Where do Aliens come from?

They have already created life from a single cell. This is very dangerous territory, Sunni. VERY.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:
You know something--this reminds me of an argument I made!!

I am going to make a claim that some of you are going to call insane. Ready?

Most Theists already believe in Aliens!!

.................and if you are Muslim, you most certainly do!!

I let a page of posting go by to see if any of you can figure out why.
Uh, no.

So, I was watching this, uh, interesting film for the first 29 minutes, until I saw this:

$Hitler meets an Alien.png

Oh, my....
You know something--this reminds me of an argument I made!!

I am going to make a claim that some of you are going to call insane. Ready?

Most Theists already believe in Aliens!!

.................and if you are Muslim, you most certainly do!!

I let a page of posting go by to see if any of you can figure out why.

Xenu was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans of these many people remained, and that they cling to people, causing them spiritual harm.
They have already created life from a single cell. This is very dangerous territory, Sunni. VERY.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:

Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.
Jere....if what you say is true, why would Niphilims want to explore or experiment on a human body when they already know about the human body? It doesn't make sense.
They have already created life from a single cell. This is very dangerous territory, Sunni. VERY.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:

Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.

Sorry..didn't read the whole thread before responding.

It still doesn't make sense. What is the purpose to "make" life? There are enough evil people here already without have to make some to be soldiers.
You know something--this reminds me of an argument I made!!

I am going to make a claim that some of you are going to call insane. Ready?

Most Theists already believe in Aliens!!

.................and if you are Muslim, you most certainly do!!

I let a page of posting go by to see if any of you can figure out why.

Are you referring to the demonic attacks on Mohammad while he was in the cave off Mt. Hira? He was grabbed by the throat and commanded to recite according to the account he reported to Khadija. The being told him he was the angel Gabriel. One problem. When an angel appears that is sent from God they will say to you, Fear not. There is a reason for that. The very sight of them is so awesome it would cause one to fall face first on the ground. As Khadija had no understanding of demonic attacks she didn't know foaming at the mouth was a manifestation of it. Now Mohammad most likely did know about it as he had encountered christians along his caravan route and most likely heard the gospel account of Jesus delivering demon possessed people or people oppressed by Satan. (either / or ) According to historical documents Mohammads first initial belief was he had encountered a demon. I believe he was right. Had his wife believed him instead of encouraging him to return - history might be different. - J.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:

Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.

Sorry..didn't read the whole thread before responding.

It still doesn't make sense. What is the purpose to "make" life? There are enough evil people here already without have to make some to be soldiers.

The same reason Hitler wanted to do it, Gracie. To create a race - a demi god race - or god man race through the occult - to bring about a race that would wipe out the one God created - the sons of Adam and Eve today. A race that would bow down and worship him and they would rule the world. Remember what Satan said to Jesus? If you bow down and worship me I will give you the world!

( Some folks took him up on the offer )

The goal of Satan was to be worshiped. According to the book of Isaiah. When he comes to full power through the anti christ and two beasts ( that time will be cut short according to scripture) he will require that all mankind bow down and worship him. Those who refuse to do that will be put to death. He's going to portray himself as God. He's going to demand he be worshiped as God. Which is when the Jews are going to reject him. They will know something is very wrong.
You know something--this reminds me of an argument I made!!

I am going to make a claim that some of you are going to call insane. Ready?

Most Theists already believe in Aliens!!

.................and if you are Muslim, you most certainly do!!

I let a page of posting go by to see if any of you can figure out why.

Are you referring to the demonic attacks on Mohammad while he was in the cave off Mt. Hira? He was grabbed by the throat and commanded to recite according to the account he reported to Khadija. The being told him he was the angel Gabriel. One problem. When an angel appears that is sent from God they will say to you, Fear not. There is a reason for that. The very sight of them is so awesome it would cause one to fall face first on the ground. As Khadija had no understanding of demonic attacks she didn't know foaming at the mouth was a manifestation of it. Now Mohammad most likely did know about it as he had encountered christians along his caravan route and most likely heard the gospel account of Jesus delivering demon possessed people or people oppressed by Satan. (either / or ) According to historical documents Mohammads first initial belief was he had encountered a demon. I believe he was right. Had his wife believed him instead of encouraging him to return - history might be different. - J.

No--regardless of the validity of your claim.

Also, I said most theists. Muslims as only being 1 group of theist that believe in Aliens. Yes, you are not alone Jeremiah!!
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Jere..you are getting yourself worked up over something beyond your control. Does not the bible state that Jesus "wins"? Is not God all powerful? So that means all this is for naught. Satan knows he loses. So...why stress yourself? If you believe God and what He stated..and believe Christ and what He stated...what is the purpose of freaking yourself out over this?
Jere....if what you say is true, why would Niphilims want to explore or experiment on a human body when they already know about the human body? It doesn't make sense.

Because according to the researcher who did this video they want people to believe they come from outer space - another galaxy planet - the greatest trick these Nephilim have pulled is pretending to be aliens when in fact they are demons coming and going from a dimension - a portal connected to hell - the researcher said that by every report he's ever known of these Nephilim admit to knowing who Jesus is. Yet they won't say anything further. The satanists know who these Nephilim are. Fallen angels.

Many accounts confirm the demonic realm - such as those who have used ouija boards. They are told it is an old spirit, a being from another galaxy - same old lie. Satan overplays his hand - not too difficult to figure out what his goal is. The same as it always was. To be God and to be worshiped as God.

Then there are the stories of Shirley Maclaine - yet another example of conversing with demons. They are not aliens from another planet. Their fallen angels and demons. That is why New Age is so dangerous. It is dabbling in the occult and can lead to terrible consequences.
And? Who cares where they are from? And who cares who dabbles in what? In the end, it all means squat. If you are firm on your belief, you know what will ensue.

I think you are freaking yourself out, Jere. Don't. You are secure in Gods love. Let go and let God take care of it.
Jere..you are getting yourself worked up over something beyond your control. Does not the bible state that Jesus "wins"? Is not God all powerful? So that means all this is for naught. Satan knows he loses. So...why stress yourself? If you believe God and what He stated..and believe Christ and what He stated...what is the purpose of freaking yourself out over this?

I'm not freaking out over it, Gracie, but I do believe the world is about to be decieved on a massive scale. Call it an awareness campaign. That video is just a sample of many videos out there warning about a coming deception. I do thank you for pointing out that God is all powerful and that Satan loses. Because that is exactly how this will play out in the end.
Where do Aliens come from?

Not a lot of people know this but there is a small planet directly behind the moon. You can't see it because it is "cloaked" in darkness but that is where all the aliens come from. You can't see the aliens either unless you have a special kind of flashlight that only I sell. You can get one for $800.00. Comes in a plain brown wrapper so nobody knows what you're up to... If I keep having thoughts like this I'm going to have to change over to decaf coffee.
And? Who cares where they are from? And who cares who dabbles in what? In the end, it all means squat. If you are firm on your belief, you know what will ensue.

I think you are freaking yourself out, Jere. Don't. You are secure in Gods love. Let go and let God take care of it.

Thanks, Gracie. I will. Unkotares thread about transhumanism is what led me to post the thread. I've said everything I have to say on it. I'm not for it.
They have already created life from a single cell. This is very dangerous territory, Sunni. VERY.
No, they did not create life from a single cell.

The cell already was alive and had life.

All they did was modify it genetically.

Hardly a proto demonic entity as you would like people to believe. ... :cool:

Thank you for correcting me on that, Stat. They didn't create life - they perverted it - by modifying it genetically. The work itself is demonic. The plans they have are evil. Let me ask you something, Stat. Why would scientists be working on creating more beings - more life forms here when out of the other side of their mouth they say we have a population explosion and need to reduce the population - get rid of what? 3 or 4 billion people? To do what? Replace us with these frankentein creations instead? Sounds pretty creepy to me. Transhumanism experimentation is a very evil, diabolical thing. imo.

Uh, it appears you are responding to Sunni Man, but you called him "Stat".

Jere..you are getting yourself worked up over something beyond your control. Does not the bible state that Jesus "wins"? Is not God all powerful? So that means all this is for naught. Satan knows he loses. So...why stress yourself? If you believe God and what He stated..and believe Christ and what He stated...what is the purpose of freaking yourself out over this?

Dying is beyond your control too. And it seems you cope with that by creating an imaginary invisible man you call god.
Jere..you are getting yourself worked up over something beyond your control. Does not the bible state that Jesus "wins"? Is not God all powerful? So that means all this is for naught. Satan knows he loses. So...why stress yourself? If you believe God and what He stated..and believe Christ and what He stated...what is the purpose of freaking yourself out over this?

Dying is beyond your control too. And it seems you cope with that by creating an imaginary invisible man you call god.

Yup. And?

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