Where do Aliens come from?

Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:

Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.

Uh, it appears you are responding to Sunni Man, but you called him "Stat".


Holy Moley! How did that happen?! Sorry, I mean Sunni. Thank you for correcting me, Sunni. Thanks alot Stat. I really appreciate your pointing that out right about now... yep.
Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.

Are you afraid of spelling 'God' ?

What will happen if you do?
Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.

Nowhere in the Torah or the hebrew Bible ( my bible is Hebrew ) is there any mention of an existence of life form elsewhere, Stat.

There is only the mention of humans who are to live once and die once and then the judgment. The scene opens in Genesis 1:26 with God creating man. Shortly after Satan enters a serpent to decieve Eve. It's downhill from there... The fallen angels mentioned in the Tanuch Genesis 6:1 in my Book is referring to the fallen angels God had created - the very same angels Jude refers back on in Jude 1:6 concerning the angelic beings who left their former estate ( heaven ) ... there are demons of different rank and file, principalities, powers, Lucifer - who do you think satanists worship? Offer sacrifice to? Sumon help from? ( demons ) It's all a battle of evil vs good G-d vs. Satan. That is the battle and Satan is a defeated foe. End of story. There is nothing else. Don't overthink things. I have a propensity to do it myself.
Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.

Are you afraid of spelling 'God' ?

What will happen if you do?

Why do you ask?

I worship G-d. What is your problem here?

Are you wondering why we Jews deliberately leave out one letter in the name of the most Holy?
Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.

Are you afraid of spelling 'God' ?

What will happen if you do?

It's a sign of respect.
Nowhere in the Torah or in the Christian Bible is the existence of life forms elsewhere in the Multiverse denied.

The Bible(s) leave that one open.

The Bible never said that "man" was the only species that G-d created. I challenge people to find even one verse where G-d says that there is not life anywhere else.

Are you afraid of spelling 'God' ?

What will happen if you do?

It's a sign of respect.

It's more than that. It's a Mitzvah (commandment).

But I don't want to derail your thread.

[MENTION=27941]percysunshine[/MENTION] - if you wish, I can send you information as to the "why" of your question.
Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.

Uh, it appears you are responding to Sunni Man, but you called him "Stat".


Holy Moley! How did that happen?! Sorry, I mean Sunni. Thank you for correcting me, Sunni. Thanks alot Stat. I really appreciate your pointing that out right about now... yep.

Uhh, the person who corrected you was me, Stat, not Sunni...

I recommend a large cup of coffee for you!!!
Are you afraid of spelling 'God' ?

What will happen if you do?

It's a sign of respect.

It's more than that. It's a Mitzvah (commandment).

But I don't want to derail your thread.

[MENTION=27941]percysunshine[/MENTION] - if you wish, I can send you information as to the "why" of your question.

That is true, when I spell His name - G-d - it is out of respect ( I try to remember to do it ) when having dialogue with a Jew. The Jews do it for a different reason.
Uh, it appears you are responding to Sunni Man, but you called him "Stat".


Holy Moley! How did that happen?! Sorry, I mean Sunni. Thank you for correcting me, Sunni. Thanks alot Stat. I really appreciate your pointing that out right about now... yep.

Uhh, the person who corrected you was me, Stat, not Sunni...

I recommend a large cup of coffee for you!!!

You know me so well. :eusa_angel:
OK--I gave enough time

Why do most theists believe in Aliens?

Because they believe in God.
Note--I can't say ALL theists!

How is that? Answer these questions.
1--Who created the Earth?
Most theists say God

2--Where is God From?
Obviously not from Earth!!

So God is an alien.

Of course, some christians try to weasel out through use of the Trinity where 1 is 3 and 3 is 1. Not so, the Earth came much much earlier than Jesus so We can always refer to the date of Earth creation as the day God came to Earth. Thus, 1 is not 3 and 3 is not 1 at this point in time!!

Obviously, Muslims believe God created everything including the Earth. They have no escape from realizing that God could not have possibly came from Earth if God created the Earth. The Earth had to come after God and is not the original home of God.

Jews are, well, interesting. I heard a creation myth that claim god always existed and floated over the waters before deciding to shape the Earth. If so, then Jews, that believe this myth, do not necessarily believe in Aliens . Thus I can not say ALL theists because there are theists that do not posit God creating the Earth, but always existing on Earth or that what one could call pre-Earth.
It's a sign of respect.

It's more than that. It's a Mitzvah (commandment).

But I don't want to derail your thread.

[MENTION=27941]percysunshine[/MENTION] - if you wish, I can send you information as to the "why" of your question.

That is true, when I spell His name - G-d - it is out of respect ( I try to remember to do it ) when having dialogue with a Jew. The Jews do it for a different reason.

Is explained really well here:

Judaism 101: The Name of G-d

See: "Writing the Name of G-d"

What kind of aliens are you talkin' about here? Yeah, some wags already said, Mexico. Because, those aliens are the only ALIENS I am seeing lately. Don't mean to rain on the parade or be all "Off Topic" or anything.
I think Aliens as in Beings that are not orignally from Earth.

Mexicans are called illegal aliens, as in Mexicans are not original citizens of the US and came over without permission.

This tend to suggest that Mexicans with passports are legal aliens.................:booze:
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

But Postmodern,

There are two ways that this is overcomed

The most direct way is if they built a space-faring city that is self sufficient. Even energy generated by Star light is within our own grasp, let alone nuclear reactors(and if fission reactors are possible, then it would only need to do is fuse hydrogen or helium atoms, which are abundant throughout the universe). Then they could have started traveling to our location eons ago.

The indirect way is to use a dimensional jump. It is not necessary the case these aliens are native to our universe as well. But the existence of the Multiverse is a bit topical.
I would agree the only aliens we can expect to see that are real are illegal ones. The hologram photos of aliens over Jerusalem are just that. Holograms. I believe the motive behind it is to fool people into believing something that would not align itself with the truth of Gods word. That is my suspicion. Who knows what they are up to.
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

It would take far, far longer than that to travel across the universe at the speed of light, at least as far as current estimates as to the size of the observable universe. Just the Milky Way is estimated at about 1000 light years thick and 100,000 light years in diameter. So the universe would likely be billions of light years in diameter, if not more.

The history of mankind would be a drop in the bucket of the amount of time it would take to cross the universe at the speed of light. ;)

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