Where is America's Left Today?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
To those of us who are not residing in the little Leftist corner of the universe, the phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome is exploding around us. From the hysterical "demonstrations" at airports, cities, and on college campuses, to the extreme, unreal rhetoric coming out of Democrat Senators' mouths during confirmation hearings, to the breathless MSM coverage of every utterance from the Trump team that is, or can be construed as, inaccurate, we are wondering What The Fuck is going on around here.

But then one must actually consider the import of the 2016 Democrats' primary election. The fact is that, had the Clinton Machine not stolen it, the nomination would have gone to BERNIE FUCKING SANDERS!

This is no joke. That old, out-of-touch socialist, with his insane blathering about open borders, free college tuition, guaranteed minimum wages, environmental terrorism and so on, actually captured the aspirations and imaginations of our political Left. Not some far-out splinter group of the Left, but the Leftist Masses of this country.

And so it is dramatically shoved in our collective faces day after day that basically HALF THE COUNTRY believes that the results of an eminently proper and legal national election are not "legitimate"; that the U.S. Constitution is merely a list of suggestions that can be overruled by any court whenever the presiding judge chooses to do so; that properly enacted laws on the subject of, for example, immigration MUST be ignored, and that anyone suggesting that they be taken seriously is a "racist."

I believe it is unprecedented. Half the population believes that the basic laws of the land are mere suggestions that can be ignored with impunity. And this half manifestly controls the news media, with a few conspicuous exceptions. How do you argue with someone who changes the definition of the words on the latest whim?

Under these circumstances, we NEED a President like Donald Trump, who will not be deterred by inflammatory accusations, threats, or insults. The only question is how we communicate to anyone listening that the loudest and most obnoxious of the attention-grabbers do not represent the will of the majority of Americans? It is the same thing that Nixon and Johnson faced when, despite polling that showed consistently that the American people supported the war in Vietnam, yet every newscast was filled with pictures of unclean, unshaven, unkempt "protesters" claiming that the People had turned against it. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Not this time.
We live in the days of NOAH.

These are not clueless people. These are people that have given their hearts over to Evil and Rebellion against all that is good, right, proper and just.

When the balance of Evil finally overcomes the balance of Good in the world, the count down to divine justice and the final war against Evil will begin.

Your job as a child of light is to resist the children of judgment until the Divine Judge comes, or your life expires.

We can only delay judgment by doing that which is right and just, but we can never prevent judgment day from arriving once Evil & Rebellion take hold in the world.

In the days of Noah it appeared as though the Wicked Prospered and were given dominion over The Earth, and they relished in their victories with an arrogant heart, but their day in the sun is short, and their prosperity is only temporary and transient.

Hold Fast In That Day for your REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!
I disagree with needing someone like Trump being necessary - he is only going to herd the right further off the reservation and also drive the left further off the reservation as well. That kind of divisiveness is only going to widen the chasm and ensure that the left and right entrench themselves more deeply. You will find another Bernie Sanders winning the presidency in that case.

It is rather amazing to me though that socialism used to be seen as a horrible idea and now people not only back complete socialism (as evidenced by Sanders popularity) but they are damn proud of it. Proud of backing an economic concept that is 180 degrees counter to what this nation has stood for.
America's left are living in their parent's basement. The Emperor had no jobs.
Who is being divisive? Trump is doing exactly what he campaigned on, and what his public wants him to do. He has done NOTHING illegal or unconstitutional, despite Leftist blather to the contrary.

Who is slandering perfectly acceptable nominees to cabinet positions? Who is demonstrating to shut down communications and debate? Who is denying the results of a perfectly legal election.


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