Zone1 Where Does God, Anywhere, Endorse the Homosexual Lifestyle?

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There is no conclusive, scientific evidence showing that people are born homosexual. Even if that were the case, that wouldn't make homosexuality a healthy alternative to heterosexuality. People are born with many disorders and ailments, should pretend that all of those diseases are good, because people were born with that illness? According to the Bible, this world is under the spell and influence of Satan and his demons. Moreover, if someone's homosexuality can be reduced to a physical condition or gene, then it can be cured. Only sick minds and souls promote homosexuality.
Wether it is healthy or not is YOUR conclusion based on your views. You would not look for any scientific facts if your life depended on it.

The FACT that over 1500 animal species practice homosexuality is more than evidence that it is something normal, and it is also normal on humans.

A few humans on a few religions, beliefs, have decided for all humanity what is and what is not about homosexuality. And all of them misinterpreting what is actually written, mistranslating the words in Hebrew.

1500 different species in the world being observed as practicing homosexuality, not learned from humans, cannot be wrong.
If you really think that, you are the opposite.
Says you. But, who are you? The one with the reprobate mind who calls good evil and evil good so you feel like what you do is natural. Great! But stop polluting and tricking others into having a reprobate mind as well while approving the child abused and mutilation of children.
If you're not living in a community with other Christians, holding all things in common, you're not a disciple. You have to be willing to lay it all down, or you're just fooling yourself.
Well, I’m the one defending the kingdom of God and preaching to keep the Lord’s commandments. Are you?
Yes, yes I do.
You are a loon.
Says the one with the reprobate mind… Since you accept evil is good, I know I’m teaching correct principles. It’s up to you to govern yourself and realize your mind has been tricked to believing what is unnatural is natural.
The repulsion people have for homosexuality has nothing to do with racism. One is a good disgust, whereas the other is indeed immoral. It's natural for most human beings to be disgusted with the mere thought of having sex with someone of their gender. As I showed in a previous post, homosexuals are susceptible to a lot more mental illnesses and suicide, regardless of whether they live in Pakistan or in Sweden. It doesn't matter. They are also much more likely to contract HIV and other dangerous STDs, due to their promiscuous behavior and deviant lifestyle. They bring all of this upon themselves because they refuse to repent and stop acting out those feelings. They feed those desires with porn and other activities.

Heterosexuals can also feed or further pervert themselves with porn and by engaging in several other activities. So this isn't unique to homosexuals. People fuel the fire and burn with passion toward those sinful patterns of behavior, then complain about how God condemns people to hell. It's really people condemning themselves to perdition. Don't blame God.
All of these thoughts you are posting here come from extremist groups/churches. It has no resemblance with the rest of the world, which is a much bigger, more numerous one than the small world many of you live in.

Porn is something totally different. Nothing to do with homosexuality.
All of these thoughts you are posting here come from extremist groups/churches. It has no resemblance with the rest of the world, which is a much bigger, more numerous one than the small world many of you live in.

Porn is something totally different. Nothing to do with homosexuality.

You're appealing to the majority, yet ironically, the majority are repulsed by homosexuality. Even in the US, the majority of people know it's a disorder and not healthy. They may not admit it out of fear of being labeled a "fascist" or bigot, but nonetheless, they consider all of this....





Sick. Only a minority of people like you, consider all of the above normal and healthy. If you were a repentant sicko, God would have mercy on you, and help you overcome those deviant desires, but since you are a brazen pervo, you deserve no mercy. Just keep doing what you're doing, and as all polls show, more people are distancing themselves from everything that is LGBTQ+. More and more people are turning against you, and you're going to end up back in the closet where you and all of your sick-freaky friends belong.
You're appealing to the majority, yet ironically, the majority are repulsed by homosexuality. Even in the US, the majority of people know it's a disorder and not healthy. They may not admit it out of fear of being labeled a "fascist" or bigot, but nonetheless, they consider all of this....

Sick. Only a minority of people like you, consider all of the above normal and healthy. If you were a repentant sicko, God would have mercy on you, and help you overcome those deviant desires, but since you are a brazen pervo, you deserve no mercy. Just keep doing what you're doing, and as all polls show, more people are distancing themselves from everything that is LGBTQ+. More and more people are turning against you, and you're going to end up back in the closet where you and all of your sick-freaky friends belong.
You do not have the facts. You want to believe that most people think that way but the facts say otherwise.

YOU consider it to not be normal.

Even the Vatican is not agreeing with you, and the Vatican was for centuries pushing the idea that Homosexuality is something not normal.
Pope Francis called for the passage of civil union laws for same-sex couples in a documentary that aired in Rome on Wednesday, in a major departure from the position held by the Vatican’s doctrinal office.

“Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family,” the pontiff said in “Francesco,” a documentary about his life. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”

“What we have to create is a civil union law,” he added. “That way, they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”


LEARN Beyond what you have been taught.
Your thread is about your hating God's creations.
Bringing in more of your hate doesn't address your hatred of God's creations.
You didnt answer the question
Do you hate pedophiles? Do you hate racists? Do you hate murderers?”

I hope you can say yes

Now to answer your next question I dont hate homos

But when they threaten children they must be stopped

And if they harm children they should put away for life
You do not have the facts. You want to believe that most people think that way but the facts say otherwise.

YOU consider it to not be normal.

Even the Vatican is not agreeing with you, and the Vatican was for centuries pushing the idea that Homosexuality is something not normal.
Pope Francis called for the passage of civil union laws for same-sex couples in a documentary that aired in Rome on Wednesday, in a major departure from the position held by the Vatican’s doctrinal office.

“Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family,” the pontiff said in “Francesco,” a documentary about his life. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”

“What we have to create is a civil union law,” he added. “That way, they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”


LEARN Beyond what you have been taught.

You should repent and get a new life in Christ.

You have no excuse, for continuing to commit such acts.​

Now have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you "won" something. I have better things to do with my time and energy than continue going back and forth with you.
Says you. But, who are you? The one with the reprobate mind who calls good evil and evil good so you feel like what you do is natural. Great! But stop polluting and tricking others into having a reprobate mind as well while approving the child abused and mutilation of children.
Where did I call good evil and vise versa?
Where did I call good evil and vise versa?
That’s what reprobate minds automatically do without knowing it so that they can do what is unnatural yet think they are. It’s sad and very difficult to overcome because of “Pride.” This Pride month crap is to get people to not go back on their reprobate minds so that some can control people.
You should repent and get a new life in Christ.

You have no excuse, for continuing to commit such acts.​

Now have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you "won" something. I have better things to do with my time and energy than continue going back and forth with you.

Not even Jesus would abandon his Judaism to become a Christian, why should I?

Why do you keep looking for "those acts" ? Is it like porn for you? You get way too excited about it and cannot stop looking at it.
You should repent and get a new life in Christ.

You have no excuse, for continuing to commit such acts.​

Now have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you "won" something. I have better things to do with my time and energy than continue going back and forth with you.

I am not here to "WIN" anything.
I am just posting facts you are not aware of and could not care less to think about, as they go against all you have been taught since forever.

Your beliefs. Deal with them.
Doing it! As you can see with my posts. What about you?
If you're a disciple of Jesus Christ, then you have to join a Christian community, giving all of your private properties, to your brothers and sisters. Your house/s, your business/es , all of the machinery, your lands, the vehicles, the tractors..etc. You have to become one in mind and soul, with your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. If you're not willing to do that, you've failed the test of discipleship. You have to hate your life in this world, pick up your cross and follow Jesus.
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