Where Did NYT Get Trump's Tax Info?

CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

"TRUMP: Well, I told you, I will release them as soon as the audit. Look, I've been under audit almost for 15 years. I know a lot of wealthy people that have never been audited. I said, do you get audited? I get audited almost every year.

And in a way, I should be complaining. I'm not even complaining. I don't mind it. It's almost become a way of life. I get audited by the IRS. But other people don't.

I will say this. We have a situation in this country that has to be taken care of. I will release my tax returns -- against my lawyer's wishes -- when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, I will release."

trump knows his fans are stuck on stupid... the rabid dolts prove him right every day. :itsok:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the Justice Department told a federal court.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

FBI: "No evidence Clinton's email was hacked by foreign powers"

“We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.”

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
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CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

"TRUMP: Well, I told you, I will release them as soon as the audit. Look, I've been under audit almost for 15 years. I know a lot of wealthy people that have never been audited. I said, do you get audited? I get audited almost every year.

And in a way, I should be complaining. I'm not even complaining. I don't mind it. It's almost become a way of life. I get audited by the IRS. But other people don't.

I will say this. We have a situation in this country that has to be taken care of. I will release my tax returns -- against my lawyer's wishes -- when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, I will release."

trump knows his fans are stuck on stupid... and dolts like you prove him right every day. :itsok:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the Justice Department told a federal court.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

FBI: "No evidence Clinton's email was hacked by foreign powers"

“We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.”

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
derp, a big fking DERP on that reply.
yeah, trump's lame equivocation was massively derrp worthy...........
Where Did NYT Get Trump's Tax Info?

The same place that more will be coming from.
well you know what was sent out wasn't his federal tax return right? please tell me you know that at least. come on do you guys all walk around dumbed down all day?
CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

"TRUMP: Well, I told you, I will release them as soon as the audit. Look, I've been under audit almost for 15 years. I know a lot of wealthy people that have never been audited. I said, do you get audited? I get audited almost every year.

And in a way, I should be complaining. I'm not even complaining. I don't mind it. It's almost become a way of life. I get audited by the IRS. But other people don't.

I will say this. We have a situation in this country that has to be taken care of. I will release my tax returns -- against my lawyer's wishes -- when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, I will release."

trump knows his fans are stuck on stupid... and dolts like you prove him right every day. :itsok:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the Justice Department told a federal court.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

FBI: "No evidence Clinton's email was hacked by foreign powers"

“We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.”

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Nah, you can't bully people into shutting up. You are stupid to think so. We know Comey was inconsistent with his thinking:

Comey Testifies Clinton Email Claims ‘not True’ At Heated Hill Hearing

FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s claims -- some made under oath -- about her use of a private email server were “not true,” fueling Republican questions about whether in doing so she committed a felony.

In a wide-ranging appearance before the House oversight committee, Comey also said Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

Yet he acknowledged that lying under oath is a felony, as some Republicans point to statements she made last October before the House Benghazi committee -- and plan to request an investigation. At that hearing, Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified.

Comey was asked about such claims, which she also made publicly, in a pointed exchange with Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed,” Comey said.
poor donald sure is desperate to cover up all that money laundering he's been involved with...

*emails* shiny object! *emails* shiny object! *emails*

Trump Foundation Investigations Now Multiplying
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Obama's biggest legacy is the politicization of government departments such as the IRS, EPA and FBI.

Occam's Razor: one of the politicized operatives in the IRS leaked Trump's return.
Obama's biggest legacy is the politicization of government departments such as the IRS, EPA and FBI.

Occam's Razor: one of the politicized operatives in the IRS leaked Trump's return.
I believe that is illegal, hmmm I can't wait on that one.
who ever leaked it, I bet Donnie's ass is sweating bullets waiting for the other shoe to fall ..

I've never shown my tax returns to my business competitors and Trump is under no legal obligation to show his tax returns to his competitors.

All of this caterwauling for Trump to make his tax returns public are about one thing. Childish envy.
Somebody at the IRS.... they should all be perp-walked and shot.


First, you realize those were not Federal returns right? So what does the IRS have to do with it.

Second, the pages were from THREE different State returns? That means it wasn't a "perp" from State Tax offices either because an employee wouldn't have documents from other States.

That means it was someone from the Trump organization and not a government employee. Or maybe it was his ex-wife getting some payback.

...For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns?

There is also no prohibition on releasing your college records and everyone running for president has done that except Obama. You have to ask yourself, why didn't he release his college transcripts?

There is no prohibition on releasing your medical records and most people running for president have done that except Hillary. You have to ask yourself, why don't she release her medical transcripts?

I'll be happy to tell you why Trump doesn't release his tax records... because there is no political advantage to do so. Everything that can result is bad. The left will immediately hone in on any detail they can twist and distort into something questionable or controversial and exploit the hell out of it like they always do. Why would Trump want to feed them red meat? So, Trump will not be releasing his tax returns before the election. He would rather take whatever heat comes from not releasing them than any alternative involving a release. It's purely political.

First, you realize those were not Federal returns right? So what does the IRS have to do with it.

Second, the pages were from THREE different State returns? That means it wasn't a "perp" from State Tax offices either because an employee wouldn't have documents from other States.

That means it was someone from the Trump organization and not a government employee. Or maybe it was his ex-wife getting some payback.

Well you don't know who did the leaking... no one does but the NY Times. I personally think the FBI Director should launch an investigation and get to the bottom of this... that's personal information that no one was authorized to leak. It's funny how this always seems to happen to a Republican and not a Democrat. If it ever does happen to a Democrat, someone ends up going to jail. We have an amazing double-standard when it comes to justice here lately.
The act of releasing them was illegal. Where are the prosecutions? Where is the investigation? Lefties are eager to prosecute Assange for releasing emails from the DNC, why aren't they equally as outraged about this?
These things have already been settled in the courts....

As long as the New York times did not pay for these tax returns or ask a person to steal them for them or anything like that, they can release them to the public...

I believe it was the Pentagon Papers, where these were stolen papers, given to Woodward and Berstein, settled that....

First, you realize those were not Federal returns right? So what does the IRS have to do with it.

Second, the pages were from THREE different State returns? That means it wasn't a "perp" from State Tax offices either because an employee wouldn't have documents from other States.

That means it was someone from the Trump organization and not a government employee. Or maybe it was his ex-wife getting some payback.

Well you don't know who did the leaking... no one does but the NY Times. I personally think the FBI Director should launch an investigation and get to the bottom of this... that's personal information that no one was authorized to leak. It's funny how this always seems to happen to a Republican and not a Democrat. If it ever does happen to a Democrat, someone ends up going to jail. We have an amazing double-standard when it comes to justice here lately.
The NYTimes does know either, it was an envelope delivered that had Trump tower as its return address....

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