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Where do white people come from?

I have explained this " where did the White or"Caucasian race" come from?, a few times in the past.
Any way, here we go again.
The "White" or "Caucasian race" , was created in Africa about 300,000 years ago by Black mad genetic scientist named "Jacoub". Jacoub saw this albino gene, hidden within the black gene. The "Alibino" white gene was initially within a brown gene, within the black gene. This is why you see
Black skin blacks, brown skin blacks, and light to white skin blacks in America today.! This is very obvious for all to see, even you skeptics out there can see the three major shades of Black people.
Jacoub figured out a method to extract the brown gene from the original Black gene. He then figured out a way to extract the "Albino" white gene from the brown gene. He then proceeded to
breed the first "White people" or "Albino people" , in the continent of Africa.!.
He realized that the climate of Africa, being Hot, and humid year round, adversely affecting the
skin of the White skin people he had created. And the White people were not obeying his rules, and
regulations, and were causing trouble in Africa as a whole. They, the whites, would eat pork, practice
beastiality, and or Homosexuality, or lesbianism, all major crimes in Africa at the time, and many of those acts are still illegal acts in Africa to this Day!
Jacoub deceided to order the White people he had created out of Africa. As they needed to go north to a cooler climate, and to a place where they could live amongst themselves , so they could do as they chose to do.Away from Black Africans.

So all this talk about how we are all the same is just rubbish. We are not all the same.
There are major differences between the races. Blacks and whites.
Many different genetic markers and traits.

Please, no black man was ever that smart.

52nd Street, that tinfoil hat you are wearing needs tuning.

Please, no black man was ever that smart.

Oh, sure, just as many a European skeptic said blacks could have never been able to design and construct the Pyramids in Egypt, but they were designed and constructed
by blacks. Jacoub, was in fact a black man living in Africa.! And he did create you
Caucasian people.Believe it or not, it is the true genetic scientific fact of life.!!

hahahahah....HAHAHAHAAHHA..oh that's a good one..LMAO..afro centrist nonsense..Of course you have no link, no source...

Africans built nothing, invented nothing...they had no written language, no inventions, no established government, no medicine, no advanced culture, no technology of any kind...They were living in the stone age...and most still are.

Hell, they still practice slavery and burn witches in africa...see if you can figure out a way to blame the white man for that, too..LMAO....

He is correct about this. The Ancient Egyptians were African descendants.

Fuck off, 30 x 90, and go back to the horse and buggy era where bigotry like yours was welcome.

All humans can trace their ancestry back to Africa
How did they get to Africa?

Where were humans before they were in Africa?

Homo Sapiens descended from earlier types of humanoids, Muhammed. This evolutionary event is now thought to have occurred in Africa, and the resulting people emigrated from there.

The “Out of Africa” myth is a theory put forth not by actual scientists but by left-wing liberal arts professors. The theory is not based on any scientific evidence, but on social and political dogma. Often, the science departments at liberal Universities are bullied into accepting such hogwash by leftist University heads.

Already the human genome project as well as the Neanderthal genome project have shattered the political motivated “Out of Africa” myth. The projects have discovered incredible differences between the genetic makeup of modern man along racial lines. Modern homo sapien races did not evolve from a single ancestor. In the case of Caucasians, genes originating with the Neanderthals are present. Neanderthal genes are also found, but to a lesser extent in Asians, but are completely absent in the Negro race. This is quite significant as experts widely recognize the Neanderthal as the most advanced pre-homo sapiens.

An archaeological find in China shows strong evidence of parallel human evolution with multiple, different ancestors. An anatomically modern human jawbone was found deep in the earth and comes from a time period in which such humans were only supposed to have existed in Africa.
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Oh, sure, just as many a European skeptic said blacks could have never been able to design and construct the Pyramids in Egypt, but they were designed and constructed
by blacks. Jacoub, was in fact a black man living in Africa.! And he did create you
Caucasian people.Believe it or not, it is the true genetic scientific fact of life.!!

hahahahah....HAHAHAHAAHHA..oh that's a good one..LMAO..afro centrist nonsense..Of course you have no link, no source...

Africans built nothing, invented nothing...they had no written language, no inventions, no established government, no medicine, no advanced culture, no technology of any kind...They were living in the stone age...and most still are.

Hell, they still practice slavery and burn witches in africa...see if you can figure out a way to blame the white man for that, too..LMAO....

He is correct about this. The Ancient Egyptians were African descendants.

Fuck off, 30 x 90, and go back to the horse and buggy era where bigotry like yours was welcome.

Oh hush, child..save all that emotional, melodramatic wailing and cursing.
No one is interested..
Stop avoiding the topic and making everything about your obsession with me. Get over yourself, chick.

You're saying that you agree that this "Jacoub" created white people?
Of course not. 52nd Street is a lunatic.

But you are evidentially severely impaired yourself.

BTW, I am 57. If that makes me young enough to be your "child", by all means, keep referring to me as one.

But you are evidentially severely impaired yourself.

..and once again. You abandon the topic completely as you obsess and fantasize about me.

Please refrain from sexual inneundo in addressing me.

The suggestion that the VERY SAME evolutionary event occurred at the VERY SAME time giving rise to the VERY SAME Homo Sapiens creature on Planet Earth in various locales seems scientifically unlikely as hell to me. I do not especially give a fuck, one way or the other, and if tomorrow they discover this to be true it will affect me in no way whatsoever. Fact is, we are genetically indistinguishable from all other humans on Planet Earth apart from a tiny percentile of our DNA.

Human is human, but if it is necessary to your self-esteem to think there are "breeds" of humans, you go right on ahead. Far be it from me to steal anyone's invisible security blankie.
All this angst over Black History month (a yearly event, both Black history and the angst) got me wondering.

Where do white people come from?
Why do white people divide themselves further into groups...i.e. Irish, German, Anglo-Saxon, etc?
If you are white, hispanic and black would you be able to celebrate black history month and hispanic heritage month?
Why do so many not consider hispanics to be white?
Why don't wingers celebrate European American history month?

Oh, jeesh! I forgot about the orientals. :redface:


Really white people come from Ireland. Everyone else is an off white. :lol:

If you go to Spain, you will quickly learn that spanish people have little to do with the coloring of hispanics.

European American history? pfft, not all whitish people come from the EU.

But you are evidentially severely impaired yourself.

..and once again. You abandon the topic completely as you obsess and fantasize about me.

Please refrain from sexual inneundo in addressing me.

The suggestion that the VERY SAME evolutionary event occurred at the VERY SAME time giving rise to the VERY SAME Homo Sapiens creature on Planet Earth in various locales seems scientifically unlikely as hell to me. I do not especially give a fuck, one way or the other, and if tomorrow they discover this to be true it will affect me in no way whatsoever. Fact is, we are genetically indistinguishable from all other humans on Planet Earth apart from a tiny percentile of our DNA.

"sexual innuendo"? LMAO...Honey, don't kid yourself. Seriously.
No..you purposely exaggerate and distort..
No one said everything happened simultaneously or that all humans are the same..get serious...You're stacking the deck and mischaracterizing. Read a little bit about the subject..educate yourself and you won't be embarrassed by making ridiculous statements like that.

mad said:
Human is human, but if it is necessary to your self-esteem to think there are "breeds" of humans, you go right on ahead. Far be it from me to steal anyone's invisible security blankie.
..and typically..once again you obsess on me and fantasize about my "self esteem." You really should seek help. You spend an inordinate amount fantasizing but can't seem to focus and stay on topic. ADD maybe?..

Got any evidence..links..sources for what you allege?..or does it just "feel right"?

You do realize black skin didn't mutate until after humans had lost their fur?
The very existence of races shows we are not all mixed.
Races formed because they were isolated for hundreds of thousands of years.

Bonobos and Chimps are more closely related than blacks and whites, yet they are classified as a different species. We also share 70% of our DNA with the sea sponge, we aren't sea sponges....just because we are closely related to blacks doesn't mean we are the same.

Phenotype isn't the only thing different between the races.
Do you honestly believe that all people are the exact same as you outside of physical appearance?

Bone structure, glucose metabolism, rates of maturity, isotonic vs. isometric muscle contractions, fat mass, predisposition to specific diseases, psychological patterns...these are all racial differences. None of it is necessarily good or bad. It simply is what it is.

Common ancestry (IF IT WERE TRUE) hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.
No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building desirable societies?

Africans evolved to be black-skinned after ages in a sun-baked land promoted the proliferation of melanin in their hides. The climate in africa was very different than it is now. There was no need for as much melanin.

Chances are the basic human stock was light-skinned long before.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. It is much more likely that the first humans were light skinned and hairy as opposed to being dark skinned.

Instead of saying 'we all used to be Black' or 'we all have Black ancestry', maybe we should be saying 'we all used to be White' or 'we all have White ancestry'.
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Please, no black man was ever that smart.

Oh, sure, just as many a European skeptic said blacks could have never been able to design and construct the Pyramids in Egypt, but they were designed and constructed
by blacks. Jacoub, was in fact a black man living in Africa.! And he did create you
Caucasian people.Believe it or not, it is the true genetic scientific fact of life.!!

A black man living in Africa. Who would thunk it?

Do you have some evidence to back up your claims that blacks designed the pyamids in Egypt and that this clown Jacoub created white people?

Either put up or shut up!

The word "Imhoetep" literally translates to english meaning "Perfect Black One".
This has been confirmed by lingquist, and Egyptologist. The Egyptians were Blacks that migrated up from what is now modern day Sudan, or what used to be called "Kush" the
land of Kush goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Jacoub, the black mad scientist
goes back even farther. Before European recorded history.
White people were created by blacks, all the genetic markers indicate this fact.!!
White people have many recessive genes, blacks posses the dominant genes. What more
blatant genetic evidence must I provide to all you skeptics out there!?
Oh, sure, just as many a European skeptic said blacks could have never been able to design and construct the Pyramids in Egypt, but they were designed and constructed
by blacks. Jacoub, was in fact a black man living in Africa.! And he did create you
Caucasian people.Believe it or not, it is the true genetic scientific fact of life.!!

A black man living in Africa. Who would thunk it?

Do you have some evidence to back up your claims that blacks designed the pyamids in Egypt and that this clown Jacoub created white people?

Either put up or shut up!

The word "Imhoetep" literally translates to english meaning "Perfect Black One".
This has been confirmed by lingquist, and Egyptologist. The Egyptians were Blacks that migrated up from what is now modern day Sudan, or what used to be called "Kush" the
land of Kush goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Jacoub, the black mad scientist
goes back even farther. Before European recorded history.
White people were created by blacks, all the genetic markers indicate this fact.!!
White people have many recessive genes, blacks posses the dominant genes. What more
blatant genetic evidence must I provide to all you skeptics out there!?

Well, present the DNA evidence and supporting research with links.
List all the scientific publications that agree with your premise.

Just because you "said so" isn't going to be accepted as "blatant genetic evidence".

You allege many things and prove not one of them.
Ancient Egypt was founded and built by Mediterranean Caucasians as far back as 4500 B.C. Egypt’s period of greatness was from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. and was characterized by its amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, and mastery of mathematics and engineering, the remnants of which are still evident today. The White Egyptians pioneered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many cases, their achievements remain unequalled. But, about 3400 B.C. Egypt civilization began to spread up the Nile River, bringing it in close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they were using Blacks for slave labor and Egypt became history’s first melting pot. In time the infusion of Negro blood worked itself up from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, received political equality, and took posts of authority in government.

By the time of King Tut (1370–1352 B.C.) even the ruling classes had been mongrelized and Egypt began a tailspin downward. Today, the once-mighty Egypt is very much a Third World country, having lost its art, its medicine, its architectural ability, and its position in world affairs. The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was a product of Negro ingenuity is now being widely disseminated in the schools. Though scholars know this is a blatant lie, they justify the deception by assuming it will boost the “self-esteem” of Black children.
Oh, sure, just as many a European skeptic said blacks could have never been able to design and construct the Pyramids in Egypt, but they were designed and constructed
by blacks. Jacoub, was in fact a black man living in Africa.! And he did create you
Caucasian people.Believe it or not, it is the true genetic scientific fact of life.!!

A black man living in Africa. Who would thunk it?

Do you have some evidence to back up your claims that blacks designed the pyamids in Egypt and that this clown Jacoub created white people?

Either put up or shut up!

The word "Imhoetep" literally translates to english meaning "Perfect Black One".
This has been confirmed by lingquist, and Egyptologist. The Egyptians were Blacks that migrated up from what is now modern day Sudan, or what used to be called "Kush" the
land of Kush goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Jacoub, the black mad scientist
goes back even farther. Before European recorded history.
White people were created by blacks, all the genetic markers indicate this fact.!!
White people have many recessive genes, blacks posses the dominant genes. What more
blatant genetic evidence must I provide to all you skeptics out there!?

Again, where is your evidence? If you think I'm just gonna take your word for it, you're as stupid as you look.

If blacks were so damn smart and/or dominate then why do they continue to live in third world conditions and how did they allow themselves to become slaves way back when?

You have shown no proof of anything you say and until you do, it will be chalked up as yet another black man simply talking shit.
Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin - washingtonpost.com

Friday, December 16, 2005

Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago.....the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned....

The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome

But why was the mutation "popular" in Europe?
why white skin caught on so thoroughly in northern climes once it arose. Some scientists suggest that lighter skin offered a strong survival advantage for people who migrated out of Africa by boosting their levels of bone-strengthening vitamin D; others have posited that its novelty and showiness simply made it more attractive to those seeking mates.
A black man living in Africa. Who would thunk it?

Do you have some evidence to back up your claims that blacks designed the pyamids in Egypt and that this clown Jacoub created white people?

Either put up or shut up!

The word "Imhoetep" literally translates to english meaning "Perfect Black One".
This has been confirmed by lingquist, and Egyptologist. The Egyptians were Blacks that migrated up from what is now modern day Sudan, or what used to be called "Kush" the
land of Kush goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Jacoub, the black mad scientist
goes back even farther. Before European recorded history.
White people were created by blacks, all the genetic markers indicate this fact.!!
White people have many recessive genes, blacks posses the dominant genes. What more
blatant genetic evidence must I provide to all you skeptics out there!?

Again, where is your evidence? If you think I'm just gonna take your word for it, you're as stupid as you look.

If blacks were so damn smart and/or dominate then why do they continue to live in third world conditions and how did they allow themselves to become slaves way back when?

You have shown no proof of anything you say and until you do, it will be chalked up as yet another black man simply talking shit.

The evidence is out there at your finger tips Lonestarlogic, google, land of Kush, story of Jacoub and how he created the white race,google it all!. I want you to purchase this
book. "The African Origins of civilization" by "Cheikh Anta Diop" ,this book will provide
you with a lot of scientific data, all from one source. Sir this is not talking shit, these are the facts. The White race was created by the Black Mad scientist Jacoub, in an genetic experiment gone out of control.
The fact that white people continue to mate with other whites will allow for other mutations in the already mutated white gene pool, to present themselves in future white children, or offspring.
I love how when Jews claims to have a special relationship with god, we're expected to 'respect' that. Yet if I say Whites have a special relationship with god, Maddie says I'm a racist.

When have I ever called you a racist, JB?

Crazy, drunk, stupid, blind, selfish and wrong yes....but did I really call you racist?
You implied it in this very thread

I may have implied it but I did not say it aloud.

You lose......your turn to buy the first round.

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