of mental aberation. Maybe you can be warehoused in a prison to prevent you from harming yourself or others in moments when you lose reality.

Yikes i never said that, don't put words in my mouth, you already put plenty there, my mouth is full. Many criminals become criminals as a result of society are you going to argue this?

No I put no words in your mouth as you have done that for yourself. No there is no need to debate that society creates criminals as this premise has mow long been discounted as totally invalid. You might want to prove that being poor and mistreated as a child leads to graduating from Harvard Law School. Is society responsible for this abberation? Take a look at Justice Thomas of the Supreme Court. He is a black man you know.....

For three hundred years the idea that nurture is the determining factor in human actions has been used to argue for a variety of social programs—if we can only change people’s environments, the argument goes, we can make a better humanity; reduce crime, fight poverty, get rid of the sex difference in math. This creed is usually associated with the politics of the Left. On the other hand, if nature is responsible for much of what we are—heavily influencing such things as intelligence, personality traits, perhaps even propensity to commit crimes—then there are limits to what social programs can do to reduce the individual differences between people. This conviction is often thought to fit better with the politics of the Right.

r2200t said:
I'm not too sure, could be many reasons, poverty is very high, unemployment is of the chart, education is crap, then they need to apply as immigrants, and few countries want poor un-educated immigrants...Some Palestinians are very patriotic, they still chant the Palestinian anthem. their culture is very important to them aswell. Since all arabic countries are very different, some prefer to suffer and stay in palestinian territories. Also many arabic speeking countries are very full of themselves. Kuwaiti's think they are the shit and all the rest of arabs are inferior, many countries think the same... so a Palestinian would be treated by some as less important (nothing Palestinians arent used to). Other Arabs might think badly of Palestinians for leaving their towns. Remember, Israel bans non-Jews from returning to live in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, so once they step out, they may never return, it's part of Israel's ethnic cleansing strategy..

So you're not sure. YOUR NOT SURE..... Well it is good that you blamed Israel for your apparent uncertainty of why Lebanon nor any other country accepts the Arabs into their societies who have never stepped foot in Israel.

You are really an expert on everything but you are not sure of anything. At least you make bold statements about obfuscation and outright lies.

More interestingly, UAE is a rich tax free country, with many immigrant workers. To become a citizen and enjoy the benefits of free homes, grants etc.. you must have 3 ancestors born in that country! then you must apply. It's an oppertunistic place and a highly viewed touristic attraction for europeans(has the worlds only 7-star hotel, built on it's own island with underwater aquatium, helicopter landing and ferry...I have a friend who stayed there..., but becoming a citizen is very difficult, you need connections. the reason behind this is the tiny population of citizens compared to number of immigrant workers.

Hey I have a connection in the United Arab Emirate immigration office. He assures me that you could apply and become a 3 ancestor born history in their country. I suggest that you begin packing now.

You might want to think about keeping your head in a jar. The Arab people have a great proclivity for removing the heads of their 3 + year ancestors who wander their sand dunes. You know have a reservation in their 18 star hotel with running water and outdoor toilet facilities.

Lebanon, is under a Christian administration, if they allow muslim immigrants to enter and vote, then this could turn the country into an islamic fundamentalist country. (it's a very delicate country, I think the US is playing a role in keeping it Christian) The Muslims in Lebanon, want to allow Palestinian refugees incamps to enter. but the Christians are preventing this. Each have valid arguments.

You really don't know do you. Lebanon is under the rule of Syria. Young Assad doesn't really care for the Christian minority still living in Lebanon. Remember it was those Christian phalangists who killed their own family Islamic murders in Shabra and Shatilla camps.

How delicate is Lebanon? Is it like a flower petal or is it a land filled with daily murders and shootings by the merry Muslim terrorists? So it is the Chrisitans and the US who are preventing those poor Arab refugees to get out of their poverty. What a whale of tale you weave.
r2200t said:

i am sorry, you won't get a reply from me for a while, I see the game you are playing and i'm not falling for it. You keep twisting my words (deliberately???) and add bogus arguments. Not worth my time, find someone else to vent at.c



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