Zone1 Where Does God, Anywhere, Endorse the Homosexual Lifestyle?

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If you're a disciple of Jesus Christ, then you have to join a Christian community, giving all of your private properties, to your brothers and sisters. Your house/s, your business/es , all of the machinery, your lands, the vehicles, the tractors..etc. You have to become one in mind and soul, with your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. If you're not willing to do that, you've failed the test of discipleship. You have to hate your life in this world, pick up your cross and follow Jesus.
1) Jesus was a Jew and Jews do not proselytize. He never did, and neither did the twelve apostles.

2) Fools give all their property to the Christian extremists who live in luxury while they go and live in poverty and many die poor.

3) Only a Christian extremist like yourself would proselytize to a Jew, considering how many Jews have been forcibly converted or murdered for being Jewish.

4) You are devoid of the ability to learn. :(
Wrong. God creates beautiful human beings, and gives them free will. You can either obey God as best you can, or choose to sin. Embracing homosexuality and promoting it, is an affront to God.
Then, 1500 different animal species who practice homosexuality are also affronting god?
Alright, I'll carry on. The OP also elaborates with mention of Jesus, the Bible, and the gospels. Any eight-year-old knows the subject of this thread.

You're the one who doesn't get it. You just rehash that same tired question - "which God?" - when the answer was already given.
apologies. I didn't know your butthurt was so severe.

good bye
That’s what reprobate minds automatically do without knowing it so that they can do what is unnatural yet think they are. It’s sad and very difficult to overcome because of “Pride.” This Pride month crap is to get people to not go back on their reprobate minds so that some can control people.
Why are you assuming I support pride month and all of the celebrations?

I’m laughing about how you can’t connect Christ to Christianity.
No, one cannot connect Jesus to Christianity because he did not start Christianity, Paul of Tarsus did, about 30 or more years after Jesus died.

Jesus did not write ONE thing attributed to him, because it all comes from what was already part of Judaism which HE himself learned from the time he was a child.

And no, he was not the Jewish Messiah as the Messiah cannot die before freeing their homeland -Israel/Judea - from the invaders as the Macabees did, and would never have accepted being called a Messiah to this new religion Paul created.

I know Judaism and Jesus. You do not.
They are animals. They have no soul. If you want to compare humans to animals, drive on.
Clearly you have never had a pet.
How abusive of you to think that animals have no souls, only humans.

And apparently some humans more than others. :)

But look, Christianity disagrees with you:

Do animals have souls and go to Heaven?
  • Animals are believed to have souls, although the animal itself doesn’t enter heaven. Because they have souls, they must be treated with respect. Native Americans. Many Native Americans believe that all animals have souls and that we are all connected to a great universal force. To this end, all creatures must be treated with respect.

Do animals go to heaven? : Christianity
The soul is a concept used primarily by people of faith. It is the part of us that continues to live eternally after death. It animates the body and is the seat of consciousness and willpower. A body cannot live without a soul. It can also be described as energy which, according to modern physics, cannot be destroyed but can only change form.

The belief in a soul separates believers from atheists who deny its existence and consequently life after death. For them, life is solely related to the physical body even though that does not explain consciousness, why or how life, much less anything at all, exists. An illustration of this is when a new human being comes into existence at conception. Scientists can only observe and describe the process. The deeper questions lie outside the realm of scientific knowledge because humans cannot create life. We are only conduits for it. God is the Author of life and the eternal Creator of everything including physical laws.

The Bible speaks about the soul right away in Genesis. There are two creation accounts that some think are different stories while others believe that the second story is an elaboration of the first. Here I will focus on the second story in Genesis 2:7. It says, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

In transliteration “a living soul” is nephesh hayyah. Hayyah means “living” and nephesh means “soul.” It also refers to personality or desire which are aspects of the soul.

God created Adam’s body first and he came to life once Yahweh breathed the eternal soul into his nostrils. We can see how the soul causes the body to live in 1 Kings 17:21-22. Here Yahweh heard the prayer of Elijah pleading for the “soul” of a child to return after he had died. God answered his prayer and the nephesh came back to the body of the boy and he was alive again.

In the first creation story man and woman are created in God’s image and He decided to let humans govern all animals. But it also tells us that animals have a soul. InGenesis 1:30 it reads,

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

This describes animals having hayyah (life). However, in the Hebrew it also has the word nephesh in combination with hayyah, which is the exact same wording as the description of the soul in the creation of Adam in Genesis 2:7. In other words, though nephesh is only translated as “life” here, the Hebrew speaks of the soul. Animals thus have a nephesh hayyah just like Adam.

Nephesh hayyah is also used to describe all the sea animals and flying creatures Yahweh created in Genesis 1:20-21. Genesis 1:24 says that cattle, creeping things, and beasts also have a nephesh hayyah, as well as fish inLeviticus 11:10.

Clearly you have never had a pet.
How abusive of you to think that animals have no souls, only humans.

And apparently some humans more than others. :)

But look, Christianity disagrees with you:

Do animals have souls and go to Heaven?
  • Animals are believed to have souls, although the animal itself doesn’t enter heaven. Because they have souls, they must be treated with respect. Native Americans. Many Native Americans believe that all animals have souls and that we are all connected to a great universal force. To this end, all creatures must be treated with respect.

Do animals go to heaven? : Christianity
The soul is a concept used primarily by people of faith. It is the part of us that continues to live eternally after death. It animates the body and is the seat of consciousness and willpower. A body cannot live without a soul. It can also be described as energy which, according to modern physics, cannot be destroyed but can only change form.

The belief in a soul separates believers from atheists who deny its existence and consequently life after death. For them, life is solely related to the physical body even though that does not explain consciousness, why or how life, much less anything at all, exists. An illustration of this is when a new human being comes into existence at conception. Scientists can only observe and describe the process. The deeper questions lie outside the realm of scientific knowledge because humans cannot create life. We are only conduits for it. God is the Author of life and the eternal Creator of everything including physical laws.

The Bible speaks about the soul right away in Genesis. There are two creation accounts that some think are different stories while others believe that the second story is an elaboration of the first. Here I will focus on the second story in Genesis 2:7. It says, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

In transliteration “a living soul” is nephesh hayyah. Hayyah means “living” and nephesh means “soul.” It also refers to personality or desire which are aspects of the soul.

God created Adam’s body first and he came to life once Yahweh breathed the eternal soul into his nostrils. We can see how the soul causes the body to live in 1 Kings 17:21-22. Here Yahweh heard the prayer of Elijah pleading for the “soul” of a child to return after he had died. God answered his prayer and the nephesh came back to the body of the boy and he was alive again.

In the first creation story man and woman are created in God’s image and He decided to let humans govern all animals. But it also tells us that animals have a soul. InGenesis 1:30 it reads,

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

This describes animals having hayyah (life). However, in the Hebrew it also has the word nephesh in combination with hayyah, which is the exact same wording as the description of the soul in the creation of Adam in Genesis 2:7. In other words, though nephesh is only translated as “life” here, the Hebrew speaks of the soul. Animals thus have a nephesh hayyah just like Adam.

Nephesh hayyah is also used to describe all the sea animals and flying creatures Yahweh created in Genesis 1:20-21. Genesis 1:24 says that cattle, creeping things, and beasts also have a nephesh hayyah, as well as fish inLeviticus 11:10.

You’re triggered.
OK, you can believe that if you want. Nonetheless, homosexuality is demonic and destructive, and it shouldn't be celebrated or encouraged. Our children should stay clear of those who promote LGBTQ+, lest their impressionable minds are influenced and become confused.
I see.
Two people who love one another is demonic but your "God" raping a 12 year old girl is saintly.

Got it.
I see.
Two people who love one another is demonic but your "God" raping a 12 year old girl is saintly.

Got it.

I never really understood why God fornicating with a human doesn't bother too many people. We can estimate from the customs of the day that she probably was fairly young but the Bible doesn't tell us of Mary's age. It still is odd that a deity had sex with a mortal. It makes me a tad uncomfortable to be placed in a position to defend that as ok regardless of her age.
Says the one with the reprobate mind… Since you accept evil is good, I know I’m teaching correct principles. It’s up to you to govern yourself and realize your mind has been tricked to believing what is unnatural is natural.
So, for you, a magic man living on a cloud hate's gays so you should too.
That to you is "normal."

You'll pardon me while I snigger a bit.

A person who believes you make a "covenant" with God to be straight BEFORE you are born and those who refuse the "covenant" are cast out as mini-demons is the very definition of "LOON"
You didnt answer the question
Do you hate pedophiles? Do you hate racists? Do you hate murderers?”

I hope you can say yes

Now to answer your next question I dont hate homos

But when they threaten children they must be stopped

And if they harm children they should put away for life
People who do harm to others should be punished.
I refuse to hate. That's a christian thing.

And you are lying to yourself.
Yes, you hate them.
Your hate drives your imagination and your willingness to believe any lie no matter how outrageous.
If you want to protect children:
Take them from their family. Most molested kids are molested by a family member
Keep them out of church. Churches not only provide the venue for abusing kids but an infrastructure to protect the abusers.
Keep them out of scouts and similar activities. See the previous entry.

Why is your faux rage directed at Gay people rather than the people who actually harm kids?
Because they're gay and it's easier to hate them than look in the mirror.
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