Where is all the right wing support for this kid

The appropriate thing for the teacher to do here was to contact the parents and ask that the BB gun be removed from the view of the camera and put away.
Problem solved. I do find it amusing that no gun enthusiasts stuck up for this kid...wonder why?
The appropriate thing for the teacher to do here was to contact the parents and ask that the BB gun be removed from the view of the camera and put away.

Problem solved.

Those days are long gone.

School protocol today is the Zero Tolerance Policies.

I do find it amusing that no gun enthusiasts stuck up for this kid...wonder why?
Actually lot's of gun enthusiast in this thread stood up for this kid.
The child was not at school. Pretending that a virtual class is the same as physically being at school, is stupid. Any rule that does that, is stupid.
Well ......

That's your opinion.

And, a stupid one at that

Also, 100% of public school districts in this Country disagree with that opinion.

There is nothing wrong with a child having a bb gun in his room. That you defend that, is you being stupid. That such stupidity is widespread in our schools is them being stupid. And oppressive.
There is nothing wrong with a child having a bb gun in his room. That you defend that, is you being stupid. That such stupidity is widespread in our schools is them being stupid. And oppressive.
You continue to be dishonest in this case.

He was not suspended for having a BB Gun in his room.

He was suspended for handling the gun and setting it on the desk in front of the camera for all to see.
There is nothing wrong with a child having a bb gun in his room. That you defend that, is you being stupid. That such stupidity is widespread in our schools is them being stupid. And oppressive.
You continue to be dishonest in this case.

He was not suspended for having a BB Gun in his room.

He was suspended for handling the gun and setting it on the desk in front of the camera for all to see.

Whoopie dee freaking Do.
You continue to be dishonest in this case.

He was not suspended for having a BB Gun in his room.

He was suspended for handling the gun and setting it on the desk in front of the camera for all to see.

Nothing wrong with that and absolutely no justification for him to be punished for it. It's his own BB gun, on his own desk, in his own room, in his own home.

Anyone who is distressed by the sight of a BB gun has serious psychological issues; but that's their problem, not his; and it is absolutely not his responsibility to pander to it.
The appropriate thing for the teacher to do here was to contact the parents and ask that the BB gun be removed from the view of the camera and put away.
Problem solved. I do find it amusing that no gun enthusiasts stuck up for this kid...wonder why?

What are you talking about? I stuck up for the kid. The school is a bunch of fucking morons. The kid did NOTHING wrong.

Oh, I get it. This is another one of those lies, that you lefties will just repeat over and over again, until people start to believe it.

Which is how you support the overall lie of America, especially the RIght, of being wacist.
I do find it amusing that no gun enthusiasts stuck up for this kid...wonder why?
What are you talking about? I stuck up for the kid. The school is a bunch of fucking morons. The kid did NOTHING wrong.

Oh, I get it. This is another one of those lies, that you lefties will just repeat over and over again, until people start to believe it.

Which is how you support the overall lie of America, especially the RIght, of being wacist.

…or until nobody believes anything he says, even if it is something that might otherwise appear to be obviously be true.

Of course, you're arguing with someone whose username boasts of having no employable skills, so it's not like he ever had any credibility on any subject to begin with.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

Wait...what? A bb gun in his room at home? Let me get this straight....he didn't bring it to school.....is that right? Fuck them.....I didn't hear anything about this....they have no fucking right whatsoever to dictate something like that....waaaaaaay overstepping their authority..... This is why I say dump the effing brick and mortar school system and decentralize education to the homes.

You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal
Ever who suspended the kid needs to be fired, terminated or what ever is appropriate. And I mean right now, immediately if not sooner. No appeal and never allowed to be anywhere near any school in future.
Hell I had a BB gun at that age if not earlier. I was in the second or third grade in grammer school. I remember bringing guns to show and tell in the sixth grade I think it was. In my high school half the trucks in the parking lot had gun racks and guns in them.
By the time I got to the air force I fired expert with the m16 the first time I'd ever picked one up. In the South almost all the kids, boys anyway could shoot well because they were all brought up around and with guns. Heck there was even a boy scout merit badge for shooting.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

I will correct you: he is not old enough to purchase a firearm. But there is also no minimum age for possession of a long gun under federal law, only handguns.

When Can Kids Legally Own, Shoot Guns?

A "long gun" can also be an AR-15, AK-47, or any other large-caliber semi-auto rifle with a high-capacity magazine, also referred to as "assault rifles."

Our 14 year old has a Remington .223 long willed to him by my father.

Snowflake educators would wet themselves
One of my brothers, when he was about 10 yo, heard someone downstairs and noticed someone who had broken in. He crept back upstairs, got Dad's rifle out of his room, and went downstairs and confronted the intruder. The intruder took off and Andrew shot at him, hitting the metal slide as the ass ran away....Andy maintained that he would have hit the bastard had it not been for the slide. BTW: we all started learning to shoot when were about six or seven.

Cops laughed when they were told.

Year: 1972. Oz.


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