Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

TomHorn can't do anything 'root and branch" because DragonLady get his diseased tree to the ground, dug the roots, burned in all in the hole, and the spread salt.

Nothing Tom can write would resurrect anything he may have to say.
Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts
Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts

Pretty simple.

Trump wins with uneducated white voters and white men .. Clinton win with educated white voters and women .. AND, she has the vast majority of ALL non-white voters (80%). Clinton began the election with 30% of registered voters already in her pocket.

Hillary does not win white women

Trump wins whites overall.

And the spin of this article is the same. Comparing Trump's white vote to Romney's who set a record.

As though that is a failure.

Query: Why is it that dems just can't compete with the white vote?


Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump
Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump

College-educated white women are a stronghold for Clinton.

Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People


Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People

Still unable to post Trump vs Hillary white vote numbers. Isn't that really weird?

Here is Trump vs hillary black voters.

UPI/CVoter poll: Most minorities favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

"Her largest lead is among African Americans, who favor her over Trump overwhelmingly, 89 percent to 7 percent. "

Brown voters.

Clinton's second-largest lead is among Hispanics, who prefer her by a more than 3-to-1 margin, 75 percent to 21 percent.

And yet, no where, is it easily available, Trump vs Hillary white voters.

Hell, you don't even see Trump vs HIllary no college voters.

Because those numbers do not serve the lefty narrative.

Filthy liars.
Correlll continues to mumble and fumble.

HRC leads among white women, college educated, browns, blacks, Asians, and other voters.
TomHorn can't do anything 'root and branch" because DragonLady get his diseased tree to the ground, dug the roots, burned in all in the hole, and the spread salt.

Nothing Tom can write would resurrect anything he may have to say.

Jake the Flake just referred to the Beast as "Hil"....strange for a "middle of the road republican" but then everything about the Flake is strange. Meanwhile, DragonLady and I will one day dance the light fandango. :cool-45:

TomHorn can't do anything 'root and branch" because DragonLady got his diseased tree to the ground, dug the roots, burned in all in the hole, and the spread salt.

Nothing Tom can write would resurrect anything he may have to say.

Jake the Flake just referred to the Beast as "Hil"....strange for a "middle of the road republican" but then everything about the Flake is strange. Meanwhile, DragonLady and I will one day dance the light fandango. :cool-45:

"Strange Dood" Tom Horn continues to lie. He got destroyed by DragonLady, so he turns on me, knowing he will run crying in tears in the end.
Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts
Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts

Pretty simple.

Trump wins with uneducated white voters and white men .. Clinton win with educated white voters and women .. AND, she has the vast majority of ALL non-white voters (80%). Clinton began the election with 30% of registered voters already in her pocket.

Hillary does not win white women

Trump wins whites overall.

And the spin of this article is the same. Comparing Trump's white vote to Romney's who set a record.

As though that is a failure.

Query: Why is it that dems just can't compete with the white vote?


Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump
Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump

College-educated white women are a stronghold for Clinton.

Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People


Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People

Still unable to post Trump vs Hillary white vote numbers. Isn't that really weird?

Here is Trump vs hillary black voters.

UPI/CVoter poll: Most minorities favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

"Her largest lead is among African Americans, who favor her over Trump overwhelmingly, 89 percent to 7 percent. "

Brown voters.

Clinton's second-largest lead is among Hispanics, who prefer her by a more than 3-to-1 margin, 75 percent to 21 percent.

And yet, no where, is it easily available, Trump vs Hillary white voters.

Hell, you don't even see Trump vs HIllary no college voters.

Because those numbers do not serve the lefty narrative.

Filthy liars.

Try Trump vs Hillary with WOMEN voters, of any color. Put the women, the blacks and the Hispanics together and Trump is fucked up the ass by King Dong.
Once the Right wing media realized it was a Trump supporting White Right wing cop killer in Iowa...you could hear this
"Strange Dood" Tom Horn continues to lie. He got destroyed by DragonLady, so he turns on me, knowing he will run crying in tears in the end.

Flake hasn't taken a shower since 1987....people do run from his eye-watering B.O....that much is true.

Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts
Donald Trump’s white voter problem, explained in 9 charts

Pretty simple.

Trump wins with uneducated white voters and white men .. Clinton win with educated white voters and women .. AND, she has the vast majority of ALL non-white voters (80%). Clinton began the election with 30% of registered voters already in her pocket.

Hillary does not win white women

Trump wins whites overall.

And the spin of this article is the same. Comparing Trump's white vote to Romney's who set a record.

As though that is a failure.

Query: Why is it that dems just can't compete with the white vote?


Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump
Why College-Educated Women Are the Key to Beating Donald Trump

College-educated white women are a stronghold for Clinton.

Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People


Donald Trump's Real Problem Is With White People

Still unable to post Trump vs Hillary white vote numbers. Isn't that really weird?

Here is Trump vs hillary black voters.

UPI/CVoter poll: Most minorities favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

"Her largest lead is among African Americans, who favor her over Trump overwhelmingly, 89 percent to 7 percent. "

Brown voters.

Clinton's second-largest lead is among Hispanics, who prefer her by a more than 3-to-1 margin, 75 percent to 21 percent.

And yet, no where, is it easily available, Trump vs Hillary white voters.

Hell, you don't even see Trump vs HIllary no college voters.

Because those numbers do not serve the lefty narrative.

Filthy liars.

Try Trump vs Hillary with WOMEN voters, of any color. Put the women, the blacks and the Hispanics together and Trump is fucked up the ass by King Dong.

I note that you did not address anything I said. You did repeat the lefty media's talking point, re: minority votes.

BUT, you failed to post any numbers on the White Vote.

DId you try finding any?

Would you say that the LARGEST single ethnic group is at least as important as the second and third largest groups?

And yet, there seems to be a black out on any reporting on the numbers of how that vote is breaking down.

What's truly amazing is how you RWNJ's just make stuff up in your own minds, or is that something you heard somewhere??????

Sounds petty and rash.

The Moon Bat spin is that Crooked Hillary is honest and as pure as snow.

However, the reality is that the filthy ass bitch is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent as hell.

The only reason she is not in jail for getting rich selling government influence and laundering the money through her scam foundation and for security violations is because she is a filthy Democrat and the Democrats control the FBI and the Justice Department. Otherwise would be in jail now.

Comey laid out her crimes with his opening statements of his press briefing. Her crimes would have got anybody thrown in jail. However, he used the lamest excuse of all to let her off the hook because of her elitism. The excuse that she had "no intent". Just when the hell are criminals let off the hook because they claimed to have no intent? Is that the way the FBI has been corrupted by the Obama Administration? Despicable, isn't it?
Meanwhile your witch and her coven have done a pigeon-drop con on America for the past 30 years.....you're the sucker, Guano.

Thereby proving the misogyny at the root of the Hillary Clinton hatred. You didn't want a black man in the White House, and you sure as hell don't want a woman running things. You'd rather elect a incompetent, racist, flim-flam man, than a smart, honest, hard working woman, or an intellectually superior and extraordinary black man.

The Democrats have saved the country from the economical damage done by Republican economic policies, including NAFTA, which was part of Reagan's plan to keep Mexicans in Mexico. In that regard, it is working. Jobs are keeping Mexicans in Mexico - read the statistics on Mexican immigration.

Clinton cleaned up the Reagan/Bush mess, balanced the budget, got unemployment down, kept the country at peace, or close to it for 8 years. (I'll give you Bosnia and Mogadishu, but I consider those UN police actions, not actual wars.) And Republicans attacked him and Hillary every step of the way.

Bush came in with a super majority, cut taxes, declared the two most expensive wars in human history, in terms of American tax dollars expended, while Cheney looted the treasury with his ownership of Halliburton and their untendered contracts to supply the troops in those wars, and Bush's housing policies created and fuelled the housing bubble, which Wall Street exploited through subprime lending, until the whole house of cards collapsed and took the world's economy with it.

Obama slowed and then stopped the freefall. Bailed out the auto industry, and helped those companies get back on their feet. In the end, he created more jobs than Reagan, but not as many as Clinton, who had a super-majority for longer, and didn't not face the most obstructionist Congress and Senate in the history of the Republic.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to the economy back over to the party, whose taxation policies have transferred all of the wealth of the country from the bottom 47% to the top 10%. Now that the bottom half of the country has so little, the middle class is seeing their wealth headed to the top as well.

While would anyone who has read the economic history of the world for the past 200 years ever vote for the Republicans?

But keep voting for the party of trickle down. Keep letting them piss all over you and tell you it's raining.

Obama slowed and then stopped the freefall. Bailed out the auto industry, and helped those companies get back on their feet. In the end, he created more jobs than Reagan, but not as many as Clinton, who had a super-majority for longer, and didn't not face the most obstructionist Congress and Senate in the history of the Republic.

All these wonderful jobs, yet the median household income hasn't increased all that much since he took office. All those wonderful jobs, yet over one-third of our working population is not working nor looking for a job. All these wonderful jobs, yet we have nearly as many people on food stamps as we did when DumBama doubled the food stamp role.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to the economy back over to the party, whose taxation policies have transferred all of the wealth of the country from the bottom 47% to the top 10%. Now that the bottom half of the country has so little, the middle class is seeing their wealth headed to the top as well.

We did, and can you explain just how we did that?

While would anyone who has read the economic history of the world for the past 200 years ever vote for the Republicans?

Because we don't like government controlling our lives. We don't believe in idiocy like boys going into girls bathrooms and showers at school. We only believe in two sexes: male and female. We believe drugs are harmful to the country--not that they should be legalized. We don't believe in rewarding failure and penalizing success. We don't believe in rewarding irresponsibility and discouraging responsibility. We don't believe that government creates jobs--private industry creates jobs. We don't believe that taking more money from job creators and burdening them with government mandates makes them want to create more jobs.

That's why you vote Republican.
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Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

thats something only the disgruntled whites on the Left will have to figure out whichever way this election goes. The rest of us will just go to work the next day

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