Zone1 Where do you personally Stand on abortion laws.

What is the Abortion Regulation Level you most support?

  • Ban after 6 Weeks No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban after 15 weeks, No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
theocracy (Merriam-Webster): government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.

Your definition might be considered by some as a little too loose, but to each his/her own. I don't think there are very many laws that are religion-based that are enforced these days. Regarding abortion, for many it is a religious issue but for others it's a moral question of the right to life. There are atheists who do not support abortion rights for that reason. And also some who do but not for religious reasons.
Good post, but seems to ignore certain facts and their implications. For example, the Blue Laws regarding alcohol sales, though not so common anymore, prevented such sales on Sunday, a Christian holiday (Holy Day?). If they had prevented such sales on the Muslim holiday (Friday?) or the Jewish holiday (Saturday) would that still suggest that such laws advanced certain religious dogma.

Regarding abortion, is it safe to say that such prohibitions reflect religious dogma? Extrapolating what public opinion may be is not exactly the same as laws on the books.
First, this country is NOT a theocracy.

Second, every woman has the right to say no or require some form of contraception on her part or his. Rape and incest are exceptions.

Third, why is it that pro-abortion don't seem to give a damn about the unborn baby's right to live? Why is it murder if a baby is killed 5 minutes after birth but not 5 minutes before? Why aren't people amazed about that?

Fourth, abortion should not be a federal issue. There is nothing in the US Constitution that stipulates abortion as a constitutional right, and Roe v Wade never should have been done in the 1st place. I see no reason why each state shouldn't be the controlling authority for this issue.
This post makes it sound like you've never read or studied the letter and spirit of the Ninth Amendment. It's only one sentence.
Good post, but seems to ignore certain facts and their implications. For example, the Blue Laws regarding alcohol sales, though not so common anymore, prevented such sales on Sunday, a Christian holiday (Holy Day?). If they had prevented such sales on the Muslim holiday (Friday?) or the Jewish holiday (Saturday) would that still suggest that such laws advanced certain religious dogma.

Regarding abortion, is it safe to say that such prohibitions reflect religious dogma? Extrapolating what public opinion may be is not exactly the same as laws on the books.

I am not sure that current abortion laws written in recent times equate to Blue Laws and other prohibitions that were written long ago and maybe even centuries ago. There are no doubt many laws that are still on the books that make no sense or have any relevance today and not all of them are based in religion. And I'm pretty sure that religious dogma does not carry the same weight or gravitas that it once did. IOW, IMHO we are much further away for a theocracy than we once were.

I think abortion bans and restrictions probably does have it's roots in religion, but not just Christianity or Judaism. So what? Should we as a society respect the sanctity of life or not? There are many non-religious people who oppose capital punishment, so is it not somewhat hypocritical to then say that abortion is okay? I don't think the question of religion should even enter the conversation about abortion.
" Sanctimonious Sacrosanct Anthropocentric Psychotics Revile Us Citizenship "

* Not Entitled To Constitutional Protections Means Restrictions To Safety And Security Of Citizens *

The term in us 9th amendment is RETAINED , not obtained !

The 10th amendment applies to what states can do when not prohibited by us constitution , and us 9th stipulates that not every prohibition upon the states is enumerated in us constitution ,

If a zygote , or embryo or fetus has not completed a live birth requirement and it is being given constitutional protections , that violates equitable doctrine and the equal protection clause , and us federal government us states are prohibited from proscribing abortion , as live birth is required to become a citizen of either , and therefore the legitimate interests of either are restricted to safety and security of citizens .

* Another Malevolent And Malicious Over Sight Of Dumbfounded Sedition Of Dobbs Decision *

The 14th amendment of us constitution stipulates that live birth is required to become a us citizen , which is the same requirement to become a citizen of a state , and us constitution stipulates equal protection with a us citizen for any person within its jurisdiction .

The roe v wade court related that if the term person in us 14th was not clearly defined and in 2001 , under the bush administration and under title 1 section 8 of us code , a person was defined to be any born alive , and the dumbfounded sedition of scotus in dobbs committed malfeasance against it .

An etymology of the term person is deconstructed into per , as in countable by census , and son , meaning either male , or an arcane reference to preformation of a homunculus that is wholly contained within male semen .

* Loathsome Attitude Of Traitors Against Independence Of Individual Citizens *

The same non incidental requirement to become a us state citizen is the same requirement to become a us federal citizen , and awarding constitutional protections to any thing which has not been born , and simply diverting to a premise that states have an ability to regulate any behavior not explicitly enumerated in us constitution , even though regulations are not restricted to safety and security of citizens or to those having also been born , is deceitful .

Your position does not revere the us citizen , it reviles the us citizen for damned dirty ape , apex predator arrogance and embrace of populism for democracy as tyranny of collective majority that promotes its compulsions irrespective of independence of the individual and irrespective of limits by state and federal government to safety and security for us citizens and for those legitimately entitled to equal protection by virtue of a live birth requirement .

The term in us 9th amendment is RETAINED , not obtained !

Retained..obtained. Still the same point. The cotus spells out exactly what the federal government can and cannot do.

The 10th amendment applies to what states can do when not prohibited by us constitution

The 10th amendment applies to what the federal government can do and can’t do or what it prohibits the states from doing, all else is left to the states and the people.

You worded that incorrectly.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution…what powers are those? The 18 specific enumerated powers…

…nor prohibited by it to the states…meaning there are certain things the cotus says states can’t do and are the purview of the federal government..

…are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people…meaning, in absence of the two conditions above, then it is a states issue.

Now, abortion is not listed in the 18 specific delegated powers that the cotus gives to the federal government.

And once again, you start in on what constitutes a citizen. That is irrelevant, I’m not even going that far. For me, it stops at what powers are delegated to the government by the cotus, and abortion is not in there.
" Traitorous Advocates Reviling Us Citizenship Through Powerless States "

* Non Enumerated Rites Retained From Enumerated Powers To Create Us Constitution *

Retained..obtained. Still the same point. The cotus spells out exactly what the federal government can and cannot do.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

* Powers Not Vested As Legitimate State Interests In Establishing Citizenship Requirements Or In Violating Equal Protection By Granting Constitutional Protections To Non Citizens Without A Live Birth Requirement *
The 10th amendment applies to what the federal government can do and can’t do or what it prohibits the states from doing, all else is left to the states and the people.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

* Powers Already Exercised Stipulating A Live Birth For Equal Protection As A Non Enumerated Rite *
You worded that incorrectly.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution…what powers are those? The 18 specific enumerated powers…
…nor prohibited by it to the states…meaning there are certain things the cotus says states can’t do and are the purview of the federal government..
…are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people…meaning, in absence of the two conditions above, then it is a states issue.
Now, abortion is not listed in the 18 specific delegated powers that the cotus gives to the federal government.
And once again, you start in on what constitutes a citizen. That is irrelevant, I’m not even going that far. For me, it stops at what powers are delegated to the government by the cotus, and abortion is not in there.
The power to amend us constitution is part of the federal government and the federal government has stipulated the only non incidental requirement to become a citizen , and equal protection is stipulated , wherefore a legitimate state interest and constitutional protections are restricted to citizens and to any which has met a live birth requirement to receive them , which is a non enumerated rite .

A state does not have the power to amend us 14th amendment and the non incidental requirement to become a citizen of a us state or the implicit requirement of live birth for equal protection .

One can ramble on about powers but the power has already been exercised in us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and the non enumerated rite to abortion exists , because a legitimate state and federal interest requires live birth for equal protection with a us citizen .
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" Traitorous Advocates Reviling Us Citizenship Through Powerless States "

* Non Enumerated Rites Retained From Enumerated Powers To Create Us Constitution *

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

* Powers Not Vested As Legitimate State Interests In Establishing Citizenship Requirements Or In Violating Equal Protection By Granting Constitutional Protections To Non Citizens Without A Live Birth Requirement *

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

* Powers Already Exercised Stipulating A Live Birth For Equal Protection As A Non Enumerated Rite *

The power to amend us constitution is part of the federal government and the federal government has stipulated the only non incidental requirement to become a citizen , and equal protection is stipulated , wherefore a legitimate state interest and constitutional protections are restricted to citizens and to any which has met a live birth requirement to receive them , which is a non enumerated rite .

A state does not have the power to amend us 14th amendment and the non incidental requirement to become a citizen of a us state or the implicit requirement of live birth for equal protection .

One can ramble on about powers but the power has already been exercised in us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and the non enumerated rite to abortion exists , because a legitimate state and federal interest requires live birth for equal protection with a us citizen .
Am I talking to a bot? lol, you keep going over the same stuff over and over

Wait a minute…is this another version of Saltydancin?

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