Where is all the right wing support for this kid

But, his punishment was a six day suspension.

Not expulsion.

The child was never expelled.

The reason that is significant is because the school board is using the grounds that he was never expelled to deny his appeal.

And it's still bullshit.

They had absolutely no grounds, no justification, no right to punish him at all, for having something in his room that he has every legal right to have in his room.

This is really not very far removed from another case that recall seeing, probably in another thread here, about a school that tried to punish a kid for having a pro-Trump poster visible in his room.
The school board said that this was something they hadn't considered. If they hadn't considered it then it couldn't be a part of anything.
The reason it hasn't been considered is because virtual classrooms are basically new to public schools due to the Wuhan Virus of course.

Of course ZTP's will apply, it just hasn't been clarified at this point which is why lawmakers are asking the school boards to clarify these rules.

I am willing to bet this kid will not get an appeal.

The school will not back down because it doesn't have to.

You can bet all the administrators there are Black.

So racist political pressure won't even save him.
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In his bedroom.

That he or his parents allowed the camera to be there in the bedroom doesn't give anyone outside the family to dictate whether that BB gun is allowed to be there or not.
That's your opinion of the case.

That's not what happened, however.'

The child was suspended for 6 days for placing his BB Gun on his desk in front of the camera.
Either way, it's an overreach by the school/gov't. and soon will be overturned.
It's not going to happen.

At this point, the school is denying the child's appeal.

That's most likely not going to change.

And, even if it does .... the school can still choose not to overturn the suspension.
And it's still bullshit.

You are entitled to your own opinion.

They had absolutely no grounds, no justification, no right to punish him at all, for having something in his room that he has every legal right to have in his room.

Actually the grounds were the ZTP's.

This is really not very far removed from another case that recall seeing, probably in another thread here, about a school that tried to punish a kid for having a pro-Trump poster visible in his room.
This would have to be the kind of rules that would need to be clarified by the school board.

Political posters in the background would certainly be considered something new.

Guns .... any gun .... any depiction of a gun ... has been in the rules since ZTP's were enacted 26 years ago.
Guns .... any gun .... any depiction of a gun ... has been in the rules since ZTP's were enacted 26 years ago.

So, not only are you willing to trash the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, but the First Amendment as well; just to feed your side's insatiable lust for power.
…that tried to punish a kid for having a pro-Trump poster visible in his room.
This would have to be the kind of rules that would need to be clarified by the school board.

Political posters in the background would certainly be considered something new.

Guns .... any gun .... any depiction of a gun ... has been in the rules since ZTP's were enacted 26 years ago.

No need. It was all clarified back in 1791, with the ratification of the ten Amendments that became the Bill of Rights.

Yours is the side that wants to violate the established laws, and to do so under the false guise of the rule of law.
No need. It was all clarified back in 1791, with the ratification of the ten Amendments that became the Bill of Rights.

Yours is the side that wants to violate the established laws, and to do so under the false guise of the rule of law.
More off topic meaningless psychobabble.

Not at all.

As much as you obviously wish otherwise, the Constitution is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over all other laws and all other acts of government.

And there are statement in the Bill of Rights, which is part of this highest law, which explicitly prohibit exactly the sort of absurd and tyrannical policies that you are defending.

Yours is the side of lawlessness.
Not at all.

As much as you obviously wish otherwise, the Constitution is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over all other laws and all other acts of government.

And there are statement in the Bill of Rights, which is part of this highest law, which explicitly prohibit exactly the sort of absurd and tyrannical policies that you are defending.

Yours is the side of lawlessness.
First of all ....

You obviously have no clue what my side is.

And, secondly ....

If these ZTP's are such a violation of the US Constitution as you so ignorantly claim ....

Why have they not been struck down by the Courts in the last quarter of a century?

Let me help you answer that one.

Because you don't have a clue what the hell your talking about.
Or Infowars, Brietbart..
Is that what the voices in that Alt Left Universe told you to parrot?

Bless your heart.

Perhaps you could give an example of a story, any story from either of those sites that expresses the kind of Racism, Hatred, Intolerance, and America bashing that you see with Left-wing media sites like The Root.
First of all ....

You obviously have no clue what my side is.

As I said, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…

I suppose one thing I must admit is that I cannot know for certain whether you sincerely believe the bullshit that you post, or whether you are trying to satirize it. I can only take you at face value.

See also: Poe's law

And, secondly ....

If these ZTP's are such a violation of the US Constitution as you so ignorantly claim ....

Why have they not been struck down by the Courts in the last quarter of a century?

Let me help you answer that one.

All that this proves is how corrupt the entire court system has become, along with the other branches of government.

The Constitution is clearly written, and it establishes some very clear principles, some very clear ground rules that establish how government is supposed to serve (not rule over) We the People.

Where any part of government openly violates these rules, and other parts of government side with it, then this does not legitimize these violations, it only exposes the corruption.

Because you don't have a clue what the hell your [sic] talking about.

At least I'm literate. That's a benefit of being from a generation that was educated, rather than indoctrinated, by the school system of my time.

As for what “clue” I have, well, again, I think this demonstrates the difference between being educated as I am, and being brainwashed as you are.
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As I said, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…

More meaningless psychobabble bullshit.

All that this proves is how corrupt the entire court system has become, along with the other branches of government.

No it doesn't.

It proves you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

The Constitution is clearly written, and it establishes some very clear principles, some very clear ground rules that establish how government is supposed to serve (not rule over) We the People.

Well at least you got something right.

Where any part of government openly violates these rules, and other parts of government side with it, then this does not legitimize these violations, it only exposes the corruption.

Then by all means.

Please list these open violations and the other parts of government that sides with it.

At least I'm literate. That's a benefit of being from a generation that was educated, rather than indoctrinated, by the school system of my time.

As for what “clue” I have, well, again, I think this demonstrates the difference between being educated as I am, and being brainwashed as you are.
There is nothing in your post that represent the first shred of education.

Only mindless emotional rants that are not based in reality.

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