where does the Crimea belong to?

Translation: I can't back up my stupid claims but will keep repeating them ad nauseam.
Liar. I've backed up every single claim that I've made.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Liar. I've backed up every single claim that I've made.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.
LOL. You claimed that Obama initiated a coup in Ukraine, with absolutely no proof. In what world do you think you backed up "every single claim"? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, you retards are adorable. Dumb as a brick but always amusing. :itsok:
LOL. You claimed that Obama initiated a coup in Ukraine, with absolutely no proof. In what world do you think you backed up "every single claim"? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, you retards are adorable. Dumb as a brick but always amusing. :itsok:
There you go lying again, retard.

The fact of the matter is that I conclusively proved that the Obama administration orchestrated the 2014 coup in post #27 by pointing out the fact that in a February 1, 2015 interview with Fareed Zakaria, de facto president Obama articulated that his administration orchestrated the 2014 coup by "brokering a deal to transition power" in Ukraine from the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine to an illegitimate non-elected government.

However it appears that your lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills prevented you from learning the losson I was teaching you. Don't worry, you're just a slow learner. :itsok:
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There you go lying again, retard.

The fact of the matter is that I conclusively proved that the Obama administration orchestrated the 2014 coup in post #27 by pointing out the fact that in a February 1, 2015 interview with Fareed Zakaria, de facto president Obama articulated that his administration orchestrated the 2014 coup by "brokering a deal to transition power" in Ukraine from the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine to an illegitimate non-elected government.

However it appears that your lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills prevented you from learning the losson I was teaching you. Don't worry, you're just a slow learner. :itsok:
Retard. That is your and Putin's definition. Means shit. Try again. :itsok:

But thanks for coming back and proving yourself a lying retard over and over again. Much more fun that way.
Retard. That is your and Putin's definition.
Actually it's the dictionary definition, you lying subhuman imbecile.


: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group : coup d'état

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself? Do you really think that's wise?

Waaaay back in post #10 you asked the forum how Crimea became a part of the Russian Federation. That was Tuesday. Now it's Friday and despite all of the in-depth knowledge I so kindly shared with the forumers in this thread since then, you have learned absolutely nothing. You are a very hard learner.

Poor Magnus. Three days later and you are still just as incredibly ignorant regarding the subject as you were when you first begged for knowledge. :itsok:

Perhaps you are simply incapable of learning anymore. You know, TDS can make a person stupider by the day. Can you recall how long you've been suffering from TDS?
Actually it's the dictionary definition, you lying subhuman imbecile.


: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group : coup d'état

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself? Do you really think that's wise?

Waaaay back in post #10 you asked the forum how Crimea became a part of the Russian Federation. That was Tuesday. Now it's Friday and despite all of the in-depth knowledge I so kindly shared with the forumers in this thread since then, you have learned absolutely nothing. You are a very hard learner.

Poor Magnus. Three days later and you are still just as incredibly ignorant regarding the subject as you were when you first begged for knowledge. :itsok:

Perhaps you are simply incapable of learning anymore. You know, TDS can make a person stupider by the day. Can you recall how long you've been suffering from TDS?
LOL Poor retard floundering after getting its ass kicked.

Ok, I'll play. Now, that you have figured out what a coup means...show me where Obama instituted " violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government" in the country of Ukraine to overthrow the govt. Go.

You won't. But you will keep coming back because you like me calling you a retard over and over again. :itsok:
LOL Poor retard floundering after getting its ass kicked.

Ok, I'll play. Now, that you have figured out what a coup means...show me where Obama instituted " violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government" in the country of Ukraine to overthrow the govt. Go.

You won't. But you will keep coming back because you like me calling you a retard over and over again. :itsok:
Obama flat out admitted it dumbass. The legitimate democratically elected government was violently ousted from power and I've already quoted Obama saying that his administration was responsible, several times, dumbass.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

Sucks to be you, low IQ moron.
Obama flat out admitted it dumbass. The legitimate democratically elected government was violently ousted from power and I've already quoted Obama saying that his administration was responsible, several times, dumbass.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

Sucks to be you, low IQ moron.

LOL Poor retard floundering after getting its ass kicked.

Ok, I'll play. Now, that you have figured out what a coup means...show me where Obama instituted " violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government" in the country of Ukraine to overthrow the govt. Go.

You won't. But you will keep coming back because you like me calling you a retard over and over again. :itsok:
The fact of the matter is that I conclusively proved that the Obama administration orchestrated the 2014 coup in post #27 by pointing out the fact that in a February 1, 2015 interview with Fareed Zakaria, de facto president Obama articulated that his administration orchestrated the 2014 coup by "brokering a deal to transition power" in Ukraine from the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine to an illegitimate non-elected government.
Obama flat out admitted it dumbass. The legitimate democratically elected government was violently ousted from power and I've already quoted Obama saying that his administration was responsible, several times, dumbass.
You are wrong. You “proved” no such thing. Obama never admitted this at all. Why on earth would he “admit it” even had he “organized a coup”? Your argument is childish and misreads his meaning.

There was a last minute agreement, never acted on, which was indeed “brokered” by the U.S. and European partners and agreed to by the panicking Yanokovitch government … to hold new early elections … it being understood that this would end the Yanokovitch hold on power peacefully, since he simply no longer had the votes. This is what Obama was undoubtedly referring to. Things fell apart rapidly however at Maidan and Yanokovitch ran to Russia … not even to Donbas or Crimea.

That doesn’t mean there weren’t any “undercover” elements pushing to drive for a coup. There undoubtedly were, both among radicals in the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist movement, and probably in the CIA too. But the Obama Administration was not consciously pushing for a coup d’etat, and they didn’t completely control events … anymore than Russia did. Russia, of course, was infinitely more involved, and also had its agents and its oligarchic friends who were on the scene and even more active, if outnumbered and much more hated at that point in Kiev.
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Another point about coups… When Americans have — all too often — supported or helped organize “coups” in South or Central America or elsewhere … it was usually with the support of the military, police and oligarchs. It was usually in places where the U.S. could apply overwhelming economic or other pressure to gain the support of the business community.

In Ukraine the military and police were serving the Yanokovitch government and Russia was the historically “imperial” power. “Color Revolutions” are not the same as imperialist-organized “coups”!

I personally was not happy with the way the Maidan “Revolution” overthrew an unpopular, corrupt but still elected government, especially because I believe the pro-Russian regime would have been voted out of power peacefully by new elections.

A peaceful transfer of power is especially important and certainly the wisest course when dealing with interpenetrated peoples with mutual distrust, or where big powers are likely to interfere and ethnic paranoia among different sections of the country is rampant. But of course this was not to be. In such cases a peaceful resolution is the rare exception, not the rule.
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You are wrong. You “proved” no such thing. Obama never admitted this at all. Why on earth would he “admit it” even had he “organized a coup”? Your argument is childish and misreads his meaning.

There was a last minute agreement, never acted on, which was indeed “brokered” by the U.S. and European partners and agreed to by the panicking Yanokovitch government … to hold new early elections … it being understood that this would end the Yanokovitch hold on power peacefully, since he simply no longer had the votes. This is what Obama was undoubtedly referring to. Things fell apart rapidly however at Maidan and Yanokovitch ran to Russia … not even to Donbas or Crimea.

That doesn’t mean there weren’t any “undercover” elements pushing to drive for a coup. There undoubtedly were, both among radicals in the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist movement, and probably in the CIA too. But the Obama Administration was not consciously pushing for a coup d’etat, and they didn’t completely control events … anymore than Russia did. Russia, of course, was infinitely more involved, and also had its agents and its oligarchic friends who were on the scene and even more active, if outnumbered and much more hated at that point in Kiev.
Bullshit. The US was openly supporting the insurgency. And in the leaked phone call Nuland and Pyatt were planning on planting Yatsenyuk as a puppet prime minister.

The same Yatsenyuk that moved to get Shokin fired and change the law that required the Prosecutor General to actually have legal experience. That way they could install the puppet Yuriy Lutsenko into the Prosecutor General position even though Burisma had recently got him out of prison for corruption and the guy didn't even have a law degree.

The Biden crime family profited millions.

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Bullshit. The US was openly supporting the insurgency. And in the leaked phone call Nuland and Pyatt were planning on planting Yatsenyuk as a puppet prime minister.

The same Yatsenyuk that moved to get Shokin fired and change the law that required the Prosecutor General to actually have legal experience. That way they could install the puppet Yuriy Lutsenko into the Prosecutor General position even though Burisma had recently got him out of prison for corruption and the guy didn't even have a law degree.

The Biden crime family profited millions.

You do not respond to my points or admit you were wrong about your “proof” about Obama’s “confession.” Instead you raise the old, very well known Victoria Nuland phone call where of the three leading candidates she tells the U.S. Ambassador that Yatsenyuk was the U.S. choice for Prime Minister (Petroshenko was already pretty clearly going to be President). It was a perfectly reasonable choice, in fact. He was no fascist or extreme right winger. A banker, technocrat and politician earlier associated with then jailed Yulia Tymoshenko, he also had a serious base of his own.

And here is the real kicker… In January 2014, one month before pro-Russian President Yanukovych fled his own country for Russia, Yansenyuk had been …

“… offered the post of prime minister by President Viktor Yanukovych but refused... Yatsenyuk said the people should be making a decision for the future of Ukraine, not the present government officials.”
Arseniy Yatsenyuk - Wikipedia

He was chosen overwhelmingly in the Rada with a great majority of votes … even from the remaining Party of Regions representatives! His two coalition governments lasted only for two years before he was replaced amid the raucus political squabbling of groups and parties. He did a decent job in trying to bring stability to the new Ukrainian government faced with political chaos, secession and Russian invasion … and a desperate need to end corruption, raise taxes and build a patriotic army, etc.

I’m not sure if you are most horrified by the fact that Yatsenyuk was at least since 2008 openly pro-EU or that your horror comes from some bizarre pro-Trump stories concerning his supposed personal contributions to a non-existent “Biden crime family.” In any case, your response is childish.

I never denied U.S. influence. I never denied mistakes were made by all parties and factions. I never denied that this “Color Revolution” was supported by the U.S. But you seem to deny the significance of two Russian invasions of a sovereign country, the long-time bullying role of the Russian presence (open & covert), the corrupt pro-Russian government, the corrupt Russian oligarchs who refiused to give up any of their power, and above all the fact that the great majority of the country was increasingly fed up with remaining under the boot of Putin’s Russia.
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where does the Crimea belong to?​

in your opinion?

That's not a question of any opinion. Legally is the Crimea territory of the Ukraine. De facto is the Crimea currently territory of Russia because Russia conquered it with the military terror method "war".

And because no one is able to attack Russia without to cause a destructive world war - Russia is a nuclear power - they could attack every territory on this planet and make it to the own territory.
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LOL Poor retard floundering after getting its ass kicked.

Ok, I'll play. Now, that you have figured out what a coup means...show me where Obama instituted " violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government" in the country of Ukraine to overthrow the govt. Go.

You won't. But you will keep coming back because you like me calling you a retard over and over again. :itsok:
heres a walk through of what obama and the dnc did to ukraine,,
theres another video where he shows obamas state dept was involved as well,
if I can find it I will post it for you

Who gave Crimea to the Ukrainians?

The Russian Soviets under Nikita Khrushchev in 1954. I imagine he took a piece of paper, wrote this on it, signed it and stamped it with his shoe because he was a famous shoe worker. Afterwards the Crimea was not any longer territory of Russia but territory of the Ukraine.
Yeah, in 1954. In other words, Russia voluntarily gave it to Ukraine. So, how does it now belong to the Russians?
Russia did not give it to the Ukraine. The Soviet Union did do so. But Russia never claimed the loss. And it had been Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus who dissolved the Soviet Union as far as I know. I guess to accept that the Crimea is territory of the Ukraine was also a kind of payment for the agreement with the Ukraine to dissolve the Soviet Union.
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There was a last minute agreement, never acted on, which was indeed “brokered” by the U.S. and European partners and agreed to by the panicking Yanokovitch government … to hold new early elections … it being understood that this would end the Yanokovitch hold on power peacefully, since he simply no longer had the votes.
Bullshit. You have the timeline all wrong. The proof that Yanokovitch had the votes is that he won the election.

It's only after 3 oblasts that overwhelmingly supported him seceded from Ukraine that he didn't have the votes. Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk all held referendums and overwhelmingly voted to secede after the US brokered violent bloody coup ousted the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine.

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