Where do religious folk who are climate deniers reconcile this?

Why many of us doubt man made climate change.....just another form of communism...we will control you!

The greed involved in the fossil fuel industry caused us, for one nation, to abandon building fuel efficient or electronic transportation and this is what has caused climate change. Greed is ungodly and the manner in which nations have put in lawless governments to control the resources increased the godless behavior. And now we face the penalty.

What nation had abandoned fuel efficiency?
Not the USA
We are merging and cooperating with natural gas, cleaner burning coal, wind and solar.

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the selection of 35 projects totaling $73 million for bioenergy research and development (R&D). Funded through the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, these projects will help reduce the price of drop-in biofuels, lower the cost of biopower, and enable high-value products from biomass or waste resources.

DOE Announces Intent to Issue New Funding Opportunity for Tribal Energy Infrastructure Development
there are more listed and these are just the recent ones .

We started working on electric cars in the 70's due to the embargo but stopped. No doubt this was due to the oil lobby. So we could have had battery powered cars 25-30 years ago or at least hybrids.
The next logical step after gasoline powered engines was hybrids. But the powers that be went to electric also. If we vested our energy on hybrids they would be most of the autos sold today. Also I really do not trust the system as W. Bush pushed hydrogen powered vehicles and as soon as the Progs took over they nixed it. I wonder what lobby did that with the Progs in charge?

Yawn. Republicans were in power for 6 out of the 8 years Bush 2 was in office. And Bush 2 was an oil man.
Actually retard it was 4 of 8 years. Get your facts straight and of those 4 he never had more then 51 senators.

They controlled the white house and house for 6 years. That's 2 out of three parts of governing. That looks like control to me.
your appeal to authority is noted.
I'm sorry. Dos it bother you that I give more credence and have more confidence in the insights and opinions of one of earth's greatest minds than some garden variety atheists who, as far as I know, have NO special insights, genius, knowledge, etc.?
Why would I not put more value on the views of Einstein, or other brilliant minds, than yours or any other atheist whose entire "insight" is the power of disbelief?

It would be absurd if I did otherwise.
I think it's called pseudoscience (my bold)
I don't think I was specific enough. I asked for you to come up with an explanation for the existence of the universe and you said yes, it's called evolution.

The universe is NOT explained by evolution. I don't know how to put it more succinctly. Evolution has nothing to do with the formation of galaxies, the laws that govern them, black holes, etc.

Evolution purports to account for variations among living organisms but not everyone accepts Darwin's theories. It certainly doesn't explain our universe itself.
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Many of us don't. Only a few doubt.
But many of us believe the issue of global warming has been politicized and greatly exaggerated in order to
extract control over people and governments and achieve a massive redistribution of wealth between the developed and un- developed third world.
I'll be happy to hear anyone who has a better hypothesis than a super intelligent being is responsible for all of creation.
Got one? But I won't accept the universe exists just because it does. Nothing that we know of or can point to "just exists".

I could actually believe a superior alien race might have something to do with it (although, currently knowing what we know about the time/space it is almost impossible), but not some omnipotent being. That is ridiculous.

As to your point - why, yes, it is called evolution.

I used to be a police man. I once asked a dog handler why they didn't use Doberman's as police dogs (we use German Shepherd's) because I thought them more ferocious and more likely to make an offender think twice about doing something stupid. He said they had thought about using them, but they were too smart. They point blank refused to attack anybody with a firearm.

At the end of the day, the Amazonian tribesman, if he so wished, could be shown the source of the bike and how it was made.
It's my illustration and we haven't gotten to the end of the day. I could choose lots of different ways to illustrate my point.

The point is people, not atheists, can't conceive of something that has no source or serves no purpose. What thinking component therefore do atheists lack?
And why do they fear the concept of a supreme being?

Fear the concept of a supreme being? Hell, no, I would love there to be one. Seriously. That would certainly put a lot of questions to bed.
And I think I could more likely than not blow any illustrative point you have out the window.

As cnm said, it seems you fear the unknown so therefore have to make up some superior being to explain things when all I see is billions of years of chemical reactions.

As for Einstein, so he thought there was a god (apparently according to you). And? He is but a mere mortal.

Let's play a game, Grump.

What is this?

your appeal to authority is noted.
I'm sorry. Dos it bother you that I give more credence and have more confidence in the insights and opinions of one of earth's greatest minds than some garden variety atheists who, as far as I know, have NO special insights, genius, knowledge, etc.?
Why would I not put more value on the views of Einstein, or other brilliant minds, than yours or any other atheist whose entire "insight" is the power of disbelief?

It would be absurd if I did otherwise.

Einstein was a fantastic physicist. Doesn't make him an expert on god or lack thereof Ding.
I think it's called pseudoscience (my bold)
I don't think I was specific enough. I asked for you to come up with an explanation for the existence of the universe and you said yes, it's called evolution.

The universe is NOT explained by evolution. I don't know how to put it more succinctly. Evolution has nothing to do with the formation of galaxies, the laws that govern them, black holes, etc.

Evolution purports to account for variations among living organisms but not everyone accepts Darwin's theories. It certainly doesn't explain our universe itself.

I agree you were no specific enough.
Of course evolution explains some aspects of the universe. Not all though. Chemical reactions explain the rest.
Einstein was a fantastic physicist. Doesn't make him an expert on god or lack thereof Ding.
As I already said this rare genius had special insights and knowledge that set his opinions apart from most other people that have ever lived. It doesn't make him right but it does mean the likelihood that's his views are right are much much higher than yours, let's say, without malice.
There is when you accept him.

yeah, well when you and I bite the dust one of us is going to be disappointed. I doubt it'll be me...

I don't support Trump but I do believe in God. If things go your way, we're just gone and that's it. But if things are as we believe, you have serious problems. And since none of us has died and came back to tell us what it is like, it's probably not wise to be so sure of what's going to happen.
Grump's gonna tell God He's STOOpid when he meets Him.
Religious people do not deny climate change.
They know about why it's happing in the Bible.
Hint: It is not about fossil fuels.
It's about the world turning from God and becoming lawless.
But no one wants to hear or believe that.
Same thing happened when Noah warned them about the flood.
They would not believe it until it was too late.

The greed involved in the fossil fuel industry caused us, for one nation, to abandon building fuel efficient or electronic transportation and this is what has caused climate change. Greed is ungodly and the manner in which nations have put in lawless governments to control the resources increased the godless behavior. And now we face the penalty.

What nation had abandoned fuel efficiency?
Not the USA
We are merging and cooperating with natural gas, cleaner burning coal, wind and solar.

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the selection of 35 projects totaling $73 million for bioenergy research and development (R&D). Funded through the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, these projects will help reduce the price of drop-in biofuels, lower the cost of biopower, and enable high-value products from biomass or waste resources.

DOE Announces Intent to Issue New Funding Opportunity for Tribal Energy Infrastructure Development
there are more listed and these are just the recent ones .

We started working on electric cars in the 70's due to the embargo but stopped. No doubt this was due to the oil lobby. So we could have had battery powered cars 25-30 years ago or at least hybrids.

This President is keeping his promise of doing it all in order to find even better cheaper energy efficient fuels.
I love that he got rid of Bush's stupid ,(more pollution with mercury)energy efficient light bulbs. :)
I hate those bulbs.

If you believe in God, you reject Donald Trump.
The God in Whom I place my faith is love.

Your false god is hate.
Did nature "create" itself? That's a neat trick.

As opposed to some omnipotent being going 'abracadabra'? That is more believable? At least there is verifiable proof of evolution in some instances. Not one shred of evidence of a god.
What do you think evolution is? It's an attempt to explain the differentiation of species.

It is not, however, an attempt to explain the origin of life or of the universe.

It never fails. Ask an atheist where the universe came from, how life started, and they invariable shout EVOLUTION!!
Did nature "create" itself? That's a neat trick.

As opposed to some omnipotent being going 'abracadabra'? That is more believable? At least there is verifiable proof of evolution in some instances. Not one shred of evidence of a god.

While you and I don't agree relative to the existence of a creator, the fact is that you were born with just as much right not to believe as we do to believe. These "Christians" here don't seem to get that they will not get anyone to find god by condemning them. The choice to believe or not is on you, because I have to stand before God on my account and not yours
You think your god is going to be tickled that you told people they have to hate Trump because of him?

That's not God.

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