Where did anti-semitism originate from?

Originally posted by r2200t
1. UN security council has 15 Members, Syria and pussy whipped Pakistan, are the only Muslim ones... all were voting against Israel except for US and it's Veto.

United Kingdom
United States

Either Way UN recommendations (non-binding) never have more than 5 countries supporting Israel out of over 100 countries! they must all be blind anti-semites, the whole world is just racist right??

That my friend speaks for itself.

Again, please don't use the term "arab terrorist". Use the term Palestinian Terrorist. you wouldn't want people to replace "Israeli Terrorists" with "Jewish Terrorists"!
Big Difference.
Also, Remember, Israels Terrorist Army still KILLS 3x more Palestinian Civilians; it's the most effective terrorist between the two.

I never defended other arabic speeking countries... Many of them have horrible human rights records, some almost as bad as Israels, some worse (saddam pre-1992), and by the way many UN resolutions have been passed against Countries whos primary language is arabic.

Of the above, some are certainly open to Islamic ideas: France; Pakistan; Phillipines; Spain; UK; Algeria that's without research, just knowing sizable contingent of Islamics. Your point being????
Originally posted by r2200t

1. UN security council has 15 Members, Syria and pussy whipped Pakistan, are the only Muslim ones... all were voting against Israel except for US and it's Veto.

Chile China France Germany Pakistan Philippines Romania
Spain United Kingdom United States Algeria Angola Benin Brazil

Either Way UN recommendations (non-binding) never have more than 5 countries supporting Israel out of over 100 countries! they must all be blind anti-semites, the whole world is just racist right?? That my friend speaks for itself.

I guess that speaks for itself except for the fact that any country with an Islamic threat to attack any dissenting UN votes constitutes hatred of those who blackmail the world with bombs and suiciders who are willing to destroy hundreds of their citizens if they don't vote with the Islamites. Spain is one prime example. Do you really have to make believe that the world loves a religion of killers?

Again, please don't use the term "arab terrorist". Use the term Palestinian Terrorist. you wouldn't want people to replace "Israeli Terrorists" with "Jewish Terrorists"! Big Difference.
Also, Remember, Israels Terrorist Army still KILLS 3x more Palestinian Civilians; it's the most effective terrorist between the two.

Why do you call Arabs living in Israel Palestinians? Again, when did the Arabs become palestinians when for hundreds of years the Jews of Israel were called palestinians by the Ottomans and Jordianians and British. When did the Arabs every form a country or people named palestinians in the world of nations? NEVER...

Don't call Arabs anything but murderers.

What!? I never defended other arabic speeking countries... Many of them have horrible human rights records, some almost as bad as Israels, some worse (saddam pre-1992), and by the way many UN resolutions have been passed against Countries whos primary language is arabic.

Almost as bad as the free people of Israel? Which Muslim country in the world has done anything for the remainder of mankind?

What do the Muslims do for the Infidels that they want to convert to the 14th century religion of Muhammad or simply slay mankind from ambush?
Both Israel and the Muslim countries appear to be so busy bitching at each other that they don't have time for other people.
Originally posted by dilloduck

Both Israel and the Muslim countries appear to be so busy bitching at each other that they don't have time for other people.

How much time would you like to be spent on you when your mother is beating your wife?

What the hell are you talking about?
Originally posted by r2200t

Are you serious??
you list the UK?? SPAIN! FRANCE??GIVE ME A BREAK THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT, THE WHOLE WORLD, THE WHOOOOOLE WORLD. I know that I'm wasting my time convincing you...After all only a pro-apartheid zionist can come up with such a rediculous comment. We both know that you are simply defending your cause despite knowing that your Cause is wrong and inhumain.

What do you have rattling around in that ancephalic head of yours?

You say with such authority that the whooooooooole world is against the Israeli government and the Jewish people?

So the nations that vote against this tiny little country aren't having an Islamic gun pointed at their heads?

Why do you think that every non-Muslim UN ambassador or UN General Assembly members are voting the real feelings of their citizens? So you think that fear from these primitive Kamakazi religionists are not a deciding factor without one condemnation of the Arab dictatorships of murderers. Does the whoooooooole world love these murderous Islamic killers?

How would you vote if your cities and populations were being threatened with terrorist bombings or bringing down your airlines? Do you think that the whooooooooole world hates the Jewish people who are less than .01% of the world population while millions of people all over the Arab world are being tortured or murdered by their brothers?

Why do you think there are no UN or UNGA condemnations in all those anti-Israeli resolutions when the real beasts walking around like Islamites haven't one resolution brought up against them. A bit strange don't you think.

You really fit the description of copraphagia.
Originally posted by r2200t


No where did i mention the Jewish people, The world only hates the actions of the Israeli Gov... and i proved this..

So you are saying that the Jewish government is hated while the Jews who serve in the government are different somehow? The actions of the Israeli government are forced on them by the peace loving Intifiada murders who kill babies. What do you want the Israeli government to do, roll over and play dead? Well they aren't going to do that again but your whines and screams are heard only by those who know that the Arabs of Israel are being treated a billion times better than they treat the Jewish people.

So let me see, if 140 countries vote against Israel, and 2 vote for (US and Israel) this means that 140 countries are scared of muslims , are you serious??? that is the weakest argument of all time. Did you forget that France banned the Hijab from Schools, despite all the protests..., they don't fear the huge population of french Muslims!

Now you equate countries UN reps voting the opinions of their people who are under the threat of death.

Now you find France's government banning the Hija as proof of some kind of freedom from the fear of the multitude of Arabs living in France. That is a real GESTURE by the French government knowing full well that it is meant for only show to people like you.

Why aren't you calling the French people racists and the oppressor of the Arabs living in the land of the French people?

What's holding you up?
Originally posted by r2200t
What the French do to the Muslims does not concern me.
1. although i speak French, I am not French from France..
2. I am not Muslim. to conclude i don't care.
Your posts indicate you are a Muslim/Christian Arab who repeats the lies that you think make fiction, said often enough to become fact. You ay that you don't care about how France treats the Muslims but for some unknown reason, Israel treats the Arabs who live there with respect and equality until the Intifada attacks against Israel.

I guess you forgot how the Christians, Muslim, Jews lived in harmony for hundreds of years prior to the creation of Israel. stop talking out of your a$$.

No I didn't forget for one second what actually occurred before and after the Jewish people began to rebuild this land of swamps and sand dunes in the early 1900s.

The Jews were constantly under attack from the Arab population who also lived in many tent encampments as there were no Arab villages or cities in those days.

There was never any harmony between the Arabs and the Jews until long after 1948. The Arabs lived in small villages and cities in this now modern westernized counrty built frm the ground up by the increasing Jewish population, especially with the influx of the survivors of the Nazi death camps of WW2.

The Arabs did live in peace with the indigenous Jewish population, enjoyed the freedoms of the young Israel along with the Jews. Then came the Egyptian born Arafat, a paid terrorist trained in Russia to destablize the young Israel.

With Arafat came the radical Isalmics, who instigated Intifada 1, which then created havoc among the once peaceful Jews and Arabs who had lived, worked and enjoyed a freedom never before known by any Arab population.

The Arabs never knew they were oppressed or second class citizens until Arafat and the Islamic Mullahs and clerics taught them that they were enslaved by those satanic Jews.

No I haven't forgotten anything.

Return to your Arabic fables about the evil Israel government and the Jewish people. No one believes your crap lies anymore. Keep on posting this nonsense to Americans and Europeans who actually know the history of the Arabs, Christians and Jews in Israel.
Originally posted by r2200t
You are still talking out of your ass.

We have black and white pictures of out palestinian 2 story homes and my Grandpa's Jewlery Store in Acre.

Sorry i stopped reading your BS made up zionist propaganda stories. you might be able to convince others with your ramblings, but to someone who's actually been to the land (me) the existance of Unicorns is more feasable(Sp?), than your lies.

Sorry again, but black and white pictures of your grandpa and grandmother, their house, their jewelry store or of their outhouse doesn't constitute ownership of the country of Israel.

I too have been to the land and have many relatives who have lived there for longer than your grandparents. My Jewish heritage and people were owners of this land long before the sons of Ishmael ever wandered into the swamps of Israel.

Your unicorn analogy is as feasible as the fact that Israel now possesses the land your folks occupy as current aliens no matter how long they have been in the land of the Jewish people.

Your people's attempt to destroy the owners of the land qualifies you and yours a quick exit as the Arabs are no longer guests nor welcomed in the land of Israel.

If you don't like it, tough feces. Get a brother Arab army or armies and attack Israel. Then you can take it for your possession IF YOU CAN...

Originally posted by r2200t

Again, you are a BS mass producer I never said My ancestors own Israel. i was disproving your gossip about arabs living in tents prior to Israel.

No but that was your implication of a long presence in Israel. You have no understanding of sarcasm aimed at your nonsense. Prior to Israel there were no Arabs anywhere near this land.

you are still talking out of your a$$ ... i'm starting to find this comical, do you even realize you have a debating problem? you put words in peoples mouths and twist things around... cheers

I don't sense you find this comical at all. You find that you have been found to be totally incorrect in your suppositions and simply use insults with invectives to prove your point of view. You like to use ignorant remarks about me twisting your words around. This has proved not to be a very effective way to debate your points.

and btw, i don't like it, and i will always pursue a peaceful and just solution.

Of course you don't like it. Why would you?

You will always seek a peaceful and just solution as long as the JEWS ARE DEAD and there is no more Jewish land called Israel.

Find a another country to live in where you can find a peaceful and just civil war to wage against your fellow arabs.
Originally posted by r2200t
...by the same so called Holocaust "victims" who still seek sympathy for their cause.
Are you implying that the Jews were not victims of the holocaust during WWII???

Anti-Semitism from Arabs dates all the way back to Abraham. As you may or may not know, Abraham was told by God that he would have a child, and that child would be father to an entire nation (this is all according to scripture). Well, his wife, Sarah, was in her 90s and wasn't capable of producing children, so she offered her servant, Hagar, to Abraham, as was the custom of the day, and they had a child named Ishmael. However, later, Sarah had a child named Isaac. Abraham then practically ignored Hagar and Ishmael, and Sarah practically hated them, and Hagar returned the favor. Eventually, Hagar took Ishmael and left. All Arabs are decended from Ishmael, and all Jews are decended from Isaac.

O MY GOD!!! Please don't tell me you take this as a historical fact. O my dear Lord. How can you take this so literal? The above sounds both anti-Arab & anti-semetic to me.

As a European I cannot understand why Americans & Isrealis equate an anti-Sharon, anti-Colonisation, or criticism of Israeli policies and military actions with anti-semitism, they are not the same think, in the same way being anti-George W. Busg or anti-war is not the same thing as being anti war.

Neither can I understand some of the hateful messages above from one side to the other, it reminds me very much of the idiots who live up in Northern Ireland. So glad I live in the Republic of Ireland, where all religions & none are treated the same.

the above which I have reproduced this time in brackets come from a post near the begining of the thread and not mine just in case there is any confusion. A bit of help please how do you get the qoutes to appear as a qoute.

"Anti-Semitism from Arabs dates all the way back to Abraham. As you may or may not know, Abraham was told by God that he would have a child, and that child would be father to an entire nation (this is all according to scripture). Well, his wife, Sarah, was in her 90s and wasn't capable of producing children, so she offered her servant, Hagar, to Abraham, as was the custom of the day, and they had a child named Ishmael. However, later, Sarah had a child named Isaac. Abraham then practically ignored Hagar and Ishmael, and Sarah practically hated them, and Hagar returned the favor. Eventually, Hagar took Ishmael and left. All Arabs are decended from Ishmael, and all Jews are decended from Isaac."
Originally posted by r2200t

No i just find it ironic that those same victims, who were just recently mourning the 6 Million horrific Jewish deaths, had the heart to expel 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and businesses, put them into camps where most remain even today... you would think that the suffering they experienced would make them feel bad about doing such a thing, ... Perhaps the survivors were so angered by the holocaust attrocities that they turned their anger on to the Palestinians...and thus formed their racist Jewish state, where non-jews may leave Israel on to go on vacation, but they may never return (read ethnic clensing!)
and btw i don't consider myself anti-semitic, for 2 reasons,
1. I have Jewish Friends (heck i dated 2 Jewish gals), I don't discriminate. 2. Christian Palestinians are also semites, so being anit-semitic would imply that i hate myself.

You are ironic. Go back to that cave. "I dated two Jew women and I have Jewish friends"

The old, some of my best friends are Arabs. They were buried by their brothers for being collaborators of those Jew people I love so much.

1) The hollocaust was a myth scam

2) The Jews expelled 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.000.02 Arabs from Israel.

This Muslim thinks Christian Arabs are just like semites.

So this implies that this bigot hates himself. The only true thing he has said to date.

This guy is a ringer or a plant by the Islamic Terrorist Union. The rt200t is being reported to the Justice Department for further investigation.
Originally posted by ajwps
Apparently this Irish man

On behalf of all Sons of Erin, I invite you to go fuck yourself, you lousy Jew. Oh, and don't forget to vacate the premises afterward. You and your people have brought the world nothing but TROUBLE for three thousand years and counting. You brought Greeks trouble. You brought Romans trouble. You brought Europe trouble. You brought England trouble. You brought America trouble, and you are now about to destroy it.

You have invented nothing. You have tilled no soil. You have forged no steel. You have swept no floors. You have built no engines. You have fed nobody. You have lied. You have thieved. You have deceived. You have extorted interest from working people. You have filed lawsuits without merit. You have written lies in the press about my people. You have written lies in the press about all people, including your own, which you say are the "light unto nations."

You are not the light unto nations. You are the BLIGHT unto nations. Your tiny, shitty country in the middle east is about to plunge the planet into WORLD WAR III. All because you fuckers insist on your sick race cult. YOU are the original racists. You are the most extreme racists ever. YOU INTRODUCED THE CONCEPT TO THE WORLD. You are the curse of humanity. You are a parasite wherever you are. You have murdered Arabs. You have murdered millions of white farmers under your rule in the Soviet Union. That was our Holocaust. But it is not known. Only the death by typhoid fever of three thousand Jews in German prison camps is known, but as the murder of six million instead.

It is illegal to criticize you in Europe because you control the minds there. You have destroyed men and women without regret. Your spirit is ugly. YOU are ugly. Your people have droopy lips and long, gross noses. Nobody likes you. The whole world hates you. You know this, so you you try to destroy the world. You may just do it.
Holy shit, William.

Take a breath, take your meds, and tone it down.

Your 'facts' are way off base, it'll be interesting to watch you try and back them up if someone calls you on them.

I certainly would demand backup.
Originally posted by NightTrain
Your 'facts' are way off base

Not unless the history of the world since Egypt is "off-base." Look, I know it's a vent, but somebody has to call these people. They get away with MURDER --- literally and figuratively --- and there is NOBODY who will dare criticize them in public. Why is that? Because they're so damn wonderful? Or because they're so damn VINDICTIVE and powerful that they can DESTROY anyone who ventures an errant thought? Is that a result of how great they are, or a result of how terrible they are? Do good people need to forbid criticism of themselves?

Ask yourself these questions and ponder honest answers. I am not some lunatic seeking the death of all Jews. But since they've broached the issue of the death of everyone else, it's only fair that we talk about it honestly.

The truth is that people are afraid of Jews. That is why they run around saying how much they respect them. But they don't, really. They respect them the same way you respect your jailer. That's not respect. That's fear. People are afraid to say what they really think, and most of the time they don't even really think. They're trained to think Jews are untouchable.

Tag! I just touched them. Come and get me.
If what you say is true, then why haven't you been eliminated yet?

Don't you think it would be in the best interest of the Jewish Conspiracy to silence you before you enlighten the rest of us to their Evil Doing and general acts of naughtiness?
I've just got one clarification for you:

WE ARE ALREADY INVOLVED IN WORLD WAR III! And it wasn't started by a bunch of JEWS from SAUDI ARABIA!
Originally posted by r2200t
No i just find it ironic that those same victims, who were just recently mourning the 6 Million horrific Jewish deaths, had the heart to expel 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and businesses, put them into camps where most remain even today...
...And you want to integrate all those Jews WHERE in the world? Oh, well, I guess we could have just thrown them on some island in the pacific, or maybe somewhere in Siberia. Not only was it necessary for the Jews to form their own state, but it was fully approved by the UN.

Originally posted by William Joyce
Only the death by typhoid fever of three thousand Jews in German prison camps is known, but as the murder of six million instead.
I'm confused... :confused:

Originally posted by William Joyce
The truth is that people are afraid of Jews. That is why they run around saying how much they respect them. But they don't, really.
I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I repect Jews according to two religious beliefs:
1) All people are God's children.
2) The descendants of Israel are God's chosen people.

=William Joyce]On behalf of all Sons of Erin, I invite you to go fuck yourself, you lousy Jew. Oh, and don't forget to vacate the premises afterward. You and your people have brought the world nothing but TROUBLE for three thousand years and counting. You brought Greeks trouble. You brought Romans trouble. You brought Europe trouble. You brought England trouble. You brought America trouble, and you are now about to destroy it.

You are so kind to notice me and recognize my ability to instill fear into your brave white heart. I guess you weren't aware of the fact that Adolph Hitler's grandfather had sex with a Jewish woman eventually resulting in birth of Cpl Adolph. Your house painter leader who was a drug addicted Parkinsonian disease ridden Furhrer was followed an astrologer that brought his frenzied brain to end in the destruction of the German people and millions upon millions of other human beings.

Now we come to you. The rantings of a crazed killer of innocents brings no fear of you or your family of low-life, envious haters of those who have never harmed you or your superman race in any way.

You and your foul mouthed family were placed on the earth by G-d for no good reason or purpose that I can acertain. If you think that my people and me have brought trouble to you for 3 thousand years, brother you haven't seen nothing yet as you will never be allowed to kill my people again in your Aryan 'only welcome' world.

You have invented nothing. You have tilled no soil. You have forged no steel. You have swept no floors. You have built no engines. You have fed nobody. You have lied. You have thieved. You have deceived. You have extorted interest from working people. You have filed lawsuits without merit. You have written lies in the press about my people. You have written lies in the press about all people, including your own, which you say are the "light unto nations."

Herr Joyce gives a definition and litany of his works making him feel more inferior to all of mankind. See Joyce move his fingers on the keyboard which clearly exposes him for all his vileness while he lies on his back, his feet in the air and exposes his genitalia to his superior humans. But no human being wants to fornicate with this Joyce.

Your knowledge of the Jewish people comes directly from the book of "world famous fabrications" and is entirely weaved from the web of fiction.

You are not the light unto nations. You are the BLIGHT unto nations. Your tiny, shitty country in the middle east is about to plunge the planet into WORLD WAR III. All because you fuckers insist on your sick race cult. YOU are the original racists. You are the most extreme racists ever. YOU INTRODUCED THE CONCEPT TO THE WORLD. You are the curse of humanity. You are a parasite wherever you are. You have murdered Arabs. You have murdered millions of white farmers under your rule in the Soviet Union. That was our Holocaust. But it is not known. Only the death by typhoid fever of three thousand Jews in German prison camps is known, but as the murder of six million instead.

Why are you so worried and fearful of such a small group of people (the Jews)? You are so correct in one of your purient statements above. "BUT IT IS NOT KNOWN." So you admit that everything you said is not known except in your copraphagic deliriums. Your imminent death will mean nothing to anyone except to Uncle Adolph and Uncle Joseph Stalin where you all will be able to sit around and talk over those great days when you KILLED humanity.

It is illegal to criticize you in Europe because you control the minds there. You have destroyed men and women without regret. Your spirit is ugly. YOU are ugly. Your people have droopy lips and long, gross noses. Nobody likes you. The whole world hates you. You know this, so you you try to destroy the world. You may just do it.

It is legal to destroy our Synagogues, beat and kill our children, desecrate our blessed ones grave markers and scrawl your hate filled Nazi lies on the walls of Europe. DO YOU HATE ME? I DON'T HATE YOU. You are such a lovely untermenchen.

I have found a lovely picture of you when only a white lad. Turn on your speakers and enjoy the visage of this child homosexual Nazi. It may take a few seconds to load the song of this imbecile.


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