Where do Aliens come from?

I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

But Postmodern,

There are two ways that this is overcomed

The most direct way is if they built a space-faring city that is self sufficient. Even energy generated by Star light is within our own grasp, let alone nuclear reactors(and if fission reactors are possible, then it would only need to do is fuse hydrogen or helium atoms, which are abundant throughout the universe). Then they could have started traveling to our location eons ago.

The indirect way is to use a dimensional jump. It is not necessary the case these aliens are native to our universe as well. But the existence of the Multiverse is a bit topical.

tell you what....when that happens, let my great-great-great grandchildren know.....
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

It would take far, far longer than that to travel across the universe at the speed of light, at least as far as current estimates as to the size of the observable universe. Just the Milky Way is estimated at about 1000 light years thick and 100,000 light years in diameter. So the universe would likely be billions of light years in diameter, if not more.

The history of mankind would be a drop in the bucket of the amount of time it would take to cross the universe at the speed of light. ;)

probably.....I wasn't submitting it for peer review, I was engaging in rhetoric....
This is an interesting video on the subject of aliens and their origination. I must agree with his findings. Nephilim come from hell. There are no aliens visiting from other planets. These are satans fallen angels. The information about the alien kidnap victims having awaken in a lab room that was here on earth and not on another planet have exposed the coverup of what is going on also. They say there were nephilim in the room. A Christian would know this but an unbeliever would believe the lies told to them by such alien dimensional beings ( demons /fallen angels ) because they don't know what they are dealing with. This is the reason for the distress and panic you'll hear from the Area 51 worker ( former ) calling to report what he has seen.

When he speaks of them being dimensional he is speaking of their ability to appear and disappear. There are fallen angels. Of course they have that ability. So do Gods angels.. Gods angels can appear as men - recall the story of Abraham and Lot... angels from both sides can visit this realm. These are satans angels. They are on the fast track now with the transhumanism agenda - satans final plan against God and His creation - unfolding even now.....

Aliens Come From Hell - YouTube

Does the existence of Hell and unexplainable beings who live there prove that a simple Bedouin Monkey named Abraham had a relationship with 'The Creator of The Universe' over 6,000 years ago that remains unique among Monkeys to this very day?

Step one: Define 'God'.
So what else is going on to assist Satan's agenda? Genetic engineering. Scientists have been working for some time on half human / half animal beings. Strange specie alterations.. that subject is covered in the works such as Pademonium's Engine by Tom Horn and Embodied Intelligence by John McTernan.. many authors are looking at it from different angles ...

Keep in mind that there is a scripture which tells us that "as it was in the days of Noah .......so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.. ( Jesus )

The goal here is to make you believe that alien beings exist and without any connection to Jesus Christ or creation. To infer that perhaps God is God but only one of many.... In fact the plan is so elaborate the bible says if it were possible the very elect would be decieved! Imagine that! The very elect of God would be decieved? That must be some deception, eh?

Look no further than the UFO Conspiracy. They pretend to deny it in hopes the masses will buy it!

On the other hand behind the curtain the mad wizards work like fiends to create transhumans who have no connection to God and can be used fully by Satan and his workers to achieve hells agenda. What to do?

Do not believe what you see, what you hear, but rather the Word of God and do not believe anything that conflicts with it. Because that is the deception of Satan. To cause you to believe a lie. To cause you to doubt the Word of God. Don't doubt God. God is not a man that He should lie. ( scripture based fact )

:eusa_eh: Satan needs scientists on the payroll?

Who knew? :dunno:

If people read Matthew 24 at their own leisure they will see that Jesus Christ warned us five times in one chapter to NOT BE DECIEVED.

It would be wise to heed that warning as we see this day approaching.

And do what, exactly? :eusa_eh:

Work toward an 'after-life' described in ancient stories about a God whose followers are to this day at each others throat over how to live for and worship this Deity first described by Abraham?
:dunno: He who dies with the fewest toys still dies.​
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

Do you think He went to each and every one and died to save their souls?

Do you think you'll see them in Heaven?

Do you recon He first visited random creatures in their ancient times, like Abraham, establishing unique relationships with each, and setting the whole thing up like He did with Earth's Monkeys?
Very dramatic story, ours. :popcorn:
I would agree the only aliens we can expect to see that are real are illegal ones. The hologram photos of aliens over Jerusalem are just that. Holograms. I believe the motive behind it is to fool people into believing something that would not align itself with the truth of Gods word. That is my suspicion. Who knows what they are up to.

The rumor I heard is that conspiracies about visits from other worlds are being ginned up and held aloft as a way to explain the coming rapture of The Saints.

To whom it will need 'splainin' to, I can't imagine - but the cover story's in place :wink_2:
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

But Postmodern,

There are two ways that this is overcomed

The most direct way is if they built a space-faring city that is self sufficient. Even energy generated by Star light is within our own grasp, let alone nuclear reactors(and if fission reactors are possible, then it would only need to do is fuse hydrogen or helium atoms, which are abundant throughout the universe). Then they could have started traveling to our location eons ago.

The indirect way is to use a dimensional jump. It is not necessary the case these aliens are native to our universe as well. But the existence of the Multiverse is a bit topical.

tell you what....when that happens, let my great-great-great grandchildren know.....

Why, when there exist a possible case that they were here before you were born?

Remember, it only took man around 15,000 years to go from simple record keeping to pre-space colonization.

Let say it normally takes a sentient form with similiar intelligence to man 20,000 years(which is a generous amount of time--We should make this transformation within the next 1,000) to go from simple record keeping to Space colonization.

Then the question becomes, when did these aliens begin to keep records. Was it at the same time as us. Before us? Or will it be after us?(Trekkie Note: the last case could be the philosophical question behind the Prime Directive)
I have to say I disagree.....given a universe that it would take a hundred generations to travel across, even if we could travel at the speed of light, I fully expect that God has created other beings in other places......

Do you think He went to each and every one and died to save their souls?

why do you assume they sinned?.....

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