Where Did NYT Get Trump's Tax Info?

CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Yea, the biotch is retarded. Does she think trump gets away with sales tax?
And why does she think he should pay taxes he doesn't owe? What kind of totalitarian..
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
And choosing this particular year, of all years...the year he took the $900 plus million dollar loss....?

to me there is four possibilities:

1. An ex wife- but truly imo, more than likely NOT, they know his scorn and he always hits back in the pocketbook somehow and with merciless public tongue lashing.

2. A child of his that knows where he keeps the old tax returns, that wants dad to get out of the race, which is highly unlikely as well, imo.

3. An ex accountant of his, especially for the year 1995, but the old geezer accountant that did his 1995 returns lives in Florida and can barely walk and was interviewed by the NYT and he seemed friendly enough.....good guy so it wasnt him, but maybe another accountant that felt scorned somehow or believes it would be horrible for Trump to be President, and that too imo is simply highly unlikely since they, the accountants are the ones actually finding these loopholes to use to legally lower the tax burden.

4. Donald Trump leaked the 1995 tax returns to the NYT....to get us to talk about this loss from years ago and the tax benefits of it so that when he does release his tax returns it will be no surprise that he was able to avoid federal taxes for some time now... if his spin doesn't work with saying this just shows that he was able to come back from the bankruptcy and be successful again spiel, he can always claim the NYT'S stole his tax records.... and sue them.... :D
Where Did NYT Get Trump's Tax Info?

Trump was walking down Wall Street and they fell out of his pocket
If Democrat operatives can make your tax returns public against your free will, are these the people you really want running our Country?

That's funny since the Republican candidate for president implored hackers to obtain and release everything from Obama's personal records to Hillary's private documents.

International hackers were already doing the act out of their own volition. Trump was simply mocking the situation.

Democrats that illegally placed private tax returns into the hands of the New York Times are the same people who had the sealed divorce records released belonging to one of Obama's opponents in an Illinois senatorial contest.

Keep laughing. To you people, it's funny to violate privacy rights of others as a means to an end. History validates that.
CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Yea, the biotch is retarded. Does she think trump gets away with sales tax?
And why does she think he should pay taxes he doesn't owe? What kind of totalitarian..
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Yea, the biotch is retarded. Does she think trump gets away with sales tax?
And why does she think he should pay taxes he doesn't owe? What kind of totalitarian..
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
Through our shitty tax system..
If Democrat operatives can make your tax returns public against your free will, are these the people you really want running our Country?

That's funny since the Republican candidate for president implored hackers to obtain and release everything from Obama's personal records to Hillary's private documents.

International hackers were already doing the act out of their own volition. Trump was simply mocking the situation.

Democrats that illegally placed private tax returns into the hands of the New York Times are the same people who had the sealed divorce records released belonging to one of Obama's opponents in an Illinois senatorial contest.

Keep laughing. To you people, it's funny to violate privacy rights of others as a means to an end. History validates that.
Trump wasn't mocking them ... he was seeking their assistance to access private records from Obama and Hillary. Which is why it's funny as shit watching the right bitch and moan that it happened to Crazy Donald.
CLINTON: Well, I think you’ve seen another example of bait-and- switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think, 39, 40 years of our tax returns, but everyone has done it. We know the IRS has made clear there is no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be.

CLINTON: Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.

TRUMP: That makes me smart.

CLINTON: So if he’s paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he’s not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.

And the financial disclosure statements, they don’t give you the tax rate. They don’t give you all the details that tax returns would. And it just seems to me that this is something that the American people deserve to see. And I have no reason to believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns, because there’s something he’s hiding.

And we’ll guess. We’ll keep guessing at what it might be that he’s hiding. But I think the question is, were he ever to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the answers to that, and he should provide them.

Read the Full Transcript of the First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Yea, the biotch is retarded. Does she think trump gets away with sales tax?
And why does she think he should pay taxes he doesn't owe? What kind of totalitarian..
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
Through our shitty tax system..
Our tax system isn't so shitty that it allows folks to avoid paying taxes on a net gain of $10 billion.
If Democrat operatives can make your tax returns public against your free will, are these the people you really want running our Country?

That's funny since the Republican candidate for president implored hackers to obtain and release everything from Obama's personal records to Hillary's private documents.

International hackers were already doing the act out of their own volition. Trump was simply mocking the situation.

Democrats that illegally placed private tax returns into the hands of the New York Times are the same people who had the sealed divorce records released belonging to one of Obama's opponents in an Illinois senatorial contest.

Keep laughing. To you people, it's funny to violate privacy rights of others as a means to an end. History validates that.
Trump wasn't mocking them ... he was seeking their assistance to access private records from Obama and Hillary. Which is why it's funny as shit watching the right bitch and moan that it happened to Crazy Donald.

They were already doing hit prior to Trump's "invitation".
Yea, the biotch is retarded. Does she think trump gets away with sales tax?
And why does she think he should pay taxes he doesn't owe? What kind of totalitarian..
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
Through our shitty tax system..
Our tax system isn't so shitty that it allows folks to avoid paying taxes on a net gain of $10 billion.
Then why doesn't he have to pay anything? He gets audited every year, if he was doing something illegal, don't you think he would get in trouble?
Where are his convictions? :dunno:
Where did the NYT get that info?


We are under Israeli rule and have been since 1998
WTF?? How does one make eleven billion dollars and not owe taxes? :cuckoo:

Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose support.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
Through our shitty tax system..
Our tax system isn't so shitty that it allows folks to avoid paying taxes on a net gain of $10 billion.
Then why doesn't he have to pay anything? He gets audited every year, if he was doing something illegal, don't you think he would get in trouble?
Where are his convictions? :dunno:
Why are you asking me? The answers to those questions are not readily available.
He legally got out of taxes, apparently. Which would mean he didn't owe any. Genius.
He got out from the $1 billion he lost. What about the $11 billion he made?

He has a net gain of $10 billion. How does one escape paying taxes on that?
Through our shitty tax system..
Our tax system isn't so shitty that it allows folks to avoid paying taxes on a net gain of $10 billion.
Then why doesn't he have to pay anything? He gets audited every year, if he was doing something illegal, don't you think he would get in trouble?
Where are his convictions? :dunno:
Why are you asking me? The answers to those questions are not readily available.
The act of releasing them was illegal. Where are the prosecutions? Where is the investigation? Lefties are eager to prosecute Assange for releasing emails from the DNC, why aren't they equally as outraged about this?

You don't know who released the returns so how can you demand someone be prosecuted or investigated?

Have you ever considered that the returns were legally sent to the NYT?

Have you ever considered that trump was married in 1995 and it's perfectly legal to release your own tax returns?
I didn't demand it. I'm just wondering why YOU don't, since you were so outraged by Hillary's information being leaked and calling for the hackers to be brought to justice.

I'll need to see a post from me proving what you claim.

You can wonder all you want but I'm not here to provide those answers for you.

I have no questions about who leaked the records. I'm pretty sure I know who did it. If I'm correct, no law was broken since it's not against the law to release your own tax records.

Think about it. Who would have the state tax records for 3 different states if they weren't the owner of the documents?

And who would have the sense of irony to put trump tower as the return address?
Um, ok. :rolleyes:

I guess I have to paint a picture for you.

trump was married to Marla Maples in 1995.

It's not illegal to release your own tax records.
Maybe I should paint YOU a picture. If Marla Maples had released them they would have said so.
The Trump organization has a leak.

Probably a female staffer he called a “pig” or something like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of his kids. On one hand, they were too stupid to figure out how to register to vote for their creepy old man. On another hand, after this episode, they probably are worried about what may be left of their inheritance because he’s obviously become a pariah whom nobody will deal with before they weigh every other avenue; the man is quite obviously a scumbag. And on the other hand, they probably are tired of seeing him make an ass of himself and this would be one way to maybe generate some sympathy for him since obviously, he’s not as rich as he told people.

Remember a few months ago (I know it’s hard to keep track of all of the idiocy of the Trump campaign) when it came out that he crank called a reporter…at the age of 54 and mis-represented himself??? There are times when you can’t stand what is being said about someone you love in politics. And there are other times when you wish that someone you love who is in politics would have phrased something differently or hadn’t “gone there”. And then there are times when you just flat out feel sorry for them because they do something so reprehensible it defies not only logic but good taste. That was one of those things that defies logic and taste. The small fraction of a man who is the figurehead of the Trump Organization has now alleged that Ms. Clinton wasn’t faithful to her husband. I’m sure there will be far worse allegations to come in the next few weeks. But I think the leaker—whomever it may have been—did so because she/he knows that he went over the line there and this was the killshot. Again, I wouldn’t put it past his oldest daughter or his idiot sons…. .
I have my theories. In fact, it's the ONLY possibility.

This is another reason we CANT let the bitch win.

Undeniable Corruption: Top 5 Reasons To Abolish The IRS

You realize the IRS didn't get the returns that were released? The returns that were released were State returns, not Federal.

And the best part is he didn't deny they were fake.
Probably because he wrote about the loss in his book.
You don't know who released the returns so how can you demand someone be prosecuted or investigated?

Have you ever considered that the returns were legally sent to the NYT?

Have you ever considered that trump was married in 1995 and it's perfectly legal to release your own tax returns?
I didn't demand it. I'm just wondering why YOU don't, since you were so outraged by Hillary's information being leaked and calling for the hackers to be brought to justice.

I'll need to see a post from me proving what you claim.

You can wonder all you want but I'm not here to provide those answers for you.

I have no questions about who leaked the records. I'm pretty sure I know who did it. If I'm correct, no law was broken since it's not against the law to release your own tax records.

Think about it. Who would have the state tax records for 3 different states if they weren't the owner of the documents?

And who would have the sense of irony to put trump tower as the return address?
Um, ok. :rolleyes:

I guess I have to paint a picture for you.

trump was married to Marla Maples in 1995.

It's not illegal to release your own tax records.
Maybe I should paint YOU a picture. If Marla Maples had released them they would have said so.

What makes you think that no one has suggested this?

Karma Is A B*tch: It’s Looking Like Marla Maples Leaked Trump’s Taxes – And It Was Totally Legal | If You Only News

If you don't like that article pick you own from the search I did on the subject:

marla maples releases tax returns - Google Search

What makes you think that Marla would announce it?

Just because you want to be able to say that Hillary did it! Doesn't mean that you're correct.

No one knows who did it so why demand prosecutions before anyone has even found out who did it?

I gave you the logical answer. Marla Maples. Who else would have copies of tax returns from 3 different states for trump?

The woman he was married to at the time would. She signed the documents when they were filed. She also owns them so she can do anything she wants with them.

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