Where do Aliens come from?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is an interesting video on the subject of aliens and their origination. I must agree with his findings. Nephilim come from hell. There are no aliens visiting from other planets. These are satans fallen angels. The information about the alien kidnap victims having awaken in a lab room that was here on earth and not on another planet have exposed the coverup of what is going on also. They say there were nephilim in the room. A Christian would know this but an unbeliever would believe the lies told to them by such alien dimensional beings ( demons /fallen angels ) because they don't know what they are dealing with. This is the reason for the distress and panic you'll hear from the Area 51 worker ( former ) calling to report what he has seen.

When he speaks of them being dimensional he is speaking of their ability to appear and disappear. There are fallen angels. Of course they have that ability. So do Gods angels.. Gods angels can appear as men - recall the story of Abraham and Lot... angels from both sides can visit this realm. These are satans angels. They are on the fast track now with the transhumanism agenda - satans final plan against God and His creation - unfolding even now.....

[ame=http://youtu.be/uF-F67OUEAw]Aliens Come From Hell - YouTube[/ame]
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I'm not the one claiming there are aliens coming from outer space to bring us "revelation and wisdom" though am I? I'm the one saying it's a hoax. Holograms, Project Bluebeam, Area 51 - you've been duped by satanists and satans angels. The infitrators the man is speaking of into military are satanists who serve these fallen angels. A few appearances and sightings and the audience has been sold. How gullible can people be? When have these nephilim ever spoken the truth about anything? You heard the man... they have been consistently deceiving. Why? Satan is the father of lies and deception. The fruit is evil.
This is an interesting video on the subject of aliens and their origination. I must agree with his findings. Nephilim come from hell. There are no aliens visiting from other planets. These are satans fallen angels. The information about the alien kidnap victims having awaken in a lab room that was here on earth and not on another planet have exposed the coverup of what is going on also. They say there were nephilim in the room. A Christian would know this but an unbeliever would believe the lies told to them by such alien dimensional beings ( demons /fallen angels ) because they don't know what they are dealing with. This is the reason for the distress and panic you'll hear from the Area 51 worker ( former ) calling to report what he has seen.

When he speaks of them being dimensional he is speaking of their ability to appear and disappear. There are fallen angels. Of course they have that ability. So do Gods angels.. Gods angels can appear as men - recall the story of Abraham and Lot... angels from both sides can visit this realm. These are satans angels. They are on the fast track now with the transhumanism agenda - satans final plan against God and His creation - unfolding even now.....

Aliens Come From Hell - YouTube

from all over including those that wish us ill will

usually through the porous mexico border
No, there are no little green men living on Mars. That is the reality of the situation.

There is nothing new under the sun. These same fallen angels came to the earth and slept with the daughters of men in order to pervert and destroy what God had created. The result was the earth became utterly evil and Noah was the only righteous man left upon the earth - God saved he and his family.

This is round two.

Going to Jude 6 you'll know the words Angels having left their first estate - this is speaking of heaven.. they were cast out with Lucifer who rebelled against God. These are fallen angels that Jude speaks of and he felt it important enough to remind everyone of who they were.

lets go to Revelation 9:11 - read that...

who is John referring to? Apollyon who is referred to today as Apollo. Who is Apollo? He is the angel of the bottomless pit according to that scripture. It is the spirit that will / or has entered the anti-christ.
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Where do Aliens come from?
The paranoid delusions of religious fanatics like you.

If your avi and pic didn't do it, this post certainly identifies you as the typical obnoxious Liberal....or is that redundant?

Although learning is clearly beyond you, atheist English astronomer noted primarily for the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, posited this theory of the origin of life on earth:

"He theorized that not only the origin of life, but evolution was also too complex to have occurred by chance: an evolved alien consciousness must have directed it."
Fred Hoyle

"Sir Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) and Chandra Wickramasinghe (born 1939) were influential proponents of panspermia.[15][16] In 1974 they proposed the hypothesis that some dust in interstellar space was largely organic (containing carbon), which Wickramasinghe later proved to be correct.[17][18][19] Hoyle and Wickramasinghe further contended that life forms continue to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and may be responsible for epidemic outbreaks, new diseases, and the genetic novelty necessary for macroevolution.[20]

In a presentation on April 7, 2009, physicist Stephen Hawking stated his opinion about what humans may find when venturing into space, such as the possibility of alien life through the theory of panspermia.[21]"
Panspermia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So what else is going on to assist Satan's agenda? Genetic engineering. Scientists have been working for some time on half human / half animal beings. Strange specie alterations.. that subject is covered in the works such as Pademonium's Engine by Tom Horn and Embodied Intelligence by John McTernan.. many authors are looking at it from different angles ...

Keep in mind that there is a scripture which tells us that "as it was in the days of Noah .......so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.. ( Jesus )

The goal here is to make you believe that alien beings exist and without any connection to Jesus Christ or creation. To infer that perhaps God is God but only one of many.... In fact the plan is so elaborate the bible says if it were possible the very elect would be decieved! Imagine that! The very elect of God would be decieved? That must be some deception, eh?

Look no further than the UFO Conspiracy. They pretend to deny it in hopes the masses will buy it!

On the other hand behind the curtain the mad wizards work like fiends to create transhumans who have no connection to God and can be used fully by Satan and his workers to achieve hells agenda. What to do?

Do not believe what you see, what you hear, but rather the Word of God and do not believe anything that conflicts with it. Because that is the deception of Satan. To cause you to believe a lie. To cause you to doubt the Word of God. Don't doubt God. God is not a man that He should lie. ( scripture based fact )
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If people read Matthew 24 at their own leisure they will see that Jesus Christ warned us five times in one chapter to NOT BE DECIEVED.

It would be wise to heed that warning as we see this day approaching.
Where do Aliens come from?
The paranoid delusions of religious fanatics like you.

If your avi and pic didn't do it, this post certainly identifies you as the typical obnoxious Liberal....or is that redundant?

Although learning is clearly beyond you, atheist English astronomer noted primarily for the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, posited this theory of the origin of life on earth:

"He theorized that not only the origin of life, but evolution was also too complex to have occurred by chance: an evolved alien consciousness must have directed it."
Fred Hoyle

"Sir Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) and Chandra Wickramasinghe (born 1939) were influential proponents of panspermia.[15][16] In 1974 they proposed the hypothesis that some dust in interstellar space was largely organic (containing carbon), which Wickramasinghe later proved to be correct.[17][18][19] Hoyle and Wickramasinghe further contended that life forms continue to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and may be responsible for epidemic outbreaks, new diseases, and the genetic novelty necessary for macroevolution.[20]

In a presentation on April 7, 2009, physicist Stephen Hawking stated his opinion about what humans may find when venturing into space, such as the possibility of alien life through the theory of panspermia.[21]"
Panspermia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please read Frank Hoyle, Cosmologists and Crank

I think PC choose a really brilliant and Highly creative Genius. Maybe a bit too creative?

"But events at the Big Bang and at the origin of life cannot be tested in the same sense as a chemical reaction; they are unique. Therefore much of what scientists believe to be true about the history of the universe is conjectural, yet predictions can be made. Physicists are constantly coming up with bizarre ideas that are shot down by colleagues, no harm there. But when Hoyle went solo after resigning from Cambridge there was no longer any check on him. His reputation allowed him to publish whatever he wanted. Soon he was coming up with really strange stuff. The interstellar dark matter was, he said, composed in part of bacteria. Since bacteria permeated the Universe, it seeded life everywhere, what Hoyle called “panspermia.” The chances of life appearing spontaneously on Earth were vanishingly low: according to Hoyle, one in 1040000. (In Hoyle’s defense, it must be said that there is no really convincing account of the origin of life on Earth.) This theory was in line with his well-accepted work on nucleogenesis. If all the heavier elements were the product of supernova dispersion, why not life itself?

But even if Hoyle could produce tantalizing spectrum evidence that bacteria existed in space, his theories got much weirder. He theorized that not only the origin of life, but evolution was also too complex to have occurred by chance: an evolved alien consciousness must have directed it. Diseases such as BSE, influenza, and polio were the result of comets or sunspots that caused interstellar particles to fall to earth. Worse: he declared that bumblebees were well fitted for interstellar space travel. In a supremely silly moment he published a book claiming that the classic archaeopteryx fossil was a hoax – this despite having no professional credential in paleontology.

From Fred Hoyle
I have no doubt they are encountering something but who they are encountering has been clearly identified by scripture.

This is from Genesis...

And it came to pass, "when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that were fair; and they took them as wives of all which they chose.
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: Yet his years shall be an hundred and twenty years.

There were giants in the earth IN THOSE DAYS AND ALSO AFTER THAT, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same become mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of his heart was only evil continually. - Genesis 6:1 - 5

NOTE*** There are christian interecessors who have had visions of these demonic beings and when enquiring to the LORD about what they the Lord's response was, "Those are giants in the land".. so clearly what people are seeing are manifestations in the spiritual realm of satanic beings, fallen angels, demons, principalities, etc.
Looks like Jeremiah has been :booze:sampling a little too much of her church's sacrificial wine. .. :lol: :lol:

If that be the case then the Muslims must be drinking it with me because Egyptians, Iranians, and other Muslims in the Middle East have given accounts of Jinn. ( demons / fallen angels ) In fact, it's in your book! The Qu'ran, Sunni! Read it!
I believe they are seeing multi dimensional beings. They are called fallen angels, demons, Jinn, etc.
The closest planet that could possibly hold intelligent life is 700,000 light years away. They can't get to us and we can't get to them. Probably.
On the other hand behind the curtain the mad wizards work like fiends to create transhumans who have no connection to God and can be used fully by Satan and his workers to achieve hells agenda.
Nope.......muslims don't believe this sort of psychotic nonsense that you are trying to sell Jeremiah.. .. :cuckoo:
Muslims believe that jinn exist. Ask one from the middle east. Or see the link...


If you are a new convert perhaps you have no knowledge of it. You do now.

As to the accusation of selling something? Not true.

I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm dismantling a lie. We are not going to have an "alien invasion"... these stories are based on the idea of another civilization at war with us - it's just another strategy of Satan.
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I am well aware of the Islamic theology concerning Jinn and Angels.

But you are taking your religious delusions to a new level when you talk about, "mad wizards work like fiends to create transhumans".

That's even nutty by evangelical Christian standards.......which is quite a feat. ... :lol: :lol:
Go see Unkotare's thread on Transhuman experiments. ( Cellular alteration through experimentation ) Better yet look up Forbidden Gates by Tim and Nita Horn. Something transhuman this way comes - another book and also Pandemonium's Engine by Tom Horn. That will get you started in realizing that such experimentation has been ongoing for some time.

They have already created life from a single cell. This is very dangerous territory, Sunni. VERY.

p.s. if you were well aware of what jinn meant you should have said so earlier. You didn't.
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