where does the Crimea belong to?

Yeah, in 1954. In other words, Russia voluntarily gave it to Ukraine. So, how does it now belong to the Russians?
That's what the people voted for.

In 2014 Obama/Biden orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis.

So very predictably, the people in several Ukrainian oblasts voted to secede from Ukraine and voted to join the Russian Federation. Then the Russian Duma voted to accept Crimea into the Federation.

Basically, Biden handed Crimea to Putin on a silver platter. I wonder what kickbacks Biden and the crooked Democrats got from Putin.
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That's what the people voted for.

In 2014 Obama/Biden orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis.

So very predictably, the people in several Ukrainian oblasts voted to secede from Ukraine and voted to join the Russian Federation. Then the Russian Duma voted to accept Crimea into the Federation.

Basically, Biden handed Crimea to Putin on a silver platter. I wonder what kickbacks Biden and the crooked Democrats got from Putin.
Is that what the orange douchebag is telling his ever-gullible retards? And you wonder why we laugh at you. :itsok:
That's what the people voted for.

In 2014 Obama/Biden orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis.

So very predictably, the people in several Ukrainian oblasts voted to secede from Ukraine and voted to join the Russian Federation. Then the Russian Duma voted to accept Crimea into the Federation.

Basically, Biden handed Crimea to Putin on a silver platter. I wonder what kickbacks Biden and the crooked Democrats got from Putin.
not really….
Is that what the orange douchebag is telling his ever-gullible retards? And you wonder why we laugh at you. :itsok:
Actually he said nothing of the sort, moron.

Unlike you TDS afflicted morons, I can think for myself and draw my own conclusions.

I know the history of how Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. You obviously do not because you're very ignorant.

Just because you don't like it, that doesn't mean that's not how it happened, moron.
Actually he said nothing of the sort, moron.

Unlike you TDS afflicted morons, I can think for myself and draw my own conclusions.

I know the history of how Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. You obviously do not because you're very ignorant.

Just because you don't like it, that doesn't mean that's not how it happened, moron.
:auiqs.jpg: LOL. You said this:
In 2014 Obama/Biden orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis.

Ok. Prove it. Prove that Obama/Biden without sending any troops were able to "replace Ukraine govt with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis". Go.

Let's see how much history you know and we can then decide who is the TDS-afflicted moron in this scenario. Go.
:auiqs.jpg: LOL. You said this:

Ok. Prove it. Prove that Obama/Biden without sending any troops were able to "replace Ukraine govt with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis". Go.
"And since Mr. Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine — not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off-balance by the protests in the Maidan and Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine" ~Quoted from Obama

In other words, he orchestrated a coup.

And on top of Obama admitting it, there is also leaked audio of a secret call between Nuland and Feith plotting which Nazi puppets they are going to put in power after the coup against the democratically elected government in Ukraine.

Then just after the coup is when the people of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Seriously, why the fuck wouldn't they secede? That was a very predictable consequence of the coup. By orchestrating that coup, Obama/Biden gift wrapped Crimea and handed to Putin.
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"And since Mr. Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine — not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off-balance by the protests in the Maidan and Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine" ~Quoted from Obama

In other words, he orchestrated a coup.

And on top of Obama admitting it, there is also leaked audio of a secret call between Nuland and Feith plotting which Nazi puppets they are going to put in power after the coup against the democratically elected government in Ukraine.

Then just after the coup is when the people of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Seriously, why the fuck wouldn't they secede? That was a very predictable consequence of the coup. By orchestrating that coup, Obama/Biden gift wrapped Crimea and handed to Putin.

LOL You are quoting the Russian foreign minister about the so-called "coup"? Here is what Lavrov said:

Speaking in Beijing on February 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Obama's remarks were "proof that from the very beginning, the United States was involved in the antigovernment coup that Obama neutrally described as a 'power transition'."

Lavrov did not explain how Obama's remarks proved his claims.

What the fuck do you think Russia is going to say about the situation? Of course, they will put a spin on it. But I also asked you a second question that you conveniently ignored:

Prove that Obama/Biden without sending any troops were able to "replace Ukraine govt with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis".

Is Obama a magician? He waves a hand and a country magically changes its leadership and the old guard runs away? Man, you retards seem to hold Obama in much higher status than Dems! :auiqs.jpg:

So, sorry, retard. But Brrrrr... you fail. Try again. And this time try not to quote the Russians. Think you can do that? Good. I'll be waiting....
LOL You are quoting the Russian foreign minister about the so-called "coup"? Here is what Lavrov said:

Speaking in Beijing on February 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Obama's remarks were "proof that from the very beginning, the United States was involved in the antigovernment coup that Obama neutrally described as a 'power transition'."

Lavrov did not explain how Obama's remarks proved his claims.

What the fuck do you think Russia is going to say about the situation? Of course, they will put a spin on it. But I also asked you a second question that you conveniently ignored:

Prove that Obama/Biden without sending any troops were able to "replace Ukraine govt with a bunch of unelected puppet Nazis".

Is Obama a magician? He waves a hand and a country magically changes its leadership and the old guard runs away? Man, you retards seem to hold Obama in much higher status than Dems! :auiqs.jpg:

So, sorry, retard. But Brrrrr... you fail. Try again. And this time try not to quote the Russians. Think you can do that? Good. I'll be waiting....
Actually I never heard what Lavrov said, but he's correct.

How the fuck can you deny that Obama was involved in the coup? He admits that he was involved, dumbass.

The phrase "brokered a deal to transition power" is simply a euphemism for "orchestrated a coup" without the negative connotations. They're synonymous.

When you broker a deal to remove the legitimate democratically elected government you are orchestrating a coup.

I also notice that you simply ignored the leaked audio of Obama administration officials discussing which Nazi puppets to install in what government positions after the bloody coup.

How do you explain that, moron?
Actually I never heard what Lavrov said, but he's correct.

How the fuck can you deny that Obama was involved in the coup? He admits that he was involved, dumbass.

The phrase "brokered a deal to transition power" is simply a euphemism for "orchestrated a coup" without the negative connotations. They're synonymous.

When you broker a deal to remove the legitimate democratically elected government you are orchestrating a coup.

I also notice that you simply ignored the leaked audio of Obama administration officials discussing which Nazi puppets to install in what government positions after the bloody coup.

How do you explain that, moron?
Retard. Learn to read. Obama says no such thing.

Besides, my question still stands. How the fuck can Obama or anyone do a coup in a foreign country without sending troops?

I notice that you keep ignoring that question. Why?

Gad, just when you think you retards can't get any more dumber, you show up.
in your opinion?
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on 27 March 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "territorial integrity of Ukraine". The nonbinding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum
How the fuck can Obama or anyone do a coup in a foreign country without sending troops?
For the record: Are you seriously admitting to the USMB forum that you are soooo fucking stupid that you don't know the answer to that question?
For the record: Are you seriously admitting to the USMB forum that you are soooo fucking stupid that you don't know the answer to that question?
Translation: I will keep avoiding the question but call the questioner stupid...because let's face it...what else do I have left?

LOL Poor retard. Makes a dumb statement and is trying to get out of it. Sorry, retard. The question still stands:

How the fuck can Obama or anyone do a coup in a foreign country without sending troops?
Translation: I will keep avoiding the question but call the questioner stupid...because let's face it...what else do I have left?

LOL Poor retard. Makes a dumb statement and is trying to get out of it. Sorry, retard. The question still stands:

How the fuck can Obama or anyone do a coup in a foreign country without sending troops?
Subterfuge, spies, bribery, extortion, paying insurrectionists, propaganda etc. You know, basic CIA tradecraft. The same way the US orchestrated coups is places such as Bolivia and Nicaragua. We didn't send our troops there.

You're an ignorant fool and a moron.
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Subterfuge, spies, bribery, extortion, paying insurrectionists, propaganda etc. You know, basic CIA tradecraft. The same way the US orchestrated coups is places such as Bolivia and Nicaragua. We didn't send our troops there.

You're an ignorant fool and a moron.
So, did he? Did Obama use CIA to do a coup in Ukraine? Any proof?

Why do you retards throw out stuff with nothing to back it up and look foolish? I would have thought you idiots would be tired of that by now.
So, did he? Did Obama use CIA to do a coup in Ukraine? Any proof?

Why do you retards throw out stuff with nothing to back it up and look foolish? I would have thought you idiots would be tired of that by now.
I don't see why he wouldn't have used the CIA. Generally the CIA keeps their methods and illegal activities secret, dumbass.

However we do know that the Obama administration and George Soros funded the insurgent group, Anti-CAC, that played a very prominent role in the 2014 coup.
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I don't see why he wouldn't have used the CIA. Generally the CIA keeps their methods and illegal activities secret, dumbass.

However we do know that the Obama administration and George Soros funded the insurgent group, Anti-CAC, that played a very prominent role in the 2014 coup.
:sleeping-smiley-015: That wasn't the question, bud. Prove that Obama used the CIA to overthrow the Ukrainian govt.

Heck, even the right-wing media echo chamber has never insinuated any such thing. So, will be interesting to see how you wiggle out of this one.

Have a feeling, that like all retards, you will keep claiming without any proof. But, hey, surprise me. Go.
This question doesn't make sense. A territory 'belongs' to someone who have control over it and can use it for their purpose.

Tho only way for Ukraine to preserve itself as a single state was a loose federation with a neutral status.
:sleeping-smiley-015: That wasn't the question, bud. Prove that Obama used the CIA to overthrow the Ukrainian govt.
No thanks.

I'm just saying it's common sense that the CIA was likely used when they overthrew the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine. That's the CIA's fucking job, not the FBI or FDA or the National Park Service, jackass. That's strictly CIA, and state department territory.

Can you think of any good reason why the CIA wouldn't have been involved in the coup?

You're so fucking dumb that you could not even fathom how the USA could possibly overthrow the government of another country without a military invasion, even though it's been done on several occasions, stupid jackass party of slavery supporter.
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No thanks.

I'm just saying it's common sense that the CIA was likely used when they overthrew the legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine. That's the CIA's fucking job, not the FBI or FDA or the National Park Service, jackass. That's strictly CIA, and state department territory.

Can you think of any good reason why the CIA wouldn't have been involved in the coup?

You're so fucking dumb that you could not even fathom how the USA could possibly overthrow the government of another country without a military invasion, even though it's been done on several occasions, stupid jackass party of slavery supporter.
Translation: I can't back up my stupid claims but will keep repeating them ad nauseam.

Yup. Thought so. Come back when you can prove anything that your retard brain cooks up. Good luck. :itsok:

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