Where Did Putin Get All His Wealth?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
In my morning news scan, I came across this question. [No, I didn't link to it] Well, it got me to wondering. Why is the media concerned with that and NOT where so many American politicians got their wealth? Most have never held a job in the private sector and are lawyers who never practiced before a court. So, why not ask that?
Deflection. Make Putin part of the hated 1%. It's just meaningless. Next the libs will call Putin an old white guy.
In my morning news scan, I came across this question. [No, I didn't link to it] Well, it got me to wondering. Why is the media concerned with that and NOT where so many American politicians got their wealth? Most have never held a job in the private sector and are lawyers who never practiced before a court. So, why not ask that?

Where did Harry Reid get all of his money? That is what I'd like to know! :eusa_angel:

Putin stole his from Russian billionaires.
Deflection. Make Putin part of the hated 1%. It's just meaningless. Next the libs will call Putin an old white guy.

How dare you defame the Hero of the Far Right and the GOP! Putin is above reproach!

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